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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Anthology - Creature Feature - Guidelines

    By Valkyrie

    I'm super excited about this year's theme!  There are so many possibilities.... Do I go with a cute fluffy kitty?  Or maybe a fire-breathing dragon?  Or an army of Norse penguins fighting Canadian otters?   It's a good thing there's a lot of time before the deadline, although with my prowess at procrastinating, I probably won't start till the week it's due   The guidelines for this year's anthology are posted below.  So now that we know the theme and the parameters... start writing!  

A Short Update

I'm not here as often as I used to or want to. If I read stories or forum entries, I do that in the car, a hospital room or some hallway on my phone. Therefore I don't comment on them and I apologize. A member of my family is seriously ill and although she isn't my favorite person, she is still family and I support my family.   I am writing and Cole agreed to beta-read for me. If it is any good there will be a new story from me, probably when summer is over.   Thank you. aditus



Flags Of Hate

Germany has accepted, atoned for and come to terms with its past and moved on to become a modern, progressive, successful and generally enviable nation.



Featured Story: Denn's Mobile Circus

Being the start of a new week, Monday's are also a good time to take a look at some of the different stories that can be found on Gay Authors. With so many great works, it can be easy to overlook one and Monday's provide an opportunity for us to help make one of them stand out and maybe catch your interest. Today, we're bringing you a review by AC Benus of Twisted_Dreemz's story "Denn's Mobile Circus." Enjoy!   Denn's Mobile Circus by Twisted_Dreemz Author    

Weekly Wrap Up!

First off, let me start by saying Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there. I hope you all have an enjoyable day. We're going to get right into the weekly wrap up this week.   On Monday we took a look at a Cia's premium story, The Experiment. Mann Ramblings provided us with a great review to start our week off. There's also all the information you need if you'd like to become a premium member.   Tuesday, Myr took over the blog to share some site info and ask for suggestions from members

Writing Prompts #424 & #425

Hope everyone has had a great week so far and is looking forward to the weekend. What better way to start it off than with brand new prompts! If you've been feeling stuck, or maybe just want to do something a little different, maybe one of these prompts will jumpstart a new idea. Don't forget, if under 1,000 words, prompt responses that are posted in GA Stories must be posted as part of a collection. Also, please remember that if any of your prompt responses garner a Mature rating, the entire co

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

New Story, Punk Bitches!

Thanks to the brilliant ATrueFan's suggestion, I've uploaded one of my fanfiction stories on here. Yes, the Jordanator has a new story for you to read. This one is very different to Someone Like Me. It had no romance or any gay material in it. It's based on my favourite video game, Portal. If you haven't played it, you should. But if you don't want to, I think this will make this story a whole lot more interesting.   See, when others read fanfiction on say a TV show they have no idea what it'




The Boy asks: "What's in the future?"   The Master turns, points to a mirror hanging on the wall and bids the Boy to look, and answers: "Mirror, Mirror on the wall."



Hastings Race For Life

Sunday 14th June saw hundreds of people pouring into Alexander Park in Hastings.   The sun was out for the 2015 Race for Life as women of all ages gathered to run, jog, or walk the 5k or 10k route round the park.   My daughter Alisha and my sister Lisa both participated in the 5k route, walking and dancing their way round.   Between them they have raised over £200 for Cancer Research UK. I am very proud of both of them.

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Additional Writing

Hey guys and girls and aliens!   Do you know, your beloved and most treasured writer (the right and honorable Jordanator), is a fanfiction writer?   Oh yes, I specialize in my favourite book series: The 39 Clues and my favourite video game, Portal.   https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4612721/The-Jordanator   WOW! Bam, bam, link out of nowhere! If you click on it, it should take you to a list of my fanfiction stories. I have 6. I reccomend you read:   - Test Subject #00001 - Isabel Kabra - A



Lookin' Good And Feelin' Fine

I feel great   I received my certificate award for passing ten achievement standards at excellence, in front of the entire school with a whole group of people. Attached was a cheque for $40.00 (hooray!)   The other thing was I had class photos today. I'm just hoping the picture came out good. Well, more importantly, I'm hoping that I wasn't blinking in the shot because of the sudden flash of white light just before the camera clicks.   So that was my Wednesday today. And I'm doing alrigh



Ramblings About How Frustrated I Am :p

Okay, so I'm currently working on a little project that I have had in mind since...I'm not really sure how long I kept the idea in my head and I'm doing fine so far except when I realize I'm having trouble with my characters' POV   A short explanation on how the story goes; two guys talking about the past in front of an audience. Originally I've decided to write in third person but was having trouble as I find my sentences to be bland and boring with a lot of 'he does this, he said that a



