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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

GA's Newest Classic Author: Mike Arram

Please join us in congratulating Mike Arram on becoming GA's newest Classic Author! @Mike Arram has been writing and posting stories on the Internet for many years, and we're pleased to announce that he's now started to also post them here at Gay Authors. Mike Arram is the author of The Peacher stories, The Crown of Tassilo, as well as the first story he's posting here, Terre Nouvelle.   Checking out Mike's bio, we learn that even as a child and then into adulthood, he has an amazing i


Graeme in News Archive

Pickled Garlic

I was out with Michael last week, in a local grocery store and while He was looking at poppadoms ... i wandered off.    Wow, i found pickled garlic. Pickled garlic if you've never had it, is a wonderful thing. Delicious with a steak, a good sandwich or served with antipasto or just cold cuts.  But i digress, this store, which has ideas above its station, had small jars of pickled garlic on SALE for $7.99. I mean if there were two full heads of garlic in there i'd be surprised. The



Deconstructing Gender Culture

To preface: This is my blog, I have posted about politics and philosophy on it before, and I will continue to do so. I welcome discussion in the comments, but I ask that you keep it civil. Misogyny and transphobia will be reported, even if it means that this blog post is taken down. If you put words in my mouth, you will be summarily ignored. This is a personal and important subject to me. Please respect that.    Today is International Women's Day. I've always considered myself a

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

S H E L T ER: Soundtrack

Soundtrack       Tracks Only Once Away My Son (Brian Eno) - Main Title: Waking up to the end of the world Shelter (darkDARK) - The Shelter’s Theme (Don’t Fear) The Reaper (HIM) - We Could Become Like They Are Purgatory (Digital Daggers) - The Realities of the Shelter The Dead Are Dumb (Nothing) -  Not so much . . . Teenagers (My Chemical Romance) - When in doubt, blame the kids . . . Wicked Game (HIM) - Finding Love



Ask an Author 2.0 #17

We have something a little different this month. A reader sent in a question for Mann Ramblings that we’ll start the feature with. @Mann Ramblings • If you could tell your younger writing-self anything, what would it be?  • • • Ok. Here's my answer:  You're not an erotic author. You're an author.   Write what you want. Let the boys get raunchy, and sometimes beat the hell out of each other. Feel free to kill off the character if it's right for the tale. But te

Would you like to play a game?

Collaborative stories can be fun but, sometimes they can be a pain. There have to be ground rules and unless you want a grand mess on your hands, a consensus on setting, characters, and just how far you can go.   I was the trail boss for a collaborative story some years ago called Collision. It still out there somewhere. CRVBoy's I think. It was fun to do and it turned out to be a good read.   While I NEVER want to be trail boss again, it could be fun to collaborate. It all d



March CSR Feature: Second Chances by Meric Cotton

Holy moly, it's already March! How's the weather where you are? We all know we'd rather be reading, no matter if it's warm or hot or cool or cold, so how about we enjoy this month's CSR featured story instead of worrying about all that outdoor junk. LOL This month there's something about the sadder side of love that called to me, and I couldn't help but think of @MericCotton's story, Second Chances. Give it a read!    Second Chances by Meric Cotton   Length: 23,552

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 24 - Mar. 2)

I was just about to head to bed and rest my weary head, when I said to myself, "Self, you have to do the weekly Wrap Up!" So here it is .   Also, still looking for some more completed story suggestions to feature     Monday, Cia had our CSR Discussion Day from February's CSR story:   Then on Wednesday, Renee brought us another great addition of Improve & Encourage:   On Friday, we had some prompts, but I guess I was asleep at the wheel and maybe we d


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

When the Minority Start Becoming the Majority

Now, I generally highly avoid talk of politics, racism, or religion...   HOWEVER...   Let's be real here. China and India have MORE than 1 billion people each in their respective countries, dwarfing just about all other countries.   English is third,  Spanish is second in languages spoken worldwide, and Chinese is FIRST.    In the US, Caucasians are becoming the minority. They are being vastly outnumbered by those of Hispanic and African lineage.   



