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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Sneak Peek- the Zombie War comes to Mississippi

< listen while reading We heard the rumors and saw the weird stories on the Internet. To be perfectly honest we thought that it was the same sort of run of the mill insanity that had some people believing in aliens or outlandish conspiracy theories. We would have been caught completely by surprise just like everyone else if we had not had a break. The summer before the Great Panic, none of us had even heard of a zombie outside of a horror movie until one literally drove into town. A pair o



well what are you majoring in chase? umm failure

honestly, between me and you i think the best thing I've ever written was The Secret Life of the Overture Boys the best thing, now and before it was even conceived. I looked back at some of shit I wrote when I was younger, even now, Elijah, or the City of Rust (and i pray that once rust gets going it'll be good, i have it all in my head ) or the other currently failed attempt to resurrect the story of Elijah. to me, i thought it was my best writing. when I wrote it i was on fire and I don't reme




I had a conversation with an older relative who, although he would never admit it, is a total bigot. He went off on a rant about "the Blacks" and their problems, and how Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson don't help their cause at all, and found that with that last sentence we actually agreed on something.   I think about racism in the 1970s and how it compares to attitudes today, and it puts a smile on my face. The younger generation just doesn't seem all that worried about skin color. It see

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

A Time To Cry?

I was over at my favorite bar tonight. I was there for an acoustic guitar show by a guy named Jefe. Afterwards, I was watching a good amount of people crying their eyes out. Because it was the Jefe show they'd ever see at the Deer Park Tavern as a college student, you know?   I was seeing one guy in particular. He was just bawling his eyes out, and comforting and being comforted by his friends. It went on for at least half-an-hour.   I had a bit of a cry later in the car- you



I am a real life gay....

Soooo... Im a fool. An idiot. and its been that way for 10 years.   10 years since i first slept with a man. But in a world obsessed by labels, and in a world where homosexuality was a sin, i convinced myself that I was bisexual. And it made things easier. Becuase to me, I was at least half "normal" - and it meant that i could live my life in a relatively conventional way.   Don't get me wrong - women are beautiful. I like to look, stare, devour their beauty with my eyes. But in fairn



to build a home

There is a house built out of stone Wooden floors, walls and window sills Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust This is a place where I don't feel alone This is a place where i feel at home   And I built a home For you For me   Until it disappeared From me From you And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust   Out in the garden where we planted the seeds There is a tree that's old as me Branches were sewn by the color of green Ground had arose and passed its knees   By t



Another good reason to keep a cat

Cats are immune to the virus that cause zombies.   They can sense a zombie from a mile away and will become agitated. Since the Rising, cats have become the must have pet. No telling how many survivors owe their lives to ferocious feline soldiers named Fluffy or Mr. Biscuits.   In fact, cats really hate zombies. It must be something about the way they smell.   Many cats will attack zombies and attempt to claw their eyes out.   One of the funniest damn things that you will ever see is a z



Fallen Idols

They say that you shouldn't meet your idols - it only leads to disappointment...   Well I can tell you from my own experience that it is true. You follow someone from afar, and you idealise them in your own head... put them on a pedestal, and create an image in your mind of what you expect them to be. But then you forget that the image that YOU project onto them is YOUR invention.   I had a hero. And the image i created of him was of a "defender of the wronged" - I decided in my mind that




Every time I start thinking that I live in a country or area that is civilized, occidental and cultured, every time I lose my wariness, something happens to remind me of true nature of people living here. Everyone here knows what is US Bible belt, everyone knows film studios like BelAmi or Eurocreme showing the Western customers the paradise of living here...   OK. There was a pride parade planned for today in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia (and as I've heard actual seat of BelAmi ). Slo



5) Things To Do On Vacation

I've been on vacation for the last five days and I must say, I haven't done anything of importance. Okay, that's not really true, I have done things. Yet none of these things were things I had been needing to do.   On Sunday, while on the train going home to start my five day vacation, I wrote this in my notes section of my handy dandy I-Phone...'Starting tomorrow, I'll be having five days off work, not really sure what I'll be doing or where I'll be going but it's time to find a warm hole a

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Courage.... and people who care

Today, my guy is telling his family about "us". He's text me a few times and it sounds as if they are happy for him - all good news for me. It makes me wish so much that i had someone i could tell. The fact is that I want to cry from the rooftops that i'm in love with my beautiful man, but my situation makes that difficult for the moment.   Of course, I have this blog as an outlet - you guys always listen to me, provide feedback and advice. But its not the same.   I use the blog as a s



Our first break....

