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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter

What the hell?

I know the whole dating game is just that a game. A way to find out what interests us, and what we can definately live with out. That said, why do we feel intimidated by people we find interesting? Under that intimidation, why do we take the next thing? Why not just soldier through and grow a set or two and ask the person we find interesting out?   My sister has this hot and cold crush on the guy that works down the way. She is too affraid to move things along, fearing rejection I guess. I can



What's the sitches, bitches?

HAHAHAHA! I heard that last night on the comedy channel and was hysterical for a good five minutes afterwards... although in my defense, I was exhausted and had just spent nine hours in a grocery store.   So, I spent the day doing nothing, so far anyway. I managed to get Ventrilo installed and got Davey to come, too and then they all teamed up on me... but I can handle it it's pretty cool. I talked to Adrian Michaels, Rakuten, Lost Cause, Tob, and Davey for a while. It was pretty easy to in



So I need to go revamp my website

Since it's looking a little dated. 1993 dated, back when the best you could do with HTML was colors and text size. (Yeah, yeah, I remember building one of the original versions of Mosaic from source, and the NCSA http server. Hey, y'damn kids, get off of my lawn!) Given that tests the limits of my graphic arts prowess, it's not something I poke at much. That needs to change, though -- with Ben and William's first novel starting, plus Carpe Diem (finally!) starting up, and Busted getting shopped



Mercury Messenger's First Look

Here is Messenger's first look at Mercury: the first pictures since Mariner 10 made three fly bys in 1974 and 1975.   It is believed that Mercury's surface has been largely undisturbed since the Solar Systems late bombardment phase ~4-5 billion years ago.   Over the next few months Messenger will settle in to an orbit of Mercury and will stay there for extended studies of the planet.



He really hates me

...I didn't realize that until tonight.   So everyone remember the friend former friend who ended our relationship coldly and completely with a letter? Well, it sucked alot, and it hurt like hell, as I'm sure you've all gathered from my blogs. It didn't help that the events transpired while I was physically as sick as I've been in years, and shortly before I quit my job and broke up with my boyfriend. In fact I think there's some old adage somewhere about striking someone with your foot whi



This should be fun

A week or so ago, I was chatting with Mike about how I was a morning person, and quite happy to be one. Aside for a couple years (ages 15-19), I've been getting up earlier than my peers and enjoying that sort of existence. It was really great when I was going to college, and summer mornings it could seem like no one for about a mile was up at 7 am except for me.   And now my work has switched me to a 7pm to 7am schedule, meaning I have now joined the dark side.   Except I haven't, really. I'



Okay, so its been a while...

A general update on things....   Gavin and I are friends, and not more. His low sex drive and disinterest in the romantic did not make him a good match for me for a boyfriend... we're still friends though. I actually just got him a job working at the same theater I'm working at.   Oh yeah, I got a job working at a theater. The pay sucks, but I do like the job and the people I work with.   I'm looking at a job elsewhere, if I can go to work as a waiter in a restaurant around here, I think


Demetz in Demetz

In the end

...only kindness matters. These are words to live by.   People are not inherently kind. We're a twisted, complicated bunch. We hurt others. We disappoint others. We always believe that the hurt we cause is greatly out-weighed by the hurt we go through. I don't think this is the case.   But I think it's okay to hurt. It's a part of life, a learning experience that spurs empathy and helps us reevaluate our circumstances. Does this mean we should hurt others to help them grow and ma



Ben and William ride again

After altogether too long, it's time for another run with Ben and William. Coming Home is up for your reading pleasure. Prequel to Dirty Basement, and sequel of a sort to Firegrass, the guys are moving from itinerant barbarian heroes to men about town. Transitions are always troubling.   Now that this is done, it's time to head back to other projects. Busted's been inching forward ever so slowly, but it is moving. And as you might notice from the minor cleanup of D'home page, Carpe Diem is off



Need to laugh

Okay, so I'm grasping a straws, willing to do anything to pull the slightest tee-hee out of the air, even if it means stealing a cartoon from another blogger, even if it means resorting to a dog joke.   I have not worked on the Kevin project.   I can barely get anything done.   I have to force myself to do the simplest things.   I am getting better, though.   I'm not plagued with fits of unstoppable yawning. I'm not feeling drugged into submission.   I am tired, though.   So, I loo




I got this from a friend... and normally I don't do this stuff, but it says fun, nice stuff about me so why not, right?     P



