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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Cards on the Table - 22. Chapter 22 Making Your Own Odds

You can't let others throw you off your game.

Cards on the Table



Chapter 22



Kendall had arranged for seats at the rear of the plane again, and even though Michael’s knee had improved dramatically, the extra leg room was a necessity in his opinion. He'd performed his required exercises diligently and the turnaround had been phenomenal, with a consistently steady improvement. He still used his crutches but was well on the way to being fully mobile again. It was a brilliantly bright Monday morning, two weeks after first arriving in Calgary, and they were on the return flight home.

They'd endured an emotional good-bye at the Dooley household, and despite mixed feelings about leaving, both were eager to get back to their own place in their own world. It was difficult to absorb all the changes of the past two weeks; so much had been achieved since their first nerve-wracking walk through the door of Kendall’s boyhood home, and leading up to the warm and loving departure from it. Carson was doing well enough to astound his doctors; so much so that he was allowed to continue his recuperation at home. The bond between him and Agnes had been re-established thanks to the healing that had taken place within the family, with no small thanks going to Michael from all of them.

Radiation and Chemotherapy would start in five more weeks and would require regular trips to the hospital for the radiation part. The Chemo would be taken in pill form for an expected six months. In an attempt to take some pressure off his mother, Kendall had arranged for a wonderful volunteer organization to handle Carson’s transportation to and from his radiation sessions. Agnes still intended to accompany her husband, but she wouldn’t have to do the often treacherous driving required with Calgary winters. The major side effect for Carson would likely be extreme fatigue, and possibly ongoing nausea. The goal now was to build Carson back up, and his soft diet would soon be advancing to a more regular one. The reality was there was nothing more Kendall and Michael could do at this stage. Agnes had Tessa, who was back at full strength, to rely on for any help she might need.

It was Carson who insisted his ‘boys’ go back home and ‘stop worrying about him'. They objected at first, but soon accepted the logic of it. It was obvious to the whole family his outlook had improved, and that translated to a much happier Carson. At times he was downright cheery. His rapport with Michael was a joy for Kendall to behold. He brought out Carson’s witty side as they traded playful jibes about everything from hockey to police matters. Even the occasional ‘gimp’ joke made it in there as a humorous dig to Michael.

Kendall was included in everything as he became comfortable with this new, revealing side to his father, but his biggest enjoyment came from watching his partner wrap his parents around his little finger. Carson had been home since Friday afternoon so the family had three great days together to help cement the fact they were now on a very different path.

Last night, after going to bed, Kendall commented to an attentive Michael, who was holding him from behind, that he'd achieved his goal. When asked what he meant, Kendall chuckled and told him he was sure his parents did like Michael best.

The man was very smug when he murmured, "I told you so."

Kendall sighed at the inner joy and satisfaction he felt from the memory.

“Are you okay, Babe?” Michael grabbed Kendall’s hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it before bringing it down with his to rest between them.

“Uh huh, I really am. I’m headed home with you, and I feel great about how things are with my own family. You won their hearts, and while it still surprises me a little, I completely understand it. Who could know you and not love you?”

In an obvious attempt to lighten the emotion behind the words, Michael let a little smirk creep onto his face. “Well, there are Lanny and Candy. I don’t think they like me much.” Michael’s eyes were twinkling and Kendall burst out laughing, loud enough to turn a few heads in their direction.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about them, but they’re imbeciles so who cares what they think. They've got nothing to do with our lives anymore. Hey, maybe we should send them a thank you note for getting us together. Can you imagine how much that would piss Candy off?” Kendall said in a lower voice.

“It would piss her off, but she or they had nothing to do with us getting together. Even if that vindictive little bitch hadn’t done her worst with her Dumbo-eared puppet, I would still have worked my magic and convinced you I was the man for you. I believe in destiny, and you’re mine and I’m yours. Their actions may have sped up the process a little bit, but no way in hell do I give those two any credit whatsoever for you and me. It was my charm and good looks that made it happen… and my big penis,” he whispered confidently.

Kendall snorted. “Hey, what about me? It seems to me it was my ass in the moonlight that should get a lot of the credit. It was apparently what won you over to begin with,” Kendall whispered back, trying to hold back the mirth he was feeling at their conversation.

