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  • Myr

    Paranormal Deep Dive 3

    By Myr

    Top Read Paranormal Stories since Feb 2024 Top 0 Most Read Paranormal - Cryptid Features creatures from folklore, mythology, or cryptozoology, such as Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, or Chupacabra. The narrative often revolves around encounters with these mysterious beings. No stories Top 0 Most Read Paranormal - Cursed Objects Focuses on objects with supernatural or cursed properties. The plot typically involves characters trying to understand or break the curse asso

Yes! I'm alive!

By all that is twitchy, I am alive, if not annoyed beyond all belief. Why? Let me list off the ways the universe has pissed in my cheerio bowl. Mind you, I don't want sympathy. I want smut. Or a really good, and I mean really good, gonna suck me in and let my mind run wild with it, story that the chapters are under 5,000 words. Any longer and I get bored.   Anyways, on to what has been happening.   1) January sucks. Rent is going up, I'm sick half the time.   2) I lost my friend and fellow

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

UD Raises In-state Tuition to $9,040 A Year

UD Raises Tuition for 2010-2011 School Year You gotta love the logic of it. "We're raising the tuition because we have to cover the increasing financial aid demands of the students." Gee, you think maybe the fact that school is constantly raising tuition has nothing to do with the fact that more students need finanical aid? It's the out-of-state students that get really screwed though- their tuition has been raised 2k, and they're now paying $24,500.   I loved being a Blue Hen, and t



Fender Benders

I got into a minor fender bender today, incidentally while I was going to make an insurance payment for my mom's car, which I drive. I got distracted and ran past the intersection and hit a guy's car. Luckily, since it was a low speed area, it didn't do much damage- just a small dent and some scratches above his tire. I gave him my number and am praying that the damage is less than 400 dollars so I don't have to use my mother's insurance and jack up the payments. My nerves are shot right n



Day 1 - Letter to your best friend

To the Birthday Boy: I figured it made sense to start with you since I could take the opportunity to write this to you on your birthday and I know how much you love having it made into some big thing. I really wish I could be there to celebrate with you and make you some birthday cake while you hug me from behind. Instead, you




Today was an odd day.... Ran 10k at 6am Worked out at the gym from 8am-10am (shoulders and an hour on the stationary bike) Rollerbladed 10miles at 1pm Hit the gym again from 5:30pm-7:00pm (legs & chest) There was also yard work & cleaning the pool....     Weird. If I'm bored, I feel like I need to be doing some physical activity.   I'm not sure what my mental problem is. Maybe I do it all cause I don't ever want to be fat again. Or maybe I'm trying to make up for my la



I'm ... COMING OUT... so you better get the party started !

I did something impulsive and irrational today. Not like me at all. Normally I am calm, rational and incredibly deliberate in my actions.... but since meeting paya i have learned to be more spontaneous.... and to live in the moment more...   And so I was having coffee with my mum, and the converation went something like this...   Me: "Mum, i wanted to tell you that im in a relationship..."   Mum: " About time, thats wonderful"   Me: "Mum, its with a boy"   Mum: "So...?"   So my



Fourth of July

I hope all of you got your gift requests out in time.   Tomorrow, Uncle Sam will be distributing gifts and putting them under the flag poles of all the patriotic boys and girls across the good ol' U S of A.   Unfortunately, I'm still in SCal relearning how to be a trucker so I won't be home to put out the brats and beer Uncle Sam enjoys so much. I know the wife won't do it because she's not as patriotic as the rest of us. She kind of takes everything with a grain of salt. Plus, she totally d



Giving up your inhibitions....

OK.... this is the easiest blog i've ever had to write.   My wonderful boyfriend wrote an entry yesterday - and for all you perv's out there... im not gonna give any extra details.   Friday was the first day of the rest of my life... When I saw paya through coming out of the airport terminal, i was terrified. We were both nervous - and made stupid small talk to try and calm down... it didn't work. The first time I felt truly at ease was when i decided to grasp the nettle and to hell with c



Paya in Westmoreland

Sometimes people do strange things. For example they travel accross the continent to meet a person they have never met before... yet a person they know so much. When I started writing this, I was on my way to the airport, scared shitless... There was no reason for it but that doesn't mean I can't stress myself out, right?



