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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 5 - Jan. 11)

    By wildone

    First a disclaimer, I'm tired and none of me editors are around to read the wrap up for me   I hate to say but the first couple of weeks have been terrible for our US friends and neighbours it seems. With LA burning down and the east and southeast getting blasted by ice and snow, I have to say I hope that all of them are okay  I'm sure there is other places too that are having strange and wakey weather too, like Friday we had an actual thunderstorm (rain) and a blizzard Saturday night. Noth

Epilogue to Surrogate Process

So I said the last entry was the final one - for now - in this category, but it dawned on me that I should add one on the actual birth. So until/unless we do baby #2 this should be the last one in this topic.   Baby Q was in no hurry to come out so the Dr. decided to induce. Let me tell you, as a gay man who's never really been very interested in the female parts [well I guess i do find boobs fascinating - go figure] - this whole process was totally TMI - TOTALLY. But now I know where all t

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

New Phase

For those of you who have followed my journey, it's over - Baby Q is here. [i'm not posting her name in public because I have this notion that once it's posted, it's never getting removed. If you want to know her name, ask me in private and I'll tell you.]   And so the real journey has begun.   They - those unknown people who make up the body of uncontroverted wisdom - say that when you lay eyes on your child life as you know it stops. 'They' were right. I told someone, I don't have a

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

My vacation and taking it one day at a time

Okay after all the problems at my job and my vacation being cancelled twice this year, I put in for week off that begins on Sunday and goes to next Saturday. Sorry, I never get weekends off and forget about two days off together.   So I got a bonus when they gave me tomorrow off too. Now normally I would say that is just a nice bonus but the reality is tomorrow is the Riverhead County Fair. There will be baking contests, quilting contests, jams, etc. There will be carnival rides, vendors of al



Guys That You'll Sleep With In College

The Athlete   OK. You can stand the competitiveness to get next to those pecs and abs. It's not that he looks like a Greek god chiseled out of marble that turns you on about him. It's that dreamy look in his eye.   It takes about a month to figure out that when he gets that dreamy look, he's thinking of somebody else.       Mr. Perfect   No. He's not a wrestler except in the sack. Mr. Perfect is everything you always wanted... except for the cheating and the clap.       The Hip



Another child pushed out into the cold cruel world or Oops new story.

We all do it as writers, or at least nearly every writer I know. You come to look at the story and characters you are working with as your children. However eventually every parent has to stop coddling them and push them out into the world. I did that tonight again with Red.   So I gave the site another strange look at the worlds that can inhabit my mind. This one was just supposed to be a retelling of Red Riding Hood. I can't even say it is the same tale at all any more. This one just kept gr



Looking ahead at the darn birthdays.

I'm off tomorrow. I was hoping to get some writing done but might have to forgo that in order to get some shopping done.   Tomorrow, my father has a doctor's appointment and then he wants to go to Sam's Club. For those of you who may not be familiar with them, Sam's Club is another massive store like Price Club where they sell gigantic sized packages at low prices. You can by a half gallon jug of Vanilla Extract for a dollar more than you might buy seven ounces of it in a grocery store. You do



One of those Nights. -

A very close friend of mine brought this up to address people who are aren't aware of the differences between giving up on life and taking a break from it.   "ever tried to fall asleep, but you couldn't cause everything you tried to forget rushes back to you?   because sometimes people do actually feel that way. sometimes your life feels like it's craving in on you. sometimes people really do feel like they don't want to exist, like they want to just curl up in a ball, and go into that



Mail Call

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love mail. Not junk mail, and not bills, but actual mail. Today was one of those days I just love.   Today in the mail I got two special things. One was a postcard from Mark. Hey, I make no secret who i become friends with. Those I do I come to care and worry about. Well I've sort of taken Mark in as close friend. I sent him a few postcards and today I got one from him as well. Funniest thing is it has a picture of a pig on it and all I could think



A poem for your thoughts

Just wanted to share a classic poem for my thoughts on the day, it might sound religious, but at its heart there is a deep humanism:   THE SECOND COMING By William Butler Yeats Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of pas



Rewrite or Recycle?

In the beginning there is a blank page and along comes an Author. The Author seeks into the primordial ooze of imagination and finds and idea. After roasting it for a proper amount of time, the idea is found good... and it is written.   The question becomes.. what is the proper amount of time? I have stories I can kick out in a few hours -- little one shot flash fiction type things that need no editing to speak of -- and I have stories that I have been working on for nigh on twenty years.  



Odd Day

Things are work are getting pathetic but even I don't have the energy to talk about that.   Been on a writing kick lately. Been doing a lot of the prompts. Granted I create them now, but I have been doing the ones no one has attempted. I am not sure if it is because people feel they are no good or because they just didn't know how to approach them. Luckily there are some brave souls who will give my wild ideas a whirl so very grateful to Cia, Dolores, and Nephy.   I got the latest chapter of



...they meet each other through the friends of friends who they never know...

