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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Praying for August

So this summer is going to be entirely too busy! I've been dreading it for months now, and it basically officially started for me Monday and now I'm just desperately hoping I can hold out till August.   I have to take THREE summer courses, a major exams (5 hours long!), do observations and curriculum AND work full-time!   Basically this translates into getting up early every morning, working, going straight to class, not getting home till about 8:30 or 9 at night (and that's for right now



Made Marion

I made Marion, IL, tonight instead of stopping in Paducah. My new load delivers tomorrow evening in Sterling, IL, so I wanted to get as far as possible today without messing up my log book. Actually, I was planning on fudging on the book a little, but the scale was open south of Marion so there is a record of my truck passing through it at about the time I wanted to show I was already in Marion. I know it sounds complicated, but running out of hours is a major screw-up and I've been driving long



size matters?

Alright, I suppose it's time for such a blog... After all, the running jokes are 'It's always about size with you guys' and 'I thought you said it was a good size'.   Rich and I were just driving home and this commercial came on the radio that started out...   "Does size matter? OF COURSE IT DOES!!! I lived with four girls in college and listened to them talking about men and their experiences, so I know, IT DOES MATTER! But it's not length they want, it's width and thickness, and now you c



How safe is your job?

So after a long conversation with Rayna about an incident at my working place I started thinking... (I know, I know it's a miracle right?)   I guess I should start off by explaining what happened then?   So If you didn't already know, one of my jobs involves working with kids, teaching classes etc doing the afternoon. Well during the evenings we have groups who come in and use our facilities, so I pretty much hang out in the office and do some fileing/paperwork and make sure that everyon




You've probably heard me say this before, but I like Missouri. In fact, I like Missouri so much I'd like to see it become the first totally gay state in the United States.   I think we should demand this at the next convention of the Gay Agenda. Missouri needs us.   Look at what this state has to offer. First off, it's mostly green. Well, in the winter the corn and soybean fields do go a bit brown, but there are the trees, no, wait they aren't green either. Okay, it's not green in the winter




It's still winter in Wyoming.   Last night I picked up a trailer headed for South Carolina. I have to be there Tuesday.   I stopped for breakfast in Sinclair, Wyoming. If you're familiar with Sinclair gasoline, this is where it comes from. From what I understand the downtown area is quite picturesque from when this was a company town.   It was snowing a little when I stopped. Just a little. I took a little nap. I ate a breakfast cookie, banana, drank an orange juice, and swallowed my meds.



*sick cackle*

I've been sick...unfortunatly. I hate colds. As it is, I can't move from 10 feet from my fan without getting all hot. On top of that, I'm in lots of pain, mostly my back. I'm stuck taking some major pain killers and hoping to high hell that it will go away. It's ebil!! Ebil I say! :icon_twisted: See!!   I hate colds. But at least I've been doing a lot of writing. Finished an entry for another forum and the writing excersise that we had. It was so much fun! Now...I have a story to finish before

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

2 years old

Its been a little over 2 years since I came out to myself. I hardly even remember what it was like thinking I was anything other than gay. My rebirth as a gay man 2 years ago resulted in a great deal of personal growth and changes, many good but the occasional one a bit more painful to go through.... life before being openly gay is now more of a distant memory, almost as though it happened to somebody else.   In some senses, it did happen to someone else. The me before I came out was radicall


Demetz in Demetz

Round 2

A few people know my Aunt is just recovering from a battle with breast cancer that cost her, her left breast. She is the reason the pink racing Strip appeard on my home page. Her Cancer was agressive, and the "suspect" she had found doubled in size in the month it took her to get the mammography appointment. Subsequently it had spread into the lymph nodes on the left side of her body as well.   Those were removed at the same time her left breast was removed. From there she faced chemo therapy



Here's what Obama has to do

So it's pretty obvious that Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee. Unless there's some underhanded deal in a back alley abortion clinic somewhere that gives Hillary the nomination, that is. So, now it's Obama vs. McCain, and the attacks will no doubt start flying his way from the repukes. So what's an extreme leftist piece of crap like Obama to do?   Give the Iraqi's a real date to have control over the violence in their own country Offer incentives to American companies to research a



Some People

Everyone now and then, we read or hear about a reason why more people should practice birth control. This Houston Chronicle story is about such an example. I read the story just a few minutes before starting this entry, but I thought I would share it. I am not sure that sharing this story in the forums would be a good idea. Anyway, what these guys did was not only creepy, it was a reprehensible way to treat another human being who is no longer among the living. What is wrong with people these da




