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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter

Wild Life, with extra pretty for your enjoyment

Chapter one of Wild Life is up for your reading pleasure. New chapters should come every two or three weeks, if all goes well.   One thing that's new with this is some bonus prettiness. As I'm sure anyone who's read my stuff's noticed, the styling I use in the HTML-converted documents is... minimal. (Well, okay, nonexistent) That's been on purpose -- I've enough trouble making sure all the crap that Word stuffs into a document is stripped out, and I've never been good at making things look nic



Running Out

So I'm not unhappy or frustrated or anything. I wouldn't even describe myself as especially stressed or frustrated. Just...emotionally (and slightly physically) exhausted.   Fortunately, things seem to have settled down for me. Unfortunately, they seem to have heated up for most of my friends. Not only am I still trying to be there for Claire, but my other close childhood friend in a lesbian relationship is also having trouble with said lesbian relationship AND going through employment tur



Muse, Where Art Thou?

My muse has been missing for a couple of days. I have no idea where he went. Oh, how I wish he would return as fast as lightning. I suppose everyone goes through such times. I don't think I'm "blocked", but I can't seem to think of anything when I try. I think it's more of a temporary kind of thing... at least, I hope it is.



I started to read...

So, I started to read Tigers story, 'Second Chances' and already I'm ready to bust out in tears. It's because it deals with some touchy subjects, including suicide of a lover/friend. I'm not going into details quite yet, but it hits home with me in a lot of ways so far. So, Tiger, dear, wonderful story so far. I have started on another one shot and will be working with Gary and Jason to get it right and to get the feelings across correctly. Wish me luck.

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis


Not brilliant words, but the first I have written in ages. I am hoping they have made enough of a crack in the wall for me to get through. Maybe it has, because I just finished sending a long email to someone I haven't really "talked" to in a while.   I've been avoiding most everyone for a while. Mostly because I have been withdrawn inside myself. I'm trying to get out of there because "inside myself" is a really anoying place to be. You all are much more interesting that I am and I wou



Something important.

I started to read GaryInMiami's post, Weird Night, and some how it we started to talk about why I write male/male stories. the conversation turned out to say (I'm in the pink while Gary is in the weird purple):     I go on to thank him and what not. I have started to write such a story, which I'm finding is indeed theraputic for me. I post this so that anyone else who has faced this type of lose knows that they are not alone out there. I'll post the link for when I post the story here, in

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

"You're high functioning for being mentally ill.", and the weekend

-------Swear to god, someone told that to me the other day. I just kinda looked at him, a questioning look on my face, confused and surprised and offended. I guess I just don't consider myself "mentally ill." It sounds so, wrong. But I suppose it's true, bipolar disorder is mentally ill, though it's a mood disorder. It's most notable when people meet me for the first time. I've seen it many times. Hard to maintain relationships too. People are kept at a safe distance.   -------So Friday night



Meltdown imminent

I passed all of my finals thankfully and walked away with a 3.25 gpa. but my classes start back tomorrow. DAMN!!   Why do some people always feel the need to try to take advantage of you when you try to help them? I went into work saturday to make up a day missed on wednesday, and I was only supposed to be there to assist the girl who was working but she never even showed for work. during registration. needless to say everyone was past pissed, but add to that the fact that admissions were a



Crisis of Faith

I went out with Viv the weekend before last. We enjoyed a sun and rain filled day at Disneyland with Will and Rich. It was a grand time all things considered. Will got a kick out of the "happy" guy in mock lederhosen who was checking seat belts on the Matterhorn. Horrible ride by the way, I swear I bruised my scrotum on its jostling turns.   For those of you who don't know, Viv doesn't do down. So that killed allot of the rides at the park across the way. Though we did have an interesting conv



Better thoughts

So, so far, my electricity has shut off twice in 30 minutes, making me lose most of my information and right in the middle of a paragraph to. Both times! I hate dust storms. They get sand every where and irritate my sinuses. It sucks something fierce. But at least it's not snow! That's a good thing, right? Right, anyways. I'm now sitting here with a candle and a lighter within easy grabbing distance as I curse my cold. Apparently if you put me into a cold enviroment, I can walk out side wearing

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

some thoughts...again.

