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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Premium Tuesday: The Cassini Mission

Want to help support Gay Authors? One way to do that is to purchase a Premium Subscription. As a Thank You, there are a fair number of stories available for Premium Subscribers to read. Each week, I'm featuring one of the Premium stories in the GA News blog. This week, I'm featuring the story "The Cassini Mission" by Rob Colton.   The Cassini Mission by Rob Colton   Former Union Navy scientist, Dr. Aron Adler is ordered on a rescue mission to an outer rim research colony

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

Well, another week has gone by and the time has come to take a look at what's happened in the GA News Blog this past week. Before we do that, I seem to recall promising an announcement of the 2015 Anthology Themes. A big thank you to the team who helped narrow down the choices as well as to everyone who voted. We have some great themes for next year and they are: 2015 Anthology Themes Spring Anthology: Full Circle Summer Anthology: Road Trip Fall Anthology: Blurred Edges

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Trials and Tribulations

When I posted the last chapter in this story, my life was up-side-down. For years my mother and father had sacrificed a lot, both time and money, to make sure my life was as comfortable as possible for a kid with leukemia. The weekend before this past Christmas, my mother fell down those same stairs I had and broke both of her arms. As bad as this was, especially around the holidays, we thought that was it and we could help her get through the holidays and broken arms without much problems. That

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Ebola Outbreak

What's keeping me up till 3am?     I know too much.     I did a job back in the old days and I learned a lot more about biological warfare than any sane person wants to know.     Every serious biowarfare program in the world has looked at the viruses that cause hemorrhagic fevers. There are some very scary ones but Ebola is the one that has gotten the most press coverage and even exposure in popular culture.     Ebola starred in the big Dustin Hoffman thriller OutBreak and was



Csr Discussion Day: The Phantom By Dark

So, the tables turn and the interviewer becomes the interviewee! This month the Discussion day is coming a bit early, but that's so Dark can do a live chat! Make sure you come back for the live chat at noon, Alaska time. Just cause that's not the usual zones, so that will be: Pacific 1 PM, Mountain is 2 PM, Central is 3 PM, and Eastern is 4 PM hours. On to the interview!!   Single people work more. Are you single? Yup. Been single since 2008.   Who do you like best, Jerry or Tom? That takes


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

No More Hiding *posting complete*

Wow. It’s hard to believe that No More Hiding has finished posting in Premium. I first started writing about Phillip and Vance all the way back in 2009. I completed it and ran it by a few of my friends and, after a bunch of corrections, submitted it to a publisher in February of 2010.   In April 2010, I heard back that it was being rejected. It was probably the nicest rejection letter I could have gotten. Not only did the publisher tell me they liked the characters and the storyline, they told

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Big Thanks to Timothy M and Renee Stevens

I would like to take this opportunity to praise GA for being the wonderful community that is! The spirit of camaraderie and support is truly awe inspiring.   In particular, I with to thank Timothy M and Renee Stevens for a recent posting, and I would be honored if everyone could check out my personal notes of thanks within the entry itself.   You guys, everyone on this site, are all the simply the best!   http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/blog/258/entry-14864-featured-story-judas-tree-novel

AC Benus

AC Benus

Dear Digital Dairy: Needing To Cross Roads

Dear Digital Dairy,   Today I was at the bus stop waiting for bus, when something sparked my interest. There I am some semi-sheltered college student sitting at a metro bus stop in the rain, waiting to go home. So I sat back under the stop's roof getting my umbrella out when this homeless woman came along. She had four huge bags of stuff, two of which were in a small cart, and a worn out child's bicycle. She sat her stuff a few feet away form me. Now we were at a horrible intersection. It's

Another Gay Writer

Another Gay Writer

Writing Prompts #356 & #357

It's Friday again!!! I hope that everyone has had a great week so far. It's that time again for two new prompts, supplied as always by our prompt guru, Comicfan! *Reminder: Authors are more than welcome to post their Prompt Responses in GA Stories, but please remember that flash pieces under 1k must be posted in collections, not as individual stories.*   Prompt 356 – Creative Tag – First Line “Since when do I have to tell you everything?”   Prompt 357 – Creative Tag – The Party You have been

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Mugshots of the Three Arrested in Philly Gaybashing

Mugshots of the Three Charged In Case   Since I don't think these people will get serious jail time thanks to P.A.'s lack of protecting gays from hate crimes, my hope is to continue the chain of blasting these images out there and hope it follows these people around.   It's just crazy though. These people are close to my age and they did that. And it's not like they came from some bumblefuck small town in Alabama or something, either.   Definitely eye-opening for me, I believe.




FOX has a new reality tv show, Utopia. The idea is to place 15 people in an isolated setting, limited supplies, no rules, and let them create a new society, based on a Dutch show. Sound possible? Except the deck is stacked for fights. Some one who hates "bible thumpers" a Pastor a red neck a survivalist (doomsday planner) belly dancer a lawyer an ex-con and others more compatible.   Is it possible for them to create a functional society? Can they stop fighting enoug



Premium Tuesday: Burden Of Secrets

For those who are new to the GA News Blog, Tuesday's are the day when I share a little information about one of our Premium Stories. While Gay Authors is free to it's members, it's not free to run. One of the ways GA keeps the site running is by the help from members who purchase a Premium Subscription. What do you get when you purchase a Premium Subscription? You get access to the select few stories that are not available to the regular membership. One such story is "Burden of Secrets" by Cia.