Mercury Messenger

NASA's Messenger (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging) probe made its first fly-by of Mercury today and over the next few months will settle into orbit for an extended study of the planet.   Messenger is the first probe to visit Mercury since Mariner 10 back in 1975.   Because of its position in the solar system, Mercury is very unique planet. Constantly seared by heat and radiation from the sun, the chemistry of Mercury has been skewed. All of the volitile elements



Duane's Depressed

I don't know how many of you have read Larry McMurtry's final installment of the Thalia trilogy, which began with The Last Picture Show and Texasville, but like Duane Moore, I am now sans motor vehicle.   I will not be driving for at least the next month; or, until the little green men stop jumping out in front of the vehicle.   I went to a therapist today and I'm on the road to recovery, yet again.   The Celexa is causing a lot of yawning and drowsiness and I'm only taking a half dose. I'



so, at dinner tonight...

We were eating, and my son does this snap thing with his fingers while having some ridiculous, but harmless, one-upping contest with my daughter and Rich says, "Was that a gay snap? Like, is that one of his OGT's?"   So this is me tattling on him for using an acronym properly and knowing what it means   Then we had to discuss the difference in snaps, like 50's jive snapping versus the 'FABULOUS' snap... and it was just really f**king funny!   Besides that... Steve got irate on my behalf



Finding the Good

I lie to myself, with all my assertions that i am happy. Do not get me wrong I am for the most part, but saying I am happy and not mentioning some of the things that really bother me is, in itself, a form of fibbing no? I'm currently sitting in a broom closet of an office at a Job I have grown to dispise over the last several months. There where promises, and then out right lies.   Evrything has boiled down to the point where everything I, or the rest of the management team, do is second gues



Still depressed

So, this is the deal, "I'm still depressed."   Also, "I'm not driving."   If we need to go anywhere, the wife does the driving. Quite frankly, I'm scared to death I might veer off and do something stupid.   I'm going to a therapist Monday morning. Hopefully, we'll be able to determine whether I should stay away from the big trucks for awhile.   I'm also very tired and I'm having trouble writing on the Kevin project, which I need to be working on because The Pastel Cowboy is almost finish



Constitution v Law

In seeking to find out information concerning the legal status of an immigrant to the united states who marries someone of the same sex in Massachusetts, I came across this section of the US legal code which rather perplexed me....  


Demetz in Demetz


Wow, during all my time here at GA, I don't think I've ever felt this annoyed about the number of posts that have been appearing that don't add any value to the threads they're part of.   I'm no saint, and I'm sure I've been guilty of a post going off topic or one that really doesn't add value, but the amount of chaff nowadays is overwhelming what little wheat there is hidden in the threads.   When I'd hear complaints in the past about other posts or posters, I'd usually tell other members



Redneck Cheesehead?

So I've decided to move back to Missouri once again at the end of the school year. I talked to my mom and told her I was basically miserable here and couldn't stand going to a school that I hated where I didn't learn anything. She agreed to let me go to UMKC next year and major in Computer Science instead. The only downside is that I'll have to live at home for at least a little while until I can save up enough to move out. Of course, I'm not going to tell her I plan on moving out until I do it,




I hate being between antidepressants. It's so depressing.   I have no energy. I have little interest.   Yet, I did work on my first 2008 anthology story. It's almost done. I wanted to get it out of the way. I think most of it was done when the Wellbutrin was still active. It's gone, now, and I've been on Celexa for two days, but not long enough to make a difference.   The Kevin project has turned in a practical rewrite. I wrote a prologue that redefines the character and I think makes him



getting textual and save a horse, ride a cowboy...

So Joey is the man today. My hero! The one with the gigantic... brain that he uses for good and not evil... mostly I made a myspace a while back so I could see pictures of my nephew, but I hardly ever use it, and when I showed it to Jeff, he said it was girly... which I am, and it was... so anyway, I tried to make it cooler looking and ended up screwing it all up... big surprise so I talked my cowboy into fixing it for me. Then he said, "lol what the hell did you do to this?" Which goes to sh



Movie Madness

Once upon a time movies were original. Many were adaptations of novels, short stories or plays. Sadly- times have changed.   Many of todays movies are regurgitations of successful movies of yesterday.   This Christmas season, there were four BIG movies that were re-writes in part or in total. The one that did the best, Will Smith's I Am Legend was a post-apocalyptic horror story, re-did Charlton Heston's Omega Man of the seventies which was in turn based on a novel. Wil Smith's version of th



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