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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Poetry Anthology Announcement!

    By Valkyrie

    The GA Poetry Anthology is returning for 2025 with the theme "Diversity"!  It's the perfect theme to show off the diverse world of poetry and its various forms.  I look forward to reading what our site poets come up with!  Please note the earlier due date.  The extra few days will give me more time to get submissions ready for the big reveal in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.     2025 Poetry Anthology - Due: March 30, 2025 The 2025 Theme is “Diversity” Feel free to

Gaming online and Gay-bashers

As some people know, I enjoy gaming when I get the time. While I'm not head-over-heels in love with FPS's, I do have Halo3, and a few similar games. Gay Gaymer (For boys who like boys who like joysticks), has a little video showing how bad it can get for gay guys online. (Part of it, was the purposefully named "gayboy" gamer tag. Still, it is rather shocking... I bet even for a sailor. I'll ask Dan. ) http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/2007/11/29/ne...ive-trash-talk/   When I'm xbox live, I h


Myr in Gaming


My fairy godmother bopped me in the head with her wand last month. I think mostly to get my attention. He (well, it's certainly obvious to me) doesn't flit by all that often so I'm never ready to get that little stick upside my head.   And, then, lo and behold I get a PM advising me I'm going to become a Hosted Author here at GA.   Well, what could I say?   Of course I said, "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, you can have my first born male child." (I could've promised a female child, bu



Abortion: part 2

I would like to clarify that when I posted the previous blog I was highly frustrated for having been chewed out just previously for having an opinion on the issue at all. I have various reasons to be indignant about the events transpiring in that situation, but they're ultimately irrelevant to the issue of abortion and merely relate to the irrationality of the person I was misfortunate enough to speak near.   In spite of that person's protest that as a man I don't have a right to an opinion o


Demetz in Demetz

Feeling blue

Wow, I haven't blogged in like, ten years. I also didn't know there were more posts in my forum. My bad. I forget to browse around whenever I'm here; usually I post my new chapter and bounce. I have to thank Drewbie! Thanks for being so loyal.   Anyway, been feeling kind of crummy lately or mentally haunted by this book I had to read for my literature course. Music of Chance by Paul Auster. Fantastic book. Reads really quickly, flows well, and well written, full of emotion. In fact, it was wr



What's with the Psychos?

Why is it that every f**king time I try to find a nice guy, I fail. But if by some miracle I do find a nice guy instead of the typical assholes, they turn out to be psychotic.   I feel like going into this whole long rant about stupid people and crazy obsessive stalkers and how much it annoys the crap out of me, but I don't know if I'm up to it...   Yes I am.   So I deliberately didn't post anything in my blog about my boyfriend for the reason that Snowy mentioned... it always f**ked it up



At the edge, again

I know it's because my mother just died.   I know that.   On Saturday, I did a posting blitz and posted more in one day than I've ever done since being here. Quality was not my goal. Humor reined supreme.   The laughter is gone.   I stand at the edge of oblivion.   If it wasn't so damned cold, I'd go for a swim.   If it wasn't raining, I'd go for a walk on a high bridge.   If I didn't want to live, I'd cease to be.   Life has been bad before.   Oh, god, has life been bad, befor



Apparently I'm an evil sexist man for daring to have an opinion on abortion

I think abortion should be permissible in such cases as where the woman's life is endangered by the pregnancy or when raped. I'm also against elective abortion morally, but unwilling to make it illegal.   I hesitate on the issue of abortion for two reasons: 1) The child is conceived without his or her own consent and is innocent, punishing the child with death for a parent's mistake is cruel. 2) The morning after pill can prevent conception and thus make the question of elective abortion irre


Demetz in Demetz

reason dies a little death

***WARNING*** useless b*tching below ***WARNING***   Why is it that some people just have to be pig-headed and obstinant just for the sake of being pig-headed and obstinant? Furthermore, why are these people related to me?   So quick run down.   I wasn't at work yesterday (Thank God for Sundays!) Anyhow there was a bit of a mishap where a custermer paid for $20 of product. recieved it, then through some sort of error or system screw-up proceded to get $31 more product.   the custermer th



Randomness keeping me up

So it's after 3 in the morning and I'm supposed to be asleep but I feel like I just woke up or something. I have too many thoughts swirling around in my head, mainly random crap that I've been stewing over. None of it's relevant, but what the hell??   I think I'm gonna try to stop smoking weed again. I've tried so many times before, but everytime I stop, I get crazy and blow up at people around me. I went all day Saturday without getting high, but I was past irritated with everyone for no reas



A Sordid Selection of Savik

Into the City   Burbs rats, spoiled brats, so cool in backwards hats, Basket brawls, drunken crawls, endless country-music drawl, Nerdy dips on acid trips trying hard to be tragically hip, Nursery rhymes, capital crimes, side by side in the urban grime, Telephone crews, the cheapest booze, novel writers selling shoes, Macho men, studying zen so they can slaughter their kin, White trash, hopes smashed, Jesus freaks seeking cold hard cash, Skater kids, Freudian id, broken drunks on the sk



