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Timmy's Terrible Prompt Stories by TimothyM

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Unfortunately, not all hot guys can be gay.. :huh::P


Just some of us, eh Gary? :P


Exactly! :P


:heart:  :heart:  :heart:  you made me run out of likes.

But now I know what to say when Team Rob laments him being straight. :lol:

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I’ve thought of a few options, and I’d like your opinion.

  1. Do you want more Rob POV chapters? Or even prefer them?
  2. Should I stay with Nelson (1st person POV) and Eric (3rd person POV), and toss in an occasional Rob (3rd person POV)? I.e. as I’ve done so far?
  3. Would you like Jasper to be included in the mix of POVs?
  4. Are you indifferent as long as you get more chapters?



I love the Rob POV, but I don't think you should only have Rob's POV, especially since he is straight.  I am pretty sure that the majority of your audience do NOT want to hear his thoughts about every pretty girl that crosses his path :P


I agree with the others...you have done a great job with the story so far...don't question your gut instincts.  

Unfortunately, not all hot guys can be gay.. :huh::P



Just some of us, eh Gary? :P



Exactly! :P


And really you guys should leave one or two hot guys for us straight girls :P

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Unfortunately, not all hot guys can be gay.. :huh::P



Just some of us, eh Gary? :P



Exactly! :P

Speaking as a straight lady - Thank Goodness! LOL

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I loved this one so much I read it to my husband who sat and laughed as hard as Nelson did!


Awww thanks Kitt, together with all the wonderful reviews I've gotten, this made a perfect start on my day. :thankyou:


I've had this scene sitting in my story notes for a while, waiting for an opportunity to use it. I'm so glad everyone liked it. :D

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For once I managed to use a current prompt. :D


Prompt 412 What time are we supposed to be there?


Hope this can cheer you up after AC's B&B chapter. :,(

My thoughts exactly when I read your new chapter. I didn't want to write it in the review, since they're two different stories. It was just what I needed, though. Would have been difficult to sleep in that mind set...


You showed us the power of love in another way. The love of friends who aren't afraid to stick up for each other in a better way than violence.

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Rob, Jas, Maria & Tony are examples of those who see the trees for the forest. It's far easier to hate and degrade a concept than someone you know. This is true whether it be race, gender, creed, sexuality or politics. I've come to realize that knowing someone of a different color, belief or who is gay changes how people perceive others of that ilk. Putting yourself in another's skin or the old adage of walking in another man's shoes can change how we see others. Unfortunately we all too frequently fail to do so. Mea culpa, mea culpa ... Of course we may not always agree with thoughts or actions but accepting differences, holding one another in compassion and caring.

I must admit to a traditional doctrinal upbringing. I was taught that homosexuality, as well as greed, gluttony, hate, etc. was sinful and wrong. Oft times those beliefs come swelling back to the forefront of my thoughts causing me to question and doubt. I don't know that the young man in this chapter is wrong in his belief but I do know that the way he approaches others is. If Christians are to follow what we have been taught we should love one another and then before casting aspersions we should look to ourselves and correct our own faults, looking not for the splinter in our brother when there is a beam in my own eye. We are told that sin is sin. Hate is murder. Why do we expend so much effort decrying homosexuality above other wrongs. Is it because "those people" are different and so easier to judge? Why do we not march and protest outside McD's and Wendy's and Chik Fillet for their support of gluttony by super-sizing our bodies. Why do we not march and protest against advertisers and their clients for causing us to covet the latest and greatest electronic wonder or shoe or ... is it because the judgement may fall upon us? I think you get my drift, this entire issue is far more complex than simply pointing a finger at another and saying you are wrong. I don't know what is correct.  I do know that I believe in a loving and compassionate God. I ask that you not judge my God based on my actions for I am imperfect. I am one of those Christians we too often belittle for holding ignorant belief ... please judge me no more harshly then you would be judged not all of are content to dwell in ignornace. I would also say when you see or hear ignorant hatred speak out, call it what it is, never allow it to flourish but have care in judging the person. We want them to change and grow not hate us more than they already do.

I believe in a loving God who created me in equal image. A God that expects me to grow in love, to seek and question, to gain in understanding. To never take undue satisfaction in who and what I am but to constantly strive to become better. I exist in an imperfect form unequal to the perfect creation I was meant to be. This I believe!

