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[DomLuka] I'm a new Domaholic

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* Over the loud murmur in the Domaholic call center, The day shift supervisor stands up from his cube *


'Got Another one!!! And he's an LRITE to boot!!!'


*A Cheer erupts from all the callling agents*


'Okay, back to work everyone, we haven't hit this months quota yet'




Welcome Raiyne to Domaholics! And congratulations on coming out to your folks!


We hope to see you in the forums, your fellow 'fawners' can't wait too chat with you.


Take Care®,





P.S. -


from the domaholic's FAQ - last edited 2/5/06 7:04am


- With Trust (WT) In Progress - Chapter 1 of ???

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Hello, hello! What's going on? What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here!


Oh! So we have a new member! I say, welcome to our homey community! Have a look around! You'll be amazed at what you'll see!


Congradulations, my dear, for coming out, to us, and to your wonderful parents. Know this: that if you need support, we will always be here for you to listen to your problems, and tell you anything you wish for us to tell you; that your presence here brings joy to our hearts, for you may reinforce our love for Dom, and our acceptance of our addiction.


Thus, I call upon you to continue your involvement in our society, and to speak your mind in both our forums, and our places of chatting, that you may become a valued member of our community.


Your fellow Domaholic,





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Dear Dom,

Hm... I can't believe I'm actually trying to post something. How to start? Ok, I'll start at the beginning because I'm cool like that.


So, I've been reading Nifty for a while, and one day I was pretty much out of interesting titles to check out. I saw Desert Dropping and thought "What the hell could that mean?" So, I clicked the link and started reading. My fist impression was: wow... this is quite long... But, I got over that once I realized that every inch was jam-packed with chocolaty goodness. I read through all the chapters up on Nifty (maybe 12 or so), when I finally was suddenly tempted to visit the link that Dom inserted at the bottom of the stories. I guess I had seen the link before, but I never really acknowledged it. Looking back, I can clearly see the first signs of Dom withdrawal, but I didn't know that at the time.


After a quick copying and pasting, I was visiting Dom's sight. When I saw DD, my eyes almost imploded. I was jumping with joy that my favorite story had "hidden" chapters that were not yet on Nifty. After I finished off those remaining chapters, I meandered into the Dom Forums. No offense, but I thought that all of you were completely insane. I mean, Dom's a great writer, butyou guys were fawning all over him like he was God's gift to man. I was so ignorant and naive. I wouldn't understand how Dom was tightening his grip over my every thought until it was too late.


Now that I had exhausted the forums, I decided to try one of your other stories. When choosing between TLW and TOU, I ended up with TOU simply because I have an irrational aversion to log cabins ( :blink: ), and I was afraid the story might be about one. Wow, that sounds really weird now that I can see it in print. Maybe I should talk to someone about that. Anyway, so I thought I loved DD, but I totally wasn't prepared for TOU. It felt like Quinn was reading my thoughts, and then repeating them to me. I was pretty much going through the same mental processes as Quinn during the whole story, and I have never read another character that I could relate to in such a manner. So here's the mushy part of my story. I was so inspired after I finished reading the final chapter that I came out to my parents. They were absolutely fine with it, and they are about as liberal as it gets. *Happy Ending Dance*


So, here I am, surveying the battlefield, I had already downed what was up of DD and TOU, and I knew that TLW was the next step. I actually didn't read it for several weeks, partially because of that log cabin thing, but mainly because I knew any Dom story would totally consume my life once I started it, and I was busy with exams. Now that I have thoroughly abused the comma beyond normal human capabilities, I will continue my story. So, I started TLW, and I'm not sure if it's possible, but I might like it more than even TOU. I'm taking this one slowly because I think that I might enjoy it even more that way. I have a couple of chapters left, and I'm using the majority of my will power not to break down and read them. This has negatively affected my social life, and I think I have been snapping at people lately due to this Dom-induced stress.


Ok, I think that pretty much covers most of it. That all came out longer than I intended it. I guess that the reason that I'm coming out of hiding is that I realized that Dom does all this writing, and the only thing he gets in return are personal fulfillment and applause from the audience. I feel like I owe a lot to him (the whole coming out thing), so I thought I would do my best to show my infinite thanks and gratitude. Make that infinite +1.