I'm in the Econo Lodge in Salt Lake City hoping I'll get my new truck today. There's a chance I might have to take a Kenworth W900 which presents itself a whole lot better than a Volvo 670, but it's a bear to back into tight docks. At this point in time I can't be too picky though. You don't have to take a W900, but it might mean sitting for another day until a Volvo comes out of the detail shop.   No, I haven't written anything. I meant to, I tried to, but not a lot came out. Chapter Six isn'



The Perks of Being a Wallflower

If you haven't read the book, do it soon. I'm rereading it, and I'm quite fond of this book. Definitely on my top ten list, anyway. So, this is a poem from the book that I thought worth sharing. It's a really important part of the book and you'll understand more if you read the book, but it's awesome even by itself. I hope you enjoy it, anyway.   Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines   he wrote a poem   And he called it "Chops"   because that was the name of his dog  




So, the following is something that is intimately personal. Tony, my baby brother who isn't such a baby anymore at 21, wrote this for a writing class in college and I asked him if I could post it here because it was so special and means a lot to me.   It's interesting reading his version of what happened when I was there living it too, and how much his memories are only a tiny sliver of everything that was actually happening. I'm glad I could protect him from remembering those things, cause t



If I hadn't left...

I had the most amazing weekend!   I got back into Baton Rouge Friday afternoon and visited with my friend Mandi until Saturday afternoon. We relieved all the things we used to do and pretty much spent the whole time talking non-stop. We're both very chatty people, especially her, so it was a ball. I got really nostalgic seeing all the old places and how they've changed and how they haven't.   Over dinner Friday night we went to our favourite restaurant, where we used to go about once a



My sentiments

I deleted the entry from last night, because I thought I was actually too harsh. Here's the bottom line. What I said about them is strictly my opinion. As for the accusation that I know nothing about it, I talk to some people who have been at GA for a long time, and I have no reason to doubt what they have to say. Based on the information I have, I formed an opinion. As far as I know, it's the most well-informed one. I also trust people more when they have a certain level of loyalty here. Obviou




Well, I finally pounded out a new chapter of If By Chance. Hopefully, if I get it back soon enough, I can send it in and have it posted by this weekend. I really apologize to my readers for the delay, but I



Across the field, through the tunnel, and over the fence.

So a couple of days ago the craziest thing happened! I was minding my own business at work and it was time to go to lunch. So I walked out, and realized that I'd gone out the wrong door and that my truck was on the other side of campus (I'm a sub. teacher for those who don't know). SO, I thought, "it's a nice day, no point in turning around, I'll just cut across this field." So I cut across this GIANT field only to find that there was in fact no easy way to get back to my truck and that I ha



Changes are afoot

I haven't written anything in a week.   No big deal, so far.   But, I have been busy. Maybe too busy.   We (my, the wife, Bonita, and our son) are leaving Friday morning for Salt Lake City. I got the call this morning that I'm on for orientation at the trucking company I worked for first. I'll be there until Wednesday afternoon when I get a truck. Then it's boogie, boogie, boogie on down the road.   It'll take a while to get up to speed, but I think I'll be smokin' on all cylinders by th



Things To Know When Going To Hawaii!

You Know You're From Hawaii When...   You can understand and speak PIDGIN english.   You go to dinner and "make one plate" with all the extra food leftover.   You automatically take off your shoes in people's homes.   You wear rubber slippers to the beach.   You eat rice every single day.   It's "shave ice" not"snow cones".   When you know NEVER to turn your back facing the ocean.   You know what ukus are and have had them at least once before when you was one little keiki.   Y



Chill out! I want to stand out in a crowd!

I'm sure we all know people who get offended at the drop of a hat, right? Well, this is one of my pet peeves. I mean what the hell is wrong with people? So somebody teased you with a joke. Who cares? Just let it go already. There are plenty of things in this world to be mad about like the seeming lack of wonderful presidential candidates this year. I know which one I want to vote for, but I'm still not overly thrilled with him.   Now everyone seems to be copying Viv's latest blog and taking t



I stole it too! (another survey thingy)

Could you forgive your best friend for sleeping with your partner? I would definitely want, and expect, to forgive them at some point, but in all likelihood both relationships would be over. How old will you be on your next birthday? I hate this question   I shall be 24; now leave me alone about my age!   Have you ever seen a live bat? Yuppers, there's a 'bat colony' in Houston, and I'd seen them before then. They're cute little things!   Is there anything/anyone you hate? ...I hat



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