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What Animal Would You Be?


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Have you ever wondered what it'd be like if you were an animal, or is it just me? If you have, then supposing you had the chance to live as any animal for a day, which one would you choose and why?

I think I'd like to be a beetle. None of those little, cutesy ladybugs, though. I'd be a BAMF-y atlas beetle, partly because they're my favorite animals. Posted Image I also think it would be interesting to live life as an insect. I'd kind of like to get a new perspective on what they go through every day... they must have hard lives, and my theory is that once we understand different points of view (and critters), the wiser we are as people. Also, I've always admired those "horns" of theirs. Unfortunately for me, only the males have them, but, eh, nothing is perfect.


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So, what about you? What animal would you be?

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By the Chinese zodiac, I'm a monkey, but I've always thought it would be cool to be fire-breathing dragon.


Interestingly, according to this quiz, I'm a wolverine. Now all I need are the adamantine claws. :2thumbs:

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Posted Image Posted Image


I would be a sea otter. They are so cute and smart. Who wouldn't want to live at the beach and frollick around in the ocean all day. Plus they are cute as hell!!!

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By the Chinese zodiac, I'm a monkey, but I've always thought it would be cool to be fire-breathing dragon.


Interestingly, according to this quiz, I'm a wolverine. Now all I need are the adamantine claws. :2thumbs:



OMG! I just took this quiz AFTER I posted I wanted to be a sea otter and It said I'm an Otter- WOW! I guess it is meant to be!!! That's too freaky :lol:

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Well the quiz says I'm either a wolverine or an owl but I think I'd wanna be a monkey. I'd love to be able to jump around and climb things while still being able to enjoy a blow job. :2thumbs:

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Hands down, it'd be a red wolf. Cooperative hunters, but often solitary. Intelligent and fierce. I'd love to see through their eyes, and hear what they hear. Most of all, I'd love to howl under the nighttime sky.


The quiz Dark led us to said I was a crow, which is cool, except that they gather in murders.


The Chinese zodiac says I'm a cock.

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The quiz tells me I'm a crow which is pretty cool as I have serious affinity with crown in rl The symbolism is inense.


However, if I had to choose it would be a cat. i think that anyone who reads my new story Damphir would have worked that one out.

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I like all cats, large or small, but if I had to choose one to be it would probably be the leopard. A strong solitary animal with an uncomplicated life. Hunting and sleeping. Not a bad life. Though being a house cat would be quite good too. Twenty hours a day sleeping on a nice cosy bed and somebody to feed me when I'm hungry. A lovely lazy life. Meow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Before the quiz i'd wanna be a tiger or a penguin.


But the quiz said I would be a bear!



You are a Bear! (your score: 29)

Posted ImageCharacters: Arcas, Skaris, Torin, Eneas, and Ladek in the Aspect of Crow trilogy; Darien in "The Wild's Call"


Powers: Fighting ability—strength and speed—along with powers of strategic thinking


You're #1! At least, you're happiest when in charge. You lead with courage, integrity, and compassion. People gravitate to your confidence and charisma, and they feel safe in your care. But be careful not to believe your own hype—stubborn pride is every Bear's downfall.


Best matches: Wolverines, Horses, Wolves


Watch out for: Foxes, Crows, Spiders



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You are a Spider! (your score: 28)

Posted Image

Characters: Arcas and Nelma in the Aspect of Crow trilogy


Powers: Artistic genius, ability to see patterns and sense trouble from a distance


As a Spider, you're artistic, intuitive, and independent—maybe even a little eccentric. You can become so absorbed in your endeavors that you lose track of the outside world and the people in it. But what you give in return is magic, pure and simple.


Best matches: Cougars, Hawks, Owls


Watch out for: Wolves, Otters, Bears




Which is hilarious, spiders are my familiar and favorite animal. =D

Edited by Arpeggio
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Ew Lacey of course you'd be a spider :P


You are a Hawk! (your score: 26)

Posted Image Characters: Galen, Thera, Zilus in the Aspect of Crow trilogy; Maxine in "The Wild's Call"


Powers: Communicate with the divine, discern powers in others, photographic memory


Hawks are the messengers of the Spirits. Adept with language, you might be a writer or a teacher. Your ability to assess situations impartially means that people often seek your guidance before making decisions. A brilliant visionary, you sometimes forget the mundane details of life like eating, sleeping, or paying bills.

