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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Featured Story: Joined By Blood By Renee Stevens

It's a rerun! Due to the sudden alert of stories being rated incorrectly and Google being a PiTA, (read more here) we preempted a lot of the blog last week. So, to be fair, Renee gets her feature day back again!   Something a little different this week for the review for Renee Steven's featured story, cause I like being different, lol. Most of the time a reader would be the one to do the review, but this time, I'm going to do it. I had the great pleasure to be a beta reader/editor for this st


Cia in Featured Stories

I Hate the Dentist

Did I mention that I Hate the Dentist?   With all of the fear and loathing and the insane panic that small animals in critter carriers get when they smell that antiseptic smell of the veterinarians office.   I want to flee. Run away, very fast with heart racing, sweating, rapid breathing.   I'm not an easily frightened person. I just have a phobia of men with sharp objects poking around in my mouth.   The gas is fun but it is but a cruel, cruel lie. The gas makes you just a little high.




Yes, I understand completely if you all hate me after reading this.   With NaNoWrimo coming up, all of my IRL writing friends are planning their novels and gearing up for, what is to them, a challenge of such enormity that it is all they can think of. Now, don't get me wrong, I spend a disproportionate amount of my time both awake and asleep thinking about my characters (because I am a writer, and that's just what we do), but unlike some of my NaNo friends, I don't try and take my holiday time

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

Weekly Wrap Up!

We are fully into the month of October and lots has happened this past week here at the GA News Blog   We started off the week with Cia presenting us with a bit different of a CSR this month. October is the Seasonal Spooktacular where we are featuring 5 different Anthologies to get us in the mood for Halloween at the end of the month. We have Vampires, Witches, Were-Creature, Mutants and Ghosts oh my!!   Rise of the Serpent by Celetheiel, Magic in the Air by Andy78, Midnight by Mark72


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

What am I, 15 years old again?

I don't usually like to talk about guys in terms of "types"--it seems unnecessarily reductive. But, if I must say that I have a type, I would say that I like my guys extra gay.   You know what I mean. I like them on the nellie side, I like them sparkly, I like them singing musicals and quoting RuPaul's Drag Race and wearing skin-tight pants because for so many years of my life I pined for the straight ones and broke my own heart with it.   I came out fully the summer before college, not beca



To Write or Not To Write?

I've been reading here for over a year, but only got the nerve to write anything in mid-July after getting out of the hospital. I've been an avid reader all my life, mostly sci-fi and history, but I hadn't written anything since college. In high-school I wrote science-fiction and fantasy since those were my favorite reading material, but in college my professors said I had a very good grip on writing more historical stuff, so I did that for assignments.   It took twenty years for me to discove



Writing Prompts #360 & #361

Fridays are a great day here at the GA News Blog! Not only does it signal the end of the week, but it's also time to bring you two new prompts supplied to us by the prompt guru, Comicfan. Whether you are looking for inspiration to help get over writers block or you just want to write something short and quick, the prompts are a great way to get started! Let's see what Comicfan has for us this week!   Prompt 360 – Creative Tag – First Line “Why do I even bother?”   Prompt 361 – Creative Tag –

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Poetry Prompt 2 - Haiku

Here's my own attempt, as I rarely write Haiku     Nature Haiku:   A poppy amongst The bushes of rose, will bow When a chill winds blows.       Urban Haiku:   Shy dog and hydrant Stand off 'neath the noonday sky – Which one will get wet?     _

AC Benus

AC Benus

Dad's 70th, Vietnam, Family

My family gathered last week to celebrate my father’s 70th birthday. I come from a close family. Several factors play into our having maintained that sense of closeness and loyalty not the least of which is a basic respect and compassion enculturated by our parents. I also attribute our familial adult friendships to the frequent relocations we experienced as children. Moving so often, my two brothers and I were one another’s most reliable and consistent playmates. My parents talked to us about t



There Are No Children Here

So I haven't been around much on here lately, and I've neglected talking to people on here who I really do enjoy talking to. Anyway, life has been insanely busy the past month after I got my new job, as well as pretty damn stressful, but it's also been a lot of fun.   As many of you know, I got a job as an Assistant Teacher at a school in a rough, ghetto section of Philadelphia. I work with first graders, many of whom come from the typical broken home scenario that infects ghettoized neighborh



Premium Tuesday: Taken

With the completion of "No More Hiding", it was time for a new Premium Story to take it's place. M.A. Church has provided us with her story The Harvest: Taken for our Premium section and the Prologue and Chapter One started posting this past Saturday. If you don't already have a Premium Subscription, now would be a great time to get one. Not only will you get to read a great story as it posts, but you also get to help support the site!   Taken by M.A. Church In 2050, h

Food for thought

We are oft to blame in this, 'Tis too much proved - that with devotion's visage And pious action we do sugar o'er The devil himself. -Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1   What we need right now is a clear message to the people of this country. This message must be read in every newspaper, heard on every radio, seen on every television... I want *everyone* to *remember*, why they *need* us! -Chairman Sutler, V for Vendetta   Nuclear power is meaningless in a world where a virus can kill an entire



Csr October: Seasonal Spooktacular!