Michael’s previously joking expression turned serious as he looked into Kendall’s eyes as if they were the only people on the entire plane. “There is no denying the appeal of all your physical attributes, and especially your moonlit ass, but make no mistake, Babe... it was your big-as-the-world heart that really won me over. I hadn’t even seen your ass when I fell in love with you, but I knew the amazingly beautiful person you were on the inside… and that guy reached out and grabbed my heart and made it permanently his. The first time I held you in my arms and wiped the barf of your face, I believe our fates were sealed.”

Kendall's eyes widened. “Hell, Ace, that was very romantic until you got to the barf part,” he muttered as he leaned over and kissed the man who found it easy to say stuff that made his insides turn to mush. “I love you.”

“You can always count on me, and you have to admit it was a pretty romantic thing to do… wiping barf of a guy’s face,” he said with a chuckle as he leaned further into Kendall’s side resting their heads together. “I love you too.” They sat in companionable silence for the rest of the flight.


Michael leaned against the wall outside the entrance of the massive Air Canada terminal, waiting for Kendall to retrieve Black Beauty from the long-term parking lot. It was a surprisingly mild and sunny day for early winter, a perfect day to return to their lives. His previous concerns for the visit to the Dooley family and what it might do to his partner, had all been allayed over the course of the two weeks they'd spent there. He could sense a peace in his partner now that hadn’t been there before, maybe not ever.

It had been a demanding process for Kendall to get to the point of believing and accepting the changes in his family, but like everything he’d faced in all the time they'd been friends, he had gotten there. Michael was so happy for him, and he was also proud of his ability to let go of the past and move forward. He'd been prepared to hate or love the Dooleys, but he was very pleased it was the latter he felt.

He genuinely liked them, and had grown to love them as his mom and pop in their short time together. It may have started out as something for Kendall’s sake, but it had taken on a life of its own as he watched those two desperate and unhappy people try their hardest to make up for past mistakes. Not only had the whole family grown closer together… Michael felt the experience had brought him and Kendall even more in sync with each other.

Brought out of his pleasant thoughts by the approach of Beauty towards him, he pushed himself off the wall in anticipation, always aware of any separation from Kendall, but not minding in the least. He wouldn’t change how his need for his partner made him feel, not for anything.

“Sorry it took so long. Damn, that was a long frigging walk. It didn’t seem to take so long when I parked there.” Kendall hurried to load their luggage in the back seat. Michael could now ride in the front with no discomfort.

“That’s always the way. Besides, it’s beautiful out, so it didn’t seem like a long a wait to me.” It bothered him he couldn’t help load up, but at least he had no trouble getting in the truck by himself. It wouldn’t be too much longer before he could get rid of the crutches, he hoped.

“It’s a lot warmer here than it was in Calgary. I’m heating up in this coat.” Kendall unzipped it before hopping into the driver’s side. He put Beauty in gear and headed out.

“Home, James, and step on it."

“Your wish is my command, sir,” Kendall shot back, and Michael smiled that frisky smile of his.

“Does that apply for when we get home too?”

Kendall grinned and said, “We’ll see, horn-dog. I need to stop by head office on the way home and check in, okay?”

“Sure. I’ll just wait in the truck and enjoy the sunshine. I can feel it through the window and it feels nice.” Michael had his eyes closed.

“Sorry, Sunshine, but you can enjoy your namesake some other time. You'll have to come in with me.”

Michael opened his eyes and turned his head. “Why do I have to go in?”

Kendall was busy changing lanes on the 401 highway, so he took his time answering. “You have to sign some forms. I had my work add you as my common-law partner and emergency contact... ah, and put you down as beneficiary on my pension, like you did for me.”

Michael was caught off guard, but grinned from ear to ear at this surprise disclosure. “When did you do this?”

“A couple of days after you did... same time I told them we might be going to Calgary. We were just waiting for clearance from the therapist, so they said you could sign everything when we get back, and now we’re back.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? That was over two weeks ago.”

“I don’t know. I had a lot on my mind… and maybe I am trying to teach you to have patience… you know, all things come to those who wait?”

Michael was perplexed at first, and then started to laugh. “You’re talking about sex now, aren’t you?”