I know some if you will disagree with my beliefs. I'm okay with that, they're my beliefs, just as my questions and doubts are mine. It isn't going to diminish my love and respect for you. In fact it is me trusting you enough to share a part of myself in which you might not agree. It is me trusting you not to see me as less but appreciating me in a deeper understanding.


Edited by dughlas
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Tim, I think tossing in an occasional Rob POV is fine, and I'd be very curious to hear from  Jasper too--that boy has some serious potential as an observer and gauge for the relationship between Nelson and Eric.  The way you handle things so far is excellent, and it helps the readers a lot to get inside the others' heads and make them real people.


Once my own story of Jay & Miles got beyond the first few prompts and turned into a real story, I found my views almost equally divided between the two, then I added bits by the other family members to flesh things out--but in doing so those characters became people also and not just scene dressing for the two main characters. I think everyone would agree that Jay's parents, while not really having had their own chapter, are living characters in the story.


The occasional alternate POV serves as a lens to define the main story rather than detract from it.  Keep doing what you're doing!

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I apologize if my earlier post was off topic, it wasn't meant to be. What Tim wrote and others thought touched me. I meant to write a simple note of gratitude and appreciation and then thoughts spilled into words and those words spilled over. My brain ran faster than my fingers could type and so the words seem a bit disjointed. What I hope you hear is one questing human soul crying out to others for love and acceptance. What wrote was/is deeply felt, now I wait in fearful trepidation for your response.

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Rob, Jas, Maria & Tony are examples of those who see the trees for the forest. It's far easier to hate and degrade a concept than someone you know. This is true whether it be race, gender, creed, sexuality or politics. I've come to realize that knowing someone of a different color, belief or who is gay changes how people perceive others of that ilk. Putting yourself in another's skin or the old adage of walking in another man's shoes can change how we see others. Unfortunately we all too frequently fail to do so. Mea culpa, mea culpa ... Of course we may not always agree with thoughts or actions but accepting differences, holding one another in compassion and caring.

I must admit to a traditional doctrinal upbringing. I was taught that homosexuality, as well as greed, gluttony, hate, etc. was sinful and wrong. Oft times those beliefs come swelling back to the forefront of my thoughts causing me to question and doubt. I don't know that the young man in this chapter is wrong in his belief but I do know that the way he approaches others is. If Christians are to follow what we have been taught we should love one another and then before casting aspersions we should look to ourselves and correct our own faults, looking not for the splinter in our brother when there is a beam in my own eye. We are told that sin is sin. Hate is murder. Why do we expend so much effort decrying homosexuality above other wrongs. Is it because "those people" are different and so easier to judge? Why do we not march and protest outside McD's and Wendy's and Chik Fillet for their support of gluttony by super-sizing our bodies. Why do we not march and protest against advertisers and their clients for causing us to covet the latest and greatest electronic wonder or shoe or ... is it because the judgement may fall upon us? I think you get my drift, this entire issue is far more complex than simply pointing a finger at another and saying you are wrong. I don't know what is correct.  I do know that I believe in a loving and compassionate God. I ask that you not judge my God based on my actions for I am imperfect. I am one of those Christians we too often belittle for holding ignorant belief ... please judge me no more harshly then you would be judged not all of are content to dwell in ignornace. I would also say when you see or hear ignorant hatred speak out, call it what it is, never allow it to flourish but have care in judging the person. We want them to change and grow not hate us more than they already do.

I believe in a loving God who created me in equal image. A God that expects me to grow in love, to seek and question, to gain in understanding. To never take undue satisfaction in who and what I am but to constantly strive to become better. I exist in an imperfect form unequal to the perfect creation I was meant to be. This I believe!

I know some if you will disagree with my beliefs. I'm okay with that, they're my beliefs, just as my questions and doubts are mine. It isn't going to diminish my love and respect for you. In fact it is me trusting you enough to share a part of myself in which you might not agree. It is me trusting you not to see me as less but appreciating me in a deeper understanding.


I think we are all guilty of judging others based on pre-conceived notions or past hurts and insults. It's easy to discount all people who embrace religion as zealots, just as it's easy for others to discount all bikers as criminals, all people with tattoos as "druggies", or even all gay men as pedophiles or as having a sickness. One of my aunts strongly believes in God and the power of faith - and she has no problem with me being gay. To her all of Gods creatures are beautiful and me being gay is just how God created me. I try not to judge others until they have made their intentions clear but I know I am guilty of it as well.