In honor of the season, I thought this month we'd do something a little different! Anthologies are a great chance to sample authors' writing. It's also fun to see how they twist the themes into original pieces. For this October CSR, I thought I'd feature some of the creatures we often imagine lurking about the shadows.   Vampires! Pandora's Box: Rise of the Serpent by Celetheiel Description: A group of friends find more than riches when they set out to explore an abandoned house. ~ 3,050 wor


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up!

Guess what? I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack Been a busy week this week with lots of great information shared through the GA News Blog.   Monday was a surprise for Renee, as there was a conspiracy behind her back to have her story Joined By Blood as the featured background for the month of October. This story will surely get us all in the mood for Halloween only 26 days away Make sure to pop by the Blog to download the screen savers, one with a calender, one without!   On Premium Tuesday t


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Struggles with being in love with my straight best friend

I remember when I met my former best friend who was straight. It was in the break room at the department store we worked at. He was cute with his baby face and the way he was shy and didn't know how to interact with anyone was adorable to me for some reason.   I opened up to him, seeing that he could use his friend. He gradually opened up to me and we became best friends. The amount of things we had in common was completely unreal, from our favorite television shows to our ideas of what is rig



Just an update

Sorry but lately it seems I do a lot of apologizing and explaining, if not just ranting and raving. Such is my life lately.   Just wanted to note a few things before everyone wonders what is going on.   First up is Jonas. No I haven't forgotten him. I am still writing, although I don't think I have ever thrown out so many copies of a chapter never being quite content with what I have written. For something I had hoped to have finished by now I am getting really picky about how it is going. I



Moving on.

Dear GA   I have come to a conclusion that is based on actions and non-actions over the last several months. What social life I may have had here on GA has come or is coming to an end. I will meet my obligations to the authors I work with and to my readers. However, that will in all likelihood will be the extent to my involvement with anyone here, with the exception to answer all e-mails and comments made on Trials and Tribulations.   There are those here that I love and miss, but even being

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Writing Prompts #358 & #359

Hope everyone has had a great week so far and is looking forward to the weekend. What better way to start it off than with brand new prompts! If you've been feeling stuck, or maybe just want to do something a little different, maybe one of these prompts will jumpstart a new idea. Don't forget, if under 1,000 words, prompt responses that are posted in GA Stories must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 358 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – fall leaves, rain s

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

12 Hours

Open Evening at school. For those without children, this is the time when prospective students and their parents and carers come to the school to look around and hopefully put us down as their first choice. School placements around here are done on a postcode lottery, affected generally only by sibling or family relations at the school.   As the only functional Food Technology teacher in the largest school in the town, it falls to me to get little fingers sticky making meringues and drawing sh

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

I need to rant...

Something was said in my hearing this morning that makes me want to sound off. A supposedly learned man made a very sweeping statement that condemned an entire group of people. It was a basic case of prejudice, but rather than an ethnic group or the gay community, it was pretty much anyone who did not hold a college degree from the "right" university that he was condemning.   Why do people feel they have a right to pass judgment on people they neither know nor care to find out about? The



Dark times ahead

I was listening to Aker Bilk while watching America’s Test Kitchen, but Bilk had to wait. I can usually multitask, but not with watching television without my glasses on. I’m fairly good without the glasses as long as I’m doing something no more than an arm’s length away; then I’m in the range for the glasses.   I just filled an 8 oz. drink glass with probably a little over one-third of Aberlour (a very good Speyside Scotch); and, now I’m wondering if I should continue drinking Scotch or go ba



Ask An Author #21

It's hard to believe that it's already October, and with the start of a new month, it's also time for the newest Ask An Author monthly feature, provided by Dark! Do you have a favorite author on-site? Have you had a question that you've been wanting to ask them, but haven't? If so, send it to Dark and you might just see it in an upcoming Ask An Author feature!! Ask an Author #21   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #20, we h

What's been going on with me and why I haven't been around

So, I haven't been here much lately, and the longer you stay away the harder it is to come back. So I thought I'd post a sort of general update for those who might be interested.   First of all, I'm doing okay. I take my meds, I get up in the mornings and go to school (I haven't quite mastered getting up the mornings I don't have school, but I'm working on it), I do my homework, I mostly eat proper food and the flat isn't a complete mess. Magpie's busy with work and uni, I'm just busy

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

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