Kendall laughed too. “Got it in one, handsome. Looks and brains… I’m a lucky man."

“Yes, you are. Very, very lucky… but then so am I. Thank you, Babe.” He reached over for Kendall’s free hand and squeezed.

“You’re welcome, Sunshine. We’re a team, remember?”

The not-so-brief visit at the head office demonstrated the esteem Kendall was held in. His immediate boss, Mario Savard, treated them both warmly, congratulating Michael on their domestic partnership while extolling the virtues of being in a solid relationship. He was a garrulous sort who told them of his twenty-five-year marriage and his three children, before going so far as to offer Michael a job if he ever decided to leave the police force. After he had signed the necessary forms at the human resources department, he almost felt as if he had joined Kendall’s corporate family.

Kendall, in front of his partner, was congratulated on how well organized his people were, and then Mario informed him not a single issue had arisen during his absence. Everything had gone as smooth as clockwork and his boss commended him for the second time on the quality of his staff. Kendall informed his employer he planned to be back performing his duties on Wednesday, to which he was assured his schedule was his own to work out any way he saw fit until Michael was off his crutches. Michael, to say the least, was impressed… and bursting with pride.

They were back in the truck, headed for home. “They love you there, Babe. They treat you like a superstar, and that’s pretty damn cool to see. I’m really proud of you.”

“Thanks… I noticed it didn’t take them long to fall for you either. You had Mr. Savard totally won over, and Lisa in HR was practically drooling... not to mention her assistant couldn’t take his shifty eyes off your crotch. I was ready to belt the little weasel.”

Kendall’s ferocious seriousness made Michael laugh on the outside while it made him gooey on the inside. He enjoyed this bit of jealousy… at least a little. “Shifty eyes, Babe?”

“Yeah, well… they looked shifty to me,” he grumbled.

“Well, I didn’t notice because the only eyes that matter to me are yours.” He said it softly and sincerely, and it brought an eventual smile to Kendall’s face.


They pulled into the outside parking lot of their building and circled around in order to check on Michael’s navy blue Silverado parked in the spot in front of their apartment. At first glance, everything looked fine, but something on the tailgate caught Michael’s eye. As they pulled closer to the back of the truck, it became easier to make out 'FAGGOT' written in some kind of opaque substance. He flew out of the truck before Kendall could react. It was a disturbing thing to see his partner jump out with no discernable concern for his knee, and fear clawed at his throat at the possible damage he could have done to it. His attempt to squeak out a yell, failed, but he was at his side in seconds, totally freaked and warning Michael to be careful. Michael ignored him as he focused on the substance that spelled out the offensive word, touching it with his fingers.

"That's just fucking wrong! So many times I've seen this shit done to others... fucking with peoples' rights and property and dignity because they're small-minded assholes, but to be on the receiving end is a whole new experience for me!"

“I know it sucks but... Michael, answer me!”

“What?” Michael slowly turned his attention from the truck.

“Your knee. Did you hurt your knee? You jumped out of the truck and you could have damaged it. We need to check it to make sure.” The very real fear in Kendall’s strained voice seemed to finally get through to Michael.

“Shit, sorry. I’m fine. I landed on my right leg when I jumped out and I grabbed the back of the truck for support. I didn’t put any pressure on it at all. I’m sorry I freaked you out, but there’s nothing to worry about, okay? I moved fast but I was still careful.” Michael met Kendall’s frantically concerned expression as it morphed into one of relief, and his anger at the situation seemed to deflate immediately. He pulled him into a hug, his truck obviously forgotten for the moment.

“Are you sure your knee's okay?” Kendall asked, eyeing the truck over Michael's back.

“Yeah, I’m sure. Sorry I scared you like that, I know how worried you get. It’s just a truck after all, and I shouldn't have done that.”

“Okay, now you’re making me sound like an old mother hen.”

“No, no, Babe, not old,” Michael chuckled as he released him from the hug.

He chuckled too. “I guess I do fit the mother hen part though, don’t I?”

“Yeah, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It just shows me how much you care about me, and that’s a helluva good thing.”

“So what is that on your truck? It’s not any kind of paint,” he said, looking closer at it.

“Nah, it’s just bar soap, like kids use on Halloween, so it was probably some local kids who've seen us together.” Michael went quiet as he stared at the clearly visible word.

