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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Hehe, Wow I'm Bitchy Tonight

Do you ever have one of those moments where you step back, look at your life, and realize that you really have shit to show for it?   I'm having one of those moments, big time.   1.) School: -My grades have fallen. This semester was awful, worst yet. Two A's, a C, and an F. -Good news is I'll be a research assistant next semester for Dr. Zeigler-Hill, who's actually interested in things that tie into my own interests. Assuming nothing insane happens, he should be a seriously useful



DC (and boredom)...

First things first - Dan and I are going to the Inauguration and if anyone wants to meet up for lunch on Saturday, Jan 17th in DC, I started a thread.   Overall, my health has been going pretty well. I'm in the hospital right now - got here last Thursday for my "A2" round and I should get out tomorrow night. My next "stay" won't be until Dec 29th (so I will be here for New Years for the "B2" round). But the nice thing is I should be fully functional during Christmas time - and Dan and I are



Heading Home

I'm at the Space Age truck stop outside Hermiston, OR, getting ready to get back on the road. It's raining up on Snoqualmie Pass so I shouldn't have any problem running over the hill this morning; it's simply a matter of getting myself going.   Yesterday I didn't get myself going like I intended and ended up driving over the Blues in the snow. The weather forecast said it wasn't supposed to start until 10 p.m., but Mother Nature obviously doesn't get her clearances from NOAA. There must have b



The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: 2

Slightly over three years ago I made a blog entry entitled "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year." It's amazing how much things have changed since then. I have a completely different life now. I was happy then, very happy actually, but I have to say I think I'm actually even happier now.   I had the most fun this weekend! Friday night I went to a housewarming party, which was really awesome! It was actually for my girls who had moved back last August. LOL, it took them that long to get se




No, I don't have it.   I started writing my next installment, set in 1980. The big STD fear in 1980 was Herpes. If you got it, you'd get sores on your dick, or your mouth, or both. It wouldn't kill you, but it might be painful, it was certainly inconvenient, and once you got it, it was FOREVER. Not like gonorrhea, which you could treat with antibiotics. No, if you got Herpes, it would be with you forever. And that meant that when you meant that special someone, you couldn't just have

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

A Massive Wall Of Text, Caution, Your eyes may begin to bleed...

So the working 40 hours + a week for the past four weeks even though I was only getting paid for about 10 of them has now come to a complete end. The Community Christmas celebration is over, the exam is over, meaning only one thing...   10 more days   10 more days until I find myself on a plane, awaiting what lies for me there.   10 more days till I can sit back and enjoy some time without work, school nothing.   10 more days until one of my long life dreams becomes a reality and I get t



The Lull After the Storm

It's f**king cold here in the midwest, but sometimes that's kind of nice. I've got the fire turned on (gas, not wood, because I'm lazy), the cat sitting in my lap, and there are snow flurries outside, dusting the ground with white powder. But not the kind you can inhale. And I've just finished a writing marathon that started in August and generated three stories and more than 80 chapters. I'm feeling lazy.   Still, I've got another one on the back burner, a continuation of the saga I sta

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

A New Years Resolution

So, my mother has decided on a New Years Resolution. Lets overlook the fact that she's a tad early, cause hey preparedness is key right? Anyhow, her resolution is to get me to talk more...   I dunno how to feel about this. Mostly whenever we seem to talk anymore things become, well heated would be a nice way of phrasing it I guess. We have differing opinions on things... Religion, Politics, etcetera etcetera etcetera...   I guess I came to the conclusion a few years ago "Why say anything whe



Lesson's learned while at GA

At times I can be stubborn, but I've looked back over my time here at GA and found that I've come to accept (note accept, not tolerate) two facts:   1) Some guys who claim to be bisexual really are bisexual.   2) Some Gay Fiction readers skip over the sex scenes.   For guys who claimed to be bisexual, I always assumed that they were just in denial, confused, or were just on a journey towards pure gayness. I knew better. I looked them in the eyes with a knowing look (well, as much as yo



