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Brandon Smiling: From the Billy Chase Chronicles (2) - 28. Entry 28
Billy and I played ‘footsie’ today…
So, I went over to his place today just like I promised. His Mom seemed cool with my coming over. She even stayed behind from whatever errands she was going to do just to meet me for some reason. I can see where Billy gets his looks! Mrs. Chase is a stunningly beautiful woman! For reals! I guess the ‘straight’ term for her would be MILF and, if I had any normal feelings for women like I should, she would have turned me on! For reals!
She’s got the same blonde hair as Billy, but with blue/green eyes instead of brown. I guess Billy gets his light brown eyes from his Dad…who must be a DILF (hehehehe!). She also has a beautiful body that her jeans and light fitting blouse showed off unintentionally. I don’t know why I was so fixated on her looks, but I guess it was a case of wondering where Billy gets all of his extreme beauty from!
Billy was extra-special sexy today! I couldn’t keep my eyes off him! He must have thought I was a total freak the way I kept staring at him, but I couldn’t help it! I swear I was tingly and, at least, semi-erect through our whole time together. He was wearing his favorite cargo pants and a very nice button-down shirt that had a diamond/circle like design all over it. It was tight enough to cling to his chest and shoulders and I could see his long neck and collar bones because he kept the top few buttons open. I wanted to lick and suck every inch of his neck like a vampire! His pants were loose enough in the front so that I couldn’t easily make out any definition of his boyhood, but they clung to his butt perfectly! Billy has the most scrumptious ass on planet earth, I swear! I can only fantasize about how that sexy thing would look without all that stupid clothing covering it. I wanted to, just, grab handfuls of it and rub my face all over it! God, I wanted to pounce him and strip him butt naked right in front of me! But…I controlled myself.
I was seriously perving on him, I admit that. But, interestingly enough, as much as I wanted his body and stared at it every chance I could get when he wasn’t looking, the thing that captured me most…the thing that always captures me…was his beautiful eyes! When he locked them on me, I felt like I could fall into those coca-cola puppy dog depths and drown in them! They shined with so much feeling! Feelings he seemed to be having for me. But, were they feelings of love or was he just nervous and excited to have a friend over after being grounded for so long? I wish I knew for sure!
At first, we mostly did just ‘friend’ things. He had a game on his computer that he wanted to show me. ‘Diablo’ I think it was. I really couldn’t pay much attention to it because I could feel Billy’s body heat so close to my back that I wanted to turn in the chair, grab him by the ears, and kiss him senseless! He must have been sitting just inches from me! I’m pretty sure he sniffed me a couple of times in and around my neck while my back was turned looking at his computer. That was good because I purposefully put on some body spray that my Dad uses!
He did his typical Billy-babble thing that he does when he’s nervous. I couldn’t imagine why having me over would make him so nervous, but it seemed to. I didn’t care! I loved hearing the buzz of his voice as he rattled on about this or that. I could listen to his silly blathering for hours and never tire of it!
There was a particularly cute thing that Billy did. It would seem to be a kind of a nothing thing, but it meant a lot to me. He wanted to please me in some way and so he offered me some Kool-Aid. I think it was the best he could offer at the moment. It was so sweet how he wanted to make it just for me and how he waited until I took my first sip and liked it before he took a sip of his own. It seemed to make him really happy when I did like it. It was probably the best drink anyone had ever made for me, actually. Not that the drink itself was anything special…I’m not much of a fan of Kool-Aid…but, it was because Billy made it with such care. I mean, it was like watching a mad scientist mix a love potion or something. He wanted so much for it to be perfect…just for me!
I tell you, I wanted to take Billy up in my arms and just hold and squeeze him forever after that. It’s amazing how something so simple can mean so much!