New Additions to My Library

On Writing Horror by Mort Castle ISBN 978-1-58297-420-0 reading   I'm not sure if I buy everything in it, there are some interesting tips for writers interested in trying the waters.     Feed by Mira Grant ISBN 978-0-316-08105-4   Set 25 years after a zombie apocalypse was unleashed by some well meaning but dip-shit scientists, the world is much the same as it always was. This novel tells the story of some young and idealistic and cynical young journalists covering a presidential cam



Why do so many people live in Houston?

I just checked. The heat index there is 115 F compared to 96 F here. It blows my mind. It has to feel like a constant steam room in the summer. I think I'd develop a freaking migraine disorder if I tried to live there. It's actually a beautiful city, but summers there are horrible. So how do so many people stand living in the largest city in Texas when the heat and humidity is that horrible?



Support the anti-IBLD movement!

Apparently, the boy love community has a holiday about the support of consensual sexual relations between men and boys. I find it shameful and appalling, but there's something that can be done. Stand up against these monsters who promote child abuse. In support of anti-IBLD light a white candle! The day is tomorrow in the US, and already today in some parts of the world. Just to clarify, IBLD is 6-26-10. Light your white candles in protest of these sick bastards who promote molesting children! T



The Toast Always Lands Butter Side Down

Viv: knock knock Viv: i come to fixing the pipe... Viv: okay? Viv: zoey just came running in all WHAT THE ACTUAL f**k!? Rich: ? Rich: the rapist is back? Viv: cause there are strange men and plastic and ladders and the couch and table are moved and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Rich: ok Viv: water's off now Rich: ok Viv: why do all repairmen smell like oil and paint? Rich: standard issue cologne Rich: eau de manuel labor Rich: manual Rich: well i suppose manuel probably fits most of the time Vi



been thinking about my uncle a lot...Miss him a lot.

Hey,   I never updated about my uncle's death because I had a hard time believing this new. Often a lot of time, I have been thinking about my uncle. His death was all sudden and unexpected. My uncle passed away in December last year. June 12th was the most difficult one because it was 6 months and it was on Saturday, which was the exactly same day on Dec 12th last year that my uncle left this world. It's hard to believe that it's been 6 months since he left. Heart attack really sucks a l



New Blog Launch

On in your facebook I did something that I called My Cool Old Video of the day. Every day I posted links to classic rock songs on YouTube. It was very popular. I've decided to move that service to a free standing blog.   You remember music videos don't you? They are what MTV used to play before they went to their all bullshit, all of the time format.   YouTube has a fantastic treasure of videos- some good, some bad and some amazing- it just takes a little sorting to find the really good stuf



Hey Guys, Do Me A Favor...

Help my friend Ron recieve a $15k scholarship, which he could really use. Any help is greatly appreciated.   The URL to his submission is: http://fastweb15years.com/entries/3697/   Please go there and vote for him. You can vote once a day, I believe.   Thanks so much!



First Father's Day Without Dad

I lost my father last September. This is my first father's day without him and its a very weird feeling.   Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, you spot the shark-fin of unresolved feelings.   Toward the end of his life my father was profoundly disabled. He was partially paralyzed on his left side and could only walk short distances. It was difficult to see age and failing health strike a man who had always been so physical.   His favorite Father's Day meal was at O



Being a dumbass

You know, I usually have a pretty good idea what the consequences to given actions will be. Recently, someone said he or she was going to do something. The act was something I knew would get the person in trouble, but he or she did it anyway. Then the person turned around and expected sympathy from me after being a complete f**king moron. When I didn't give this person sympathy, he/she got pissed off at me. I told the person off. I wasted my own f**king time warning this person, and my words wer



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