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Song of the moment


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A really good song I like. It has incorporated with some Phantom of the Opera music in it too.



Translation: I'm Ugly, But I'm Gentle and Tender.


At every night, in the wilderness of dreams, I'm a giant.
In each morning, in front of the bathroom mirror, yet I discovered I am living on the edges of razors.
In the forest of steeled fenced concrete, in the life of being called here to come and go there.

Calculating the differences between reality and dream.

I am very ugly, but I am gentle and tender.

Cold and detached outward appearance, but passionate inner heart- that is me.

I am very ugly, but I like music and beer.

A bit of petty and low, a bit cowardly and weak, but I never cower.


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Since it was Sinatra's 100th Birthday, here's the first song that was originally his classics that I heard as kid, which came out of star trek Deep Space Nine :D (I'm not that old to hear the original back in 1964, but I am old enough to hear its cover in 1999)


The Best is Yet to Come


Edited by W_L
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So I spent a little over four hours (with all the traffic), driving up to New Hampshire to pick up my kid from UNH, and I had to rent a car (had to leave my car for my other kid), and the rental doesn't have XM set up (bad car!), or a navigation system, which I figured it wouldn't. The only way to use my phone's GPS on the Bluetooth was to disable the radio and use my music from my phone. Which would have been fine if the shuffle actually worked and didn't repeat the same songs every two songs! And if the song wouldn't repeat as soon as it was done. I had to manually do this all while I was driving. In the dark. Not fun. lol


So, long story short (I'm sure you guys tuned out after the second sentence! :rofl:), I had this song on repeat for quite awhile; it's an awesome song to bop to in the car. lol



Now I'm thinking I may have already posted this song! lol

Edited by Lisa
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The lyrics of this song always meant a lot to me. I feel it as a warning. This version is incredibly powerful, and brings me tears every time. There is danger in silence.



Wow....quite different from Simon and Garfunkel's version.... The video itself is very compelling in it's presentation. I think the stillness of the singer is saying a lot, not to mention how forcefully he sings. This song has been added to my playlist. 


Thanks for posting this Gary. :)

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