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  • Cia

    June CSR Feature: Sneakin by penguinsrgay

    By Cia

    So... why not throw another curveball at you? Plus I really chuckled at the username. This recently finished short story is by a newer author to GA but comes with a high recommendation in its only review... lets get some extra comments and reviews on the story this month!  Sneakin by @penguinsrgay Length: 14,472 Description: A delinquent sneaks out of his home to go shoplifting.  A Reader said: I opened this and started reading it 40 days ago when it posted. It’s taken m
    • 1 comment

It's been a while

Well, Long story short, my holiday break from GA was extended up to February due to Chinese New Years and cold in the middle of January.   I have missed you guys immensely .   News from me:   -Still unemployed, now along with 3 million other happy souls, hurray!!!   -Still going to grad school, had to reduce courseload due to money conservation, but I will finish this year even under a tight budget.   -Dating again, Staunch liberal democrat and MIT computer undergrad. I don't know why



Wow! What a pleasant coincidence!

In the beginning of March I'm planning on taking a trip to Austin for a gay rights rally. I'm really looking forward to it! I've been dying to go to Austin anyway. My friends Claire (who still lives in Louisiana but is planning on moving to Austin), Mandi (Baton Rouge), and Jenn (Ohio, but visiting Mandi) are going to go with me. That ought to be a lot of fun, they'd all come to visit for New Year's and we had a ball! So the rally is on Monday and right now the tentative plan is for them to



The Century Mark

Well, it's finally here. This is my 100th blog entry officially, though I've actually deleted a few, so there have actually been more than that. I have a message for someone. I'm not going into detail or mentioning names, but when I find something distasteful, my conscience tells me to say something. People talk, and I know things. The first thing I want to say is that I think that it's rather rude to rub something in someone's face. Is it not enough to hurt someone? You think pouring salt into



Holding patterns

I hate not being sure of something. I believe this is at the heart of my ... issues lately. That being said, I usually never act on something if there is risk involved. What can I say, I'm a big pussy in that regard. Somehow, over the last several weeks, I am no longer sure of much anything at all and its bugging the hell out of me.   It started with one thing and just ballooned from there. People whose presence I took for granted are talking about moving across the country, the job I have had




So I'm wasting time right now until Kevin decides to wake up. I've been basically living at his apartment, going home to shower/shave/change/grab stuff and then I pretty much come right back, and I go to class. I gotta say it's sort of funny how now that I've backed away from my social circles, everyone's paying a lot of attention to me. It's so ironic that when I actually wanted attention, I could never get anyone to give me the time of day, and now that I have Kevin, everybody wants me to p



It's a long one...

Alright so I haven’t blogged since November and I’ve really been meaning to, I just haven’t found the time. I’m going to end up rambling on and on here so feel free to skip it all   I’ll start with all the things that have been causing me to be overly stressed lately. Which in all honesty is a lot of crap and I’m probably on the verge of having an anxiety attack, but f**k it. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger I guess.   School has been alright, nothing major, but we’re nearing



It's "Me" Time

A lot has happened this week and I mean ALOT   Yes I finally finished LG chapter 6 and almost chapter 7, 6 should be out sometimes this week, and then hopefully go back to weekly chapters, if all goes according to plan.   In other news, I found out tonight for sure...   In a week I'll be on a plane...   Not going anywhere fancy, just to one of the other islands of Hawaii, of which I will spend 8 days, of basic training.   No I did not join the National Guard, or the military, or anythi



In the end only kindness matters.

Or so Jewel said in her single Hands   I believe it personally. In the end there's not much else really. Kindness is simple. Kindness is honest. Kindness trumps all else.   Kindness is more important than being right, more important than being better, more important than agreeing, more important even than love. What is love without kindness? Nothing I'd want to see.   Really I think kindness is love, and forgiveness, and mercy, and humility all rolled into one.   Kindness is comfor



Some things that drive me nuts

#1: People who do the hot and cold thing. Okay, first of all, it seems pretty stupid. I am one who often let's people know what's on my mind. I prefer to know what's going on. My imagination can run wild. It makes it hard for me to sleep and just leads to confusion, frustration, and tension. Tell me how it is. Don't try to save face and avoid the issues. I am no some naive teenager. I'm an adult who just likes to know what's up. I hate mind games.   #2: Just because I don't get along with a pa



Hope, it all comes down to hope...