“Are you okay, Ace?”

“Huh? Yeah, I’ve just never been on this side of the fence before, and I don’t know whether to be mad or sad, you know? I mean there’s no real damage done, but I don’t like that somebody thinks they have the right to comment on our relationship or our love for each other… even if it’s just some dumb-ass teenagers. It never hit me before just how ugly that word is. Not just the word, but what's behind it. What we have is beautiful and I almost feel sorry for the idiots who don’t get it."

“I used to hear that word from my dad a lot when I was growing up and it always made me cringe. I was never even sure why it had such an effect on me at the time. I do now, though,” he said with a smile. “Words wield a lot of power, and they can be used as weapons if we let them get to us. Honestly, Michael, I was prepared to hear those words from my dad again, but they wouldn’t have hurt me like they did in the past. As long as I have you, that word and words like it have no power over me. I think you said it right. We should feel sorry for the idiots who don’t get it, because to let them anger us means they do have some control. My dad, your pop, would never use that word now, so that means there’s hope for everyone."

“If the infamous Carson Dooley can see the light, there is hope for everyone," Michael declared. "Let’s park Beauty in the underground spot and get inside. I’ll come out and wash this off later.” Michael was himself again… the somberness of their first personal experience with ignorant bigotry had lifted. It wasn’t forgotten, but Michael would accept it like he did most things. They had each other and that's what mattered to them both.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll wash it off once we unpack and give Chet a quick call.”

“Oh no you won’t. It’s my truck and I’ll wash it,” he said in no uncertain terms.

“With your injured knee? Michael, don’t be a stubborn ass. It wasn’t all that long ago you washed the vomit off my truck in the wee hours of the morning, after you rescued me from the side of the road… so I wouldn’t be reminded of the worst night of my entire life.” He caught Michael’s eyes with his own, and softly asked, “Do you remember doing that for me?”

Michael swallowed under Kendall's scrutiny and nodded, obviously remembering the night and the searing pain of it. Kendall was aware now it was likely the worst night of his life too. “Okay, I get your point, and thank you. I think you’re saying what we have together means we do what we can for each other, right?”

“Got it in one. Like I said, beauty and brains.” They both chuckled as they got back in the truck.

“I’m not just a pretty face, Babe.”

“No, you’re not. You’re the wind beneath my wings, Sunshine.”

Michael looked at Kendall in disbelief. “Oh my God, you did not just say that.” He shook his head. “I’m going to have to rethink this whole thing now,” he teased with a smirk. “That was the corniest thing I’ve ever heard.”

Kendall looked over at Michael. “Really, Michael, you have to rethink this? I’m hurt. I was just telling you how I feel.”

Michael sighed. “I was just kidding, Babe, It was really sweet what you said… just, well, I don’t think you should say that in front of anyone else, is all.” He gave Kendall a look that said he really was sorry, and Kendall burst out laughing.

“You are way too easy.” His laugh turned into out-of-breath giggles, letting Michael know he'd been played.

“That was mean. Park this sucker, so I can show you just how easy I can be.”

“That's my guy... always the horn-dog, no matter what.”

“Yes I am, and I won't let anyone rain on my parade."

Many thanks to Timothy M, and to all those who read, 'like', and review this story.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Another scintillating chapter, thank you. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the next instalment in this wonderful story.

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Bigots really are everywhere aren't they? They are also not that smart targeting a cop and his well built partner. I have a funny feeling it may have been Lanny though...if it was Candy I think she would have been vindictive enough to actually scratch the paint. I like Michael's reaction though...after the initial shock he feels pity for the bigots because they don't realize how beautiful their love is.

I am very happy the boys are home now though. The visit to Calgary was necessary, but it will be good for them to get back to their lives. I am also excited for them to find out about Chet and Arron :D

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Well, the boys are back home and Michael's almost healed. The soaped remark on the truck shows how childish some people are. I'm wondering what the person believes this will accomplish? Anyway, I'm glad Michael didn't let it bother him. But, I'm wondering what it presages. Hmmm! Great job Gary.