Writing Prompts #738 & #739

It's Friday again, and you know what that means! New prompts!!!!  Enjoy, and happy writing!!!     Prompt 738 – Creative Tag – Hades You knew you should have read all the contracts before you signed, but who expected to be hired to walk a hell hound? Never mind one of the most famous in all of history. When the dark, sexy, brooding man told you he needed his dog, “Spot” walked and exercised, you figured it was easy cash. Now that you know “Spot” is better known as C

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Formative 2

"Okay, are you seriously not going to tell me?" I lay in bed with Greg.  He hadn't planned to end up tangled in sheets with me that night, but I can be terribly convincing if a man let me kiss him. I chuckled, and his hand rubbed my chest gently.  "Come on."  He tried to work me, but it wasn't necessary.  I had wanted sex, he gave it to me, so I'd reward him. "Fine."  I took a breath, and he grinned.  Greg wriggled a little closer, and now his forehead was under my arm, w

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Improve & Encourage #15: Solcar

Hope everyone has had a good month so far. We're getting closer to wrapping up the Improve & Encourage feature. This month we have a critique on Carlos Hazday's story Solcar. Let's take a look at Parker Owen's critique!   Solcar Carlos Hazday   Critiqued by: Parker Owens   Please give us a short summary of the story you chose.   Solcar, once a High Lord of Star Clusters and a member of the Council engaged in a proscribed act. He made love to a hum

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Critique


It was 1997, May.  I was a U.S. Sailor, twenty-two years old, in excellent condition, and a fantastic mood.  I walked down the streets of Seattle - Broadway, specifically.  It was a beautiful, sunny day, and I was out for my standard, debaucherous weekend in Hillcrest, the queer part of the Emerald City.  It was still early for a Saturday, only around nine a.m.  There were people seated outside various breakfast spots at tables on the sidewalk, thanks to the popularity of the eateries in that pa

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

February CSR Discussion Day: Down a Darkened Path by Ronyx

This month's story announcement for the CSR Book Club was Down a Darkened path by Ronyx. An experienced hand at writing, this GA Classic Author knows how to write a story that sucks in readers and keeps them reading as you can tell through many of Ronyx's works. This story was no different, based on the thoughts a lot of readers' thoughts. I know I enjoyed this story despite the sometimes troubling events and sad scenes, the redemptions and ending held true to my hopes for the characters.  But w


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Thank You

@Mikiesboy: Thanks for patiently explaining how the Life works from the sub perspective.  I appreciate your time to help me get it right.  FYI, anything I get wrong down the line in my writing is my own fault.  Without you, it would have been worse. @Fae Briona: The other side of the coin - the Dom perspective.  Your insights and your time reading my latest work have helped considerably.  I know that some of it wasn't easy to get through.  Again, anything false in my writing is my own failu

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

New Toy

I've been saying for years I would get around to learning how to play piano.  I kinda started trying to pick it up in college, but there wasn't really anybody to explain to me basics and back in the day we didn't have all the wonders of the internet that we do today (omg I'm so old).     Anyway, so I broke down and bought one!  It's nothing crazy special, but I did make sure it had the full 88 keys and fully weighted hammer action keys and all that jazz so it's as close to a real piano



Why I Write

I don't have the best grasp of the mechanics of writing.  I am sure I give my poor retired school-teacher editor fits (it'd be worse without Grammarly).  Yet, I still feel my work has merit.   Emotion and its description is something I love to do.  I love making a reader laugh, cry, or shake their head in frustration at a character.  Best, is when they empathize with the poor choice the character just made.  The reader gets why the decision happened because they're on the same emotiona

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 17 - Feb. 23

I guess there is no completed stories or poems on the site that are worth making a shout out to Well, there is one so thanks to that person for giving us a great recommendation to put at the end of this week's Wrap Up!  In case you missed it in my ramblings last week, we were hoping to have you the readers (if you read on site, you are a reader )  to recommend a completed poem, story or series to have featured at the end of the Wrap Up. All you have to do is go to my profile @wildone, click o


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #736 & #737

Welcome to another edition of "Writing Prompts". There are a lot of great prompts for you to choose from, just check out the prompt forum!  And today, we're going to add two more to the list. We owe a huge thank you to @comicfan for continuing to provide us with these great prompts. Now, let's see what he has for us this week!     Prompt 736 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – A laser, a police officer, a queen, a silver bell, and bo

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

February Classic Author Excerpt: Terran Confederation: Jeremiah by Myr

This week's feature is a much older story but one I hope more interest in will prompt Myr into writing more. Who wants to join me in getting some more psi-corps? The banner feature was on Monday if you want to download and put the banner in your signature to share the story as one of your favorites!    Myr's story is a short one, but I still chose a longer excerpt. There's a good glimpse into Jerry's character here, but it doesn't really give anything away about the story's events to


Cia in Classic Feature

The Dead to Me List Grows

I have found myself in a strange position.  I don't have many friends, and that circle has become even smaller lately.  Never being overly social, I value my time alone, so it doesn't bother me too much.  On the other hand, I find that when I allow myself too much time to think I get carried off on wild tangential paradoxical loops of thought that leave me wanting to peel my own skin off strip by strip in order to cease analyzing.  In my mind, there's a list of people.  It's not an ever present



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