Alright, I lied. I wasn't actually done with the post. I read the first chapter of WT (am I allowed to use that abbreviation yet?) and I am already in love. I don't know how you do it, but you're batting 4/4 (that's 100% I think :wacko: ) This might sound insane, but I think I might be looking forward to WT 2 (muahahah I'm using the abbreviation no matter what you say) more than DD 31. Stop messing with my head! I don't even know what to think anymore.


This paragraph means that I'm still not done ranting. I think I'll rant about DD now. I would formally like to declare my political affiliation as a strong member of the LRITE party. All supporters of Seth + Rory legislation are clearly communists. Clearly. :nuke: So... until I figure out how to manipulate people telepathically, I guess I'll just have to pray with my fellow LRITES for some type of major falling out between Seth and Rory. I'm hoping that Luke gets Rory to cheat on Seth during their pending camping extravaganza (TLW flashback). By the way, it appears that there are no log cabins in TLW... yet. I still have a few chapters left to go, and I'm afraid that the house that Chris, Owen, and Aiden are planning on moving into is a log cabin. That would completely ruin the story... so it had better not happen. If it does, I'm going to have to go crazy pirate on Dom :chris: .





peer n. A person who has equal standing with another or others, as in rank, class, or age.

pier n. A platform extending from a shore over water and supported by piles or pillars, used to secure, protect, and provide access to ships or boats. :graduated:


Sorry, I couldn't resist. I still love you though!

Welcome Raiyne! Thanks for sharing your story with us! I had a fairly similar one. I first found TOU on Nifty, eventually came to this site when I ran out of chapters, read up to what was posted, then decided to read TLW. DD was up to chapter 8 at the time and on a break until TOU was complete, so I resisted reading that one as long as possible and chose TLW. Like you I had a fear of what "The Log Way" might be about. In my case I was scared it involved a good bit of lumberjacking. It wasn't until after I completed it that I found out "The Log Way" is actually I typo and it was originally supposed to be "The LoNg Way". TLW is actually my favorite by Dom. Though like you TOU inspired me to come out to my mom! Isn't it amazing how Dom's stories can do that? She was cool with it too btw ;) .


I look forward to seeing you in the forums, and maybe eventually on Live Chat (though I seldom go in). I think I'd be really mad if Rory and Luke cheated with each other. I'd be extremely disappointed in both. Also how could they have any sort of relationship together if they both knew the other was a potential "cheater"? Anyway just my opinion. Take care and I really hope you like it here :D



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Thanks for the advice about TLW you guys.. i just finished it... and it was amazing....


it's.. i don't know... im speechless..


and i LOVED LACY!! lol i know she's not a main character.. but i loved her.... then again i loved evryone in the story.. even the bad ones.. Dom.. you rock.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, everyone!


I'm Maya, and I've been a domaholic for some months now, but this is the first time for me to come clean about it (and finally get an account). What can I say? The forums were beckoning me. I felt like I had to comment. I'm not sure which is my favorite Dom Luka story, but I do have an infatuation with his new story, With Trust, despite everyone else's reaction to it. I've read everything he has posted so far, except for Vampire Jarred, that I started but never finished (I'm not big on remembering a lot of names, baseball, vampires, or kinky sex in hot tubs with little boys). I hope to post a lot on this place!





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Reading non-stop.


Drawing. Talking. Making other Domaholics among your poor friends.


Making deep analysis to yourself about the characters you like the most, and even dreaming about them.


Being touched, crying, printing passages out to read in bed.


Oh yeah. I

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Hi, my name's Amalia but everybody call me A-chan and I'm a Domaholic *Damn Kotori for giving me one more fandom* I can't quit it, I tried but it's impossible! I think I'll start knitting a good sofa cover because I know I'm going to stay here a loooooooong long time... *brings a comfy sofa to sit on it*

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Hi, my name's Amalia but everybody call me A-chan and I'm a Domaholic *Damn Kotori for giving me one more fandom* I can't quit it, I tried but it's impossible! I think I'll start knitting a good sofa cover because I know I'm going to stay here a loooooooong long time... *brings a comfy sofa to sit on it*

Welcome. :2thumbs: For me its gotten so bad that I had to create the church of Luka.



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Welcome. :2thumbs: For me its gotten so bad that I had to create the church of Luka.




Beware the church led by green! They would see harm done to the storyline just so they can get a quick fix---yet they dont realize that by doing so, the quality suffers by changing the natural progression of things to come. some people have been predicting the story would end by now, but we now know exactly how WRONG those people are.


