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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Okay, so in 4 hours I'll be getting up for my first day of internship. And I'm not asleep yet. But this is nothing. I guess I just need to rant out a few stuff to go sleep. And need to write a blog anyway.   The other day I came out to a friend - my former professor, who I had a big big crush on and am pretty sure straight. It was because I hadn't replied to his email in weeks and I was feeling a little guilty and I didn't have much to say in the email so I decided to tell him. I had always su

Kev de Cauchery

Kev de Cauchery

very sad haven verse

magi in the silence you was with him river accused her magi say brother and sisters dont have sexual relationship river escape with his high first magi in the silence both emptiness inside   this is only a old verse i work on it never happen in my life but i like the verse now



Hi. I'm James and I kill shitloads of people.

There's a 12 step group I'd like to see.   Mass murderers Anonymous. MMA. Free coffee and group therapy.   NO. I'm not one of those pathetic souls on a mission from God to wipe out hookers.   One at a time is for rank amateurs and under-achievers. I'm talking fifty, one hundred, a thousand or a million at a time.   Why do I feel like a murderer?   When I first got out of college I went to work for a defense contractor. Won't say who but if you did the math you could probably figure it



Jesus is alive!

And he has a Facebook page.   http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000965683487&ref=search   Jesus Effing Christ has one too.   http://goo.gl/N58f



10 Things you probably didn't know about me....

Im bored... so:   I have a passion for History. Specifically British Military History. I have a few hundred books on the subject in case anyone is interested ... Linked to the above, I have a fascination with the English Raj in India I have a collection of books that is too big for my home; they are currently in storage. I have read all of them. Before I had an "enlightening experience", It was my intention to become a Roman Catholic Priest I can trace my lineage on one side of the



- ;; " Are you willing to take a Risk? " ;;

September 16, 2010   It was now or never... In the heat of the moment, I stepped up to him, and kissed him with every strength I had. In the close confines of his arms, it felt like I had stepped right up into the stars themselves... Like I had become one with the sky, and that together "we were as clean and pure and wide as the universe itself."   It was as if my mind was completely devoured by the dream world. It left me breathless, and for once in my life, everything felt so right. We



The Penis That Kills

THE PENIS THAT KILLS   By Krista & Meeko What a way to die, to moan, sigh and cry, they are happy tears, I've wanted a cock this big for years, I like it hard, I like it rough, it makes me tough. Fill me up, with your hot stuff. My oh my what a way to die, no pain, that's lame, cum is my name, deep throating, my game. I've been looking for a big dick, finally found it too, But I never thought it



- ;; "Give me your Words of Wisdom." ;; -

{September 14, 2010}   Dear Lovers and Friends,   How are you today?   Oh so your feeling good today? Good. Now I need some words of wisdom from you.   What does it mean to take a "chance?" How do we define such a thing and must it only occur once a life time? I, for one, have learned about the many places I've wanted to, dreamed of, and spoke of going to. But in reality, I hadn't actually set foot outside my door. Why was that? To be frank, I still had no idea what stopped me



More Bitchy Family Members

So Sister #3 told Sister #1 that I got money from our mother. I got an extremely nasty voicemail from my sister about how I need to stop accepting money from Mom, because I'm too old to do so and I need to support myself.   You would think she would have a point, except 1.) the only reason I need money from Mom at all is because my mom used my credit cards for things like keeping on the utilities- nearly everything on my card comes from that, it's why I have to pay 300 dollars a month, and th



Maybe I'm useless

I hate my life. Nothing ever seems to go right for me. Finding employment seems to be impossible, and I have bills to pay an no money. I feel like I should just give up. Nothing will ever get better no matter what I do.



