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  • Cia

    May Signature Author Feature: Calliope's Carousel by Parker Owens

    By Cia

    This month I thought I'd feature something light with variety... like my weather today as I set up this blog which has been hail, rain, sun, rain, clouds, sun, rain, sun, sun, sun... seriously?! I hope you will enjoy @Parker Owens options a lot more!  Length: 2,774 Description: A collection of poems for NaPoWriMo 2024. A reader said:  You sure know how to paint a picture. ~weinerdog   If you want to spread the word about Parker Owen's submission, download the graph
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I sure know how to kill an evening...

Well, I don't suppose that's true. Very often I seem to be able to liven them up. Tonight though I definitely killed it.   I went out to dinner with Scott and Brian then we went for coffee (btw, hottest guy in the WORLD, working behind that counter! ). Anyway, we usually have fairly serious discussions, which is one of the things I enjoy most about hanging out with them. We discuss philosophy, death, politics, religion (ad nauseum), and pretty much anything else.   Anyway, last night



Blogging without blogging

It seems that very often when I sit down to write a blog entry I write a really long, open, honest one...then I decide I should post it in my private journal instead.   Just did that actually. I really enjoyed writing it, and perhaps in a few months or years I'll enjoy reading it again. I didn't post it not because it was particularly personal, just because it was so long, so self-involved.   I mean blogs are supposed to be self-involved aren't they? Or at least I would assume that it's



Mixed Bag and Breaking Mountains...

I hate not getting a straight answer.   So there was a meeting on Wednesday, has to do with my future to some degree. You see I have been getting the mail for the business the last few days and there have been a few notices from the pay-phone company we deal with, which basically say: "Hey, we've noticed that you have opened an escrow account, please inform the new owner that we have a contract with you, and the new contract will be binding for them as well!" Okay so there is an es




*Cue Soap Opera Music*   Well... it happened. World War 3 between me and my mom. We went at it yesterday over the most random of things and it ended up being about me and my sexuality and how it hurts her. How it wound from me saving money to me being gay and such, I have no idea. She ended up telling me how I was irresponsible, how I should have matt start paying my medical bills, and some really hurtful comments. I ended up telling her exactly how I felt (and a few weeks of bottled up feelin




People are jerks. Just an observation. Some days it shows more than others. Today was one of those days. At L&J some kid opened a door for a woman on crutches and as she tried to move forward a guy on a cellphone barged right past her. At the grocery store they opened a second lane and the lady at the end of the line with the largest order cut everyone off to get to it. At the pharmacy I waited 25 minutes to pick up my dad


DomLuka in Dom Luka

Anthem Of Our Dying Day

The stars will cry The blackest tears tonight And this is the moment that I live for I can smell the ocean air And here I am Pouring my heart onto these rooftops Just a ghost to the world That's exactly Exactly what I need   From up here the city lights burn Like a thousand miles of fire And I'm here to sing this anthem Of our dying day   Being sick is very overrated. LG is going to be late in posting this week. I just haven't had the time to write, with Tiff visiting and work bei



Vampires and Weight Loss

I've been seeing this guy, Kevin, for the past few days. Well, basically I met him about four days ago and have slept at his apartment (with my undies still on, might I add) each night since.   I went to the restaurant on campus by the library because my friend girl-Jamie (she's girl-Jamie and I'm boy-Jamie because we're name-mates) because she wanted Marti and I to go with her to meet people and get foodz. I got there and I saw Kevin, and I immediately thought "Jesus, he's adorable. Not



Can't get ahead

Okay, so I dropped my classes so I could move to Texas, and now they want like a ton of money, money I don't really have. Why does it seem that the whole world is out to get me? All I want is to get back into class and finish my college education. I guess it's just not in the cards for me.



