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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 5 - Jan. 11)

    By wildone

    First a disclaimer, I'm tired and none of me editors are around to read the wrap up for me   I hate to say but the first couple of weeks have been terrible for our US friends and neighbours it seems. With LA burning down and the east and southeast getting blasted by ice and snow, I have to say I hope that all of them are okay  I'm sure there is other places too that are having strange and wakey weather too, like Friday we had an actual thunderstorm (rain) and a blizzard Saturday night. Noth

Scottish Fairs, Hurricanes, and other issues

Well I couldn't sleep last night if my life depended on it. Been so long since I have had any sort of natural disaster to deal with I just wasn't sure what I should be doing. No, that isn't right, I wasn't sure what my father would allow us to do.   So the yard flags are in, the yard sculptures are in, and everything is pretty much ready. Then again that was all done yesterday. If you have been reading my blogs (God help you if you have) then you know I was suppose to go the Scottish Fair toda



Train Twink and Friends with Benefits

How’s it going?   What, not a good enough opening for you? I concur.   Howdy!   What, too hickish? Okay.   What’s up peeps?   What, too street for you? Check.   Where’s all my bitches at?   I could go on but what’s the point. f**k it.   So the other day I picked up a little train twink from the train. Well, to be more accurate, I got picked up by a little twink boy the other day on the train.   My life has been running smooth on all cylinders for the last few weeks. Now t

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Still seeking approval but I don't know why

I grow older all the time. With age is suppose to come wisdom, but I guess sometimes I can't get out of my own way. In some respects i will all always be the child looking for acceptance from my parent.   I have lived my own life for a long a time. I've had relationships, apartments, and moved to another state mainly to get away from my father. My life was thrown into a tailspin when my mother died. It was painful to return home to deal with all the things that happen when you lose a parent. I



Pets, cooking, and other thoughts of the day

I feel sorry for those of you who read these blogs, because you never have any idea where they are going to go. Truth be told, I never know what I am going to write about till half way into them.   I got to talking to Mark the other night and mentioned that my father has a corgi who seems to be under the impression she owns me. All my life I have been around dogs. From the time I was a little kid there were poodles, beagles, dobermans, boxers, miniature pinschers, and now a welch corgi. That



So I'm 23. And emotionally edgy. And other stuffs / updates.

I was debating whether I should write this blog, but then I thought I'm not here as often anymore, so I guess a blog might be good. <--Whatever, that doesn't make sense. Talk about randomness.   Talking about updates, so I'm here now in Sydney, Australia. Meh.   But then one of the good sides is that now I can do Youtube! One of the videos I've been watching religiously daily is Joel Burns' "It Gets Better" , supposedly one of the best It Gets Better video of all time. I know the video

Kev de Cauchery

Kev de Cauchery

Waiting for a writing partner

Okay not many of us can write in a bubble. Most of us need someone to bounce ideas off of, check our stories over, and keep things going. If you are smart you create a little team of people you can rely on.   However even the best laid plans occasionally go haywire. Take my own writing for example. My main story has been trudging along. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower but always going forward. One of the main reasons for that are my beta and editor. My major problem is my beta is on vacatio



FleetingRainbows' "A Single Promise"

https://www.gayauthors.org/story/fleetingrainbows/asinglepromise   I just finished reading "A Single Promise" yesterday. It look longer than usual to read this story, since work's been crazy busy I haven't had the time to dedicate to reading much.   So I wanted to start off by saying that the dialog in the story was beautifully written. The emotions tied into the conversational dialog between characters were vivid enough that I could picture actors and actresses to be able to pick it up a



Friends keep one going.

I've been personally having an off time in my life. Just one where you feel like, well somehow you are just not making a difference in your day to day life and don't know how to change that.   Then you get that note or call from a friend that reminds you that you are able to touch people and make things a little brighter for them. Or more importantly they can come into your life and put a smile on your face.   That is what happened to me today. Was just a horrible day all around and I wanted



Singing Against the Noise

Hush little baby, don’t say a word Momma’s gonna buy you a mockingbird   It was my niece’s favorite nursery rhyme. Always calmed her down, usually put her to sleep. Even when I sang it, which, I will admit, is no experience for the discriminating. Her tastes have complicated since, but what can you expect out of a three-year-old? I was fourteen myself, singing loudly if inexpertly. I had to be loud to drown out the pounding of my sister, who was at that moment trying to break down the locked



Democracy at work

I haven't written a blog in a while - if i'm being honest i have been trying to "withdraw" from the GA community slightly more over the last few months for various reasons. However, I though this was important enough to break my silence, and so I want to take the time up front to thank anyone who takes the time to read the below.   A few weeks ago, the united kingdom government launched an "e-petition" site, where basically you can submit a title of a petition, and once it receives over 100,0



Saturday night and I ain't got nobody

I had the oldies station on and that old song come on. I didn't know whether to laugh, sing along, or cry. Just been that sort of day today.   I guess overall I can't complain. I am meeting my bills, have a job, and have time to do what I enjoy but I miss not being able to share that with someone daily. I guess that is why I strive to have close friends. As long as you know you aren't totally alone things aren't too bad.   Anyway I also got to thinking about what it might be like to be a gh



