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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Virtual life and real expectations

I'm being slightly unfaithful to GA. Or rather, I'm broadening my rainbow horizon beyond GA. Just to recap, GA was the first gay site that I started to visit regularly a few months ago. Various messages on the boards prompted me to come out to a few friends and family members, but I'm still mostly in the closet.   Things are moving along though... in my mind, at least, and I'm growing incredibly impatient about meeting someone. It might seem strange, since it took me months to figure out wha



Charles. Selrahc. Prince. Lee. Sicong. And all the good names in the world. (Pt. 1)

(Pre-caution: I'm bound to talk randomly and babble stuff that perhaps doesn't make sense.)   So I'm in love with a straight guy. Again. With the same person. Pathetic.   Pathetic is I. My Charles is everything I could have wanted. (And he just called me right now.)   I guess I've never really stopped loving him from the first time. Just the feeling has become an element flowing in the blood. You'd always know it's there. And only would appear when stirred.   And I was stirred.   The

Kev de Cauchery

Kev de Cauchery

IUP, Here I come!

I FINALLY decided on where I'm going, and that's Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I realized the only reason why I was considering Millersville was because it's only an hour away and I could take my car, and other than that, Millersville doesn't really offer a whole lot. Like it doesn't have graduate housing, and it doesn't offer a wide variety of classes. I'm a bit wary about the fact that it's 5 hours away from home, and I likely can't bring my car as my 1999 beater couldn't handle a 300 mi



Going on an Adventure Tomorrow

I'm going to the coast tomorrow to do some research.   The little town of Kreole, MS is just west of the Alabama line. It sits along Highway 90 and is close to hundreds of square miles of salt marshes, bayous and wetlands.   Kreole plays a key part in one of my upcoming books- call it on the scene research. I'll be taking photographs, talking to locals, walking around and will be taking roads off into the bayous and wetlands.   If you want to see where I'm going search for Kreole, Mississ



This could me good

One thing about not having any money is I can't buy all the prescriptions I supposed to be taking.   No, I am not going to suddenly die.   But, I am finding out that maybe it's time for me to get off the Welbutrin crutch. I should be really, really depressed right now, but I'm not. In fact, I don't feel any different now than when I was taking that shit. Sooooo, maybe I don't need it.   Of course, not taking Welbutrin has to be combined with not taking Depakote, which will be running out i



My SyFried Network Rant

God knows I love Science Fiction. I really do. I read the masters like Asimov, Clark, Gerrold, Heinlein and Herbert. I've got all the Star Wars, Star Trek movies and Babylon 5, Battlestar episodes on DVD. I've even tried writing some Science Fiction, not that I'm GREAT at it.   I have seen science fiction as a force for good. It gets kids and adults excited about science and willing to learn. Millions of people pursued science and technology after being inspired by a short lived science fictio



Dirty Poll #3

Since Mark Arbour loves fisting so much...   Have you ever tried fisting? Would you try it? Would you do it again if you have?   My answers-   1st question: No, and I don't intend to try it.   2nd question: No, and I don't intend to try it.   I know. I'm closed minded on this one. I apologize to anyone who thinks that I'm into it. I'm really not.



Dirty Poll #2

Have you ever been the recipient of double penetration? I can honestly say I have not. I'd consider trying it, but I'm kind of scared to do it.   Don't forget about the first poll. I'm sure there are some who haven't answered yet. Also, if you guys have ideas for dirty polls, feel free to PM me!



A Bit of a Tech Rant....

Well, this is gonna be a first, I'm ranting about technology for once instead of my life, issues, etc lol.   A few days ago I was taking a look at the iPad and realized how helpful it would be at my job because I've been lugging around my netbook since I've been doing a lot of paperwork on it (we're starting to switch over to all digital stuff which is easier IMHO). Lately though I've been getting irritated dragging around my netbook because it's so cumbersome, especially since I've been havin



Dirty poll #1

I thought I'd ask a dirty poll question. Have you ever tried your own cum? This question applies to guys and girls alike! It's my very first dirty poll! I have tried it. My answer is, "Yes! I drink some every once in a while."



