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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Csr Discussion Day: Seasonal Spooktacular!

It's a Halloween week feature for those who like to get into the season! I hope these anthology stories got you in the mood this month. Did you read the stories and poem? Did you have a favorite? Change your mind on some of the featured spookies?   To kick off today's discussion, I asked the authors to answer a few questions about their stories and Halloween!   Ghosts: The Harpsichordist by Carl Holiday Why did you use ghosts as a character in your story/poem? Why did I use a ghost (actually


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend so far. Monday will be here before we know it, but before that happens, lets take a look at what happened this week in the GA News Blog, cause there's been quite a bit to look back at.   Due to last weeks takeover of the blog due to an issue with story ratings, Cia did a re-run on Monday of her review of the Signature Author Background story, Joined by Blood. If you haven't read the story, why not pop by the blog and see if it might interest you. If yo

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Rip Jack Scribe

Rest in Peace   It recently came to our attention that long time member and Classic Author, Jack Scribe passed away earlier this year. Jack joined Gay Authors in June 2006 and since then has posted 19 stories, including the popular Splash Trilogy as well as the Las Vegas Trilogy. Not only was he a popular author on-site, but many members considered him a friend. He will be greatly missed. Rest in Peace, Jack.

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Memorial

Writing Prompts #364 & #365

I hope everyone has had a great week up until this point and that everyone has a wonderful weekend as well. Friday has once again graced us with it's presence and with it we have two more prompts from the prompt guru, Comicfan. As always, we're also sharing a previous prompt response. Don't forget, if either of these prompts trigger a response from you, share it in the prompt forum and maybe you'll see yours featured next week!   Prompt 364 – Creative Tag – First Line “That is the last time I

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Say a little prayer

Real life has become a bit hard. My father is in the hospital and things are rough. Don't want to go into detail. Just asking if you can spare a prayer or two for him and I it would be greatly appreciated.



NaNoWriMo and Fundraising

I'm doing it again! November is almost here, and I will be participating in NaNoWriMo once more. Last year, I won with Nemesis 2 (which, as many of you are aware, still isn't quite finished; I'm in the editing and rewriting stage and totally stuck, but I'm sure it'll come). This year, I will be working on the detective novel I've been planning for some months now. I'm really excited for it, which is awesome, as I don't get really excited about things very often these days.   Now, it ju

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

I Can't Believe That This Happened In Canada

I am really in shock of the current events of today in Ottawa in our Nations Capital and on Monday in Montreal. I guess I always knew that this one day may have come, but still, it doesn't lessen the deep sense regret that our lives will be changing going forward.   I will try to sum up the events of the past 3 days, based on the latest news reports and the just finished speech from our Prime Minister Steven Harper.   On Monday, two Canadian Armed Forces members, one in uniform, one not, wer



Absence and Life

First of all, hope all of you are doing great and life is going well for you. I miss being here everyday. It's my enjoyment. But, life took a sudden turn and I've had to focus on day to day real life, supporting family. I know I don't need to explain most of it, but I just wanted all of you to know that GA is still my happy place although I've not had a lot of time to spend here lately.   Still, no promises for tomorrow, but hopefully I can soon direct more of my time to GA and my duties he



Author Interview: Renee Stevens

In honor of this month's creepy critters theme, we featured Renee Stevens' story, Joined by Blood, with our October Signature Background. Who doesn't like vampires, right? If you like your vampires bad... this story has them! If you like your vampires good... this story has them! But figuring out which is which...? Maybe not so easy! If you haven't read it yet, you really should, but first, read this interview with Renee where you can learn some more about Interview: Renee Stevens on Joine


Cia in Author Interviews

Current Reads- "The Wolf of Wall Street" and "Me Before You"

I just got finished with two books, very different, but very enjoyable reads.   The first was The Wolf Of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort, where he details his experiences as the leader of the circus that was his stockbroker firm Stratton Oakmont during the heady days of the 1990's economic boom. Its 500 pages and pretty dense, and it took me awhile to read...I started back in August, took a break until a couple weeks ago, and then go to the end. It was a pretty eye-opening read, dealing in a wo



Premium Tuesday: Binding

We missed last week, but we're back! Tuesday is a great day to look over what is available in our Premium Section as a thank you to those who help support the site and keep it running. There are so many great stories that can be found in the Premium section of GayAuthors, one of which is "Binding" by Lugh. If you're interested in purchasing a premium subscription, you can find even more information at the end of this blog post. Binding by Lugh   Vega-5 is the place w