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Thoughts on Evolutionary Biology *Update*

One of the enduring mysteries of evolution is how species make the change into a completely new creature.   Such a process is often called mutation or a change in the genetic characteristics of an organism which makes it essentially different from the base species.   Exactly how this works has long been a point of speculation and debate. One of my professors said, "there's a flash, some magic happens and you have the new improved trilobite". In matters scientific, we tend to frown on magical



Featured Story: Judas Tree - Novella One

I'm back!!! First off, a great big THANK YOU to Cia and Steve (aka Wildone) for covering for me while I was gone. It's the start of a new week and a great time for another Featured Story entry! This week we're taking a look at Judas Tree - Novella One by AC Benus! Thank you Timothy M. for the review, hopefully it inspires members to check out the story! Judas Tree - Novella One by AC Benus Author Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Complete Word Count: 15,434   I stumbled on th

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

Well this is my first week without the training wheels on, so lets hope I don't go home crying with a scraped knee Renee will be back next week to whip this back into shape!   Final Reminder: SonoLuminus has decided to participate in Light the Night, a walk to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. She has dedicated her walk, and even named her team, in memory of Robert (aka Trebs) who passed away on August 7th after a long battle with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. To learn more about Lig


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Memory Loss

So most of you know I fell off my horse yesterday. These things happen, and everyone who rides will know, it's always a calculated risk. But I'm fine, more or less, and I didn't hit my head (my proof of this is that my head does hurt, no lumps or bumps, and my hat was not misshapen). I hurt generally on the left side, hips, butt, inner thigh and shoulder, and hopefully I'll end up with some pretty spectacular bruising because right now that whole area hurts like a bitch. My neck hurts too, but

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

My 37th year on this Earth was a struggle!

Over the years, you either learn who you are as a person or you don't. I've learned that when you have the right people in your life everything will run smoothly. There might be a couple of bumps along the way but you learn to keep going. There seems to be at least one bump which turns into a freaking insurmountable obstacle you don't think you can get over.   My insurmountable obstacle came when I worked to a large retail store who could give a flying f$*K about there employees. When I was hi




I had a sad little epiphany today. Well, technically, last night, but whatever. I went out, as I am wont to do when I don't feel like staying in playing video games and there's damn little else to do all night, and found myself at a gay bar, where a pair of out-of-towners tried very hard to get me to come to their hotel with them. While I did ineptly flirt back (I am morally opposed to buying my own liquor), pssh, like that'll happen, but along the way, one asked if I was going to college, and i



Writing Prompts #354 & #355

Now that we re-whet everyone's appetites for flash fiction, let's get back into our weekly fun of Comicfan's great prompts! Thank you to everyone who participated in Wednesday's feature about why we like flash and how we do it, especially to everyone who tried it out! This week we have a very diverse word list prompt as well as a creative theme featuring... well, read on to find out, and then see what you can come up with!   Prompt 354 – Creative Tag – List of words Use the following in a sto


Cia in Prompts

I'm in the Dog House Now

Yeah, I've managed to make my way back to the disciplinary house of idiots. I'm almost embarassed to say. I broke two rules that go unsaid at my house. Don't pour oil or grease in the garbage, and don't bother my stuff! Nuff said.   I fried catfish filets Tuesday evening for dinner. I never re-use oil. My hubby always takes it out because he says I don't take it far enough away to keep the pets out of it. So, he was busy that evening and I thought, "The garbage guys run tomorrow. He'll



Social Skills audiobook

After many false starts, I can finally say that the Social Skills audiobook is now available on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes. My first audiobook! \o/   Awesome Cover Art by Dani Alexander   A few samples: Opening credits Retail sample from Chapter 1   My narrator (Andrew Eiden) did an amazing job, and really went above and beyond to make sure I was satisfied with every line of his reading. He’s an actor and an experienced narrator, and luckily for me he took an interest in my tit

Sara Alva

Sara Alva

Internet Sleuths Find Philly Gay Bashers

Internet sleuths help police find the people who were involved with a Philadelphia gay bashing.   It's absolutely baffling to me that this happened in Philadelphia in 2014. In any event, I'm glad that these people got caught pretty quickly.   Although I'm pissed off to learn that they can't be charged with hate crimes because Pennsylvania doesn't have sexual orientation as a bias for hate crime law. Seriously, why is it that there is so much focus on getting same-sex marriage when this shit



Writing Tip: Flash Fiction - Why And How?

I thought, this week, that we’d discuss something we host here on GA, and promote weekly on the blog. Flash fiction, namely in the guise of our prompts. Our anthologies are an extension of that as well. But we’ve never really talked about the art of creating these types of short stories—so today we will! I think there are two main questions most people have: What is flash fiction and why do people write it?   FLASH FICTION   Flash fiction can also run the gamut of ‘regular fiction’.


Cia in Writing Tips

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