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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Weekly Wrap Up!

Did everyone have a great weekend? The deadline for submission to the 2014 Winter Anthology has passed by, so I hope everyone was able to get their anthology stories turned in. I've been working on getting the anthology prep done, so keep an eye out in the coming days for the anthology to go live! Also, just a reminder to all the authors participating in the anthology, please check the Anthology Double Check thread to ensure your story is listed! Now, let's see what happened this week in the GA

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #376 & #377

Hope everyone has had a great week so far and is looking forward to the weekend. What better way to start it off than with brand new prompts! If you've been feeling stuck, or maybe just want to do something a little different, maybe one of these prompts will jumpstart a new idea. Don't forget, if under 1,000 words, prompt responses that are posted in GA Stories must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 376 – Creative Tag – First Line “But I never said that!”   Prompt 377 – Creative Ta

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

A Change in Direction

My writing has never been what I would call really inspired. It has been fun, cathartic on occasion and sometimes I'll come up with something I'm really proud of.   In the past I've written stories with conspicuous drinking and drug use. As I was in active addiction for a lot of my life, that's my experience, I couldn't write normal kids playing baseball and living in non-dysfunctional families. I wouldn't know where to start.   The feedback that I've gotten from Redemption is one that has



ACLU: Charter Schools Causing Resegregation

The ACLU filed a lawsuit with U.S. Department of Education in Civil Rights, ACLU: Charter schools causing resegregation         ACLU: Charter schools causing resegregation The ACLU argues charters are causing resegregation and discrimination against minorities. View on www.delawareonline... Preview by Yahoo   It's been complained about since I went to high school that Charter School of Wilmin



Ask An Author #22

Many might have noticed that there was no "Ask An Author" feature last month. There were a few reasons for that, but one of the main ones was because this month we're doing a Special Edition of Ask An Author! In the spirit of the season, Dark has gifted us with an Ask An Author feature that features not three, but FOUR, authors. On top of that, each of the authors this month has answered two questions each! Thanks Dark! Enjoy! Ask an Author #22   Welcome back to another quirky question

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Interviews

Csr December: Space Pioneer By Dolores Esteban

So this is December, a month for beating the heat if you're on the southern half of the world or curling up away from the cold if you're in the northern half. Either way, it's a great time to read. And since it's also a common time for presents, I decided to feature a story that is right up my alley as a gift to me. This month we're going to read Dolores Esteban's short novel, Space Pioneer. Space Pioneer by Dolores Esteban   Length: 53,808 Description: On his trip to Mars, Jeff's


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone had a great week! For those that celebrated on Thursday, I hope you had a very Happy Thanksgiving! If you went shopping on Friday, I hope you made it out of the stores safely! It was a very busy week in the GA News Blog, but before we get to that, I have a brief reminder, though you'll get a second one later in the wrap up. The deadline for the 2014 Winter Anthology: Chain Reaction is quickly approaching. Stories must be received by the Anthology Proof Team by the end of the day

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #374 & #375

I hope everyone has had a great week and for those who celebrated Thanksgiving, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It's that time of the week again for us to look at two new prompts supplied to us by the prompt guru, Comicfan. Hopefully one of these two will inspire something, and don't forget to share in the prompt forum!   Prompt 374 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in words in a story – large dinner, shopping, a fight, snow, and a football.   Prompt 375 – Creative Ta

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

The power of words: Responsibility

Responsibility is a word that has really been raped over time.   It means blame- Who is responsible for toilet papering Principal Skinner's house?   It means shame- The criminal admitted his responsibility and took a plea bargain.   It can sometimes mean burden- I am responsible for taking out the trash on Mondays and Fridays.   It often means guilt- My insurance dropped me because I was responsible for the accident.   All of those definitions have made it a word that many people are f



Writing Tip: Constructive Criticism - Part 2

I hope everyone is having a great week so far. Last week we did a post on Constructive Criticism. I received so many great responses, I decided it was better to break it up and do two posts rather than the single one that I originally had planned. Today, we're looking at the final five author's answers to the question: What is constructive criticism? Enjoy!   So there you have it, the final five! Now, I have a question for all of you! Do you have a question you would like to put to all t

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Michael Brown, May 20, 1996-August 9, 2014

The tragedy that occurred in Ferguson could have happened anywhere in the suburbs of any large American city.   An unarmed eighteen year old male was shot by a policeman. Mike Brown was black. The officer Darren Wilson was white.   The whole confrontation lasted only about a minute and half.   Mike Brown was confronted by officer Wilson who was driving in his police SUV down Cannfield as Mike was walking down the middle of the side street in Ferguson. The officer ordered him to move



Csr Discussion Day; Tears Of The Neko By Craftingmom

I can't believe November is almost over! This day crept up on me and then hit with a 'Hey!!' bang just yesterday, lol. This month we featured Tears of the Neko by Craftingmom. She's given me a great interview with a lot of interesting answers (I don't remember her working at the CIA! ) so read on. Plus she asks for some input so make sure you leave comments and questions for her, because Craftingmom has also agreed to come 'live chat' on the blog for a Q&A session from 1-3 EST!   Te


