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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Late Of The Pier

So I think these guys are not only really talented, but so frickin' hot it hurts!   Check out this super sexy video (and the rest of their super sexy videos):         Ross Dawson, the gorgeous red head, is my favourite, but let's face it; they're all delicious!




I've kind of known about Diabetic Retinopathy for years as a former co-worker's brother had juvenile diabetese and was going through it as a young adult.   Yesterday I took the wife (Type II Diabetes for 18 years) to see an ophthamalogist because her optometrist said there'd been a change in her left eye.   After the doctor examined my wife and escorted her to the laser room to have her weak capillaries photocoagulated, he gave me a booklet, "Understanding Diabetic Retinopathy."   The alar



I'm A Brat, But how can you stay mad at this face?

Currently obsessed with the song:   Remembering Sunday, By All Time Low, FT Juliet Simms           So firstly let me say sorry to all my readers out there, I've been busy with work, and getting sick twice within the past month, one that I'm still dealing with, and lets face it it's just not fun.   I should post more, but it's late and I'm hurting, so I'll leave you with this story from last night.   ***   WARNING THE FOLLOWING IS A TRUE STORY, BASED ON A SPOILED, EMOTIONALLY CHALE



Wow Moments

So last night was a big eye-opener for me. I really do love Kevin, he's amazing as hell. Makes me crazy happy, and he's so damn sweet to me. Even when he kind of annoys me, it's so easy to just put up with it because all I have to do is think about how happy he makes me at other times, and the little annoying things just don't bug me so much. I'll be living with my best friend over the summer. I'll miss living with Kevin, 'cause that's what I've been doing for all practical purposes, but I'




Conflicted... yes that would be the word. For so many years, I lived in the KC area (with a short interlude in SEMO). Now I'm in Texas. I like it here, but sometimes I miss home. It's like there's a small void there. I don't regret leaving. I feel a lot happier here most of the time. But I see myself wondering what the future will bring. Will I end up staying in Texas? I don't really know. It's like there's still something missing in my life, a void that has been eating at me for a long time. I



Caveat Lector

It's time we had a cor ad cor loquitur (heart speaks to heart)   It's simple really, something that was eating me all day. I have no clue with what I really want to do in the short run. Yes I have dreams, but I have no clue how to get to them. I want to work with kids, speciafically the gay kids and such. But to do that, I have to goto school, and I can't afford that, even with loans, and it's sorta depressing really. It's like having a carrot dangled in front of you, only to have it yanked aw



What the hell?

When I went to the shrink last Wednesday I told him about being super irritable to the point where people were noticing. Hell, I was noticed the change first. Not only was I irritable, I was downright dangerous. The possibility of road rage incidents was coming back with a vengence. Anger management was out the window.   We discussed the situation and he said the irritability was probably due to the Zoloft working too well and throwing me over to the manic side of my mood stabilizer which has




I don't believe I've ever updated twice in one day, but I need to get this crap down before I forget it.   In the process of commenting to Viv's blog, I remembered a conversation an old coworker and I had regarding religion. He told me about this guy named Matthew Alper who wrote a book called The "God" Part of the Brain. The premise of the book is that spirituality is a biological imperitive, a behavior that is as hard-wired into our genes as a cat marking its territory. And as I always do wh



I need a favor...

... a break, an answer, a nap, a hug, and in return, I'd like to offer some perspective.   My friend, Alysia, called me on Saturday while I was hanging out with Steve, and she doesn't normally call me unless something is up, what with how busy she is being the mom of four kids, and the PTA president, etc., so I answer and she tells me that her son, Donavon, had a stroke. He's six, so just a little over a year younger than Matty, and that he's in the hospital. She says he can't move his limbs o



Sunny day

I should be filling out more job applications, or cleaning up my apartment some more. But it is far too nice a day for that nonsense. No, no, I shall have to go to the beach.   Maybe I'll get the groceries later.   Maybe I'll follow my next whim and chase the sunset.   Whatever. I have an iPod, a notebook, a book, and a good mood. I'm going to have a good day.   Hey, I turned 25 last week. How many more chances am I going to get to play the "f--k the world" game?




