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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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coming out

is the journey and living with freedom and accepting yourself as person and knowing you can be a person in your eyes in your lover and family lover so when it is come out for you you grow up future children of the oracle



How to Start an Apocalypse

Catchy title no?   Well, i've been hellish busy lately and it's all thanks to my car. HA!   I've been doing over time hours at my job which is killing my social life, I've also been taking my days off to go to Eastern PA (Philly Area) and meeting people out there through a good friend of mine. The place where I bought my car is dicking around with getting me my registration and plates for my car, their excuse is that they need my union information. WTF?! Anyway I'm gonna get a hold of my man



Um, well, Happy Anniversary, I wish I was there . . .

Thirty-six years ago today I was living in a small one bedroom furnished apartment in Cabot, Arkansas, with the woman I was going to marry, which I did as tomorrow is our 36th anniversary. Today I am in the Holiday Inn Express in Ontario, California, and the other half is home in Lakewood, Washington. Yes, she is a bit bummed with the whole concept of me being here and her being there. Such is life.   Today I increased my score on a very critical test at my new company. Now I will be able to l



- ;; " .He was here to Stay. " ;; -

you Hated it. The way he would stay with you. and All he did was infest your mind, and helplessly gnawed at your Heart as it devoured you completely.   You have fallen into the trap of the dark villian. like the nightmare that makes you scream, there is nothing that can penetrate his Heart... of darkness.   like the sad cry of the morning dove, he is the dark song that hugs your Broken Heart.   you Hated him. but Craved him in your system; And it Sickened you.   an Idi



13) His Story...My Words Part Seven

Moonlight Will Prevail Part Seven Story By: Angel Perez Written By: Jason Rimbaud   Both of us hit the water at the same time. And for a while, we splashed around, dunking one another. You know all the childish ways you would try to make contact without seeming too. But once we started wrestling, things quickly got out of hand.   After I hit the water, my erection pretty much went south fast. I believe it would be safe to say that my genitals had retreated inside my body due to the chilly

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

12) His Story...My Words Part Six

Moonlight Will Prevail Part Six Story By: Angel Perez Written By: Jason Rimbaud   So somehow I found myself getting dressed in the darkness and opening my bedroom window. Greg had informed me that we had to sneak out through the bedroom window, and that this was an unbreakable rule.   He told me that he had done it many times before over the years and that running around at night was exciting. True to his usual lies, I would find out later that this was his first time sneaking out as well

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

;; .Just a Normal Blog. ;;

GAH I've been so busy lately... So no poems for awhile </3 But here's a confession I would like to share:   "I am convinced that... You must be a good runner because you're always running on my mind. You must be a great thief because you've stolen my heart but I must be a horrible shooter because I'm always missing you."     That is all, have a good night everyone <333    



in faces of children

we can t answer why cruel still happen in the world in faces of men and woman prejudice toward men and woman who is difference why we still can t answer this why we can t answer why because the world will closed on the door on hunger and poverty in face of rich conservatives



His Story...My Words Part Five

Moonlight Will Prevail Part Five Story By: Angel Perez Written By: Jason Rimbaud   Though I thought these things in my mind, I still looked around the room nervously making sure no one had heard him swear. I was extremely scared that if my father had heard him utter that word, I would lose my new friend, my maybe savior, forever. When he saw me looking around the room, he began to laugh.   I can remember that laugh so vividly. It was a laugh full of mischief, and very infectious. Not like

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Self Image

I have been inspired to write this by a number of recent threads   First of all... How 'real' is your online identity. Well I took that to mean are you a role player, do you pretend to be someone else, hide behind a facade and my first reaction was ... no of course I'm not. I don't hide behind any facade, I am exactly who I say I am. I am completely open and honest, what you see is what you get... etc etc. But am I honest? Am I completely honest? Becuase the only pictures I have posted here on



in world of tommorrow

will empathy be the themes will non caring be themes not in my world or world if we keep them alive in our live and our children live there is no need to be hate or hurting people for indifference or groups that do that in the world of tommorrow all hate groups could be a remember but remember like a nazi pink triangle



His Story...My Words Part Four

Moonlight Will Prevail Part Four Story By: Angel Perez Written By: Jason Rimbaud   I started squirming around in my seat which only caused my father to smack me on the leg and command me to pay attention.   I managed to look embarrassed and turned my focus from the boy sitting across the aisle and back on the minister standing in the front of the church.   And as the minister spoke about the dangers of alcohol and the virtues of living a Christian life in this evil time, I discreetly s

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

wish i was one of those gay guy

who is education and wow people and do the gay wonderful things i was never one of them i always thought those gay wonderful things is too bits for me my upbringing i guess i alway been one of those gay guy who comfortable in jokes or understanding and just feel good in myself as person first then being a gay guy strange as it sound



August 9

Aug. 9, 1942   The United States and her Allies are on their heels in the Pacific. Japan is beginning to look invincible. From December until June, Japanese forces had over run Wake, Guam, the Philippines, Java, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Caroline Islands, the Marshall Islands and has landed in strength on New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.   Everything had been going Japan's way up until they were turned back at the Battle of the Coral Sea and were defeated soundly at Midway on Ju



9) His Story...My Words Part Three

Moonlight Will Prevail Part Three Story By: Angel Perez Written By: Jason Rimbaud   My parents had told me that my evil thing was the downfall of humanity and that nothing good would ever come from it until I was safely married. After that first orgasm, I found out they had lied. A lot had come from my evil thing and for the first time in my life I began to question what they had taught me.   I

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

I hope it's a lab error

Wow! I can't believe it's been nearly two years since my last entry! Truth be told, I was never big in keeping a journal going, even when I was required to in school, and I've never been much interested in maintaining a blog. The last couple of years have not been kind to me. Caught up in across-the-board layoffs at the university where I worked, I took a job in another city and we moved there, only to be laid off a month later when they lost a major contract that accounted for more than hal



i could have a prince charming

those do in those cheesy gay romantic movie i dont, i dont fit in those cheesy gay romantic movie or those stereo gay shows i use to watch and thought my life would be like that be sweep away and have prince charming have this, do i still want prince charming my life dont got time for no prince charming maybe i just want somebody to love me and happy with me and just be themselves with me like in real life



Getting Threw, Getting By

It is funny how things shift your perspective. My friend whose dad died, we used to talk every other day or so and the conversations usually started with "OMG, you can't believe what this idiot just did...." It usually involved being cut off by someone while driving, someone in the store being stupid, or someone at the office, but every time it flashed into my head this week to call him it made me think how totally trite it all is and life is far too short to let stupidity raise your blood press



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