December 27th

As many may or may not know I haven't been around here as much. Between work and school, I've been loaded down with a lot of work and there's a reason for it.   I'm moving December 27th to my friends house right outside of Philly, PA. I have my own room and I also have a few job applications out and hopefully I'll hear back from them. It's a beautiful area and my roommates (the owner and his roommate) are really cool. The ones a philosophy professor which leads to some amazing conversations an



Entry attempt 4

Last night before I left Menomonie, WI, I wrote two blog entries and destroyed both by doing something stupid. I was so high I was beginning to wonder if I'd be safe on the road over here to Green Bay.   No, I was not taking drugs or imbibing any liquor. I was just higher than a kite and bouncing off the walls from that good ol' bipolar shit. Frankly, it felt good to be high, again. Why take drugs or drink liquor when I can get whacko all on my own? Of course, I tend to mess up on the serious



G.a. 2010 Fall Anthology Now Online

The theme for the 2010 Fall Anthology is "No Going Back". Surprisingly, there are a significant number of science fiction and fantasy stories in this anthology. No so surprising, a number of authors have interpreted the theme as being related to marriage, which just shows that we still have a lot of romantics amongst our authors!   We also have what I believe is the first lesbian themed story in this anthology. Check it out, as it just goes to prove that when it comes to romance, we're all hum


Graeme in Anthologies

Bitchy Family Members

Apparently my sister is still bitching about the fact that I went to IUP instead of University of Delaware, because it's so expensive to go out-of-state, blah blah blah. She bitched about my low GPA is keeping me from going to UD, which would have been so much cheaper.   Except not. University of Delaware eliminated in-state tuition for the graduate school program during the 2009-2010 school year. I would have been paying $24k a year for 2010-2011, and that would have been without living on-ca



This is the Emergency Broadcast System

This is the Emergency Broadcast Service. Please stand by for an official statement.   A National Emergency has been declared by the President of the United States.   Moments ago twelve nuclear detonations have been detected in Europe and the United States.   London, Madrid, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Copenhagen, Vienna, Brussels, Oslo and Warsaw have been confirmed by National Strategic Reconnaissance assets to have been hit by 500 kilo-ton nuclear devices.   In the United States Los Angeles a



Still in Rio Rico

Still in Rio Rico   Still waiting for the customer to open so they can load me with whatever it is they keep in their warehouse.   Another driver from our company is in the same boat, but he called the customer when someone showed up to do something inside. He said that someone said no one will be here until nine o



"The End of the World."

Love this Song:   " Why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Don't they know it's the end of the world?   - Because you don't love me any more. "   " Why do the birds go on singing? Why do the stars glow above ? Don't they know it's the end of the world?   - It ended when I lost your love."   " I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why everything's the same as it was I can't understand, no, I can't understand   - How life goes on the way it does."



Bored silly

Finally finished Chapter 8 of the Schticky story.   Chapter 9 hangs on the first word. Does anyone know how many inner cranial probes are required to read the memories of a political prisoner? Surprisingly, it's not as many as you might think. Well, of course, there is a lot of pain afterwards. Your head would hurt too if someone shoved twenty long metal probes into your brain. Thankfully, these people aren't barbarians because the procedure is done under anesthesia, but once you wake up you w



Intresting Perspective...

It's been awhile since I first started my look into the technology field and it's becoming a long process hehe because it seems that it's never ending.   My first computer was a 386 (if i recall it was a 15mhz speed), 8mb of ram Gateway with a whopping 100MB hard drive, a 5.25" floppy drive and a 1.5" hloppy drive. CD-Roms were a luxury (this was back in 1992) and ran windows 3.1 and ms-DOS 6.0 and it served my family well until 1998. In 1998, my family upgraded to a Compaq with a 233mhz proce



Hopeless Love

What is it about falling in love with someone you know you can't have?   From a serious crush on a movie star to the straight boy/girl, it happens so many times I was wondering if there was any reason why our emotions let us down so badly in these situations... and this is what I came up with.   Falling in love with someone you can't have is safe.   Okay it's painful and angsty and heartbreaking and desperate but it's safe.   You know you can't have them, that there's no chance it will e



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