I can not stop being angry

The world news are bad. European governments are unable to control the financial crisis. American politicians are fighting to death for power. Africans are unable to overcome the famine in Somalia and Kenya. Everyone is fighting to retain privileges accumulated over the past decades instead of trying to solve problems together.   Here in Europe, everyone expects a major economic crisis, but the leaders of the European Union are unable to agree on a quick fix , each preferring to defend a sel

old bob

old bob

Gym Crush = Straight

Well, I haven't updated in a while. I realized my activity on GA correlates to Domluka's postings, which is pretty sparce. I've realized I'm becoming one of those GA members who kinda moves on, fades away.   Not much new going on. Still keeping busy with fitness. Doing 2-3 activities a day. I think I'm an adrenaline/endorphine junkie.     But anyway, since I had blogged so much about him in the past, I figured I should bring closure to my stalkee, the 'Gym Crush'.   I've been stalkin




Just was one of those days when you never feel like you have enough time for everything you are trying to get done. Just seemed to rush from one project to the next all day long. My day started at 8 am and four hours of sleep.   I got up raced to the shower and tried desperately to wake up. One of those times you wish you would either wake up or drown. Well i sure as hell didn't drown. Then I was off to Weight Watcher for the Summer Party. I know it sounds odd. Here were sixty plus people toge



Not a bother anymore

Well, I made it back from a short stay in oblivion. In many ways, it was the waiting that hurt the most. Bureaucratic time runs too slow, especially if you’re caught in the eddies.   Basically, my bank did not send out a replacement debit card for my expiring card. After giving it a good wait, just in case some wayward demon had nothing better to do than mess with someone’s life, I called and the rep said, “Yes, I’d waited long enough and he’d send out a new card and, by the way your card has



Blueberry Iced Tea...

Yes. Blueberry Iced Tea, I made a batch when I got home from work and I'm letting it sit overnight so it'll be a nice yummy treat for tomorrow.   Well if you haven't noticed my last status update, I got dumped by the army medic I was seeing and it was very disheartening to experience and deal with, but I'm working through it (and did some retail therapy... I got a new pair of Oakley Whiskers ).   I'm starting back to school in the spring, figured I'd delay by a semester since I just started



Losing Parts of the Past

Today started out such a good day. I had been good getting things done. I had done dishes, cleaned the bathroom and was ready to take my father shopping all before 10am. We did the stores my father wanted. We started at Entermann's Outlet where my father bought bread. I was proud of myself because I never once looked at the cakes and stuff. Then we went over to Sam's Club. There my father picked up essentials like paper towels, toilet paper, and other things for the house. Me, I bought my fruits



Writing and other pursuits

I admit that I am still one of the old ones who loves the feel of pen and paper. I will sit down to write postcards, letters, and cards to friends. I am insomniac and it helps me stay in touch with people. Today however was different. I literally sat down and wrote out 18 postcards, three cards, and two letters. I sat and wrote these things out. I've had people ask my why I don't just email them to the people involved. To be honest, because I personally enjoy getting mail. I might get lazy and n




I am still surprised that many people don't know that Wales is a separate country... well a principality of England actually although I'm not supposed to be bitter that we are still under occupation.   SOOOO some pictures   FIRST MY OWN AREA       Ystrafellte. The last know sighting of fairings. There is supposed to be a cave behind the waterfalls where Arthur and his men are sleeping until needed again by Wales... yeah, where are you guys     Just over my mountain where one of th



Accepting oneself

How time flies.... My last blog is already 2 months old. At that time, I felt superior, giving advices all around and flattered by all the positive comments that responded to my blogs.   Today, I see the months passing, with too many days of work hard to bear, and my fatigue increasing day by day. I'm apparently no more the same as I was only months ago. Most of my momentum, which came from my feeling of always having the same strength as I had 30 years ago, is slowly disappearing. On th

old bob

old bob

Pictures of a World

I think we all have things that mean something to us. Places that have importance or ideas that play a part in our lives. I was chatting with someone and talking about my home here on Long Island and mentioned I was a only a five minute drive from the beach. It seemed to surprise them that I lived so close and that there was a beach. Okay, I'm about to be a little sarcastic but I can't help it. I live on an ISLAND so there is a BEACH around the island.   However, I also know like so many peopl



The Cure - IV

The Cure - IV     I saw the smoke plume from miles away. When I arrived, the police and fire department had the whole block cordoned off. My Midtown apartment was obviously a total loss and they are hosing down the surrounding buildings to keep it from spreading.   A young woman wearing a New Orleans Fire Department jacket approached me and asked, "Are you Sawyer from 2C?"   "Yes Mam. What happened? Mrs. Tran kept a tight ship. Everything was up to code and inspected twice a year."  



Being Bad, Being Good, and Finishing Up

Well, this week I was bad. Really bad, at least when it came to staying on Weight Watchers. My father has been talking none stop about this new sandwich from Arby's that he wished he could try. I ended up being off from work so figured, what the hell, I drove the hour and ten minutes to the nearest Arby's to get him his sandwich. Now I bought him his, got a different one for me, and then figuring if I was in for a pinch might as well go in for the pound. Next door was a White Castle. I bought a



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