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Michael is finally almost healed. He'll be very happy about that. I think he wants to do more with Kendall but Kendall wouldn't put his knee at risk for any reason. :o


Michael handled his first taste of homophobia that was directed at him very well. He's also fortunate that he is a big guy and would be really hard to intimidate - especially if this is the work of teenagers. These two are really good at keeping a positive attitude - even in the face of bigotry. A very good quality to have.

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Well G-man, you did it again...you gave us another example of how Michael works his magic, and then showed us that Kendall too can provide the support and insight for Michael when the time comes, just as Michael does for him.

I had been concerned about Michael's job...but when Mr. Savard offered him a job in Security, that just reminded me that the risk is there too, only to a lesser degree. In truth, you can't walk down the street anymore without the chance of some lunatic shooting you for your money, or just because they are angry about something which has no connection to you at all.

Call me paranoid, but I don't think the graffiti is teen-related at all; they might see Michael getting out of it and going into Kendall's apartment, but they've been careful about displays and Michael;s crutches are a good reason for his needing help...no, the very first thought that came to mind for me was this: Lanny and Candy. They know the cars both men drive, know where Kendall lives thanks to team rosters...and have the just cause (in their view) to do such a thing. Those two ae stupid enough, and small-minded enough to do such a reprehensible act and not consider the fact that Michael is a cop with resources.

More please...and call Chet so those two can set K/M up for a fall! :)

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Another great chapter, thanks for sharing! I love the way Kendall and Michael's relationship is growing deeper and more solid -- even if it was those things already in the beginning, well, earlier, it's hard to say what the beginning point really is.

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I was very impressed no one batted an eyelid at the head office when Kendall came out to them - oh wait, he did that when he put in the paper work two weeks earlier, right? The shifty eyes incident made me laugh, and I don't blame Michael for liking Kendall's reaction.

We are often taught jealousy is an ugly, 'wrong' emotion. Sort of like anger, envy, lust and those other 'mortal sins'. But no one can help feeling such emotions at times, particularly kids. If they are continuously told they are bad or naughty for feeling this way (eg for being envious of another kid), it can eventually destroy their self-worth. Rather, one should acknowledge the emotions and the reasons behind (no matter how spurius) and then explain how to counteract it (rationally or spritually) or control it, so you do not act selfishly or hurt others due to your feelings. It is only when they lead to destructive behavior there should be condemnation.

Michael felt jealous of Chet earlier and Kendall did the right thing in helping him deal with it. Now Michael does the same in return on a smaller scale, he does not dismiss Kendall's assertion that the weasel guy was oggling Ace, but uses the opportunity to reinforce his love and attraction to his man: I didn’t notice because the only eyes that matter to me are yours.

Beautifully done, Gary - and yes, whatever the odds against them, Ace and Deuce will trumph them all. I loved Michael saying he would have won Kendall no matter what, his knee injury only breached the wall his friend had raised a little faster. But we all knew Ace would have convinced the love of his life to listen and accept. No other outcome was possible. :kiss:

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On 04/25/2015 06:41 AM, dughlas said:
It's good to be home even if there be idiots about.
Lol. You are a very witty guy, dugh... yet subtle. I'm glad to get the boys home. The family trip was a bit of an ordeal... happy to get them through but glad it's over for the most part. I always love your reviews dugh... thank you and cheers...
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On 04/25/2015 06:41 AM, dughlas said:
It's good to be home even if there be idiots about.
Lol. You are a very witty guy, dugh... yet subtle. I'm glad to get the boys home. The family trip was a bit of an ordeal... happy to get them through but glad it's over for the most part. I always love your reviews dugh... thank you and cheers...
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On 04/25/2015 07:41 AM, Dathi said:
Another scintillating chapter, thank you. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the next instalment in this wonderful story.
You're welcome, Dathi, and thank you for your loyal support and appreciative comments. I always look forward to hearing from you, and your reviews... cheers...
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On 04/25/2015 08:13 AM, LitLover said:
Bigots really are everywhere aren't they? They are also not that smart targeting a cop and his well built partner. I have a funny feeling it may have been Lanny though...if it was Candy I think she would have been vindictive enough to actually scratch the paint. I like Michael's reaction though...after the initial shock he feels pity for the bigots because they don't realize how beautiful their love is.

