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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Twelve months later ...

About this time last year, I announced the start of my off-site blog, A Pencil Is Best. it's anniversary time, and I thought I'd report back. Is it still going? would be my first question in your shoes. Yes, it is, and doing pretty well. When I started out, I had no idea how I would generate enough material to keep a blog going. Although I have to say, part of that came from the idea that I had to post x number of things over a certain period for the blog to justify itself. I'm over that now, th



Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 27 - Feb.2)

Well one down, 11 to go  So the topic around North America this week has been the weather. I won't go into temps as there is both Celsius and Fahrenheit used here. The interesting thing is that as both approach -40, they meet. So pretty everywhere in North America above Mexico, it was darn cold. But I don't want to just talk about North America, so what about your neck of the woods. I imagine Australia is basking in their summer. Is Europe freezing cold too, or just a normal winter?   


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Server Update, Authors, Delayed Notifications

We had to do a server update earlier today and I had a small configuration issue.  The background task was not processing the last few hours and I've corrected that issue. There was a glut of notifications that were off by several hours.   We also had an odd incident where an Author group expired.  If this happens to you, you can just go back to the store and select author again. (In theory)  If there is an issue, just send us a support request from the help menu.  


Myr in Technology Archive


L gave me the number to the Memorial place that C's sis had used.  She'd put down a down-payment on the headstone, but wasn't sure how she was going to pay for the rest of it.  It's been such a busy week, I hadn't had time to call them until lunch today.  Thay had to call his sis to get her verbal OK before talking to me (which I expected) and I paid off what was left on the headstone; was about what I was expecting. It was something I felt like I had to do for my Boy. I didn't expect the emotio

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

A submissive's journey ... Gratitude

i am grateful for many things in my life. i have been Michael's collared sub for nearly ten years.  i am grateful for that. i am grateful for all He does for me and for us.   i am truly grateful.  i am not very good at showing that i am.  i am not very good at telling Sir that i am.   my rules have become blurred, and lazy and i do things by rote.   i am working to correct this.   many subs greet their Dom in the same way ... we kneel and our Dom pulls us close into



Writing Prompts #730 & #731

Who's ready for your weekly dose of prompts? We have two new ones for you, courtesy of @comicfan.         Prompt 730 – Creative Tag – First Line The snow was deep and hard to cross, but the fear of what was following kept you moving.   Prompt 731 – Creative Tag – Love Cupid You’ve been picked to play Cupid in the college play. What no one realized was you didn’t audition, and love is already your full time job. While arrows are simply a myt

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts


Okay … so here are some haiku.  Six to satisfy the prompt from AC's Zero to Hero Guide.       waxy lily pads keep the green leaping frogs dry between awkward jumps   the smiling dog runs his lolling tongue evidence of his happiness       puddles line the walk jumping feet leave small footprints one of springtime’s games       leaves change colour now donning coats of red and gold a glowing far



Improve & Encourage #14: Bliss

Well, we're getting closer to wrapping up the Improve & Encourage feature. Working toward that goal, today we've got a critique on CassieQ's story, Bliss.  If you missed out on the opportunity to sign up for the Improve & Encourage feature, don't worry, there are other features available for you!  Let's take a look at what Mann Ramblings had to say about Bliss.   Bliss CassieQ   Critiqued by: Mann Ramblings   Please give us a short summary of the story

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Critique

News Programs and Do you Still Watch?

Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, AP, BBC America, CBS, ABC, we could go on for paragraphs just listing the different news programs in this country alone.   About ten years ago, I stopped watching news programs on TV and its probably not the reason many of you might suspect.    Once upon a time, reporters would actually inform you of the current events in your local area as well as over the world. If you missed the nightly news, you would have no way of getting the information until the

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

January CSR Discussion Day: Fun with FanFiction by Laura S. Fox

How's your 2019 shaping up? I can't believe the first month has already passed, and here we are at the first CSR Discussion day! Who checked out this month's fanfiction story by @Laura S. Fox that was featured? I heard the word... "hot". What do you think? Make sure you share your thoughts in the comments below along with any questions you might have, but first, mine always come first! Here's the interview I sent Laura with all the in-depth, probing questions I'm known for!   Have you


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading


"Here is Insanity," he said.  "Make sure you don't stay long, the flight in is super cheap but the flight out?  Good luck if you can even get a flight, not to mention how much you'll pay for it."   I looked around and recognized nothing.  It was blissful.  I couldn't tell what was bad or good, I had no sense of self or purpose, I lost, well, everything.  It was so nice just to be.  I thought I'd stay forever.   "Yeah man, it's kind of like day two-oh-six of a drinking binge,



Weekly Update (Jan.20 - Jan.26)

I don't know about you, but I have been waiting for weeks now to find out who our first 'Author Guess Who' was that Renee had everyone guessing all over the place   Did you guess wrong? Did you guess right? Was it someone that you totally didn't expect       Author Guess Who #1 Reveal   The author for our first Author Guess Who was..... Mikiesboy   You can check out his questionnaire answers here.   And check out these two stories!  


