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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 5 - Jan. 11)

    By wildone

    First a disclaimer, I'm tired and none of me editors are around to read the wrap up for me   I hate to say but the first couple of weeks have been terrible for our US friends and neighbours it seems. With LA burning down and the east and southeast getting blasted by ice and snow, I have to say I hope that all of them are okay  I'm sure there is other places too that are having strange and wakey weather too, like Friday we had an actual thunderstorm (rain) and a blizzard Saturday night. Noth

Missing Stuff

I never claimed to be on top of everything. However, this year I swore I wouldn't be behind the eight ball when it came to Christmas. I bought things all year long. In fact, i even bought a few things that I could use, just in case.   So now we skip ahead to today. i did my Weight Watchers meeting (I gained a pound but I consider that good considering what is happening in my life at the moment), went to get my license and found I still didn't bring enough stuff with me to prove who I am and ho



“Having it Out with Melancholy”

"Pharmaceutical wonders are at work but I believe only in this moment of well-being. Unholy ghost, you are certain to come again. Coarse, mean, you’ll put your feet on the coffee table, lean back, and turn me into someone who can’t take the trouble to speak; someone who can’t sleep, or who does nothing but sleep; can’t read, or call for an appointment for help. There is nothing I can do against your coming. When I awake, I am still with thee."  



Facing Facts

Alright tis the season and all that. I know I am not the only one dealing with the holidays and problems too.   This week I lost a friend in a senseless accident. Sort of makes you stop and look at things. Then while I am in that raw sort of state another friend is dealing with an impending death and I know it is making his life hard.   The day after the accident I get a message from someone I had become close to. Alright, someone I had fallen for if I am going to be honest with myself, and



Trials and Tribulations

Chapter 9 will be posted soon.   I've been thinking of putting the story on hold until after the Holidays. But I thought it would be best to have some input from you the reader. Please let me know what you think about the story going on hold and what you think of the direction the story is headed in.   ~Billy~



Writing Mothers

This is going to come as a surprise to some of you but I have trouble writing female characters. For some reason they fall flat and seem one deminsional. I especially have trouble writing mothers. Incase you didn't notice, Mrs. Hanover in It Was A... didn't have much screen time. There was a reason for this. None of the females did. Again, a reason for this. I really do suck at it.   Now I'm facing it again. I'm making this mother (who is french catholic) sound Italian.. or Jewish. I'



because I forgot...

Ok for the record I forgot to do this...     yes I did meet my Nano writing goal.. barely.   go me.     I don't have the exact number on me at the moment, I'll update this entry with it later, but I wanted to close that issue...



Hammerhead sneak peek

To: Shuttle Sierra442 From: Air-Flag, Hammerhead   Stand by your position to rendezvous with Alliance destroyer Summers.   Please acknowledge.   Crash looked at the transmission and said, “This might be interesting. Looks like my old buddy Rattler wants to talk. Send: We acknowledge and are standing by. Then send our position.”   As Danny was keying in the text transmission he said, “Who is Rattler”?   Crash laughed and said, “The second craziest pilot I've ever met. His name is Hiro



Random Customer's who make me laugh

Customer: My emails not coming in. Me: Can you browse the web? Customer: I don't know let me check.... It says my radio is turned off. Me: Ok... It's a simple fix all we have to do is turn the radio on. Customer: No that won't work I'm not in my car. Me: (self control) No the radio in your phone.   Talking to customer's you would never believe what they say.



Into every life . . . .

For those who follow my gallery, I've basically been doing a picture blog of life with Lil' Q instead of writing it down. I'm taking to heart 'a picture is worth a thousand words' and just putting a bit of commentary to go with my 1000 word credit.   Yesterday I learned my mom has breast cancer. Good news is it is VERY small, they caught it very early. Bad news is, of the different types, hers is the most aggressive. Amidst all our good fortune, we got blindsided with this. I suspect str

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Weirdest Dream Ever

This is so bizarre that I decided to write it down. Just for the record, I'm not afflicted with Bieber fever.   I'm not sure why but everybody was in the Army. I was an instructor at boot camp and one of my victims, I mean trainees was none other than Justin Bieber.   I asked him what was he doing here, he's Canadian. He said that he had dual citizenship so he got drafted too.   After teaching my trainees how to field strip and AR-14, we had some range time. I showed them how to fire three



Writing took forever but ....