I think I went into a complete trance after that. I felt like I was swimming through warm Jello for the rest our time together. I have to wonder if Billy tried to drug me with whatever was in that Kool-Aid, but…no…it was just pure infatuation. All I remember is talking a bit and watching Billy watch me. I got so tingly all over and my heart started to beat so fast that it flooded me with this feeling like I was drunk! It was a feeling so intense! It pushed me to want to lay on top of Billy and kiss every inch of that super-tight body of his! I guess it was pure lust. I actually felt my mouth water for him like I wanted to eat him alive! I think I even licked my lips at the thought of it! In fact, I know I did!
Like I said, I was totally perving on poor Billy today. If I wasn’t so scared and nervous about showing too much interest too fast, I would have done something ‘inappropriate’ to him. I’m sure of it!
But, the last thing I wanted to do was scare Billy to death and drive him away from me too soon.
I feel confident that he is into me as much as I am into him. He did say he loved me on the phone, after all, and I returned those feelings. I will never forget that! But, saying that on the phone is one thing and saying it in person is another. I just need more time…that’s all! It will come, but I, just, need more time to get my courage together to do this!
Chandler always says not to push things and just let them come in their own time. It’s a very hard thing to do when the one you love so much is right before you and seeming to feel the same way you do. But, there has to be a right time with these things, I guess. Today, I felt we weren’t quite there yet.
But, like I said when I started out this entry, we did play footsie! Hehehe!
We were on his bed together just watching each other’s feet! Yes, that is as weird as it sounds, but who cares! I was fascinated by Billy’s feet! Like the rest of him, they were cute as could be! I could see his perfect little toes wiggle under his socks and watch his perfectly high instep flex as he did. I got this completely sick fantasy that I’d jump down off Billy’s ultra-soft bed, yank his feet right out of those socks, and suck on his big toe! The thought of it got me giggling and that seemed to set off Billy’s giggling.
I then took notice of how lovely Billy’s bed, sort of, gripped my ass and I felt myself wiggle into it a little. I got this flash of a thought of how it would feel with me naked and it cradling my back as I lifted up to give myself completely to Billy. I felt my hole tingle at the thought of it and it caused be to shiver a bit.
Sort of by reflex I mentioned how soft Billy’s bed was. He thanked me with a sweet smile on his face while he was still staring intently at my feet. He reached his foot over to touch mine and I pushed back against his touch to return it. It was such a small and innocent thing to do, but that little bit of contact with him felt sooo wonderful!
We did that for a while, just stroking each other’s feet with our own feet, giggling, looking up at one another for a moment, and then back down at our feet. I knew this meant something! How could it not?
He then turned to lay on his side facing me and I did the same. We rubbed all of our feet together as we looked deep into each other’s eyes. He was blushing furiously, but he held my gaze. He didn’t have to say anything, because I knew then as I know now that he was looking at me with that look of love Chandler described to me. I reached for him and put my hand on his quivering side. I wanted to pull him too me and for us to finally make that kiss we both needed so badly from each other.
But, then we heard Billy’s mother come into the house and call out for him. Ordinarily, that should have broken us up, but I think we were both too mesmerized by each other to care.
We stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed to be a lifetime. I could feel the words on the tip of my tongue. The words I have needed to say to Billy since the day I first laid eyes upon him. But, he got to it first. He told me - ever so softly: “I love you, Brandon.” It was almost under his breath, which made it all the more tender.
I felt tears trying to come into my eyes! I managed to control them, but the depth of feeling I had at that moment made it very hard not to cry for joy and then, finally, embrace this love of my life like I needed to.
I reached to touch that precious cheek of his and prepared to return Billy’s tender words when his Mom called out again, only this time she was much closer. Unfortunately, that was enough to break the spell and we had to part with me having the words “I love you too, Billy. With all of my heart,” stuck in my throat.
We spent the rest of the afternoon together happily, but more distantly. I never got the chance to tell Billy my truth, though. His Mom was too close and too involved with us to allow for it.
I swear, though! I swear I’ll tell Billy how much I love him! I’ll make it up to him! I’ll make this happen!
Because it’s gotta happen now!
This is Brandon with ‘ I Love You’ caught in his throat…
Please feel free to leave him some!
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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