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  • wildone

    Review Team... Review!

    By wildone

    Wow, where did 2024 go? Well I know that the Review Team worked through it. We have to thank @Timothy M. for doing up the annual review. Check out some of these stories and reviews if you missed them originally. One stop shopping.       Our Review Team has put together a list of all the Reviews they did in 2024. You can click on any of them to see the actual blog. Maybe there was one that you missed, maybe one piques your interest now, or you could simply revisit the story it

Pandemics, work, and my dad

Okay, so approximately two and half months ago my part of the world shut down. Public transport became empty, restaurants  shut down, doctor offices closed, and life as we knew it came to a standstill. My job also closed but I was lucky, the pay kept rolling in. Then a month and a half in the company furloughed all part-timers and 20% of the full timers. However, once again I was lucky and the pay keeps coming in. They decided last week to reopen. We are paid for 36 hours and any hours we a



Featured Story: Daddy Bears

Sorry all, running late, so let's get this review up! Daddy Bears by MCVT Reviewer: Aditus Status: Complete Word Count: 6,284 I read this story because of its title—and because a friend recommended it. In the beginning we learn about a young man’s abusive childhood and his way of coping with it: every time it gets bad, he sends his mind on a journey. He turns the knob of an imagined red AM radio, and immediately he visits wondrous places all over the world--the streets of

Weekly Wrap Up (May 31 - Jun. 6)

Exciting things happened this week in the GA New Blogs  Did you catch them daily, or do you rely on the Weekly Wrap Up to get caught up   So last weekend, I played 18 holes of golf on Sunday. We all practiced safe distancing and such. I say played, but I lie . We went to play in the Rockies and some of the tee boxes were quite the climb, and then back down to the carts. Since I don't wear my prosthetic leg much since I've been working at home, I don't get out on it too much during the week.


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

What I Think

WARNING ***Discussion of race, religion, bigotry lies ahead. It's what I feel and think. If you don't like what I feel and think feel free to ignore this blog. If your mind is closed, do not read this blog. If you are afraid of your own truth, do not read this blog. If you are looking for honesty and acceptance, I hope you choose to read on. ***   I've been thinking about what is going on in our world besides COVID-19. I wish it wasn't what has been happening. I've been debating saying



Why am I writing this?

We all get a bit mad during our lifetime. No matter what. It is happening to everyone and everywhere all around the world. So many things happen to us, and while we are all a bit similar, events in our lives effect us differently. I have decided to write this memoir to heal. One of the biggest challenge of my life has been to understand why certain things happen, especially when I think about my mother. We never really had a good relationship. She always finds something bad whatever I was doin



2020 Spring Anthology: The Storm & Full Moon *Set 1* - NOW LIVE

Anybody ready for some new stories?  We have some great offerings for you as part of the 2020 Spring Anthology. Wondering when the anthologies would start to go live? Well, wait no more!  Today we have 3 stories for you to enjoy, and each week I will make another set live. Now, before we get to the stories, we had a bit of an incentive this go around. Every author who submitted a story into the anthology received an entry in a drawing. I added all the names onto random.com and randomized the lis

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Ask an Author 2.0 #32

Last month’s installment of “Ask An Author” was one of the most popular ever based on the number of comments from readers. Not sure we can match the response, but this month’s question is just as fascinating. Let’s see what some of the Author/editors on Gay Authors have to say. Participants were selected by the member asking the question, and they're featured in alphabetical order. ҉҉҉҉҉ Amateur writing can have some differences, and no one is perfect. As many of us on GA are, I a

Character Art - Silver Cyclone

It’s been a rough couple of weeks, mentally. I’m not in the right headspace to get any writing/editing done, so I apologize for that. That being said, the stay at home order had me itching to put my brain to use, so I recently started a Udemy class on character art. Drawing is always something I wished I could do, and I’m really impressed with my progress so far. I like doing the assignments, and it feels like a formal online class. Pretty much the exact kind of distraction in need right now. 



Ceramic Flowers dusted

Thanks guys to all who are leaving feedback!  Please review if you liked it 😳 Ceramic Flowers caused more controversy and comments than my first novella did, though it has less followers and reviews. But maybe that will change as the story is only now completed. So far requests for novella number four have been for something lighter and with a less abrupt ending. I actually have lots of online stories, some completed and some not, but they don't compare in quality to my novellas becaus



June CSR Feature: Here Kitty, Kitty by Caz Pedroso

Welcome to June! It's a nice, long.......... month. Yay? Well, no matter what your circumstances, there's a great way to keep yourself occupied! Read Caz Pedroso's novel Here Kitty, Kitty. A paranormal tale that started off of one of my games (you're welcome, lol) she took is so far beyond that prompt and made an awesome tale for readers to enjoy. So... enjoy!  Here Kitty, Kitty by @Caz Pedroso   Length: 56,464 Description: This started as a story for the Grid Game and h

Please Stay Calm and Stay Safe

I am very saddened by the events rolled out lately.  It's not the first time there are protests over police brutality, but it's been a good while since some violence of this scale rolled out.  The city I live in is currently under emergency curfew due to civil unrest.  It is not a time to place blame.  It is a time to reflect, how we could do things differently, using each of our very limited influence, so there is a future for younger generation. I just want people to stay inside and be sa



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