The Lessons Of Steel

The Lessons of Steel   Steel has some very profound lessons to teach.   It is hard and cold sometimes but, if you learn these lessons, they will serve you well.   Steel is not magic.   It's work is not accomplished overnight.   It takes commitment and continuous, sustained effort to make that magic happen.   In the beginning there will be pain. You will be sore and want to quit but, if you persevere, there are rewards.   It won't happen ov



Featured Story: The Experiment

Every once in a while we like to highlight a story that can be found in the Premium section of Gay Authors. For today's review, Mann Ramblings has provided us with a review of "The Experiment" by Signature Author: Cia. The Experiment is one of many stories that can be found in the Premium section of Gay Authors.   While the majority of content remains free, the Premium section is a thank you to those who help support and keep Gay Authors going. Premium subscriptions also make improvements poss

Weekly Wrap Up!

Renee's off enjoying some family time in the summer sun, so today you're getting the weekly wrap up from me! This is a crazy busy time of year for me too, as summer returns and the kids get out of school. This month we have a lot going on at GA with the summer anthology, our Gay Pride Month contest, and the general shenanigans happening. Let's see all the happenings this week:   On Monday I reviewed the featured Signature Author story, Crash Landing, by Bill W. This story was written as part o


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up


I object to the gay critics of Vicious, the Brit sitcom starring Ian McKellan and Derek Jacobi.   The oh-so-vicious critics declare in reviews printed in the Daily Mail and the Telegraph that this is an old-fashioned show, a throwback to the worst shows of the 1970s, and that the characters are ugly and mean, and that they are gay stereotypes from the bad old days, and finally, the Coup de grâce, they don't Represent. That's right, McKellan and Jacobi do not serve as flattering ambassadors fro



Worst Morning Yet

Okay, so today's friday and my class starts at 10 so i could get enough sleep and wont have to rush about like every other morning. So i took my time getting ready. I was tagging along a friend in his car for the ride to class and he said we're off at 9:50. Cool. No worries. But then my bestie texted me complaining that the friend that we're tagging along with asked him to finish the appendix of our report (all 3 of us are in the same group) at the very last minute (due date was that day). S'kay



Unexpected Positivity After Screaming To Myself In The Shower

Freaking out over what is probably the millionth busted earphone did me some good. After tearing the wires apart and angrily dumping the bits into the trashcan, I went to take a shower and there I lost it. I don't know what set me off but I was feeling pretty shitty all day, so a meltdown was to be expected at some point. I whispered-yelled at myself about how miserable I am throughout the school break, unable to go anywhere and rotting my days off in the house that isn't even mine. Then I don't




I like people who style themselves as witty, letting fly with the snappy comeback like Oscar Wilde was said to have done back in the gay 1890's. Bless them, because they entertain. Wit is not exclusively a gay talent, although I suppose being gay might nurture the wit in some way, in some cultures.   I put a cork on the bottle of wit a long time ago and put the bottle on the shelf. I don't trust wit and don't wish to use it, anymore than I do liquor. Wit requires speed in execution, and speed



2015 Summer Anthology: Road Trip *now Live*

Sorry all, no prompts for this week. Hope you all are ready to do some reading! The 2015 Summer Anthology: Road Trip is NOW LIVE for your enjoyment. Eight new stories to help you get through the weekend. Don't forget to leave the authors a review to let them know what you think of their hard work. Now, what are you waiting for? Read!!!!             3 PM aditus   The office in the back of the coffee shop didn’t have the space to take more than three medium-measured stri

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

I Feel Like A Role Model...

So I teach in a Middle School, one day a week. Been working there since september with the same group of kids.   One of the boys I work with, lets call him Jack. He's very socially awkward and a bit of an outcast from the rest of the group.   He reminds me ALOT of me at that age (12).   He came up to me at the end of the lesson today and asked if we could speak privately about something personal he's going through and me being the good Samaritan that I am said sure let's go in the staff o

Author Interview: Bill W

Our featured story this month for the June Signature Background is "Crash Landing" by Bill W. If you haven't already downloaded your background, the month isn't even half over yet so you still have plenty of time! We started out Signature Week with a great review that Cia did, and now it's time to hear from the author himself. Hopefully you enjoy this interview that Cia did with Bill W.   Author Interview: Bill W. on Crash Landing   Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning

Ebook Cover Contest

So I'm part of a group of authors and readers on Facebook called "Queer Sci Fi". They had their 2nd annual Flash Fiction Contest, just 300 words in a speculative fiction theme incorporating the subject: discovery. Last year in the contest I took 2nd place. This year, I didn't place in the written contest, but the group is putting out the submissions in an eBook so they also ran a cover contest. Out of the 10 covers submitted, I took 2nd. I do get a $20 cash prize, but they won't be using my cove



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