I am very happy the boys are home now though. The visit to Calgary was necessary, but it will be good for them to get back to their lives. I am also excited for them to find out about Chet and Arron :D

I find that bigots aren't that smart in general. If they were, they would figure out that hatred for someone else' love has no good reason behind it. They aren't to be excused, but as Michael and Kendall both think, yes, they are to be pitied. I love how thoughtful your reviews are, Lit. The bottom line for them is, who cares what the small-minded thinks...it will never affect what they have. And yeah, it's nice to have the boys home, where they can get on with building their lives. Thanks Lit, for your wonderful, continued loyalty to my boys... cheers
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On 04/25/2015 08:57 AM, Cole Matthews said:
Well, the boys are back home and Michael's almost healed. The soaped remark on the truck shows how childish some people are. I'm wondering what the person believes this will accomplish? Anyway, I'm glad Michael didn't let it bother him. But, I'm wondering what it presages. Hmmm! Great job Gary.
Thanks, Cole, for reviewing. Michael is very anxious to be back to normal lol. Childish, or cowardly, the bigoted act accomplishes nothing, except the boys' eyes are opened a little more. I love that, instead of being intimidated, they hugged and held hands in the middle of the parking lot, giving the proverbial finger to any one who may be watching. Affection isn't reserved for straight people,and these guys will live their lives without someone elses restrictions... Cheers...
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On 04/25/2015 09:58 AM, EagleIsaac said:
Michael is finally almost healed. He'll be very happy about that. I think he wants to do more with Kendall but Kendall wouldn't put his knee at risk for any reason. :o


Michael handled his first taste of homophobia that was directed at him very well. He's also fortunate that he is a big guy and would be really hard to intimidate - especially if this is the work of teenagers. These two are really good at keeping a positive attitude - even in the face of bigotry. A very good quality to have.

Yup, Horn-dog's getting better lol. No matter how big you are, homophobia can really hurt, but these guys, because they have each other, won't let it affect them. It does help though, for personal safety, that they are big guys. Thanks for the great review, Eagle... cheers...
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On 04/25/2015 02:08 PM, ColumbusGuy said:
Well G-man, you did it again...you gave us another example of how Michael works his magic, and then showed us that Kendall too can provide the support and insight for Michael when the time comes, just as Michael does for him.

I had been concerned about Michael's job...but when Mr. Savard offered him a job in Security, that just reminded me that the risk is there too, only to a lesser degree. In truth, you can't walk down the street anymore without the chance of some lunatic shooting you for your money, or just because they are angry about something which has no connection to you at all.

Call me paranoid, but I don't think the graffiti is teen-related at all; they might see Michael getting out of it and going into Kendall's apartment, but they've been careful about displays and Michael;s crutches are a good reason for his needing help...no, the very first thought that came to mind for me was this: Lanny and Candy. They know the cars both men drive, know where Kendall lives thanks to team rosters...and have the just cause (in their view) to do such a thing. Those two ae stupid enough, and small-minded enough to do such a reprehensible act and not consider the fact that Michael is a cop with resources.

More please...and call Chet so those two can set K/M up for a fall! :)

Hey CG, thanks for another thoughtful review... These two make a great team...the each have their own strengths that complement the others. At this point, the graffiti appears harmless, but who knows. Lanny and Candy are certainly stupid enough, for sure. Don't worry... Chet and Arron will get their chance... cheers, Buddy...
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On 04/25/2015 02:08 PM, ColumbusGuy said:
Well G-man, you did it again...you gave us another example of how Michael works his magic, and then showed us that Kendall too can provide the support and insight for Michael when the time comes, just as Michael does for him.

I had been concerned about Michael's job...but when Mr. Savard offered him a job in Security, that just reminded me that the risk is there too, only to a lesser degree. In truth, you can't walk down the street anymore without the chance of some lunatic shooting you for your money, or just because they are angry about something which has no connection to you at all.

Call me paranoid, but I don't think the graffiti is teen-related at all; they might see Michael getting out of it and going into Kendall's apartment, but they've been careful about displays and Michael;s crutches are a good reason for his needing help...no, the very first thought that came to mind for me was this: Lanny and Candy. They know the cars both men drive, know where Kendall lives thanks to team rosters...and have the just cause (in their view) to do such a thing. Those two ae stupid enough, and small-minded enough to do such a reprehensible act and not consider the fact that Michael is a cop with resources.