So my guy and I are planning our first weekend away.... naturally, i want it to be perfect. The perfect room, with a perfect bed, a perfect bottle of champagne - you know the score.   im so excited.... its just over a month to go (36 dyas and counting) but im so worked up already....   im looking forward to the little things... Holding hands as we walk.... waking up in his arms.... watching TV as we doze off to sleep. of course, im looking forward to other activities too, but just *being*



They know...

Being in a relationship has some positive impacts on me... for example I feel more secure, so I resumed my coming out. Today it was my best friend, first straight male I came out to - telling him I have a boyfriend.



The Genesis Galaxy - preview

The Genesis Galaxy     A technician wearing Interstellar News Network press credentials met Captain Carson and Dr. Palmer in one of the Starbase conference rooms.   He had them sit, set up the video links and asked,




A while ago, there was a bit of an uproar here because some of the ad pictures on the home page were too racy. There was concern because the ads here are supposed to be "family friendly." Then there's always the group of self-righteous prigs who finds sex in stories offensive. What a bunch of shit. This is a site for gay-themed stories. The stories are going to revolve around sexuality, and are usually going to involve sex of some sort, whether it's implied or graphic. Does a story have to

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

From me to you...

Awesome song, right?   So I officially have a man. A man of my life. And we got to the first fight. Well, I wouldn't call it like that but the making up was just un-f*cking-believable! The problem was - as in any relationship at its beginning - that we get to know each other better and better and this time we got further than anyone else. We got to my tenderest spot, my second biggest fear after the death. And I freaked out. We ended up both hurting, mainly from hurting the other one, but



new positivity....

I'm finding increasingly that the "positive outlook" I've had recently is spreading and building a momentum of its own. You know there has been a major problem in your life, when people look shocked, just because you're smiling. And its true that a smile on my face has been a rare thing. For so long... everything has been very serious and driven. Its nice to let the sunshine in.   It's obvious that the sunlight is coming from the direction of my new man (and yes, in case you were wondering




I've been drifting a bit when it comes to school lately, mainly because my job right now is changing. I just got a promotion from a Substitute in the residential program at Arc to a full-time staff member in what is soon going to be called Assisted Living. It's going to be nice especially since I already have a good relationship with the individuals in the program. When I went for my interview both me and the manager figured out that I've known most of the individuals since 1993.   Yea, 1993,



love vs. lust

Going down the gay road: stage 3.   I had a long phone conversation with my best friend from junior high two nights ago. Over the years we have drifted apart and it was a little awkward at first because we had barely exchanged more than a few words for the past 15 years. It's only in the last year that we've been in contact again, thanks to Facebook.   Anyway, he's one of a small number of openly gay guys I know in real life that I feel comfortable talking to about my coming out and more ge



10 things...

So i have things to be thankful for. Lots of things in fact. My somewhat self indulgent post yesterday enumerated my insecurities, but really, i know that the theme of that post should have been much more positive. I have my man... and that is wonderful. I am finding myself more... and coming to terms with who i am. Maybe I am "gay-er" than i thought i was - because i have never felt this way with a woman...   Love has given me a perspective i think on a few things...   (1) I need to wo



Everything I Think and Feel Is Written On My Face, Maybe I'll Be Prettier Now

I think I might be having a mid-life crisis. Except, if you do the math, that means I'll only live to 66, although that's 10 years longer than either of my parents made it, but still, not nearly long enough. I keep running from it, like if I can put it off for another decade or two then that must mean I've outsmarted death somehow. It's inevitable. Death, I mean, but that doesn't mean I'm going willingly.   Do you know that it's less than 1200 days until my daughter graduates from high school



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