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  • Myr

    Paranormal Deep Dive 3

    By Myr

    Top Read Paranormal Stories since Feb 2024 Top 0 Most Read Paranormal - Cryptid Features creatures from folklore, mythology, or cryptozoology, such as Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, or Chupacabra. The narrative often revolves around encounters with these mysterious beings. No stories Top 0 Most Read Paranormal - Cursed Objects Focuses on objects with supernatural or cursed properties. The plot typically involves characters trying to understand or break the curse asso

I'm just glad he's leaving.

Met my ex today. Total disaster. Well, he's leaving for Belgium in 3 days. I'm just glad.       Well, just a little background why I don't like him at all.   We started the relationship (well, i don't consider it a relationship, i'd say it's f**k buddies, but obviously he thought otherwise) when I was recovering from a crush on a straight buddy. (I know, I know! Don't crush on your straight buudy.) So I'd consider him more like a buoy, or so we call it. It's like you were drowning in a pas

Kev de Cauchery

Kev de Cauchery


...it's a name that's been going around and around my mind of late, but I have no clue why.   Maybe because it reminds me of a long lost love of mine, or maybe it's because I just like the name.     Anyway, I'm obsessed lately with this one song All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix. I have no clue as to why I'm obsessed with that either.     Things are going well on the job front, I applied to be a fulltime staff person at my job which means 40 hours (I'd also be an overtime sub as we




So there's this guy... (how many times am I going to start a post like this?!)   And he's Married.   We both happened to be at the same meeting today. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He was wearing a black suit, with a black shirt and grey tie... which for me is the most incredibly sexy look. And underneath, you can see the perfectly toned sculpture of a man who spend a lot of time in a swimming pool...   So I kept looking, and the thing is, every time I looked at his eyes... they wer



the Second Time Around

the Second Time Around     1979   I first met Randy when we were sixteen. I met him at Frank's house- a guy from my football team that I screwed around with from time to time. He enticed me to come over by telling me about a kid from his neighborhood that wanted to join in.   Randy was a shy kid. He wasn't big or athletic or a jock. He was cute and a lot more feminine than most of the guys I previously messed around with. What caught my attention was his bright, intelligent blue eyes.  



Washing away the weekend

Yesterday - as one might gather from my post - I was slightly depressed. I allowed myself to remember something wonderful, but that inevitably lead me to the pain that came after. Someone commented on my post that it looked as if I was leaving Narnia (referring to my own perception of how deep in the closet I am) - and this reminded me of the freedom that I felt back then. At that time, I still hadn't felt the full weight of my responsibilities, or of expectations. It was a time for me when



I'm back?

Is it even right for me to say that I'm back?   I'm not sure how long I've been away, but since I always got email notifications, I've never considered myself left. It's not like I've been away for more than 4 months. (Yes, I'm talking to you, BiD )   So uh, anyone who may want to know why, if there's any that is...   Wait for my summer anthology story then, if I come up with anything that is.   Twas a personal issue which I'm considering turning into a short story or something. (Ah, I r

Kev de Cauchery

Kev de Cauchery

A memory to start off with....?

He was wearing Blue; and it sparkled not because of the colour, but because it was HIM. Have you ever seen a guy who just draws your eye, and holds your attention like a vice? Where it's almost painful to turn away? David. His name was David, and he was my first for many things. the first guy I felt that "spark" with. The first guy I kissed. The First guy I Made love to. And the First guy to break my heart.   I only mention it because of what day it is - today is the only day I allow m



Why am I here?

Why have I come here? why am I writing a blog? What's this british upstart thinking of coming along into the forums and stirring up the soapbox?   Well, I think I need to tell you about myself first. I am so deep in the closet, I'm half way to Narnia. I live in a small town in the UK, and generally speaking homosexuality is not accepted. So finding an escape online has become a sort of "release Valve" for me. A few years ago I was a member of another internet forum, and we formed a very




So, as planned in my last post, I did come out to my siblings over the Easter week-end, while we were all together with their respective spouse and children. Everyone proved really supportive and understanding.   It was apparently a big surprise for my brothers, until they realised that some of my past started to make much more sense seen in this light. Not so much of a surprise for my sister, because of things I had hinted at in the now distant past. And also because she's now very close to