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has had a great week. It's almost time for another week to start, but before that happens, let's take a look at what happened this week in the GA News Blog.   We started out Monday by looking at "Imprint" by Hermit in the Cave. We had a wonderful review provided to us by Faxity and based upon some of the comments, "Imprint" has been added to many members' reading lists! Check out the review and see if maybe you should be adding it to yours!   Tuesday was our Premium Tuesday p

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

American attitudes toward PDA in the gay community

I came across an interesting article which reported a survey on American attitudes on public displays of affection (PDA). It used several scenarios and the results were interesting.   Here is the link:   http://www.livescience.com/48820-americans-gay-legal-rights-pda.html   And here is the article!         Americans Support Legal Rights, But Not PDA, for Gay Couples by Kelly Dickerson, Staff Writer | November 20, 2014 07:28am ET       [/url] Credit: Aleksandar Stojkovic/



Heading into the Holidays

The holidays are upon us. Cards, gifts, shopping, and a whirlwind of activity are happening already and we aren't even at Thanksgiving.   People are already in the mood. Some have smiles and are singing holiday songs. Others are taking this time to rip into employees who have no choice but to work these jobs to pay bills. Some are happy and others are miserable.   This year I am facing things a bit differently. Dad will not be out of rehab for Thanksgiving. In fact on Tuesday I have a meetin



Writing Prompts #372 & #373

Yay! We're at the end of the week and that means it's time for two new prompt responses! I hope everyone has had a great week so far. Maybe you're just wanting to write a quick little tale, or maybe you just need something to get the writing juices flowing. Either way, hopefully one of these two prompts will call out to you! Don't forget to share your responses in the Prompt Forum!   Prompt 372 – Creative Tag – First Line “Wait. You want me to do what now?”   Prompt 373 – Creative Tag – All

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

On Writing (and, reading)

Earlier today I went to check out any recent reviews of my current long story (Hercules III), but there weren’t any and then I started looking at the slow ebbing of the number of readers. Oh well, if there isn’t anyone reading, how can I wonder why there are no reviews. And, then I remembered a writer saying something about writing for yourself. Wiki to the rescue. I thought it was Elmore Leonard saying that, but Wiki came up with someone else. It seems Cyril Connolly (a critic) said: Better to



Suicide... why do people do it?

I've always wondered what drives people to the decision to end their life. In certain cases I can understand why, I may not agree but I understand. There are a few who choose to do it in the privacy of their homes while other's choose a more public forum. The reason I bring this up is because last Monday, I was waiting for the train on my way into work. A young lady and her friend were talking but I had my headphones on and couldn't hear what they were saying. The young lady looked down the tunn



My Nightmares

It's 4:30am again and I haven't slept. I've got to be up in 3 hours and I'm screwed.   There's danger in writing about old times. Sometimes you wake up old demons that you wished you had left alone.   I'm going to warn you that if you go past the spoiler you're going to read something shitty. It's one of my nightmares that comes back from time to time to torment me. I try to keep it in a little box and never take it out but sometimes it escapes and it haunts me to this very day.        



Writing Tip: Constructive Criticism - Part I

Many authors welcome criticism, providing it is constructive, but... What is constructive criticism? The definition can vary from person to person, so rather than just one author giving their definition, I thought it would be a good idea to get multiple perspectives. I put the question out to all authors site wide and got eleven great responses. With so many great responses, I've decided to do a part 1 and a part 2. Here's part 1, enjoy!   So there's the first 6, next week you'll get th

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

The Long Dark Silence

It is my understanding that my readers generally consider themselves pretty lucky - because they get 'fed' new stories and chapters on a regular and normally rather speedy basis. With yesterday marking the end of Redemption's A Bitch, and tomorrow being the end of the short five chapter Six Billion Credit Rent Boy, a bit of a wait now ensues.   I am writing. The end of Tiger Winter is in sight, and it is massive now, standing around 120K, and into my NaNoWriMo word count I have also managed t

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

Premium Tuesday: Ice Fairy 3

Premium Tuesday is a great day to look at some of the stories available in the Premium section of Gay Authors. Today we're looking at Stephanie L Danielson's story Ice Fairy 3. I'd also like to note that after today, we'll be taking a bit of a break from the Premium Tuesday posts, but they'll return after after the forum updates have been completed. Don't worry, we'll still have a Tuesday post. Until Premium Tuesday returns, Myr will be taking over Tuesday's for Tech Tuesday! Now, let's take a l

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Featured Story: Imprint

One of the great things about starting a new week is bringing attention to a story that might go unnoticed amongst the nearly 3500 stories posted on Gay Authors. This week, faxity has supplied us with a review of an in process story called "Imprint", written by Hermit in the Cave. Feel free to share your thoughts as well, and if you aren't already reading it, maybe faxity's review will make you want to start! Enjoy! Imprint by Hermit in the Cave Author   Reviewer: faxity

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

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