I think you are right - homosexuality is an easier target than gluttony or greed for many people because most of the population is guilty of gluttony and greed and turning that mirror on yourself is not always pretty.

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Thanks Issac. I knew that the folks here in the forums were important to me but never realized just how very much so until I wrote something that might cause some to draw away. I am at this very moment in tears and true heartache over the possible loss of friendships I cherish. Stupid I know, I said I was trusting you but now that it's out there I'm terrified.

Edited by dughlas
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Thanks Issac. I knew that the folks here in the forums were important to me but never realized just how very much so until I wrote something that might cause some to draw away. I am at this very moment in tears and true heartache over the possible loss of friendships I cherish. Stupid I know, I said I was trusting you but now that it's out there I'm terrified.

You're a good guy with a big heart. I can't see you losing friends.


I like your comment about speaking out against hatred and bigotry but taking care not to judge too harshly. You want the person to change and grow - not find more reason to hate.

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dughlas if you worried about my silence, rest assured it was not caused by any dissatisfaction with your post, but simply the fact I was not online on GA (at work as per my status). I'm back now and happy with what you have written. And I'm proud you chose my forum to raise this matter, since you might have found the Bound & Bound forum an even more suitable place.


I'd like to call myself a Christian, but I cannot say I'm devout, and it's more of a cultural than a religious matter - as for most Danes. But I do believe in the basic tenet of Jesus: elsk din næste som dig selv (love thy neighbour), and of all religions I like Christianity for the concept of loving and helping others.


Unfortunately, the main religions have been hijacked by zealots and intolerant, prudish, narrowminded people, and if its a choice between their kind of faith and no faith, I will chose the latter. As AC has pointed out in his forum, the bigotry against gay people is a recent cultural matter and not based on any long religious tradition. It scares me how much power religion has over science in the US - and how much influence the religoius fanatics have in politics too. When I hear and see the way they carry on, I'm ashamed to be named a Christian.


Oh, and finally I agree - it's as easy to sterotype them as anything else, but in this case I shan't feel to bad about doing it. Ridicule is a powerful tool, but it must be used with care. Once is enough for me, though.

Edited by Timothy M.
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I am of the belief should Jesus return today he would look at "his" church and say something such as "What is the matter with you people, you may profess it in my name but you still don't get it."


Yes, I agree completely. And it makes me sad to think how far away the Church is from the love Jesus died for.

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I am a Christian and have always been a spiritual person. I believe in God, but not the twisted version of religion that some extremists try to peddle. God is supposed to be about love and acceptance and any teaching that encourages hatred or belittling of a person or group is not (in my opinion) what God ever intended. I've met religious extremists I didn't like....but I've also met gay and feminist extremists who have tested my patience as well. We all need to remember that promotion of hatred is not the exclusive domain of religion. Every walk of life have their bad eggs.


You should not worry about expressing your opinion Dugh. You said what you felt and I always want my friends to be honest with me.

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Thanks Issac. I knew that the folks here in the forums were important to me but never realized just how very much so until I wrote something that might cause some to draw away. I am at this very moment in tears and true heartache over the possible loss of friendships I cherish. Stupid I know, I said I was trusting you but now that it's out there I'm terrified.

Don't be. You expressed yourself eloquently and I for one understood exactly where you are coming from!


You're a good guy with a big heart. I can't see you losing friends.

I agree Isaac!  And if someone does happen to draw away, perhaps that person needs to grow a bit themselves. People who truly care would never turn away!

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snapback.png Reply from Timothy M. (author)

You may be right, Adi. Rob's bravery could be all words and no substance, but I guess he (and we) won't know until he's confronted with the possibility. But having Eric and Nelson as close-up examples of male love might get Rob thinking and more curious. But basically , he's straight.



I will go out and kill some puppies now to restore my inner balance ...


JAR :evil:  :evil:

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But basically , he's straight.



I will go out and kill some puppies now to restore my inner balance ...


JAR :evil:  :evil:


as long as you don't kill Brian in Meta.


and there's always the possibility I may change my mind if and when I write a Rob sequel... or at least let Rob experiment a bit  :P

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