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Song of the moment

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Unfortunately I can't delete posts. I'm trying to get the YouTube linker to work and its not working for me today....gerrrr!

I'm doing soundtracks for my stories. It helps me to get the emotional mood for them. This is a cover of Goo Goo Dolls Iris by two young guys called Future Sunsets. They add a tender touch to this song that really squeezes my heart. 

I am using it as the lead off for Brandon Smiling because it adds a sweeter and softer dimension to the original version Comicality used for the YouTube trailer he made for his story The Secret Life Of Billy Chase. I'll post that trailor after this post so you can see it. Comsie's editing of it amazes me! I could swear he made a movie of his story!



The direct video link is below Comsie's now. I don't get it, AJ! :huh:

Edited by MrM
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Okay, I am just sharing this because I think it's pretty cool :blushing: which means it is extraordinarily nerdy :gikkle:




OMG... how dare he changed the last note to a 4?  He totally ruined the Pi!!!!!!!


LOL.  But it's so cool.  I bet if there was a music/math genius out there who could remember the digits of pi by remembering the melody.


Would you care for a waltz, Drew?  (*holds hand out*)

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"Bus Stop," the Hollies. Addictive, very classic. Cannot pry it out of my head.


I love the Hollies:


The 5th track from my Brandon Smiles story soundtrack is my very favorite Hollies song 'The Air That I Breathe' as interpreted by my favorite lesbian artist k.d. lang. It sets the mood for the lovemaking parts of the story. :blushing:



The whole track list and link to it on YouTube: 



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I swear I share some kind of psychic bond with this band after 30 years of being a fan. This song describes a scene in my Snowflake story so well its uncanny. The album its on just came out last week! :o

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