Between being sick, working massive hours, and trying to keep up with my own stories, well I've fallen a bit behind. I do apologize. I won't even get into the holidays, the cooking and the rest of it.   For most stories on GA I've gotten smart. i write the whole story out, beginning to end, hand it over to my editors and betas, and let them go to town. That way when I say I'm going to post every Monday, Tuesday, or whatever, I can do it.   However, I haven't been able to do that with Acciden



age and wisdom

Am I really old?   Old men like to give good precepts to console themselves for being no longer able to give bad examples (La Rochefoucauld).   Does this quote really apply to me? It is true that I tend to relate my experiences, the result of a long working life, with its good and bad times. I feel like I have learned lessons that I like to give to others. But I have always done so and I even made it by profession. This is certainly not a feature of my great age.   My problem now, especia

old bob

old bob

A step back

I probably am one of the strongest adherent to conservatism and have fought many on principle. Yet, I feel like maybe we should take a breath to relax. I know how hard our lives can be, how difficult circumstances have made us colder and more alien, but in the end, we're not here to write and focus our ideals into something greater than ourselves. We are here to write out our creations, whether they are based on our thoughts, motives, political ideologies, symbolic histories, or whatever your he



What Does It Feel Like to Be Published.

Okay, so I've just had my first novel published online. Enigma is out today on Smashwords and in the next few days all over the place   So how do I feel?   Excited? Elated? Proud?   Erm... no. I feel sick and scared and slightly guilty. Go figure.   There are so many things to do. I have to 'get it out there' and I am SO scared that I will miss something or do something wrong. God I'm scared. Anyone have any advice. This is my baby, you know, my Silver. I don't want to let him down.



the best band that you've never heard of

Check out Nothing but Thieves ==> http://www.youtube.c...thingButThieves   This young band has a smooth, easy, expansive sound that many professionals work on for years but never do get quite right.   There's talent at all four instruments and they are tighter than some bands that have been together for decades.   They have a very special presence and charisma and they will only get better.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3LNYnRgjYA   http://www.youtube.com/user/NothingButT



The Zebra Puzzle

Try this one out for size. If you can solve it within say...30 minutes, you may be at an advantage for 1/4 of the LSAT. Supposedly, this puzzle was invented by Einstein as a boy.   Here is the premise:   There are five houses, each painted a different color. Their inhabitants are of different nationalities, own different pets, drink different beverages and smoke different brands of American cigarettes.   Here are the rules: There are five houses, all in a row. The Englishman lives in



Isn't It Ironic

A New and Improved Blog Experience Brought to you by the one and only Jason Rimbaud   The other day or maybe it was the other week, life has a habit of going by faster than the speed of light and sometimes I feel like I’m being left behind, I was at work and all I could think about was grubbing on some 4 Alarm Hot Wings from my favorite place in the world, SmokeEaters, in downtown San Jose.   For those of you that watch the Food Network Channel, and more importantly, Man Vs Food Nation, you

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

GOP Party Caucus

Mississippi Republican Party Caucus   James Savik 11/29/2009     Mississippi Republicans met in Jackson Monday in their first in a series of meetings to decide which candidate that they will support in the 2012 convention and Presidential Race. A straw poll was held to see where the candidates stand.   None of those God damned yankees - got the most votes followed closely by Newt Gingrich and none of those God damned Mormons.   The Grand Dragon... I mean the State Party Chairman refuse




real talk, Ira glass   writing, film making, music, production, life - with art the baggage of self-doubt is heavy, but...   “What nobody tells people who are beginners — and I really wish someone had told this to me . . . is that all of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, and it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you



Two Interesting Documents...

1) PROFESSOR OBAMA'S FINAL EXAM, FALL 2003   He then describes the nature of those laws. Here is the prompt:     2) JUSTIN BIEBER'S PATERNITY SUIT--GIRL'S STATEMENT     Makes you see Barack Obama and Justin Bieber in a new light doesn't it? Bet that's the first time you heard of their names used in the same sentence!



This is my first blog entry ever...

I've never written a blog before. But you guys seem like a cool bunch, so I'll give it a try. Also I want to get my reputation up from Zero   What I want to do here is to talk about legal things--things related to law, the practice of law, the enforcement of law, and law school--both as encouragement for myself to be reading legal news, as well as to give information to aspiring law students in the GA community.   So first, let me self-introduce. I am what they call a 0L--that is, a senior



A Thanksgiving Wish

May your turkey be juicy, Your taters have nary a lump, May your side dishes make no one woozy, while your desserts make everyone jump, and may your Thanksgiving dinner not go to your thighs forcing you into a new pants size.   Happy Thanksgiving one and all.



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