Okay...so....bunny bites hurt...a lot...especially when they're plot bunny bites. I have a name for my newest chapter story. 'A Butterfly's Dream.' Thank you, Grame for the help with the butterfly part there. I have the prolouge in the sneek peek section and I am currently discussing it with Jason. We're trying to build a conversation. It's kinda hard to do when you have no idea what to say. But for now...I'm going to read his blog.

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

fortune cookies

Your personality is fueled by the fascination you feel for life...   Mmhmm...   So I have a couple work stories...   *Disclaimer* I don't normally call people names like I'm about to use, or descriptions, but as I have no other way to communicate the details to you, I'm going to make an exception this time.   *On with the stories*   Last night at work, this gross, fat, hairy, man with man boobs came through my line to buy a frozen pizza and ginger ale. He was wearing a button down



People are A**holes

Perhaps it's the energy drink talking, or the fact that I'm up at 3 in the morning desperately trying to finish writing a 5 page research paper, (that I haven't started yet) but...   I'm seriously getting fed up with people. People that for the past months I've spent so much time with just keep disappointing me. It's so immature and such childish behavior too and I just can't understand WHY. And what irritates me even more is that I put up with it, I give them the benefit of the doubt, hell




Fair warning to all those who live around hawaii.   I am now A Licensed Driver!!!   So for those of you who don't understand...   STAY OFF THE SIDEWALKS AND IN YOUR HOMES RWAR!!!   <--- Thrilled to finially have total and utter FREEDOM!   Will blog more after I'm done joy riding thru North Shore =P   -Mike



An unusual request

Ok, so I'm at a crossroad. I've been working on a short story, and I'm about 2900 words into it, but I'm stuck. It's been a month since I started writing the joker, and I hate to let it go to waste. On the other hand, I think I made a mistake with it, but I can't know for sure. What I'd like is for another author, efiction, promising, shared hosted or hosted, it doesn't matter to me, to take what I've written and continue the story. Do whatever you want with it, change the names of the charact




I'm sick of being sick. I think my fever is starting to break though. It's still at 101.2 but it stopped going up at least.   My sisters friends are alcoholics. This is the second night in a row they've been here and I'm starting to get annoyed. I need to move out. Maybe then I'll actually be able to sleep.   Short blog. I'm lazy and don't feel like typing.   Joe   (Who needs to eat.)



In the Future

Chapter 11 of Dark Earth: The Prophecy is coming soon. I have decided on a Saturday night upload. As for Chapters 12-15 and beyond, that will not be until after I finish my anthology over the weekend. I shall not reveal the title at this time. I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to. I have not worked on Second Chances for a while. However, I intend to focus on Second Chances as well as a new series of short stories called "Who We Are" after I finish the first volume of Dark Earth. There is also a



I surprise myself sometimes

I'm being remarkably stupid today. It amazes me how often this happens, actually. I'm comfortably in the high nineties when it comes to measurable intelligence, and I was nearly always in the top third of any class when I was in college (only four exceptions, and in two of them I was near the top when it came to actually understanding the material, despite my laziness when it came to doing the work, which drove my instructors to distraction). So I shouldn't be stupid, or at least not illogical.



Happy Birthday, Will!

Well, the boy is out of town, but it warrants mentioning nevertheless. Besides, he'll be home again tomorrow, or tonight, I forget, and so...   HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WILL! Hope you had a nice trip and that you recovered from spending the day with Steve, Rich, and I. I know I can be whiny (about my hair and wet underwear) and say not nice things (when I feel like I left my stomach back up on some rollercoaster) but I hope you had a nice time. (Rich said I DO say not nice things! He's reading over my



playing hooky

OK. so i know that i got out of class at noon today and should have came straight home to study for my final which i have in 9 hrs, but acting like a fool in DC seemed like so much more fun at the time. Me and two friends who we will call euro and logic went to the fashion center at the pentagon to start. now keep in mind that euro is a girl and logic is a guy. so euro drags us to forever XXI(WTF!?!) and we end up laughing at the clothes as well as the employees. we even get told off nad n



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