Well its been a while since i visited here.   Thought i would update everyone simply because everyone else is doing it.   Took A Levels in the summer and passed with three 3 C's which was excellent for me considering i pretty much screwed up my english and theatre exams (2 D's). I love coursework. Its my saviour   Moved to university last week. I was admitedly terrified. I didn't want to go but I had to force myself. But now i'm here. So much has changed in my life. For example, when my

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

A taste of paradise

Long time no blog...   Most people missed my last blog post because it didn't appear in the list of recent posts. That was a side effect of the delayed publication setting... There went another failed attempt at humour.   The highlight of the past two months is obviously my trip to the Philippines and my visit to John. The GA meetup in London was great too, but ... no offence to the nice peeps I saw or met there ... it could hardly compare.   So let's rewind to early August. The stakes w



Writing a strange idea

I just had a very odd story in my head, but it seems to work.   I don't know what prompted the story, maybe, it's me trying to recapture my youth, my love of old Nick shows, or maybe my desire to give stories a finality.   I won't say what my story is until I actually write it and edit it, but by just my simple description, you guys can guess at the possibilities. I don't know if my story will be interesting or maybe it will be widely chided as too retro to be readable by most audiences. As



Thursday is Thor's Day

Well it has taken me some time to sit down and finally watch the movie Thor. It was pretty decent. I guess between the director and the actors they finally got it fairly right.Of course being a comic book geek I do have one or two things to nit pick but the only major one was killing off Loki. Hard to do when he is such an important part of Ragnarok.   The title for this blog is actually very correct. Thursday is actually Thor's Day. One of those little twists in history. With so many months a



Mixed sort of day

Amazing the friendships you can create here. Yes day by day if you wish to you can make friends and deep that friendship. I know I have been doing that with people I met here.   Anyway, was busy as hell today. The whole morning was spent running around like a nut. I started this morning off going to my Weight Watcher's meeting. Wish I could say it was a huge loss but I did lose 2 pounds. I know I shouldn't complain but just wish it would melt off already. Well didn't put it on in a day so not



More about a transformation

Well! only me! Its about progress and moving forward. I am a different man now to what I was when I joined back in April. There have been many ups and downs, there still are but they are made better in minutes by my Stuby. October is a bad month for me, and the end of it especially, not only my abuser dieing but also that she was buried. And along with all the flash backs and the bad stuff bubbling up.Is relief thats its over and she has gone. I still have issues and hang-ups but they are



Tuesday Night Ramblings

Okay so it was another interesting night at work. It is getting so the drama there at work could infuse life into any old soap opera. Feels like you need a score card to keep track of who is dating who, who isn’t friends with who, who is has an in with the junior mangers so may not have to work and can disappear to talk or go on cigarette breaks whenever they like. I long for the store I use to work in where rules mattered and policies were followed.   In the mean time I can happily announce I



Idea Overload

I've been doing a lot of edting lately and one of the things that I have noticed is that every time I am eyeballs deep in editing a story I have all these new story ideas creeping up on me in the dark. Sometimes they attack. They can attach themselves iike leeches to my soul until i pay them attention or they can dig under my skin like ticks and suck away at my motivation until they are bloated and I am numb...   Either way they have to be dealt with.   Typically I write these 'problem child



It's been a while. -

- been really busy lately, it's 2am & I feel like now is the right time to start writing again. It's been months since my last blog entry & reading it over again feels.... surreal. As I wrote it, I was feeling pretty down and miserable at the time, it pretty much summed up the relationship I had that never really worked out.   It's funny how as time goes on, I can see things more clearly now. He's gone. It's been a month already. He's living his life, I'm living mine. & I'm fi



How time does fly

Okay today was sort of a mixed bag of stuff. I guess it is always that way. For those who care to read just hang on cause the mind is overdrive and I just hope the fingers can keep up.   First up is my job. I didn't wait I just put in for the only week I knew my co-worker was on vacation. So I'm presently trying to get the second week of October off. I will know tomorrow if I got it or not. Willing to bet money at this point that I didn't. Anyway I am going to put in for some assorted days of



Screwed and so not enjoying it

Okay, I’m having problems all over. This is the second attempt to post this blog so let’s see how it goes. Got a nice message from Myr the first time telling me the site was updating.   Let me begin by apologizing. This blog is going to be a bit of me just complaining. Feel free to read other things. In the meantime if you have been looking to see what I am up to I do say I’m sorry. Things here have been a bit out of whack.   My father is now home from his vacation. The only problem seems to



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