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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter

Twelve year olds suck the big one...

... or is it just mine?   I swear this girl is gonna be the death of me... I went outside with Matty at 3:20 to get in the car to go do some errands before I had to be back here by 4:30 to let Annemarie in the house after practice... I see her down the street in her best friend



December 12, 2007

This day turned out to be an interesting day. It was the day of our annual Employee Christmas Luncheon. It's the one day of the year where the Department Head's help prepare and serve a meal to all three shifts.   The fun part had already started hours before I showed up at 10:00 a.m. When I got there, there was police and sheriff's car's at the two entrances to the facility. It seems one of the local newspapers had received a call from someone stating that who worked at the facility and drov



Finishing College; Moving forward

Warning: This blog may contain graphic contact and/or TMI. Read at your own risk.   So this week is my last week of undergraduate school. Papers, exams..... blah. Just so glad to be done with it all.   Saturday I walk the stage, sometime in January I'll have my Bachelor's degree in hand....   From here, I don't know where I'm going to go. I'm still going to apply to the University of Pennsylvania, though I'd rather go to Princeton. I'm going to be applying to a bunch of grad schools actual


Demetz in Demetz

I had a dream about Domluka

Wow, you know it's bad when you start dreaming about Dom   Last night I had a very vivid dream about Dom. I don't usually remember my dreams, but this one stuck out.   So anyway, here's what I remember...   It starts out with me checking GA and finding that Dom has blogged again. I was sooo excited, that I considered updating my signature to say 'Domluka has reemerged again', but decided it was more important to read his latest blog entry.   Dom said a few things, like why he was busy



Good Samaratin Award

So I feel good. Michelle and I were on our way to Wal Mart when we saw an SUV stuck on the side of the road in the mud and felt bad. So I turned around and went back to see if he needed help getting out. Turns out he and his wife were both cops and she had a little too much to drink at their Christmas Party and wanted him to pull over and ended up getting stuck.   So I get out in the mud and hook up some ties that I have to both trucks and start pulling him out. I get him about half way out w



18 in 1980: Memories of the Epidemic

When AIDS first appeared, here in Mississippi peoples attitudes were, like every social trend, it won't come here for another twenty years. Unfortunately for a lost generation, they were dead wrong. People started dying in 85. By 1990 the numbers were actually alarming.   In 82 & 83, the HIV virus hadn't even been isolated yet. It acted like a virus but science had never dealt with a retro-virus before. CDC nor anyone else in the medical community knew enough about HIV/AIDS to state anythi



The Talk

Hey everyone! I've still got a buncha stuff I need to take care of, but I really wanted to blog about something (and respond to several of the other blogs) so I've decided that I'll just try to relegate myself exclusively to the blogs for the next couple weeks. Anyway...   I think the trouble with being a gay male is that often your friends will also be a gay males, and unfortunately that combo "pairs up". Basically, while I think dating a friend can often work really well, in general I try



Sausage Mc Griddles

After three miserable days of having the flu, all I can say is this:   Sausage Mc Griddles are a dollar and I have ten dollars. If I include sales tax, I think I can afford at least 9 of them....hmmm, I wonder if I have any loose change in my car.



A lavender fairy

Went to the doc today and let him finger my prostate. Oooh! Such a feeling!   "It's a shame you have to go through something so disagreeable," he said.   I almost, almost said, "you can stick a finger up my ass anytime you want," but I didn't. No need in going there. I'm not out to him and don't see any reason why he needs to know. He's my wife's doctor, too, so why put him in the middle of something he doesn't need.   "It's a normal exam," he said.   "Thanks," I said.   Then I went do



New Bestest Buddy?

Unfortunately, it's not of the human kind. In a previous blog, I talked about an Infusion Insulin Pump. I decided to go with it. This now means that I am connected to it 24/7. Anything I do, it goes with me. Even into the shower. I have to hang it on a neckless. The only time it won't be connected to me is when I change the infusion set.   There will be few times that I will have to take it off, most x-rays, coasters with a high g-force and/or use magnetics.. This means that next season, when



About Damn Time...