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

On Writing Blocks and How to Avoid Them

I was perusing the Blogs over at GayAuthors.org when I happened to read a new Blog called Marty's Musing. I don't know Marty but the title caught my attention and I urge everyone to go there and read it as it is definitely the "muse" that started me down this long rambling entry of my mine. https://gayauthors.org/blogs/entry/17900-o-muse-where-art-thou/   To briefly give everyone an overview, Marty once upon a time use to write a fair amount but for the last ten years or so has fo

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Writing Prompts #726, #727, #728, & #729

Since I'm rather sick at the moment, I'm going to just get right to it. Here are the four prompts as promised.     Prompt 726 – Creative Tag – First Line The sound of heavy boots and crashing furniture woke you from an uneasy sleep.   Prompt 727 – Creative Tag – Situational writing Now for something a little different. Your scene is created based on what happened to you last. Who was the last person you talked to? They are now your main characte

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

January Classic Author Excerpt: The Falcon Banner by Topher_Lydon

Here we go again, another day, another author feature! We hope you guys enjoy getting a glimpse at some of these favorite stories from the past that kept readers enthralled in earlier days of the site. This nearly 200k story is a perfect example. Monday's graphic teaser should've whet your appetite, now let's see if I can hook you in completely with an excerpt.    There is a LOT of drama going on in this story... but that's because the story starts off with a bang and the hits keep com


Cia in Classic Feature

O Muse, Where Art Thou?

About ten or so years back I was doing a fair amount of creative writing and had even put a little of it online. One of my pieces even appeared in the 2007 Fall Anthology "The Rainy Day" here on GA. Then paid work (from which I am now retired), voluntary work (particularly in the LGBT-support field - in which I am still involved) and various other things (such as developing my creative skills in digital photography) all managed to get in the way and I reluctantly decided to put my creative writi



January Classic Author Feature: The Falcon Banner by Topher_Lydon

Welcome to 2019 and the first of our Classic Author features! This month I've another oldie but goodie, Topher_Lydon's epic, The Falcon Banner. This science fiction series had quite a following, and if you haven't read it yet, you're really missing out.      Length: 182,459   Description: A lone man picks up a battle standard cast down three hundred years before. beginning a journey that will lead him to find the lost fleet, and a forgotten ship at the edge of nowh


Cia in Classic Feature


Oh, writing Tanka, following AC's new Guide..  Here they are good or bad.    Walking through the snow it squeaks under my black boots; I tighten my coat however when I reach you there's no coolness in your arms Snow tops the feeder before I add fresh birdseed; the brave nuthatch waits unconcerned about my size; sure of his heroic heart    



Challenge accepted - recipes needed

I work at a school where one core value is “non-judgmental.” One teacher commented on the social studies annual north/south lunch that southern food is just better than northern. I’ve lived in Texas 22 years and southern food seems to be deep fried or boiled. Share our recipes for god northern food. The recipes need to be simple enough for students to make.




This came from an article about the 2005 book Born Gay, and was shared in a thread in the Tech and Science Geeks club a few days ago. In attempting to prove that being gay is genetic, the authors found it necessary to suggest that bisexuality does not exist. I can understand that. If people are genetically either gay or straight, phenomenons like bisexuality become hard to explain. Easier to just pretend they don’t exist and omit them from the equation so you can more easily prove what you’re tr

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan 13. - Jan 19.)

So have you started to regret the holiday season? Did you maybe spend a penny or two more that you expected this year? I was thinking how lucky we all are in that we can come to GA and read and read and read and not put out a penny if we want! And this community is the reason why! I don't know why, but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that contributes to the site, Authors, Poets, Editors, Betas, Members, Review Team, Author Promotion Team, Anthology Proof Team, Site Moderation Team, a


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Candidate season

So much for a relaxing day off.  We're bringing in candidates for a few open faculty positions.  Flight for the one leaving today has been delayed / cancelled. Waiting on automatic call-back from the airline to cancel the last two legs, as the candidate has made other arrangements to get back home (weird set of coincidences, but at least they have a way back).

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Server Software Updates

I have done some updates on the underlying server software today.  If you were around while I was doing this, the site was going up and down like a yo-yo.   A reboot and a couple of services restart later and I think we are up and running. Everything I tested seems to be working and all the big red warning flags I was getting have cleared.   (for the technically inclined, we went from PHP 7.0 end of life version to PHP7.1.  I had to get the extensions right and update the caching system. bl


Myr in Technology Archive

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