So it's been an eventful week.   We got approved for our loan modification, I'm two weeks away from getting my substantial raise, one of my very best friends from work got transferred, someone gossiped to me and I acted like a total girl about it, but then I came to my senses (thank you Chris) and we're fine. There was more drama at work, and it wasn't about me, I got volunteered to do the monthly newsletter for in-store communication, and we did 'Go RED' Friday.   It's been raining for tw



Awake, pt. 3

When I met with my therapist last week one of the things we talked about was waking up after 2 or 3 hours and not being able to get back to sleep because I couldn't turn my mind off.   She spoke of recent studies that have shown America seems to be practically alone in its obsession with getting a "full night's sleep." 8 hours of sleep in a single, continuous slog doesn't seem to be the norm. Now, I'm not troubled that it is 0400 and I'm writing this instead of lying in bed trying to get my mi



Half an hour to breakfast

Okay, I'm on a schedule. The mood stabilizer is supposed to be taken 12 hours apart. And, no, I am not keeping a diary. I know I should, but I'm not. I'm not that kind of person.   I've written two previous entries this week. Unfortunately, one is somewhere in GAland hiding under for barren patch of memory because I clicked when I shouldn't and the other because, well, I just didn't feel like posting it, some entries are simply not meant to live.   I'm back in therapy and my counselor is for



I'M the f**ked up one here! B*tch, know your place!

. . . sorry. When I get angry I get all . . . ghetto. Sorry. And let me back up.   My friend Jonathan (the one who recently broke up with his boyfriend, moved out of his parents place and into mine and whose cousin recently died) is going a little nutty. Nutty meaning depressed. And stressed. And, well . . . let me explain something about Jonathan. Now this might not be very nice to say, but I don't count him as a friend. More someone I hang with to not be lonely. But I know he counts me as o



Insurance agent? It does sound interesting...

Well, I've been trying to decide what I really want to do with my life. Recently, the thought occurred to me. Attaining a Life and Health Insurance license in Texas is something I need to look into. I am good at talking to people, and I love helping people. People need life insurance, and I believe I am capable of providing them with what they need. Here's the best part. I don't actually have to have a degree, yet an insurance agent can make $100,000 or more a year, and insurance is one industry



Sun of God or Son of God? Part II

As it turns out, there are many similarities between Horus and Jesus. For examply, both were born to Virgins. Mary, or Miriam, was the mother of Jesus. She was a virgin according to scriptures, and this may have something to do with Virgo, the water bearer. Similarly, Horus was the son of Isis, an Egyptian godess who also was said to be a virgin. Both were said to be divinely the sons of gods. Horus was the son of Osiris, and Jesus was the son of Yehova in the form of The Holy Spirit. Both were



Sun of God or Son of God? Part I

Now, I'm not one to bash religion as a general rule, but this video brings up some interesting thoughts. I just might research the "facts" represented in this video. I will let you all know what I find out.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aW2N46vf4Q&NR=1



The Gathering

Since the last post was a real downer... this one I promise isn't going to be... as much   Me and mom are back to talking after the fight we had. We're gonna be going into counseling together and try to work out the issues that bother us about each other. Till then, we promised each other to steer clear of topics that could lead to another blowout.   Secondly... I miscounted... I've been with matt (as of yesterday) for 4 months not 5... so sue me   Third, i've been getting the feeling th



I sure know how to kill an evening...

Well, I don't suppose that's true. Very often I seem to be able to liven them up. Tonight though I definitely killed it.   I went out to dinner with Scott and Brian then we went for coffee (btw, hottest guy in the WORLD, working behind that counter! ). Anyway, we usually have fairly serious discussions, which is one of the things I enjoy most about hanging out with them. We discuss philosophy, death, politics, religion (ad nauseum), and pretty much anything else.   Anyway, last night



Blogging without blogging

It seems that very often when I sit down to write a blog entry I write a really long, open, honest one...then I decide I should post it in my private journal instead.   Just did that actually. I really enjoyed writing it, and perhaps in a few months or years I'll enjoy reading it again. I didn't post it not because it was particularly personal, just because it was so long, so self-involved.   I mean blogs are supposed to be self-involved aren't they? Or at least I would assume that it's



Mixed Bag and Breaking Mountains...

I hate not getting a straight answer.   So there was a meeting on Wednesday, has to do with my future to some degree. You see I have been getting the mail for the business the last few days and there have been a few notices from the pay-phone company we deal with, which basically say: "Hey, we've noticed that you have opened an escrow account, please inform the new owner that we have a contract with you, and the new contract will be binding for them as well!" Okay so there is an es




*Cue Soap Opera Music*   Well... it happened. World War 3 between me and my mom. We went at it yesterday over the most random of things and it ended up being about me and my sexuality and how it hurts her. How it wound from me saving money to me being gay and such, I have no idea. She ended up telling me how I was irresponsible, how I should have matt start paying my medical bills, and some really hurtful comments. I ended up telling her exactly how I felt (and a few weeks of bottled up feelin



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