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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Busy, Busy, Busy!

Yikes! It has been awhile, hasn't it?   For those of you that don't know this by now, I get up about an hour early every morning to take care of emails and other Site related stuff. I generally eat breakfast while doing this.   Then it is all day at work.   When I get home, I boot back up the computer and spend an hour or two taking care of email and posts on the site.   This is every weekday.   Weekends are much the same, except I don't have to go to work.   Lately,


Myr in Life

It finally came to me

Yesterday morning as I was preparing my breakfast the full realization of my change in status finally hit me.   I am mentally ill. :wacko:   We talk about them. We see advertisements on television about how we should care about them, stop discriminating against them, and come to embrace their unique needs.   I am them.   When I used to work in downtown Seattle



I'm alive!

Or at least in some semblence of life. I'm in pain and I'm sleepy still. Left over migraine pain...really. It sucks and I can't wait until I'm once more better. It's the summer heat thats doing me in. Beyond that, I'm working on my stories, all of them. Including the fanfiction stories. Yes, I write fanfiction. Slash actually. It's all good. I'm conteplating starting to post my fanfiction stories here but I don't know yet. I'll think about it.

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

Stuck in a valley, with no peaks in sight.

Life happens, when you're not looking. Allot of people, i think, fail to realize that. There is an expectation that one day we will wake up and Life is going to start. We'll have the career, the love, vacations in Spain etc. The only trouble is, in this yearning, this waiting for something big to happen; we overlook life. The fragments in time that shape our existence.   Sometimes I have a nagging feeling that time is running away. I don't know what it is, or where it comes from, yet I still



The severs have been tied

So William isn't moving to Kentucky after all. Predictably, his relationship didn't work out. Honestly I'm just so relieved it ended before he moved. Of course this aborted relocation doesn't change the fact that he and Scott have to move. The house they were renting is being sold. Originally the landlord was giving them till the beginning of the summer, but after all the stuff with William likely moving to Kentucky, and Scott and Luke deciding to move in together everything was pushed up a



helluva weekend....

Friday counts as part of the weekend, right? It does? Good... cause then I can include how I am now the mother of a fertile, almost-teenage girl... nuff said.   Then, Saturday I had a day that I think I'd like to never repeat again if possible, and it was pretty weird for a lot of reasons. First, a guy I know and love, who's pretty young, asked me when the right time was to tell someone you love them. Then I took my kids to buy some books and a birthday present formy daughter's friend, and the



The FCC can KMA

I decided to post my opinions here, because I'm not sure if my level of outrage is allowed in the forum. Yes, I mean it. The Federal Communications Commission can kiss my ass. They are a bunch of fascist pigs who should not even exist. Everyone remembers a few years ago when Janet Jackson showed her boob on tv and the unnecessary outrage it caused. I'm more outraged by the outrage personally. In Europe, the outrage would be over the fact that she didn't do so 10-20 years earlier when her breasts



How far we've come

I saw him for the last time last night. I didn't get off work until 11:20, but I still headed over. My friends all said I didn't have an obligation to go, but I said I had to. I rushed from my classes earlier in the day to go buy his birthday presents, and I also made this picture frame of him and me with little inside jokes on it. I drove all the way over there with my friend, and I am so glad she came with me. When I got there, I felt so uncomfortable. I didn't know anyone else, he did a




It's been a month. Over. I completely skipped March. I have been unreasonably busy. I haven't even had time to talk to Mike in about that long, which had been heading towards an every day thing. In summary I:   *Moved. *Saw my folks. *Worked two jobs to pay for above activities. *Slept when and where I could I also had to find time to keep up some kind of exercise, lest I *gasp* gain weight. I barely had time to read or write either. It's been unreal. It is little wonder the couple grey ha



This is okay?

I was congratulating myself this morning while I prepared breakfast. I have been feeling rather good lately. Slight depression now and then, very slight indeed. Plus, I'm not overly happy. Just kind of okie-dokie all the time.   Well, most of the time.   This is afternoon I slipped back a bit. I went out to move the van inside the fence and realized I could just drive away. I could go to the bank and take out a couple thousand and simply disappear like I wanted to do four years ago when I wa



Yes, I'm still alive!

