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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

When I grow up...or before I die. Something like that. ;)

I found... the most beautifully intense story I've read in EVER just over an hour and a half ago. By the same author that gave me the story that held the title for 'most beautifully intense piece of work ever read by me' before so I wasn't surprised, just pleased. In a big way. I laughed out loud, and actually had to take a break to cry at one point. Her writing is an experience. I feel I live the events with the characters. When they hurt, I hurt. When they laugh I laugh. Also? She's g



General update

Some of you might have seen my last blog entry which basically said that I was being made redundant from my role at work....   Well, yesterday I was informed by my Divisions MD/CEO that there was never any question of me leaving the company I work for, and that effective next week I would be moving to work for the senior management team supporting bid work and looking at financial controls.   I should be happy I guess..... it's a huge compliment. but for two reasons i'm a little disappointe



Moving, or as I call it, a lobotomy.

Furniture? Check. Electronics, files, other important stuff? Check. Massive bills paid off? Nope. New job? Nope.   It's hard moving from one area to another, and right now I'm stuck in transition between one and the other. I've been attending certification classes for my current field, but they mean a whole hill of beans because most jobs want me to have at least an associates degree with the certifications, a bachelors without. So, I'm looking around still at different agencies and hospita



Insomnia tip

I'll make this short and sweet. If you are having trouble sleeping, there is something that will more than likely help. First, close your eyes. Now, start breathing deeply. This will help quiet your mind and help you relax. Next, pretend you are in a safe place away from distractions like a womb or a cocoon or anything that makes you feel comfortable. For a claustrophobic person, it would more likely be an open space instead. Continue for about 2-5 minutes. With your mind quieted and your body r



My Gym Crush, we finally spoke...to each other!

Please keep this in mine while reading this blog entry:   - Yes, I am 42 years old, no I'm not a teenager, stop rolling your eyes - Yes, I move slowly, stop rolling your eyes - Yes, I'm a wuss, stop rolling your eyes   After many long years, I finally had the opportunity to exchange words with my Gym Crush. I'm as giddy as a school girl over the experience. You see, I've had a crush on this guy for over 3 years. I looked back over my blog entries and found these 3, all about him:   Sl




Despite all the 'best' wishes we got the results of the ultra sound and they were . . . .   First a little background. As is common knowledge, I am a prosecutor. For some unknown reason, my boss decided to pull a power move and prove she can make me do things, because - God if that isn't good practice for being a parent, I don't know what is. Basically a co-worker had a trial last week that was continued to this week, which she was scheduled to do intake - a crappy job to be sure. Not only

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

Being openly gay... or not

I've been wondering lately if I am really ready to live openly as a gay man. Or rather, to what degree...   As a matter of principle, I refuse to hide. I never needed to while I was in a straight relationship, and I shouldn't have to now....   Well, principles and reality sometimes conflict.   I am generally discrete and usually go unnoticed in the street. The guy I dated in September/October (whom I mentioned in my last post) was very discrete. When we were together in public you could



Stressful times

I am, if i'm not too immodest, quite successful career-wise. I'm 26, and without the advantage of having training or a degree, I have risen to quite a senior position within a large company. I have worked very hard, and put my blood sweat and tears (and 18 hour days) into one company. I have completed tasks that were, shall we say, morally grey? I have subjugated my conscience and my pride in order to further the aims of the "company".   Last week, I was informed my role was redundant.  



Oh, look...they appeared

So, yeah, disappeared. I went through a week of utter pain and misery, went through a week of not wanting to look at anything outside of a damn story, and then a few weeks there where I was cranking out some mini stories.   ...I come back here during break in my typing class and my stories are there...   I'm going back to editing a Butterfly's Dream once I get this list up.   A Butterfly's Dream Being reedited, but I have something like 16 chapters total written. >>   Conversation

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

Nasty yogurt

Source: The Smoking Gun   What the hell is wrong with people? I love yogurt, but I wouldn't want to eat it with any bodily fluid (other than the milk that's already in it). That guy is seriously messed up in the head to do that to a woman, and to top it all off, he's a kiddie diddler. Lock his ass up and throw away the god damn key.




