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  • Myr

    Paranormal Deep Dive 3

    By Myr

    Top Read Paranormal Stories since Feb 2024 Top 0 Most Read Paranormal - Cryptid Features creatures from folklore, mythology, or cryptozoology, such as Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, or Chupacabra. The narrative often revolves around encounters with these mysterious beings. No stories Top 0 Most Read Paranormal - Cursed Objects Focuses on objects with supernatural or cursed properties. The plot typically involves characters trying to understand or break the curse asso

Major Changes in my Life Ahead

Yikes!   Just when I thought things were bad enough, I've been laid off! But don't worry, I've landed on my feet. More on that in a bit.   OK, let me back up a bit. If you haven't read it already, go back and read my story, The New Job. This is not only the story of my coming out to my wife, but it chronicles the story of my career, too. Although the story is fictional, the scenario is close enough. After finishing university, graduate school and medical school, I did my residency



Returning to the previous schedule as best as possible

Okay, so... after some clearing up by the administration as to what constitutes porn in their eyes, i will soon be posting Nathan and David part 2, not quite on the schedule i had hoped, but probably within a week. Liberty Island will remain behind the scenes and a chapter of Webs should be on its way by some time in the middle weeks of the month. Sorry about all the confusion.   Also, while you're here, I updated the story tracker to give a summary for the month of march. Hopefully at some po


Demetz in Demetz

A Trend-Setting Puppy

I found this old thread on the site. I couldn't resist turning it into a short-short story for the amusement of all. Keep in mind the fact that this is satire. If you do not have a sense of humor, do not read this!   Once upon a time, there was a mad scientist named Snow Dog. Snow Dog, being a naughty puppy, decided to reach new heights as one of the first members of gayauthors.org to join the millennium club. With pride he created a thread to mark his great achievement. In the process, four



April Foolish

I'm not, by the way, so y'all can get back to the more important things in life.   I've been having a small problem with the new story. One of the characters, Jim, is in his early 70s and he's being difficult. Every time I get around to attempting to write about him, I run into a block. It wasn't until this morning that I finally figured out what's wrong with Jim.   For starters, what's right about Jim is he's a fairly famous sci-fi writer whose early work bordered on blatant pornography. N



I'll just sit this round out okay?

So life goes on, the world turns, and predictably young gay males find themselves surrounded by drama. I think it's just the way of things. Only I just really want to sit this round out. I mean I always try to avoid drama anyway, but quite often I get sucked into my friends' problems and thrown into the middle of things. This time I'm just NOT going to do it.   Things with William and Scott are continuing to get worse. I can't even mention William's name without Scott making a sarcastic,




I'm back to 276. For a few days I pushed it up to 279, but this morning I was back to 276. Difference? Haven't partaken of the Mexican food for two days and the day before yesterday I had Albondigas, which is a really, really good soup.   The mood stabilizer seems to have kicked in. I'm kind of blah most of the time, but there seems to be an edge of anger that hangs over me like that famous sword. I feel like exploding at the slightest provocation, like this morning when the wife commented tha



Changing Plans

Okay, first on the agenda today: my job. I'm not especially happy working at the restaurant. If a table comes in and can't figure out what the hell they want until the next table is in too, its like having double-duty. Top that up with having to put together all their salads myself and fetch countless little things for them that don't come with the meal and only some items go through the computer, but most don't so I have to remember when to punch stuff through....   Ugh.   I'm told breakfas


Demetz in Demetz

Transitions and Attitude Adjustments

Has anyone ever heard of a transitional bisexual? Well, for those of you who don't know a transitional bisexual is a condition of sexuality transitioning from heterosexual to bisexual. I believe myself to be one, and I think I'm to the point of being completely gay. I think part of my issue was accepting, and I have. I even made the change on my profile. I still see a few exceptions like Halle Berry and Carrie Underwood, but for the most part, I like men. Even with such exceptions, I could never



*le sigh*

So, I'm wondering how people are reacting to my anthology story since I haven't gotten a review yet. I'm happy that I put it out there, but I'm still curious. A Butterfly's Dream is rather well recieved, which is a pleasent surprise to me. I'm glad that they like that story. I'm thinking I'll post Finding Someone on eFiction eventually. Maybe after the summer anthology, or when ever I remember to do it. Which will probably be next year sometime knowing me. Okay, so I've done the bored out he

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

just a wet dream for the webzine...