Awake, pt. 2

Went to the shrink yesterday and had a good visit. On past visits it's been "Hi, how're you doin'?", "Feelin' well?", "Okay, I'll see you in two months."   This time we seriously discussed me being severely depressed and he seemed to be listening. He suggested changes in the antidepressant I'm taking since the Celexa doesn't seem to be working as well as it should. His first suggestion was Zoloft. Second, he asked if I wanted to go back to Prozac, which worked fairly well. Unfortunately, I cou



Cloudy Days in Paradise

I love cloudy days. I've always loved them. I think I like the mood it creates, slightly sad, slightly thoughtful, and it gives you a chance to think. On sunny says, people want to be happy and smile and all that blah, blah crap. Today it was on and off cloudy. I bought some groceries and coffee and sat outside, people watching. It's rather fun. I never understood why my dad would sit for hours in Taipain or Fay Da in Chinatown just sipping coffee and watching people. But it's really fun and you



Spicy taco....

So, yeah entry number two, because Im mad bored like this and I found this story particularly entertaining.   So my sister has (had? its hard to keep up some days) a crush on a guy that works down the way. I find him particularly Goober-ish... He even has a a shirt with sushi on it, and covets a shower curtain painted with large vestiges of the fishy entr



Forcibly domesticated...

Before we go there, YES I am house broken, and alright, I have been "domesticated" for awhile it was just a catchy title and sums up what I spent the weekend doing rather nicely.   Perhaps I should explain...   Lately I haven't had much time between work school and trying to be social on some levels. Unfortunately for my bedroom, it has taken the brunt of my procrastination. The problem only compounded it self when you add in 3 semesters worth of school papers and books. Compound all that w



I miss being rude

Or so I accidentally said in a text this afternoon.   I was hanging out at our favourite cafe with Scott and Brian today when I got a text from John. He moved away to Connecticut a couple of weeks ago and it was basically a "hey, what are you up to" text. So I responded saying where we were and he said "Aww, I miss going there." Now I meant to respond with "I miss being here with you." Unfortunately, I suck at texting/typing/reading and talking/listening so I was saying to Scott and Bri



Sweet and Sour Pork

For a good thirty years, it was a tradition for my sisters and me to take our mother to lunch for her birthday every February. We would go to the same Chinese restaurant that my family had all patronized for years. The owner and wait staff knew us by name. The four of us would always spend time looking over the menu, asking each other what they were planning to order. It was a major production each and every time as the menu was extensive. The head waiter would smile and wait patiently for our



First time driving in Dallas

Today I went on an adventure. Before I left Kansas, my cousin wrecked my car. The car was a total loss, and I had to get another one. I found a car. However, in order to get there, we had to go north of Dallas. In fact it was the next town, Carrollton. I ended up buying a 1996 Buick LeSabre, and I love it! I did not drive to Dallas, but I did drive back to Waxahachie. I was nervous. The largest city I had driven in was Kansas City, Missouri. Just to put it into prospective, Dallas has a populati



Prayers for Bobby

Dear Bobby,   I am so sorry for what you went through and the way that you ended your life. I know what it feels like because I was there at one point in my life. I wanted to die and not live anymore because of the way I saw things. It took a strong person and a failed attempt to realize what I had and what I would've lost.   I look back on it today and see how much my life has changed since then. While I still deal with some of the things that caused me to go deep into my depression, I look



Visually Male

I'm taking a course on Human Sexuality, which I thought was going to be interesting and philosophical, when it's just an upgraded sex ed class. Anyway, in the class the teacher was explaining that the reason men are associated more with watching pornography is that they're more visual while women are more tactile. I thought this was interesting, since five or so of my current song obsessions were just okay until I saw a video of some sort for them.   This would also explain why women and g



Dysfunction, yay.

I may have had a slight break with reality. So my dresser started talking to me. I'm gonna assume it was my dresser anyway, because I feel like it's less weird for an object to talk to me than for me to hear a voice coming from nowhere. I've never actually heard voices before, so it was interesting.   Last night I got put in handcuffs again, hahaha. Silly UPD caught me with booze and was all rawr. That was just a scare tactic of course because really all they did was give me a ticket and



I'll stick around :-)

I'll be alright. I just want to take a breather. That's all. I'm actually working on a story, and I am hoping to have it done in time for the next anthology. The bad part is that I'm probably going to need a new editor, because I figure Jan is busy. I've enjoyed having him as an editor, but I want him to be able to do what he needs to do. If anyone is interested, shoot me a PM. I need a beta reader as well. I cannot say much is except that it's not my usual. It's not sci-fi or fantasy, and it's



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