More please...and call Chet so those two can set K/M up for a fall! :)

Hey CG, thanks for another thoughtful review... These two make a great team...the each have their own strengths that complement the others. At this point, the graffiti appears harmless, but who knows. Lanny and Candy are certainly stupid enough, for sure. Don't worry... Chet and Arron will get their chance... cheers, Buddy...
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On 04/25/2015 03:50 PM, Kalandor said:
Another great chapter, thanks for sharing! I love the way Kendall and Michael's relationship is growing deeper and more solid -- even if it was those things already in the beginning, well, earlier, it's hard to say what the beginning point really is.
Thank you, Kalandor, for a great review. It's always nice to hear your thoughts. I really appreciate the compliments, and am so glad you are enjoying the story. Everyone seems to be looking forward to the get together with Chet and Arron lol. Cheers...
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On 04/25/2015 10:23 PM, Timothy M. said:
I was very impressed no one batted an eyelid at the head office when Kendall came out to them - oh wait, he did that when he put in the paper work two weeks earlier, right? The shifty eyes incident made me laugh, and I don't blame Michael for liking Kendall's reaction.

We are often taught jealousy is an ugly, 'wrong' emotion. Sort of like anger, envy, lust and those other 'mortal sins'. But no one can help feeling such emotions at times, particularly kids. If they are continuously told they are bad or naughty for feeling this way (eg for being envious of another kid), it can eventually destroy their self-worth. Rather, one should acknowledge the emotions and the reasons behind (no matter how spurius) and then explain how to counteract it (rationally or spritually) or control it, so you do not act selfishly or hurt others due to your feelings. It is only when they lead to destructive behavior there should be condemnation.

Michael felt jealous of Chet earlier and Kendall did the right thing in helping him deal with it. Now Michael does the same in return on a smaller scale, he does not dismiss Kendall's assertion that the weasel guy was oggling Ace, but uses the opportunity to reinforce his love and attraction to his man: I didn’t notice because the only eyes that matter to me are yours.

Beautifully done, Gary - and yes, whatever the odds against them, Ace and Deuce will trumph them all. I loved Michael saying he would have won Kendall no matter what, his knee injury only breached the wall his friend had raised a little faster. But we all knew Ace would have convinced the love of his life to listen and accept. No other outcome was possible. :kiss:

Thank you for the superb review, Tim.You're right that jealousy is a natural emotion, as long as it doesn't go to far... I understand jealousy very well :) . I'm glad you brought up the jealousy Michael felt over Chet. When you love someone as much as these two do, it makes perfect sense to be protective of that love. I think it is similar to an instinct a mother has... and it is nice to have someone feel that way about you, as long as they are rational about it. Michael's instinct to reassure Kendall was beautiful, and I'm happy you pointed it out with the line you quoted. Michael's certainty that they were destined to be together is another key point in the chapter... That destiny will ensure, no matter what they face, they will overcome it because they... make their own odds... :) ...cheers, Tim...
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For me the most touching moment in this chapter was when Michael acknowledged to himself that his 'need' for Kendall – for his man – was indeed a wonderful thing. So often our society seems to tell us in indirect ways that mutual support is wrong and destructive: 'co-dependant;' 'ball and chain;' 'Pu**Y-whipped.' It's wonderful to see faith in love represented in a way that is close to the reality I know – two are stronger than one.


Michael pulling Kendall closer in the parking lot, in front of the suspected eyes of bigots, was also very moving. His priorities are in the right place, that's for sure!


Great chapter – I had my truck vandalized in a similar way just a few weeks ago, so I volunteer to go down there with a bowl of warm water a and sponge! Kendall's right – We can't let 'em win!

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On 04/26/2015 10:06 AM, AC Benus said:
For me the most touching moment in this chapter was when Michael acknowledged to himself that his 'need' for Kendall – for his man – was indeed a wonderful thing. So often our society seems to tell us in indirect ways that mutual support is wrong and destructive: 'co-dependant;' 'ball and chain;' 'Pu**Y-whipped.' It's wonderful to see faith in love represented in a way that is close to the reality I know – two are stronger than one.