(6) They Say San Francisco is/might be dangerous?

The other day I was walking to the B.A.R.T. (Bay Area Rapid Transit), which is another name for the local Subway system, it was late, sometime around 11:PM, when I was approached by three youths, they couldn't have been older than twenty. Even though I was listening to my I-Pod, I am aware of my surrounding, and when they stopped in front of me, barring my way to walk, I took out one of the ear buds, and looked at them blankly.   The tallest one, which still didn't come up to my shoulder, told

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

It was such a good plan

As the money leaked out, I hoped and hoped and hoped that something would come my way, but nothing, absolutely nothing in the way of a new job raised its joyous head and yelled, "Hey you! Here I am! Pick me!"   I had a plan, though. It was such a good plan, nothing could go wrong.   Unfortunately, Robert Burns said it best:   The best laid schemes o' mice and men Go often askew,   Yesterday, one of the companies I thought was interested in hiring me, but never returned my calls, sent me



G.a. 2010 Summer Anthology Now Online

The theme for the 2010 Summer Anthology is "Out of This World". While, given the theme, there are a lot of science fiction and fantasy stories, there are also many entries that have taken a different interpretation of the theme.   Have fun reading the stories (and one poem) everyone! Just remember to click on the feedback/discussion links at the bottom of each story to take you to the discussion threads in the forums so you can leave the author a comment.   A special thanks to all the author


Graeme in Anthologies

Moons and Junes and Feeling Proud....

I started this blog, thinking that I was embarking on a journey... learning to accept myself, learning to love myself, and learning who I am. I genuinely didn't think that I would move forward so quickly. I didn't expect things to change as quick as a switch flicking in my head. But they did. Because I was struck by a thunderbolt.   Don't worry - I'm not gonna make you all sick by writing a sycophantic tribute to my guy and how wonderful he is. I think most of you who read this will alrea




I've gone though each and every one of my stories I have not touched for years and came to a conclusion. I'm a perfectionist, and i won't ever be happy with anything I write or do period. No matter how much I try it always just comes out the same and I get frustrated and stop writing. I need inspiration, I need tips, tricks, i need... a whole lot of help.   bleh




2:06 and like the rest, holy shit i don't know what she is saying somebody translate. i bet its cheesy. i think tiesto played this at cochella this year, did anybody go?



Haunting of Michael Haley

Based on a uncopywrited, uncompleted story by TwistedZero titled "The Engineer" which was abandoned in 2003.   Re-Written and Re-Vised by Justyn Case 2008. Characters names and event's have been changed.     This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters,places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.No harm or slanderous intent is implied or




IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His name is Alessandro (first name, Italian version of Alexander) Cristoforo (middle name, Italian version of Christopher). *Note: the reason why my girlfriend and I chose Alessandro is because my deceased friend, S said if he has a son one day, he would name it Alexander in honor of his grandfather but he never got a chance to, and I think S would wanted me to do it for him.* He was born on Sunday, May 30th, 2010 at 5:43 PM. My girlfriend and our son are doing well.



Boy Meets Stomach Acid - Redux

I decided to trash can the previous entry I had up here. No, not the one where I insulted Emu's manners and he insulted my maturity in the comments, but the one I had up after that. Most of it is just literary analysis run amock, and no one deserves that, espeically if you haven't had coffee yet. So I'll summarize the cogent points that I tried to get across (and don't require prior reading).   **Stories, including webcomics, can affect my mind and disposition in ways that television and movie



How does one cover a year and a half?

So, I haven't written a blog since November 2008. I feel like I have been slacking somewhat.   In truth, I have been very very busy in life. Work has been a trip. I enjoy what I'm doing for the most part and we are doing well.   Other than work, I've been very busy with Gay Authors, of course. I've been coordinating the various Premium Content authors to make sure we have a steady flow of stories for Subscribers. I've been keeping the site up to date, including the new Live Chat software.


Myr in Life

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