The Valley of the Dwarfs

It just came to me.   The working title of the new fable is now "The Valley of the Dwarfs."   Yes, I know! I know!   It's been done.   But, this isn't a rehash of "The Valley of the Dolls."   Honest.   Besides, the strongest intoxicant in the Hinterland is dwarf ale, which will knock you down onto the floor and roll you around in the filth.   Just finished Chapter 5. A couple werewolves showed up. And, it was daylight! Figure that one out. The alpha male, Alberto of La Rosa, is bla




I have roughly 6 months left in my time in NJ, and its all happening way to fast. My mom told me that they have a real estate agent coming to give an estimate on the house and within two-three months, they're putting it up for sale. On top of it, they're going to be moving soon because dad got a job offer with his current employer to move possibly to Maryland. If he declines that he's going to consider the job offer he got in PA. Oh and they were also approved for another loan for a house where



Grad School Update

I got my acceptance letter to my back-up school yesterday. It's this mid-sized public university in western Pennsylvania called Indiana University of Pennsylvania, or IUP. Now I'm just waiting to hear back from my first choice, Millersville. Either way, it's great to know I have a place to go to no matter what.   All I have to do now is just make sure I pass Italian, and things are good from here on out. It's strange how that's parallel to my experience of the spring of 12th grade- I got



One down

Posted the last chapter of "Dreams Can Come True" this morning.   The next fable, "Ben," should be up in a week or so. Although there are 5 chapters, they'll all be posted at the same time. It's probably the closest I've come to a "children's story," but unfortunately, I had to throw in some sex and the cute children's story becomes something entirely different.   The fourth in this series, which just might be longer than the others, has been completed through Chapter 3. Don't have a working



Family. Ugh.

My whole family is bitching at me right now because I'm applying to this school called Millersville Univeristy, which is, at an hour and a half away, 'too far' for me to go, and 'isn't a good school'. They keep bitching at me to apply to a closer school in the area, and look at closer area schools, which I have! They are either too good for me to get into, or they don't have my program. Then they bitch about me about how I need to take educational courses if I'm going to be a community col




I saw one of my Ex boyfriends on the news yesterday getting arrested for trespassing at the governors office (They were protesting) . The first thing that came to mind was, "Hey i had sex with a criminal!"   Also   Ask me anything http://formspring.me/meekord   Goodnight!



This is my life...

... and I'm still laughing!   I just got home from work and Rich and I are eating dinner and I'm talking to my fourteen year old daughter and she tells me that her colorguard instructor told them all they should watch some movie she can't exactly remember the name of because it's FUNNY! After much nonsense, we figure out the movie is Pee Wee's Big Adventure...   This is what happened next:   Me: Didn't he go to jail? Rich: In real life? Yeah... Me: Tell her what for. *insert uncomfortab



Lady Gaga Lovin'

I love Lady Gaga. I don't know why either. Normally I'm not even into dance music, but I'm falling in love with Lady Gaga. I'd go straight for her.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht8ZjuFzlUc   This one probably won't embed anyway, so I'll just post a link to it. It's the . It features Beyonce. It's also a bit naughty.



Not doing so hot

I took an insanity day and went fishing. I didn't tell people and some folks panicked.   No- I am not doing so well. No- I'd rather not talk about it.   Yes- I have a boyfriend named Randy who was a little irked at me for vanishing. We haven't been together long enough for him to know that I occasionally have to get away from people or go off on somebody.   When I get this way getting out in the country is the best thing for me.   I'm going to be gone a while. I've got some stuff to fig




Wow, I can't believe it...Today and tomorrow marked two years since my two high school classmates were killed in a worst car accident ever. The driver drove fast, like over 75 mph, and the car hit through the garbage then hit to the pole. It was an accident, didn't meant to have this happened. The driver was critically injured, and two classmates were in critical condition which became their death sentence. I was pissed off when the news showed the totaled car after the accident occured...I do n



Pedophile Priest Jokes

"Father, I called a man a son-of-a-bitch yesterday." "Why did you call him a son-of-a-bitch??" the priest asked. "Because, father, he touched me on my arm without permission" "Do you mean like this??" He touches her arm. "Yes father." "That's no reason for calling him a son-of-a-bitch." "But father he also touched my breasts." "You mean like this??" He touches her breasts. "Yes father." "That's no reason to call him a son-of-a-bitch." "But father, he took off my clothes." "Like this??



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