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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

17) A Day in the Life...well a day in a person with no life

5:00AM...M wakes me up by straddling my back and whispering in my ear that he wants me to go running with him   5:15AM...M and I walk out the front door to freezing wet air and head off toward the upcoming sunrise   6:15AM...We walk back inside the house and head toward the shower, we don't make it   6:17AM...M rewards me for running with him   7:04AM...We get in the shower and I thank him for rewarding me   7:43AM...We sit down for breakfast. M gets 2 eggs over easy with coffee and I

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Working It Out - Book 3 by Don Hanratty

So, I finally got a chance to finish the entire Working It Out saga. I really enjoy the last novel, as a shift from the main characters began to occur starting from Book 2, and extended even more so in Book 3. A lot more emphasis was placed on the extended family members, even pursuing the majority of some of the chapters on these side characters instead of just focusing on Mike and Matt. This was an interesting approach since I've always commented on some of the other works I've read here on



How things stand...

How things stand right now i see a lot of problems I need to fix or work on...   First is my family how seem to think that i was born to serve them hand and foot... Needs to change now... Job is weary important to me for obvious reasons... To get out of wear i am i need to work... Drivers license also important to fix my problem of being stuck at the house... So to fix that or to free my self that need to re read the book and go stand in the q for 6h a gene and hope this time the wont fail



I tried to start writing..... honest

WARNING - THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO POINT TO THIS POST   I woke up at 4am this morning. I just couldnt sleep....   So i started writing...... creating character profiles..... and then i thought (being an IT Geek) - wouldn't it be great to have a place to store all my story notes..... so by 9am I had a database structure in place. I know there are already programs out there, but they are inferior to me simply because   (1) I didn't design those ones   (2) I can get to be my own Database A



Where do you go from here?

......   In life as there is in fiction, we have blocks in our way. Mine right now is two pronged: 1. What do I do with my career as it is? 2. What should I do about my romantic life?   I've been working and volunteering my time, but I realized now that I was just pushing my mind off those issues. Yes, I am reasonably successful with a good job, but I can see the clouds forming, Health centers even those managed through private firms like mine without a change in their business models will d



Life changing day

Amidst the snow and ice coming down on Wednesday, Mike and I got an email, followed quickly by a call from us to the clinic. The pregnancy was confirmed and they now gave us a schedule and a due date - our life changing day - Sept. 29, 2011.   First thing, that date seems AWFUL soon to me - much too soon - but then I learned the 40 weeks we were expecting is from the date a woman's cycle begins, not conception - 40 weeks is really deceptive advertising if you ask me. Then if there are twins

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Working It Out - Book 2 by Don Hanratty

Working It Out Book 2 was a great read - and excitingly picks up right off from where Book 1 ended, which some authors sometimes decide to move the timeline forward quite a bit to introduce enough uncertainty to introduce new characters, new settings, and new conflicts without opening up questions to why the conflicts did not occur in the previous novel. Don did a spectacular job in making sure that the plot progressed just as quickly as Book 1.   I loved the plot, and it gave me the long awa



the Place In Between

Coming soon for the Spring Anthology:   the Place In Between   It’s never a destination. It’s a place in between tedium and suburbia. It is an impulse turn off of the daily routine; a guilty pleasure that you can feel guilty about after you feel the rush of the forbidden.        



Working It Out by Don Hanratty

Working It Out by Don Hanratty's a great, fast paced novel that took me through a series of roller coasters along the ride. I just finished Book 1 (of 3) and I must say it was a great novel. I have to admit that the novel's speed was a bit too quick for me, as in before I could get any time to really realize what's going in the surroundings, the scene changes and you're shocked by the next series of events that happen in the plot. There is no "plateau" where things just randomly settle down f



Working Hard or Hardly Working?

Alright, so it's the new semester. I have a job on campus at the student dining hall. Work is work, but this time around I'm getting more hours. And to be honest, I really don't like two of the shifts I have- I don't like the pace, and while I know I could get used to the duties over the semester, I just don't feel like $7.25 an hour is worth getting aggravated trying to get used to something when I've got two other shifts with job duties I'm used to having. This week I'm working somewhere clo



It's My Life

It's a good Bon Jovi song and says a lot about what I'm feeling right now and what I'm dealing with.   As you may or may not know, I have an overbearing mother who thinks the world revolves around her and everyone should drop what they're doing at her beck and call. I'm not being over dramatic, but honest with this statement. I'm in the process of moving to Pennsylvania and finding a job (and I have a few leads that I'm following up on) which is taking up most of my time. I also have a lot goi



Holy Shit, Part II - She's pregnant!

So today was the day we found out - and weird as it was, I seemed to be the least nervous of everyone I knew - even co-workers were more anxious than I was. I just figured I'd know when I knew.   Mike sent me about 20 text messages - I was in court for a good part of the day, first in the morning than again around 3 ish. At one point my phone kept vibrating so much from all the text messages, I had to take it out of my pants pocket because it was making me excited.   I must have been a

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Death - Is it Just Me?

I have never been afraid of death. I have been afraid of dying, but I have pretty much made my peace with that too.   Afraid or not, at peace or not, I have always had a total fascination with death and I have been told that makes me weird. As many of you know I have a thing about unconsciousness. I find the fading of consciousness fascinating and very sexy (may I say from an entirely altruistic point of view and not through experience). As an extension of this the moment of death is even mo




Shy... Right that is why i'm so flirty with my friends... guess that is also the reason i freez up when good looking guy talks to me or the reason i make a ass of my self talking to new people right... Nope not shy just stuped and sceard to death of rejection... yes i know stuped don't remind me grumble grumble   But still it's there rearing a ugly head every time i talk to some nice guy or try at least choking on my own words like a little boy i don't know hoe it got there it's not always be



It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)

Except that I just paid 10.50 for a pack of Newports. I don't feel so fine about that. I hate New York. So, clearly my best option is to move clear across the country and see how California treats me. I'm wondering how much 'ports are there... I can probably find that out somewhere. I know its unhealthy and all that but honestly? No one that smokes right now doesn't know that so I'm assuming that means we all need a better reason to quit. I'm also assuming that since a pack a day habit wi



Tribute to a Lady

My aunt recently passed away. She's been fighitng breast cancer for almost five years, and we've had a few close calls this last year, but she finally asked to go home the week before christmas. I was working, and wasn't able to break away until Thursday of that week. She died that Wednesday.   She was my mom's little sister and best friend. Smart as hell, pretty much the Tax expert for all of the relatives. And beautiful. Most of that side of the family has more looks than sense, but she had



Back on the Chain Gang

I started my second semester of grad school this week. The workload is pretty intimidating, but I think I got it down by this point. I hope, anyway.   One thing that struck me is how much more relaxed I feel as opposed to that first week of grad school. Everything- god I just felt like I couldn't breate. I spent the night before my first classes that semester reading the reflections of a woman who dropped out of her PhD program. I was positive that I would flunk out. And I did pretty well.  



28) Indecisive Longing

It wasn't until I talked to you on the phone That's when I realized just how much I missed you Your voice brought back so many memories I haven't thought about the "thistle" incident in years And for a time it was like 1995 all over again When we were still an "us" and mostly happy   It wasn't until we both hung up the phone That's when I realized just how little I missed you We both know that this life is ever changing This is a fact based on a principle we both understand Friendship

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

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