Instead join forces with the Don Frontline Defense Team. we have been recruited to protect castle dom and all of his literary works in progress at all costs. this should be fairly simple, because so far green's numbers just dont add up.


:mace: :fire: :evil: :chris: :businesssmiley: :battleaxe: :axeman: :wizard: :sword: :devil: :ranger: :2hands: :ph34r: :axeman: :battleaxe: :fire: :mace:


The Dom Frontline Defens Team stands firm.

Our defense cannot be broken.

Resistance is futile.

You will be assimilated.


And welcome to





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Beware the church led by green! They would see harm done to the storyline just so they can get a quick fix---yet they dont realize that by doing so, the quality suffers by changing the natural progression of things to come. some people have been predicting the story would end by now, but we now know exactly how WRONG those people are.


Instead join forces with the Don Frontline Defense Team. we have been recruited to protect castle dom and all of his literary works in progress at all costs. this should be fairly simple, because so far green's numbers just dont add up.


:mace: :fire: :evil: :chris: :businesssmiley: :battleaxe: :axeman: :wizard: :sword: :devil: :ranger: :2hands: :ph34r: :axeman: :battleaxe: :fire: :mace:


The Dom Frontline Defens Team stands firm.

Our defense cannot be broken.

Resistance is futile.

You will be assimilated.


And welcome to





Wait a gosh dang second. We never wanted the story to end, We just wanted to steal the last chapters so that we could read them before anyone else. Who is your intelligence? I thought we called a peace time truce. Oh its on now. We church members do not take kindly to slander. Beware the Church Of Luka and the Smily Ninja. :ph34r: I knew we couldnt trust you guys. :ranger: The inquisition is on.


GREEN of the church.

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  • 1 month later...

Hm, no one's posted on this thread in over a month, oh well I'm still going to.


So I think I first started reading TOU on nifty and then quickly moved to his yahoo group, after noticing a link to his website in the link section of that I decided to check the website out. I was delighted to see the website had more chapters up than either nifty or the yahoo group.


After TOU I moved on to TLW and loved it just as much. Of course catching up with all the chapters left me staying up late and being half dead in classes the next morning.


I kept putting DD off, I had read the begining of the first chapter multiple times and decided that I just didn't like that one as much. Mainly because his mother was dead and I get very emotional when reading stories. But finally after weeks of not having anything to read I gave it a shot. Needless to say I quickly caught up with that and was checking the site once a day to see if a new chapter had been added.


And now I'm reading WT and I have to say that so far its my favorite story by Dom. I think I may have checked the page 5 times today to see if its been updated. Unfortunetly it hasn't :( .


I think that's everything about how I became a Domaholic :D .



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There are few stories for which I'd sit and read them all the way through in one sitting........And I read DD, TLW, and TOU (at least what was written of them at the time) all the way through in like a day or so.....


I think it's pretty safe to say I'm addicted and I need my fix of WT. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hia, my names Celia, and i'm a DOMAHOLIC. Haha==oh I shud be studying...sigh...so difficult to concentrate when am constanlty wondering if i've left it long enough before i check Again if there is a new update.


If i fail my exams...I can only blame myself :(

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.... sweeps through this topic a hissin' and a snarlin' and a grabbin' up all the baby domaholics shovin' 'em in a sack to be held for ransom......





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Hi everyone!


I've been reading Domluka's stories for the past few months but i finally joined the forum few days ago. So far my fav is The Ordinary Us. :great: I know i will be liking it here. Thanks for writing Dom! :worship:

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I don't even remember how I stumbled onto Dom Luka's site, but I am glad that I stayed and started reading. All I have to say is wow. Its hard to find really good authors on the net, but Dom is one of them, I am now addicted. Keep up the good work.


Now I am going to go read some more :read:

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  • 2 months later...

I've been a I'm Domaholic since The Long Way, came to this site to help my addiction.

A real domaholic knows that the story is titled 'The Log Way' :lol:


*tossles drew's hair and gives him a noggie*



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I know what happened with the title, but for some reason, it seemed like someone was going to be cutting wood at some point in the story.........either that or it should have been in the urination section at Nifty :P:P :wacko:

LOL Nick, I remember the first time I read the story description and it talked about how Owen was moving in with his brothers I immediately thought, "ohh and they must be lumberjacks". :lol:



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Running Through Blind

Yeah let's be honest. Dom is an inspirational author. and his stories make me happy. sigh... if only such things occured in life... to me anyway



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