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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Moving right along, again

Delivered my first load for the new company.   I've had a HazMat endorsement on my CDL for nearly 5 years and this is the first time I had the opportunity to placard a trailer. It was not fun driving down the Interstates with four red placards stating quite clearly what was in my trailer. "Flammable Gas"! That's right, nothing that could leak, but it sure would've made a terrific BOOM if some dummy used one of the placards for target practice.   Actually, it was quite harmless. Just 5 tons o



The New Migrants

Last night I finished up a 4 day road trip to Meridian to install new PCs for a company that has their home office there. It was an unbelievable crappy situation. I was told by management to only migrate company approved applications and some people had loads of programs that I wasn't supposed to migrate. The fatass top Data Processing guy there couldn't bother to give me a list of printers, IP addresses and the required drivers.   Last night at the Jamison Inn, a hotel that caters to working



Grad School Begins, Part II

Sometimes the best thing to do is face your fear head-on. I've been reading online a bit, about people who are or have failed out of graduate school. What I realize is that I'm not alone at all about feeling scared about failing, or realizing that I went into this process completely blind and uncomprehending about the pitfalls and troubles I could face. There's this interesting site by a woman who left her PhD program four years in. I thought it was pretty interesting:   Straight Talk



Grad School Begins

I start my classes tommorrow. Man. It's been a wild week...   Wednesday, I hung out with my friends from college- my buddy Steve and all his former residents that are now entering junior year. Kinda weird- those kids are now the same year me and Steve were when we met during their freshman year. It was a pretty chill, laidback night- we sat around drinking and watching Netflix while they smoked and I watched. It was basically like any other time I've hung out with these guys- which was a



A tutorial for people who can't get along

Step 1: This is pretty straight forward. Go to the top of any page on the forum. Click on the arrow beside your name and select Manage Ignored Users.     Step 2: Enter the name of the douchebag you wish to ignore like so.     Step 3: Save changes.     Is that so hard? I think not. Quit trying to start flame wars and act like adults.



No lab error, but better news

Well, I repeated my PSA and it came back at 3.0 this time, which is a hell of a lot better than 8.5, but not nearly as low as it was a year ago. The free PSA was a marginal 22%, which translates roughly to my having a one in ten chance of having prostate cancer. That's a whole lot better than I thought it would be! I'll go back for another repeat in three months and if it's still low, chances are I just had prostatitis. If it's up again, however, I'll need a biopsy but, as some here have rel



Moving right along

It seems my first schticky story is off and running with a number of readers actually leaving comments in my forum. So, you ask, where does this schtick stuff come from? Well, a number of years ago I started writing the history of the Argottean Federation and this news item came out:   3 Hurl -531



the Republican Party or Help! I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up

The Republican party was formed in the 1850s primarily in response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 that opened possibility of expanding slavery to new territories. The original founders of the Republican Party were anti-slavery Whigs and Free Soil Democrats based on "Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men" ideology and a radical vision of modernization based on higher education, railroads, banking, industry and cities.   Republicans argued that free market labor was infinitely superior to slavery.



Doing My Part - Public Service Announcement For @TBSOfficial

I got the new Taking Back Sunday album, Live Form Orensanz, a few days ago, and I've got to tell you, it's so beyond amazing. The strings, the depth of the music, the emotion, it moves me and it is because of this that I've given it control of my iPod and that I'm telling you about it.   Just look!   My Blue Heaven     Also, I'm not gonna lie... It was pretty awesome to come home from work yesterday and be able to say to my daughter and her friend, "Ask me who started following me o



How do you make a Lib-tard jump off a bridge?

Here's a start:     Follow it up with this:     And they are pretty much writing the note.     Oops... Mustn't forget the Obligatory Butthurt Incident Report       Some things are just meant to turn out badly.     Like playing with an old man's Wii     Some things are inevitable. Like Rule 34     Or the way that I wished that the Twilight series would end.     ...and math nerds never get laid.       PEACE... through superior firepower!



A Culture of Hate

I'm starting to wonder if that's what it is....a desperate need to find people to hate. There has to be an enemy, a focus of all that's wrong. And it can't just be an individual, it has to be a group, an entire group, branded usually by their race or religion. It's amazing how the same groups seem to make the rounds too. There's always the blacks. They're a constant. Then there are the Jews, unless it's time to hate the Muslims, in which case the Jews are convenient friends. And of cours

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

Horribly Offensive Blog Post

You've been warned. If you are a politically correct sack of shit, read on at your own risk. You'll be offended and I'll be... heartbroken.   Some of you have been asking about my baby pictures. Here I yam in all of my white trash redneck glory.     So where are we? After getting told that I was a liar, a zionist and an ignorant redneck who should shut the f**k up because I was stupid, I'm pretty pissed.     I'm a black sheep in this politically correct nut house and I don't f**king



Another pet peeve

There is a part of a man's body. I love it, absolutely love it. However, some people call it by certain names, names that make me cringe. The part of the man's body is his ass, and that's generally what I call. I sometimes call it a butt, which is normal. However, some in the gay community call it by other names, names that compare this most beloved body part to women's private parts. Make no mistake, I have no interest in those lady parts. It seems to be gay men who use these terms: manpussy, m



Dirty poll #9

Have you ever watched furry porn? Do you enjoy it? And for those who don't know what it is, basically it's animated porn anthropomorphic animals have sex. I fapped to it and got off. That's all I can say about it.



anime (japanese animation and shit)

okay, this might not cater to all people here on GA. But I know some of you are there. I know it, i can smell your fandom.   I know that anime existed when I was younger. I can't tell you how many pokemon i caught with ash katchup or whatever in like 6th grade.   From then on I'd watch adult swim and shit then stopped when I thought there was cooler stuff to do. I remember that there were people who were into it at school. As I grew up I found that there were tons of people who were into it



;; " and if I told him I loved him? " ;;

"If all else perished, and you remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and you were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger."   Would it have made a differance at all?   These nights have been too long and lonely, and this road doesn't seem as bright as it was before. Maybe I have lost my way?   Some say love is a work of moving art with the ability to paint endless images into one's mind. And these images are the dreams that



Student Loan Debt

Two years of grad school equals taking out about 41k in debt. Add the 26k I have in debt from undergrad. So I'm looking at about 67k total. Add in interest, and we're look at mid-70's kind of debt.   Crazy, huh? It does scare me to think about the amount of debt I'm taking on. I have to keep telling myself about the boy who calculated that he's taking out 64k in debt JUST for undergrad, and then I feel a bit better, but it's still crazy. I am lucky that I kept private loans to a minimum



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