Hey guys, sorry I've been out of touch for so long ... things have been really hectic since I got my promotion at work, and I'm doing a lot of translation work in addition to that, so I haven't had much time for anything other than working. But, I'm still here, and I still plan on writing ... I just need a little time for things to get settled down! *Hug*



And do it with me...*le sigh*

I'm bored. Yes bored. I have nothing really to do. I can't do much of anything until wolfy sends me a pm or e-mail telling me that he's still alive and able to work with me, but I think I'll still talk with Talon about getting a new editor in a couple of weeks if he haven't answered me. If I'm not recieving his e-mails or pms (assuming he's sending them) then I'll have to chew some people out, otherwise, I cling to the hope that I haven't ticked off wolfy in some way... Other then that, I c

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

Change, of course

I've been toying with the idea of putting my first novel on GA for a number of months, but I didn't want to do it at the same time as "Chartreuse" like I did with "Pastel" and "Tim". It's just too damn confusing having two stories coming off the press at the same time.   What I couldn't figure out was when to put it up, ie, before "Chartreuse" or after. As I got closer and closer to the time for "Chartreuse" to go up, the greater the difficulty I was having with getting it to go. First it was



tools you can use: the freebies

The Free Stuff:   Anti-virus Software AVG Anti-virus: the most popular free-ware anti-virus Avast anti-virus: another freeware A-V choice   Anti-Spyware Software Ad Aware Spy Bot   Cleanup/tune-up utilities ccleaner cleans up temp and junk files, scans registry for known bugs     <More later>



Safe mode is your friend

Windows XP is a wonder. It has thousands of files and a registry that turns mere mortals into jelly should they attempt to play with it.   As fancy as it is, Xp users can run into a lot of headaches. Viruses, worms and spyware (Oh my. ) are a sad fact of intenet life and anyone that has suffered their wrath won't soon forget it.   A feature of XP that many people either forget about or have never hear of is called Safe Mode. When you boot the system hit the F8 key and windows will load with



The Gasman Cometh

Our house is an enigma. It was built in the late 60s by a US Army top sergeant to be his retirement home. Well, by the time full retirement came around, he was living somewhere else and our house was fulfilling its purpose as a rental. We'll have been here ten years this August. Ten years of interesting surprises and angry outbursts of extreme aggravation.   Unfortunately, we've contributed to the house's inability to perform at its best. A number of years ago we decided we needed gas heat to



Major Changes in my Life Ahead

Yikes!   Just when I thought things were bad enough, I've been laid off! But don't worry, I've landed on my feet. More on that in a bit.   OK, let me back up a bit. If you haven't read it already, go back and read my story, The New Job. This is not only the story of my coming out to my wife, but it chronicles the story of my career, too. Although the story is fictional, the scenario is close enough. After finishing university, graduate school and medical school, I did my residency



Returning to the previous schedule as best as possible

Okay, so... after some clearing up by the administration as to what constitutes porn in their eyes, i will soon be posting Nathan and David part 2, not quite on the schedule i had hoped, but probably within a week. Liberty Island will remain behind the scenes and a chapter of Webs should be on its way by some time in the middle weeks of the month. Sorry about all the confusion.   Also, while you're here, I updated the story tracker to give a summary for the month of march. Hopefully at some po


Demetz in Demetz

A Trend-Setting Puppy

I found this old thread on the site. I couldn't resist turning it into a short-short story for the amusement of all. Keep in mind the fact that this is satire. If you do not have a sense of humor, do not read this!   Once upon a time, there was a mad scientist named Snow Dog. Snow Dog, being a naughty puppy, decided to reach new heights as one of the first members of gayauthors.org to join the millennium club. With pride he created a thread to mark his great achievement. In the process, four



April Foolish

I'm not, by the way, so y'all can get back to the more important things in life.   I've been having a small problem with the new story. One of the characters, Jim, is in his early 70s and he's being difficult. Every time I get around to attempting to write about him, I run into a block. It wasn't until this morning that I finally figured out what's wrong with Jim.   For starters, what's right about Jim is he's a fairly famous sci-fi writer whose early work bordered on blatant pornography. N



I'll just sit this round out okay?

So life goes on, the world turns, and predictably young gay males find themselves surrounded by drama. I think it's just the way of things. Only I just really want to sit this round out. I mean I always try to avoid drama anyway, but quite often I get sucked into my friends' problems and thrown into the middle of things. This time I'm just NOT going to do it.   Things with William and Scott are continuing to get worse. I can't even mention William's name without Scott making a sarcastic,




I'm back to 276. For a few days I pushed it up to 279, but this morning I was back to 276. Difference? Haven't partaken of the Mexican food for two days and the day before yesterday I had Albondigas, which is a really, really good soup.   The mood stabilizer seems to have kicked in. I'm kind of blah most of the time, but there seems to be an edge of anger that hangs over me like that famous sword. I feel like exploding at the slightest provocation, like this morning when the wife commented tha



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