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Have you ever cried tears of Joy?


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Just out of curiosity, have you ever cried tears of joy? Has your happiness ever been so overwhelmingly great that the surge of positive emotions just comes out by crying and you just can't help it? And do you know why/when?

As for me, I've cried tears of sadness, tears of fear, but never tears of happiness.... sad isn't it? Posted Image


Oh, and my first topic here. I feel so accomplished. Posted Image

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Yeah, a bunch of times. I'm actually a total girl when it comes to happy moments in romance stories, lol. I haven't really cried happy tears because of something that happened to me in real life too many times but every time it's happened it's been because of my boyfriend. Usually right after we have a fight and we make up and he tells me he loves me and forgives me for whatever awful crap I said during the argument. It just makes me so happy that I have someone who can put up with all my shit and still love me at the end of the day.

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I did, When i got my O LEVEL results a couple years ago :P I passed and I couldn't believe it. I was so happy and tears started falling and I don't know how it came out. It just happened! :D



And also when I watched Undercover Boss or Oprah or any show that helps or surprises people who are in need of help with.. something big that could make their lives easier or less burden, I've cried because.. I just feel so happy when they are happy. I don't know how to explain this but I just know that I care about people/everyone :wub: If they're happy, I'll be happy. If they're sad, I'll be sad too :(

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Since the death of my wife my emotional responses to every day events has changed quite dramatically.

Before, I had a good hold on my emotions, and I never cried (not that I really had any reasons to). Now, I'm likely to go through emotional high and lows, and to cry while watching a rom-com.


In the last few months though, after years of daily tears of grief and mourning, I have had reasons to shed tears of happiness, and so tears have been shed. :)

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When I touched the gate I had been afraid off. The first time I wrapped my fingers round the metal pole that was the top of the gate. The adreniline rush made my whole body shake and tears ran down my face.

Another instance was my baby forgiving me for being a complete arse. It took a few phone calls a run naked up a hill to get a signal. But it was so worth it I cried like a baby.:wub:

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When I touched the gate I had been afraid off. The first time I wrapped my fingers round the metal pole that was the top of the gate. The adreniline rush made my whole body shake and tears ran down my face.

Another instance was my baby forgiving me for being a complete arse. It took a few phone calls a run naked up a hill to get a signal. But it was so worth it I cried like a baby.:wub:


You are the bravest person I know. I've cried tears for you hun; for both of you. Sadness at your struggles and joy at your successes.


And generally OH YES have I cried tears, enough to drown in... happiness sadness, grief and joy.

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I may have, but can't recall crying tears of joy. I rarely cry at real life events and always on my own when I have. Even as a kid if I fell off of my little bike and skin my knee or something, I would hold back the tears until I was safely hidden away in my room. My stepfather was a real 'mans' man, and open emotion was something he would mock and call me weak for showing. So that affected me subconsciously. However , just as cyhort mentioned further up the thread, I can be a little sappy when it comes to happy moments (or even sad) when I've read a particular part of a story that's either sad or happy, or laugh at amusing moments too. Sometimes a movie will affect me the same way as well.

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Sometimes I'll get this surge of 'oh my god that's so great' when reading or watching stuff and I get a little teary eyed. I rarely actually cry in those moments though. I cry in sadness in stories a lot, some movies, though not as much as reading. When I had my kids I cried. Not quite sure if those were tears of, oh thank god, that hurt so much and it's mostly over relief, or pure joy at seeing them finally, but those moments are forever ingrained on me.

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I come close when I'm alone and there's a really emotional moment in something I'm reading or watching.


Crying in ordinary life? I dunno. I've often wished I could, though not for joy. Kind of sad to think of it, but I can't remember ever being particularly joyful at all, let alone enough to warrant tears...

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at the birth of my first son..... apart from the fact that the world had another Collingwood supporter, the sheer magic of that moment brought the most amazing tears, tears of pure joy and wonder.


as for my second son, he came so bloody quickly we had no time for anything!!

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Not often, and when I do it's over something big. Last time was when a friend was suicidal and I didn't think she'd survive the night. Bawled like a baby when she texted me the next morning (I'd have been right with her physically if I could, but New Mexico is a bit far from Pennsylvania).

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I remembered when I had to do a french presentation back in high school, and I had messed up on answering a judge's question, she asked me what the title of my presentation was, everyone was laughing... I was so embarassed I wanted to dissappear.


But then she annouced the results and I had gotten 3rd place, I was more shocked than all those girls that were laughing beforehand. I really couldn't believe it, and I guessed she noticed my reaction, "Congradulations, that was a wonderful presentation." as she smiled at me.


As soon as I got into my mom's car, I started crying, because I was so happy, there really isn't a way to describe it as we drove off to celebrate. -

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I cry at the drop of a hat, good and bad. I cried when all of my baby sisters and brothers were born. Cried during my wedding and especially when the adoption of my daughter was finalized. :)

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Just out of curiosity, have you ever cried tears of joy? Has your happiness ever been so overwhelmingly great that the surge of positive emotions just comes out by crying and you just can't help it? And do you know why/when?


Yes. more times than I can count or remember. For me,this emotion seems to usually occur with some sort of event or occasion that involves my family.

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I have cried tears of joy. Although I count the number of times with my fingers. I did cry tears of joy kind of like two months ago... Before that was two year ago.

But I do tend to cry in my room when I encounter a huge roadblock in life. I think the last time was a month ago:).

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I haven't done that, yet. I don't understand how you can so happy that you cry "tears of joy". It's just that it hasn't ever happened to me...


I haven't done that, yet. I don't understand how you can so happy that you cry "tears of joy". It's just that it hasn't ever happened to me...

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I'm a very kind-hearted and caring person, but crying tears of joy has happened only a very few times. I would have to say that all of those times was over my daughter. Holding her in my arms the 1st time, first words, first steps, standing at the bus stop on 1st day of school when she looked back and said 'I love you'...yes, I'm sappy and have pictures of all those moments to prove it.


It was tears of joy because it was such a struggle to get to those spots...those milestones that other parents take for granted, which made it just that much sweeter!

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