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Some General Observations

i like to think I am like most people. i am a social animal, someone who likes to talk, read, observe life. I try not to force my opinions on others, like to hear the good and the bad, the good to feel better, the bad so it is shared and made a little easier.   From Facebook and real life I see enough anger and lashing out at others. I try never to do that. You'll find I post a lot of Peanuts, Garfield, and recipes. I make Happy Birthday comments, congrats on the good news, and offer condolenc



Lost Toys

Very seldom I have much to say, but twice in one day? I do go on!   Sending a note to AC Benus just now reminded me of some of the fun things from childhood--things which due to an over-protective government now, kids will no longer be able to experience. Our children are being robbed of adventurous times and attempts to learn confidence by a schizophrenic society: overly-permissive in some areas, overly-protective in things which should not concern them.   For those who grew up before 1980,



A Tough Weekend

Okay, first off, thanks for all the positive replies to my first entry! I must be getting sentimental in my old age, but it means a lot to me that those who are/have been perfect strangers can find something in my scribblings to comment on. I'm not the sort of person who stands out in a crowd, and don't want to. I let others be the centers of attention while I sit back and watch--not from detachment or lack of interest--but because it's who I am.   Last year I found a copy of my high-school ye



Weekly Wrap Up!

Wow, what a week! This week was supposed to be Signature Week, but due to the situation regarding Google Adsense, Signature Week was put on pause and moved to next week. As a reminder of what I'm talking about, on Monday, our Signature review was taken over part way through the day to feature an important site notice regarding ratings being given to stories. GayAuthors was dinged by Google Adsense for a story that was rated as Everyone but had content that was considered to be unacceptable on pa

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Addendum to Methodwriter's Class of 2005

Methodwriter keeps excellent lists of popular songs of yester years in his blogs. If you haven't read them, please do. They're often good choices that reflect the period those songs were first performed. This list is an addendum to his latest list: The Class of 2005 Playlist- We're Here, We're Alive, We're the Class of '05!   Anyways, here are my additions (mostly alternatives and punks). Most of them are from around 2005 but not all (ones in parenthesis are recommended songs that may fall ou



COINCIDENTAL or something Beyond Me?!

I've Known. I've always known. I would say something and it'll happenen. Id think of a movie that's never played on tv or that hasn't played in a long time and the next day I see the add that it's playing. Sometimes while I type the very word is being spoken on tv.   But these are small occurrences. I'm pretty sure all of us experience this in our life but I've had three very REAL things happen that I spoke about by chance.   First occurence.   I think this happened May-July. Mom and I



Writing Prompts #362 & #363

It's that time of week again, time for the weekly prompts! Before I give the prompts, I want to remind everyone that if your prompt response contains ANY adult material, your entire prompt collection MUST be rated as "Mature". If you need more information on the different story ratings, you can find the information in this weeks earlier blog post or in the help section. Now, onto the prompts!   Prompt 362 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in story – candy corn, pumpkin, black ca

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

The truth about Vampires

They do exist but almost everything you know about them is wrong.   Every myth has its beginning in some truth.   About 35,000 years ago and alien expedition was marooned here on earth. They were faced with an impossible dilemma: die out or mix with the locals.   They changed humanity and themselves. Neanderthals died out almost over night and modern man suddenly appeared. It was as if the Neanderthal had a complete upgrade that made them much more intelligent and with language skills.  



Annoying Commercials

While watching the Major League Baseball Division Series and now the League Championship Series we have been subjected to some of the most annoying commercials on television.   The Dodge Dart commercial is the worst:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctZsLiAV9eg   The Creepy Rob Lowe Direct TV is also right up there.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMfzh8Zfi5U     I can't understand how anyone would think either commercial could possibly sell those products.... DDK



The Class of 2005 Playlist- We're Here, We're Alive, We're the Class of '05!

I just got a FB message from a former classmate, who wanted me to pick up to 20 songs that make me feel nostalgic for high school. So, here are my picks:   1.) "   2.)   3.)   4.)   5.)   6.)   7.)   8.) "   9.)     11.)   12.)   13.)   14.)   15.)   16.) ""   17.) "   18.)   19.)   20.)   Damn, this was hard to limit to 20 songs. There were some picks I had in there that I had to take out because th




12 THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT BARRICADEBOY.   1. his real name is Curt Miller.   2. He has threE brothers named Lucian, Ashly and Carl.   3. He started readIing books only 2 years ago.   4. He gave himSelf a middlename, "Junebugg"   5. He stole the nAme "BarricadeBoy" from a website.   6. very few people can call him a friend.   7. He believes that he mIght have a magical ability that allows him to predict small future events.   8. He has a boyfRiend that liv



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