Waxahachie, Texas

Well, a few months ago I moved to Kansas. Well, I'm moving again. This time I'm moving to Texas, Waxahachie to be exact. It's a city of about 20,000, and it's south of Dallas. I was thinking of staying here, but then it hit me the other day. I really don't want to be here, so I've decided that's where I want to go. I will miss what family I have here, but that's about all. The whole depression thing was caused by just not wanting to be here, so that seems like the perfect solution. Anyway, I'm n



A bunch of random S**T

I've been taking ginseng pills here and there. I'm supposed to take two pills 2-3 times a day. It's supposed to increase energy or do overall good stuff for your health. Gradually, is the key word though. But I'm impatient and I want energy now. Then I realize my lack of energy is entirely my own fault: Pepsi and chips don't count as meals.   I want to post more chapters of No Fairytale World. It's completed, but I'm adding a new scene in chapter 13, but I'm sort of stuck on it, or can't seem



Snow in Chicago

Hahaha. I left Chicago on Friday, and for the 8 days I was there, the weather was reasonable, without any snow. There were a few times where all I was wearing were shorts and a hoodie.   Now I hear from my relatives that there's about 8 inches of snow on the ground, and that a lot of flights were canceled on sunday...whew, I'm glad I got out of there unscathed.   The weather gods were smiling upon me. Maybe I should go buy some lottery tickets.



First gear

Where has the year gone? I find myself asking that more and more often these days. Why, as we age, does the perception of time speed up. Where does the excess go? Is it all too much fodder for the langoliers in the end?   Meh...   I again feel stuck. I wanted to be free of my job, but the last year has seen the economy live up to the expectations of so many doomsday predictions. It has tanked, and unemployment has soared. Yet oddly enough "Black Friday" seems to, by most accounts, have been



What's your limit?

http://www.kpho.com/news/18154062/detail.html   Ever think about limits, especialy your own?   Ever consider life so bad you have to set a limit to the grief or punishment you endure?   It seems the 8-year-old boy in Arizona who is charged with murdering his father and the man renting a room in their house had a limit.   1,000 spankings.   1,000.   One Thousand.   Think of an eight-year-old boy keeping a list of the spankings he received, probably for the meerest of reasons.   Th



Sick of Being Stood UP

I'm not even going to bother anymore. Even when someone agrees to meet (rare enough, everybody's got some excuse) they don't actually show up.   I'm not that bad looking. I like to think I have a decent personality, but nobody bothers to actually go out with me.   So now I'm not bothering. Just going to do my own thing and quit caring.


Demetz in Demetz

The Tale of Monkey King

This is what happens when I don't get enough sleep. Totally not edited, btw.   Tell me a story, Khay. I don't want to. Aw, come on. Please? I said I don't want to. If you want a story so bad, why don't you tell one? You owe me one. How come I always owe you a story? Something must be wrong with your record keeping. Nah. Seems to come out right every time to me. I saw your grade in Algebra. That's not reassuring. Come on. You know you're going to. Might as well give in now before I tak




I was talking with my sister in-law. We both seem to connect because we're the same age. I think of her as a sister I never had. She into documentary film making and I always had an interest in movies but never did what she did with the topic.   We were talking a bit and I showed her my earlier stories. She liked them. She mostly like the one that covered family history which was a pivotal prior to my birth years before.   As she read some of the other stories ... I think she picked up and d



Where the line gets blurry

This morning I woke up to a really sad email telling me that someone I met online years ago passed away. He'd been given a diagnosis of 6 months to live not long ago, but I guess sometimes the doctors are wrong. Anyway, I've tried hard to separate the online friends I have from the friends I have irl, but it doesn't always work that way. I still find myself wondering and worrying and hurting for others, even though I've never met some of them face to face. I have exactly one friend that I've m



It looks like a spade...

So I may have to call it that.   Every so often I go through this period during which I keep thinking, "I used to be a much nicer person." I admit that there's every possibility that I did not used to be a much nicer person. Perhaps it's just an illusion, the classic 'good ol' days' phenomenon, but in any case I think I used to be a nicer person.   I never used to be judgmental. I always used to try my best to see things from the other person's perspective, give them the benefit of the do



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