Well, our son isn't going on vacation with us. He's just quick smoking, again, so his nerves are just about shot and he doesn't want to put up with his mother's stupidity and non sequiturs for two weeks. The good thing is we get to go where we want to and don't have to go his way.   We went out to his place on Saturday and now I took a few shots of Mount Stickney, which he can see from his driveway. I'm still getting used to the camera and hopefully the shots will get better.   Haven't writt



Heavy Metals

Heavy Metals   Parliament Fleet Annex Epsilon Auriga April 10, 2681     Ellis Dutton, Chief of the Parliament Office of Galaxy Minerals, looked at the official Request for Proposal that his office had received earlier that day. If he could secure a fraction of the order, his five percent commission would make him rich beyond the dreams of avarice.   He looked at the list and he looked at Captain Osborne of the Fleet Procurement Office and said,



Hot Guy, Obsession, Frustration, More Obsession--That Exact Order

I've been borderline obsessed for the past two weeks. I don't like it. It's a horrible feeling. I'm not sure which is worse: passing through life without really registering anything or anyone, OR emotionally latching onto a random person and being consumed by them. I'm thinking the former is a better option, since I won't have to deal with this obsession! Obsession blows chunks! My thoughts are constantly on this guy and I get moody just thinking about him. It's disgusting and I really dislike i




Innovation     System: Sol Saturn's moon Titan Barlow Heavy Industries April 10, 2681   As the Grayhound class executive transport jumped into the Titan system, Commander Rutledge felt a bit of regret. It wasn't often that he got to travel in such luxery. Grayhound series ships usually shuttled Admirals around to useless meetings but today it was taking his team to do something useful.   Rutledge and his team of five naval archictects and engineers were members of the Fleet's Design Bu



So Glad I have finished another chapter for Worlds of Difference

Don't worry this is not a shameless promotion.   Most people may not read my stories, it's fine. However, I am glad another chapter has been edited and submitted.   At one time, I had a few friends helping me edit my stories, but they each have had to make sacrifices due to the problematic economy and their own personal issues. I am working on two stories right now both with different themes and different ideas. Worlds of Difference is my first story and my baby basically. I summed up the e



A challenge to myself

Now I realize this sounds like a real challenge, but I want to write a lesbian scene. No, I'm not kidding! I may be gay, but making love is beautiful, and I want to challenge myself to write a scene like this. Even though I firmly am gay, about 99% or so, I think my curiosity gets the best of me. I actually want to watch two lesbians make love. Now coming from a straight guy would make that statement all about being a total perv, but I think I have a much more objective perspective. First of all



Galaxy Today

The Galaxy Today- Your Source for Alliance News You Can Use Perry Grant, Political Desk April 8, 2681     Alliance Senate Takes Up a Massive Series of Bills   Conservatives optimistic, Labor Jubulent, Greens Furious and commentators bewildered   After a series of mysterious closed committe meetings earlier this week, the Alliance Senate has taken up an unprecidented series of bills.   Lead by an unlikely coalition of Senate Conservatives and Labor, a bi-partisan working group has bega



Lets make a deal...

Okay, so I made an exceedingly whiny blog post earlier today. I have subsequently set said post to private because me being all... I don't know how to describe it. Let's just say if it wasn't me that wrote it I'd want to strangle the little bitch that did. Anyhow, me giving in to that attitude isn't going to work.   So here is the deal. If I don't stop myself and do in the future post something that just makes you want to strangle me for being a whiney little bitch, by all means do what ever y




Politics   Closed Session of the Alliance Senate Armed Services Committee Galactic Alliance Parliament 0830 April 5, 2681   The thirty-two Senators of the Alliance Senate Armed Services Committee gathered in the chamber. Some looked bored, a few looked anxious but most were blank and unreadable.   As soon as all the Senators were seated the chairman, Senator Franco Ortega of the New Columbia colony, pounded his gavel and called the meeting to order. "On this date, April 5, 2681 at 0830 G



Out of the mouths of babes...

I just got home from work, which was... work. And then we grocery shopped, as if I don't spend enough time in that place already, and now I have to give them back my paycheck, too! Greedy bastards!   Anyway, I helped Rich and the kids carry all the bags in, and then I went to change out of my work clothes, and Rich followed me in to change out of jeans and into some shorts, and had asked Matty to close the door on his way out. Then a minute later he walks back in, without knocking, and so I s



Ironman Stirs

Ironman Stirs     In 2660 Dr. Dylan Yarlburo published a 15,000 page volume with the ponderous title Ironman: A Survey of 100 Years of Study. It was met in the academic world with deafening silence. Ironman had become junk science. Its study had occupied many careers and had banished many promising scientests to obscurity.   Ironman simply defied the best minds in in the Galactic Aliiance. Even after 100 years of constant surveillance with the best technology the dark hulk was as big a myst



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