My Approach to life

Hi everyone,   So I'm probably not the best person to give advice to others, but I am feeling pretty cheerful/content right now, despite all the junk life's been throwing at me recently. So anyway here's a few things I have opinions on. If nothing else it'll be nice for me to have them written down somewhere.   My Approach to Life:   -Learn how to be happy alone; if you don't enjoy your company why should anyone else?   -Always accept people's help and support, but always try to give m



Not ready to age gracefully

I knew intellectually this time would come, eventually. I always thought that I'd be mature about it, accepting my fate with some dignity and perhaps a bit a levity. Actually, that's a flat lie. I was depressed most of my teenage years, and never really thought I'd live to see drinking age, let alone twenty-three. It didn't really hit me that I was going to have a full-fledged adulthood until I was standing there in the sun with my BA in hand and wondered, "Well f**K. Now what?" So worrying abou



New stuff has come to light

Hi there, everyone. I haven't been insanely post-whoring lately, and I even lost some creds as a proofreader; but since November 1st, this has been quite a roller-coaster ride.   I never discussed this here, and only told two people I think, though reading Krista's, Sharon's or Steve's blogs, I'm definitely not alone.   My mom died on November 9th. She was diagnosed with breast cancer right before Christmas 2001. At that time, she was 55, walked and trekked a lot, worked too... I'll sum it



A Sad But Happy Story!

So i was checking my email and got this from work, it was sooo touching that i want to share it with you guys <3 Just remember the below is not my work at all. And is a true story...     We all know or knew someone like this!!   One day, when I was a freshman in high school,   I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school.   His name was Kyle.   It looked like he was carrying all of his books.   I thought to myself, "Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday



New beginnings

These past two days have been incredible.   Two days ago, out looking for a new place to live and a job, I meet this woman who wants to pray for me, so I figure why not? It couldn't hurt. Later, while checking out a place for a job, I meet another guy who's looking for a new place, we talk for a few hours and we think we've got a decent business deal worked out to cut down on our costs to find a place to live. He's not gay... he does have a nice body but not all that cute in the face, and kind


Demetz in Demetz

Full of angst

I had one of those "oblivion" thoughts yesterday. I don't know if you have them, but they kind of go like this:   "Religion is good because it keeps the masses in line. If most people did not have religion, they might come to the realization that life doesn't make a bit of sense. We're all pretty much like a herd of gnus. We plod through our lives according to society's plan and then die. Everyting we were, everything we did, everything we might have thought, everything of us dies, comes to an



A character

I had a rather...bitchy rant posted here up until a few minutes ago, but I've decided to nuke it. It wasn't particularly healing or necessary.   Instead, I'm going to introduce y'all to one of the characters floating about in my head. His name is Missouri Weeks. Mo for short. He's a bit of a loser, in that he sort of drifts through life in a happy daze most of the time. He is, in other words, what my mother calls a space cadet, only sometimes touching down on earth before his mind is off on an



121.9 in Madera

Okay, I'll admit right up front I'm trying to lose a little weight. Heck, I've been trying to lose a little weight since I don't remember when, probably around the time my nickname was "Tubby" and I figured out the other kids weren't trying to be nice.   So, my latest ploy at losing weight is to do it metrically. Using kg's I only have to go down 21.9. Using good ol' avoidupois, I need to drop over 40 and that's a lot to drop. Plus when losing kg's a little goes a long way.   I broke the 122



Hit over the head with subtle

The current Ben and William story I'm working on set this one off. I sent off the draft for their most recent story to a good friend of mine for a read through. He's straight, and while guys doing each other isn't his thing, neither does he much care. (Which is cool, though occasionally somewhat embarrassing for me)   The boys, of course, are a couple, and more than willing to boink each other at the drop of a hat. (Ben keeps a bag of hats around, just in case) Regardless, in the few stories o



Richard Jeni, JFK, Red Hair and Weeds Finale stuff

Forgot to put this into the last post which was about politics (thus this part is like, Politics II). Funny and true: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhw8DFSGzvg   I was going to put up another vid of Richard Jeni, but for some reason it is not working. So, if you want, look up "richard jeni gay baby" on youtube. Very funny.   And Now, For A Public Service Announcement:   "The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically o



My Niece

Hey,   So it's been pretty shitty around here this week. My sister had her baby, a little girl she named Linda Ann, after our Mum. She was born at 1:30am on Saturday and fought for her life for one hour ten minutes before her strength gave in.   I don't really know what I feel right now.   How is it fair that she didn't even get the chance to start her life let alone live it? How is it fair that my sister and her husband are left feeling the greatest loss there is?   It's simply not



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