So I finally decided to come out completely. At the urging of Michelle and Tina I came out to my sister the other night. She pretty much said, "Is that it? You pulled me away from drinking to tell me that?" So that went well. And I just changed my MySpace (yeah I know... pathetic that I have one, but I don't really use it) to say that I was gay. I figure that's the most effective way to come out to the people that don't know because pretty much everyone has one and looks at mine even though I do



Nearly a week gone by

I'm at home tonight. I drove from Aurora, OR, to Puyallup, WA, to drop my trailer and come home. What is normally a two and a half to three hour (150 miles) drive ended up being nearly nine hours (480 miles) because I-5 is closed due to flooding.   And, then my truck went gaga. Seems I have an injector going bad. According to the company maintenance manager, I can still drive the truck, but when the engine needs all six cylinders, mine's only going to have five, or four depending on which inje



Girl Brain

I have found out that I have a decidedly female brain. I have also found out that simply because a man is gay does not mean that his brain will function any differently than a completely straight guy's does. I have further learned that boy-brained people are f**king weird.   I'm doing this paper on gender and communication for anthropology, and it's very interesting. It talks about the differences between the ways men and women in general will communicate in private and public settings. Wo



Gavin.... :)

Today started off like many other days... I woke up, looked around, wondered whether I was already late for class, looked at the clock and saw that I was not, and then was faced with the decision of whether to go, or not to go. I went. I'm glad I did, actually. My microeconomics professor had our exams back... I got a 63 out 100 points. Normally this might be something to feel devastated by. However, as the average grade was in the low 30s, a 31 point curve boosed my grade to a 94... which means


Demetz in Demetz

I'll miss you guys

Hey everyone,   I'll be away until at least after the New Year because I have some personal matters to take care of.   Anyway, I'll miss you all, and no one worry about me, I'm fine and shall continue to be.   In the mean time I love ya all and I'm wishing you the best!   Take care everyone and happy holidays! -Kevin



Initial Results: I'm HIV- ; but I'm crying anyway

I'll get the rest of my test results back on Friday. I got the results for my HIV test back today: I'm non-reactive. Now, I'm really wishing I hadn't gone to see Dwayne in September because if I hadn't I wouldn't have had to do what I did next.   I left a tagline on my instant messenger relating that I was HIV -. He came online and asked me what the message meant. The rest of the conversation went like this:     His status is always set to appear offline so I don't know how much of that he


Demetz in Demetz

I saw this coming...

And it really shouldn't bother me...but it sorta does.   So you guys remember when I wrote about how I broke up with the ex-boyfriend right after my, then close friend, "broke up" with me because he couldn't handle the fact that I was with the ex-boyfriend because he wanted him too? Well now they're dating!   I hadn't seen either of them since the respective break ups, but I'd continued talking on the phone periodically and texting with the ex.   Anyway yesterday I went to a gay social



Ha! Knew I could do it.

I finished the first draft of my anthology piece, tentatively title "Lovers Really Fell In Love to Stay." I'd been stuck on the same spot for weeks, trying six or seven times but unable to move the plot forward in a satisfactory manner. I finally decided that I couldn't go to Borders until I finished the piece. That was about two horus ago, so clearly this method of self-motivation has a bit of kick to it.   The next step is to finish and edit all of the unreleased Khayyam stories, and one by



It was bound to happen sooner or later

So. Mo. It has taken me this long to remember to bring the notebook up from my car.   Note: This is the very first thing I've written for him. His character is not fixed yet, so some of the jokes may be different from how I sold him a couple weeks ago.   ************ "List every priority you have, in order, of what you want in a job." It seemed simple enough, just too bad I couldn't list, "hot coworkers" as the primary consideration. I put down "large company" and hoped for the odds.   "M



Molten Gold Pasties... Everyone!

So last night Viv's GA outreach snagged one more.   The other Steve (our very own wildone) is in town doing the vacation thing ,and Viv talked him to meeting a couple of crazy natives. It was cool to meet wildone. Very nice guy, even if I was held up and my promise of arriving at sixish turned into more like sevenish. You see the other Steve had promised to bring cold weather with him. Turns out he knows his stuff, cause go figure No rain in months, and it pretty much rained all damn day. Effe



STD Testing; Sonogram results

So today I went in for a consultation, talked with a doctor about various things concerning safe sex, and talked about the various dieseases they could test for and whether I want each of the tests.   I decided to be tested for them all.   Dwayne if you're reading this, I'm not writing it to hurt you... I don't know what I can or can not believe about what happened between us. I have asked you to tell me... its your decision to do so or not. If you leave me to put the pieces together with pi


Demetz in Demetz

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