When you take a dump on something holy, when you ruin something sacred, when you make a joke of a song so beloved- that's heresy.   Look- I never heard of Fergie before the half time superbowl show. I hope I never hear of that skank ever again. What she did to GNR's masterpiece Sweet Child of Mine was a crime against art.   No body seems to give a f**k about offending our culture. They call us trailer trash. They make fun of our mullets. f**k'em. I got no use for their half assed bullshit. T



UK Meet Manchester - Feb 2011

This weekend could have been one of the worst of my life. I had been so excited, I can't even begin to describe how excited I was. And then on the day of the trip, as I was opening the oven to warm the croissants my back went out. I broke my back in 1997 and I also have disc disease which means that the discs in my spine are crumbling away. I've lost four and another two are starting to go. When my back goes out I can look forward to a week of constant pain and regular debilitating spasms. One o



Superbowl and Glee thoughts after

Let's see the superbowl was exciting and the Packers won! (Not every person will care about football, but it was an amazing game). The game was dynamic with the first few minutes showing why football can change in moments. The interceptions and turnovers killed Steelers, who I am not shedding any tears for.   Yes, I hate Steelers sorry. It's just how arrogant their fans can get about their superbowl record, which is one of the highest in the league. I favor the Packers more for their team and



Best Intentions

Friday was the surrogate's birthday - and we weren't sure what to do about it. Of course we were going to acknowledge it, but we weren't sure about the gift thing. On the one hand, we wanted to send her something, because - well it is a pretty amazing thing she is doing - but on the other hand, we're still a bit concerned about the whole 'I'll be your nanny' comment. We are walking this fine line between being friendly and calling, etc and keeping things a business transaction.   We decid

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

My First Story

So Frosty sent me a review of my first chapter of my new story I'm writing. I have to say in some respects I'm a bit garbled with what I want to present, when I want to present it, and how I should do it - well.   I'm not trying to put down any of the authors I've had immense pleasure of reading through their works. However, I believe I like to keep my stories a bit more grounded, a little less extraordinary, with a bit more real-life scenarios - where not only lives are at stake, but money,



To live with concern for death

Going back to Neph’s blog about death (24.01.2011), I see now that her point of view concerned more the feelings of the accompanying people then these of the main person, the dying one, while my blog concern more what I will myself feeling at my last moments. In one phrase : the most important is what happens when you are with someone dying, helping him or her to cross the border between life and death, not what will happen with the body afterwards.   The chance I have to have lived till now

old bob

old bob

Damn virus

I might not be able to use my computer until Monday...   And right when I was inspired to write the next chapter of Be Myself!.   At least it means I get to study during the weekend (yaaaaaaay... ). Or draw...

James Hiwatari

James Hiwatari

The Script by Carl DaVinci

I need to stop lying to myself. I think I started to enjoy Carl DaVinci's short stories that I decided to give it another go.   Instead of writing I read The Script between last night and this morning, and I loved the story. I think it is wonderful how people can meet in all sorts of circumstances, however unlikely, and come together despite their respective hardships and impasses.   Carl DaVinci's The Script is a Hollywood-based drama when a teen star takes a starring role in an upcoming



Bit of an update...

Where to start? Oh yea... my cars a hunk of junk and I got iced in last night... woo...   I'm just about moved in now, all I have left is to transfer my car insurance and the rest of my clothes, books and files and I'm all set. Last night I went out and bought the last thing I wanted for my move, which is fun. I got myself the new MacBook Air (128gb HD). I've been loving every minute with it and now I'm working over to switching to entirely MobileMe and leaving google for the most part. It's n



Rethinking this whole thing

Not really, but maybe I should.   I sort of mentioned this in chat tonight, but we 'had' to call the surrogate tonight. Had to in the sense she sent me a text and an email saying how she missed us and she hadn't talk to us in a while. My general feeling was - so??? Which has me thinking maybe I am not cut out to be a dad because I am such a jerk. Okay those of you thinking 'maybe? There's no maybe about it.' just stop. Point noted.   Seriously, maybe I am too damn grumpy because when

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

You and Me by Carl DaVinci

I lied, in an effort to sneak myself a preview of what Frosty recommended to me, I decided to read the first chapter of You and Me by Carl DaVinci and then by the time 6AM rolled around I had finished the last chapter and I saw the sun peaking out as it started to burn off the overcast and fog from overnight. As I sit here typing, I feel groggy, yet comforted at yet another author surprises me with a super short but super powerful story.   to Frosty for recommending yet another amazing story



Inspiration is back!

I got three reviews for my first story! Yay!   This is helping my inspiration a lot. I finally know what to do with the next chapter! (Because I have bullet points for all chapters up to chapter 31, but writing down the scenes is something else entirely...)   So I'll probably work on it once I have some lunch and my brain cells have received their fair share of glucose.             So far I was right. Posting a story here is doing wonders to my motivation!

James Hiwatari

James Hiwatari

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