Michael pulling Kendall closer in the parking lot, in front of the suspected eyes of bigots, was also very moving. His priorities are in the right place, that's for sure!


Great chapter – I had my truck vandalized in a similar way just a few weeks ago, so I volunteer to go down there with a bowl of warm water a and sponge! Kendall's right – We can't let 'em win!

Thanks, AC, it was a very small reflection of Michael's within the chapter, but I like that you zeroed in on it. I get his feeling something is not quite right when Kendall is apart from him. It is proof of the bond that is present between them. Indeed, again in the parking lot was more proof that, as you say, 'two are stronger than one'... To hug and hold hands at such a time is showing the world that no one else matters when it comes to how they feel about one another. Sorry about your truck... I had a similar attempt that was aborted partway through the word, in paint... but it was fresh enough that I could wash it off...My SUV was only two weeks old...long story short, I didn't let them win... homophobes tend to be stupid :) Thanks for another great review...cheers...
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On 04/26/2015 10:06 AM, AC Benus said:
For me the most touching moment in this chapter was when Michael acknowledged to himself that his 'need' for Kendall – for his man – was indeed a wonderful thing. So often our society seems to tell us in indirect ways that mutual support is wrong and destructive: 'co-dependant;' 'ball and chain;' 'Pu**Y-whipped.' It's wonderful to see faith in love represented in a way that is close to the reality I know – two are stronger than one.


Michael pulling Kendall closer in the parking lot, in front of the suspected eyes of bigots, was also very moving. His priorities are in the right place, that's for sure!


Great chapter – I had my truck vandalized in a similar way just a few weeks ago, so I volunteer to go down there with a bowl of warm water a and sponge! Kendall's right – We can't let 'em win!

Thanks, AC, it was a very small reflection of Michael's within the chapter, but I like that you zeroed in on it. I get his feeling something is not quite right when Kendall is apart from him. It is proof of the bond that is present between them. Indeed, again in the parking lot was more proof that, as you say, 'two are stronger than one'... To hug and hold hands at such a time is showing the world that no one else matters when it comes to how they feel about one another. Sorry about your truck... I had a similar attempt that was aborted partway through the word, in paint... but it was fresh enough that I could wash it off...My SUV was only two weeks old...long story short, I didn't let them win... homophobes tend to be stupid :) Thanks for another great review...cheers...
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Everything is still so perfect. The feeling of arriving home together, the acceptance at Kendall's office. If it were me, I'd be afraid something might happen soon, always the pessimist...haha.

Michael jumping out of the truck because someone had 'hurt' his baby made me laugh, after I knew his knee was okay, those boys and their trucks...although if someone had hurt my motorcycle... :devil::evil:

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On 05/05/2015 06:53 PM, aditus said:
Everything is still so perfect. The feeling of arriving home together, the acceptance at Kendall's office. If it were me, I'd be afraid something might happen soon, always the pessimist...haha.

Michael jumping out of the truck because someone had 'hurt' his baby made me laugh, after I knew his knee was okay, those boys and their trucks...although if someone had hurt my motorcycle... :devil::evil:

Thanks for another great review, Adi. This is really the beginning of them building their life together. Their was a lot of stress in Calgary with Carson's illness and all the family drama, but now it's their time. As much as it scared Kendall, he understood Michael's concern for his truck. As much as M cares for his 'pride and joy' K is the one with the over the top attraction to 'Black Beauty'. I think he would sleep with 'Beauty' if he could... it would make for a crowded bed LOL :) . I think M was very impressed, but not surprised, at how highly K's employer's value him. Thanks again, Adi and Cheers...
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Dumbo-eared Puppet !!! :rofl:


They were lucky it was just soap and not something more permanent. But it is still sad that people do that sort of thing :(


Another great chapter :heart:

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On 07/27/2015 04:09 AM, Caz Pedroso said:

Dumbo-eared Puppet !!! :rofl:


They were lucky it was just soap and not something more permanent. But it is still sad that people do that sort of thing :(


Another great chapter :heart:

Homophobia and bigotry are facts of gay life. It was inevitable that it would happen to our guys... you're right... it could have been much worse... glad you liked the chapter... thanks for the review, Caz... cheers... Gary...

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