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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
    • 1 comment

An Author's log and explanations

It's kind of funny, I thought people would be commenting on my story after the two new chapters of Worlds of Difference 2 and 3 went live.   Well I guess I will explain some of the aspects in my story that people may have overlooked or had questions:   The allowance of 13 and 15 year olds to drink alcohol during ancient times was a true practice especially during long journeys. True it is against the law today in most parts of the world for underage drinking, but during the 7th century BC, m



All is Silent. And Yet ...

As I sit here in our living room, you could hardly call for more peace.   And yet ...   a distant dog bark,   a plane high overhead,   the sound of my hard disk in my study as it runs a backup,   our wind chimes moving softly,   the sensation that I can hear through my neck bones as I rotate my head,   the scraping of the hard edge of a low palm tree against the window and the flutter of that same leaf as a waft of wind hits it,   the



Time for a Story Update

Okay, just to tell you guys, yes, I'm alive, well and semi happy. I'm job hunting again, I'm not hacking up solid shit any more and I'm kinda hiding from my birthday that is coming up on the 26th. >> I dislike the birthday.   Anyways, this is a new list of stories, status', summaries and notes on what is happening with said stories. Mind you, if it's not on this site, the links provided will lead you to my profile page   One site: The Campers Nightmare: Summary: A camping trip goes f

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

The Green Pebble

After a couple of weeks during which I'd experienced unaccountable intellectual, emotional and moral growth, I made a discovery which I thought could make me incredibly rich. As I rotated the idea in my mind, it slowly dawned on me that I'd be so rich that I could walk out the door and might never need to see my beloved house again, should I choose not to.   Doing just that, in search of either intellectual excitement, or pampering, whichever I could find first, I left home leaving a trail o



This is NOT a recording

So I'm sitting at work minding my own business, doing my mountains of paperwork and pondering which report I want to work on next when the phone rings:   Me: "(Company name)" Guy: "Hi?" Me: "Hi" Guy: "Are you a recording?" Me: "Um, no" Guy: "Are you sure?" Me: "Yes, I'm sure." Guy: "Really?" Me: "Yeah, I'm a person." Guy: "Well you sound like a recording."       I've never had to argue to convince someone I wasn't an automated message before. I'm kinda hoping I'm not in



My demedification, John Paul and some rambling

Its nearing 3am and I can't sleep.   I went off the meds again. It's been two weeks since my "demedification" and there hasnt been any major disasters (yet) but I think Ill keep off them for a while. Why you ask? Because. I have this thing where when Im off the meds I can get a little - some might say - overwhelming? But when Im on the meds I feel nothing at all. Which was part of the reason I started to hurt myself, it was to feel something. Not really the commonly accepted explanation of cu



The Old Squaw

She was my great-great-grandmother. She came into the marriage with children having lost her first husband in the California Gold Rush; she bore a few more.   There were two tintypes; one of my great-great-grandfather and one of her. She looks very dark, too dark to have been out in the sun too long. Her features are very Native American. There is one family story that says she was half Indian. My grandfather said she was born in Norfolk, Virginia, but he never acknowledged her as being half I



San Francisco and Random Happiness

So I’m in a random good mood and decided to blog about it. Less bitching this time around, I promise! Well… I think so anyways.   California is in 2 weeks! 13 days and 6 hours until my flight leaves to be exact I honestly can’t wait that long. I want to go now and these last 2 weeks are going to drag by so slow. Every time I hear certain songs on the radio, it reminds me of it and I can’t get it out of my mind for a while. It’s irritating! Once I step on that plane though, all will be well in



I think I need a minute...

So, updates to the updates...   Old neighbor guy called us last night at 1:30am because he needed help... he had an accident cause he couldn't get up and get to the bathroom. We went over and helped him up and to the bathroom and then Rich helped him into clean pants and then I remade his makeshift bed in his recliner chair and put his other stuff in the washer and then we put him back to bed. I convinced him he should go to the hospital and we were going to take him today, but then his fair-



I feel guilty about my little sister

I have 3 siblings: two who are older than me and then a sister who's 16 years younger than me. This blog is about her.   I remember when she was an infant, changing her diaper, teaching her to ride her bike without training wheels on, her crying when I went away to college, sending her off to college.   Basically, I've seen her grow up to be the 24 year old women she is today.   She's dated a few guys before, all nice guys.   Well, she's dating a new guy. Makes her real happy. What's th




I am convinced I must have been a huge prick in a former life. I guess in some ways I still am.



longest update ever... (my computer better not eat this before I can post it)

This entry is being made from my laptop that has pretty much made a full recovery, thanks to the AMAZING work done by Rich I didn't lose ANYTHING!! And... he got to reformat it like he's been nagging me to do...   I started at my new (old) store yesterday. It's okay, I remember a few faces, and they remember me (after 8 years). The store director is... okay. One girl I worked with at the last store said, "He's a different kind of bird," and almost everyone that asked, when I told then his nam



Bad knee!

I am trying very hard not to be overly depressed about this because we are in Flagstaff, AZ, and that's a long way from home. Day before yesterday I drove from Moab, UT, to Moriarty, NM, 432 miles which isn't all that far considering we stopped a few times to stretch the legs, but it was no use.   The knee I had surgery on isn't as well as I thought. In fact, it's almost back to being a bad knee.   Yesterday we drove from Moriarty to Flagstaff, with a side trip through Petrified Forest NP (l



A World Without Certainty

I can't stand certainty. The arrogance of thinking you know something really annoys me. Especially as it relates to people, other people, but also yourself.   I've been studying sexuality and gender issues for a long time now, however, they've been particularly on my mind for the past couple of months. The way I see it, the GLBT community is designed for gays and lesbians, but the bisexuals and transgenders are still pretty much marginalized and discriminated against. It's frustrating enou




It's one of the most simple questions, but at the same time, one of the hardest questions to ever yourself. It's four simple words, very plain english, and yet, it can send someone reeling trying to answer it. This question is also one that is constantly asked by people both young and old, and one that will forever haunt us and follow us when we do answer it. What is this question you may ask?   What are your dreams?   Easy to say right? No big vocabulary words in it, no hidden meanings, jus



Lily Allen rocks!

**Warning Explicit language**   A couple of her best gay affirming songs:     Lily Allen - f**k You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ITZBBV8Syg     Lily Allen - Fag Hag     All her stuff's pretty cool. She has a cheerfully dark edge to most of her songs.



Umm... holy f**king shit!

I just got home from work where I was transferred to a new store, starting Monday, because there were lay-offs in my district and so now they need to move us around to make sure they have the help they need. It's a store I worked at about 8 years ago, right when I was first pregnant with Matty and it's closer to home...   Then Rich picked me up from work and told me that while I was away, somehow, Matty managed to knock my laptop onto the floor and then a soda spilled on top of it... Apparent



Why I'm not in Congress

I may be evil but I do have standards.   Knowing that nobody has actually bothered to read the Pork, I mean Stimilus Package, I would insert the following clause:   Amendment 301.23.451 All states and municipalaties that accept stimilius funds are required to have all of their citizens renounce their faith and begin to worship the evil goddess Globulus. In early April, 100 of the nations best basketball players must be sacrificed to Globulus to avoid a plague of boils and rats.   Amendme




The real side of me has set up an account on Facebook and has been looking for friends and acquaintances, but since I have few friends or acquaintances I've been forced to add relatives to the mix. So far I've found, in order of discovery, a nephew, a niece, and a cousin. There is a blog friend who sent one of my aliases a note to join, but though I responded, she hasn't acknowledged the request to hook up.   This morning my cousin (there are six of us, a year apart) sent me an email to catch



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