Edited by Anya
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A giraffe. Just think of the view


Though the quiz says I'm a Swan, sounds fun.



You are a Swan! (your score: 25)

Posted ImageCharacters: Tereus, Kalia in the Aspect of Crow trilogy


Powers: Foretelling future through dreams, dream-walking


Swans are idealistic, open-minded, and passionate. Your good nature often leads people to think they can take advantage of you, but they should be careful—beneath that serenity lies a fighting spirit. Your love is fierce and unconditional, fueled by the certainty that it should last forever.


Best matches: Wolves, Horses, Otters


Watch out for: Cougars, Foxes, Hawks



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You are a Wolf! (your score: 21)

Posted ImageCharacters: Marek, Alanka, Kerza, and Kara in the Aspect of Crow trilogy and "Storm Reaper"; Lance in "The Wild's Call"


Powers: Stealth, hunting ability, enhanced senses of smell and hearing, as well as strength and stamina


"Family comes first" could be a Wolf's motto. You form deep connections with close friends and family members, and they know you'd do anything to protect them. You're loyal, devoted, and passionate. Your worst fear is being alone, but be careful not to drown your loved ones in too much emotion.


Best matches: Swans, Otters, Crows


Watch out for: Spiders, Owls, Foxes



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Hmm. According to the Chinese Zodiac I am Cock. According to the Zodiac I am a Centaur. According to the Quiz -



You are a Bear! (your score: 23)

Posted Image Characters: Arcas, Skaris, Torin, Eneas, and Ladek in the Aspect of Crow trilogy; Darien in "The Wild's Call"


Powers: Fighting ability—strength and speed—along with powers of strategic thinking


You're #1! At least, you're happiest when in charge. You lead with courage, integrity, and compassion. People gravitate to your confidence and charisma, and they feel safe in your care. But be careful not to believe your own hype—stubborn pride is every Bear's downfall.


Best matches: Wolverines, Horses, Wolves


Watch out for: Foxes, Crows, Spiders





which isn't bad either. However if I am going to pick an animal to be for a day I do like the idea of being a giraffe. Just something about their beauty and height.




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Well I'm a mishmash of all sorts of things when it comes to 'personal animals'


Chinese Zodiak has me as a rooster:

Acute, neat, meticulous, organized, self-assured, decisive, conservative, critical, perfectionist, alert, zealous, practical, scientific, responsible. Can be over zealous and critical, puritanical, egotistical, abrasive, proud, opinionated, given to empty bravado.



The quiz tied me between the wolverine and bear:

Nobody messes with Wolverines. You're fearless, assertive (okay, aggressive), and tenacious. You might be a Marine, or a middle linebacker. You're the best at whatever you choose to do, because you give yourself no alternative. Bear: You're #1! At least, you're happiest when in charge. You lead with courage, integrity, and compassion. People gravitate to your confidence and charisma, and they feel safe in your care. But be careful not to believe your own hype—stubborn pride is every Bear's downfall.



Astrology has me as a Leo:

The people of this sign are natural leaders and chiefs. In reality the supervising position is what the majority of people born under the sign of Lion aspires to. They are really intelligent and magnetic people. That fact attracts others, but they should not try to dominate everyone. Lion frequently called "The sign of the kings" according to his intelligence and graceful manners. Their astrological symbol " Lion" is considered to be the king of animals. But, as well as all governors, that people should learn to wear the crown modestly. They should remember their large sin - vanity.



Pfft.... You know what all those wordy descriptions mean? (I'll paraphrase so you don't have to read them!) I'm a bossy person who likes to collect people to push around and I'm prone to vanity and need to watch that I don't have my head fall over all over-inflated from the weight of my own awesomeness. Ah well... I think my avatar says it all.

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