Ryan Ross writes some amazingly kick-ass lyrics... just saying. Besides, Steve thinks he's cuter   So, anthology's up! YAY! I do hope you all enjoy all the reading there is to do this weekend. So far, I've read Faust, Lesfeuxdemoncoeur, DWrites, Libby Drew, Wrath of Magneto, and mine (repeatedly... have I mentioned what it takes to self edit??) All of you have done amazingly! I'll try to go and leave individual comments in your forums tomorrow, but I just wanted to say so.   Take a chance,



It's SOOOOO good

My life is just so amazingly good. I mean I already knew that, but the last couple of days it's really been hitting home or something. It's like I just bounce around for one enjoyable activity to the next and even when less fun stuff happens it never seems to hang around for very long.   The last three days have just been phenomenal! I had the most awesome, easy, fun assignments at work (sub-teaching), like I literally had like 3 hours off that I was getting paid for both days. LOL, and I



Hit Weight Goal, yay!

Hey GA old-timers. Long time no blog. I haven't been on GA as much as I used to for many reason (mostly cause Dom has been quiet), but also because for the last three and 1/2 months, I've been on a serious diet and workout kick. Well last tuesday, I hit my weight goal and lost 40 lbs.   You see, sometime after thanksgiving, I weighed myself and hit a number I hadn't seen in years. Due to a combination of old age, slowing metabolism, and just poor eating (curses you Carl's Jr), I gained 25 and




I wanted to bring this to my blog, because what I'm about to say isn't going to be allowed in the forums. Remember, before proceeding, that this is my blog, and I am not obligated to respect your position or opinion on any manner. There's a good chance that I probably will, though.   I want to take this opportunity to respond to a certain number of posts in the Soap Box without starting a flame war or taking the thread off topic. You see, when the conversation starts to veer away from the ori



A bean bag for my Garmin

So I'm thinking about getting one of those bean bag thingy's to hold my Garmin in place on top of my dashboard. I was actually determined to buy one last night, but I left my check card on my dresser and didn't have enough cash on me to do that and be able to buy gas so I could drive to Smithfield and back, so I had to wait. Then I thought about how important it is that I have one. Actually, it's really important, because right now, using my Garmin is a pain in the ass. I place it in my cup ho



I Write Sins Not Tragedies.

Panic At The Disco's, That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed) Things are shaping up to be pretty odd. Little deaths in musical beds. So it seems I'm someone I've never met.   You will only hear these elegant crimes, Fall on your ears from criminal dimes. They spill unfound from a pretty mouth.   everybody gets there and everybody gets their way. I never said I missed her when everybody kissed her, Now I'm the only one to blame.   Things have changed for me, and that's okay. I fe




His name is Casper! Pretty much the hottest thing ever, says I. Crazy month so far... got my manager keys, learned to drive in less than a week, got my permit, signed up for my driving test, new glasses, new car, annnnd not too shabby on the gpa. Would love to talk more, but I get to go drive now. yay!



Just some thoughts...

You know, when I left for a small amount of time, the "Caught" thread in the Q&A section of the lounge was open. Then, I come back and it's closed. No explanation, no nothing. I can understand that it was closed and I don't really mind it, but this is the SECOND frickin' time that it's been closed. The first time, I know why it was. This time, I have an inkling on why, but that's mostly because I've read the last two pages of pages. By reading those, I've figured out a possible reason as t

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

Climate Change- please get it right!

Climate change is very real and it has been going on in cycles since the planet formed.   Three Orbital cycles that affect climate: Orbital Eccentricity: 100,000 year Cycle Orbital Tilt: 42,000 year cycle Orbital Wobble: 25,800 year cycle   Orbital Eccentricity: the earth's orbit around the sun forms an ellipse. Every 100,000 years or so the ellipse "flops" into a pattern that changes solar exposure. This trend is working is way to a peak this century.   Orbital Tilt: The t



ARGH! - No I'm not a pirate

Well, now that I've vented a bit, I feel like I'm finally calm enough to write a post that all of you can read   I'll start with the exs. It seems that everyone of my exs seems to be contacting me lately. Well, not every one of them, but a lot of them. First, the most recent ex continues to send random texts asking me what's up or if I'm still awake at 2am. Some people sleep you know! Not me, but if I was normal, I'd probably be in bed!   Then last night I got a phone call from Michael. If



Stop saying 'pencil'!

So if anyone else says the word 'pencil' to me today I swear I'm going to scream!   All day it was:   "Mr. Face (no that's not my real last name, but I'm not giving it out over the internet), can I go sharpen my pencil?"   "Mr. Face, so and so stole my pencil"   "Mr. Face, my pencil broke again"   "Mr. Face, I need to borrow a pencil"   "Mr. Face, I lost that pencil"     I swear it got to the point that I was fantasizing about having this giant bucket filled with pre-sharpened pen



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