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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Death in the Shadows - 14. Chapter 14: Caleb's Commitment

Caleb typed as fast as the speaker lectured. The second day’s workshops excited him, but he also dreaded them. Little B and Mace said they’re fine to be on their own, but with Lewis running around… He shook his head, clearing any negative notions. They’re right; they can handle themselves, at least until the challenge.

Soaking in the lessons from Alpha Demers’ enforcer, Daniel Barbeau, the lion admired the man’s class. The ursus had several gray hairs in his beard, but Caleb knew the man was not to be trifled with. Tactics, team formations… He even goes as far as screening requests for sanctuary. Might ask Chief Vogue if he can assist us with that. It’d probably be a good idea to see what kind of background potential—

“Enforcer Gage,” barked Barbeau. “Typing a storm over there. Let’s see if you’re listening. Without looking away, how many exits are there in this room?”

Staring at the built delta, Caleb smirked. C’mon! Dirk had that drilled in my brain the first day I met him. “Four.”

A few chortles came from different sides, but the Canadian enforcer in front crossed his arms. “Some think you’re a moron for your answer.” Barbeau slammed his palm on the table, silencing the room. “Keep laughing, you fuckin’ hosers! Newbie says there’s four, and in case you can’t read expressions or smell emotions, he’s confident in his answer. Gage, stand and point ‘em out.”

Obliging, Caleb cleared his throat. “Two doors, one on each side of this wall leading to the assembly hall. One emergency exit that leads directly outside facing east.” He lastly pointed at the window that made up the entire wall to the right. “There’s your fourth.”

More snickers surrounded him. One lycan was particularly noisy as he turned and cackled. “This cat’s still in diapers! I bet—”

Barbeau clapped. “Excellent count, Gage.”

When the laughter hushed, Caleb stood with pride. He watched the ursus move from behind the desk and approach the heckler. I can tell he’s pissed. Someone should’ve made popcorn.

“Enforcer Vickers, you seem to disagree. How many did you count?”

Vickers slightly fidgeted in his seat before answering, “Three.”

“Wrong. I want you to understand the severity of your incorrect count. Your alpha, your pack, and most importantly, your life depends on accurately assessing your surroundings. Windows, especially large ones, also count as an exit. Check if they open or not. These here don’t, but they’re large panes. Any hard object, including your body, can break them, creating an exit if a situation requires one to be made.”

The Canadian delta retreated and sat on the desk. “The heat of the moment can come at any time, deltas. An explosion, accidents, injuries… There could be a squadron of hunters prepared to storm this building, and if those three doors are compromised, then that window might be your best bet! If you haven’t registered that window as a possible exit, Vickers, you might’ve gotten yourself killed, which means your absence can get your alpha killed, or your pack killed. Got that?”

Caleb wasn’t ready to hear the ultimate penalty for an enforcer’s shirking of duty. He’s right though. I never thought to put myself first in certain situations. If I’m dead, then I can’t save anybody. Sitting down, he resumed typing.

“Enforcer Gage, one more question.” The lion looked up and gave Barbeau his undivided attention. “Not many new enforcers seem to have a natural grip on this position. Have you taken any courses since your induction?”

“No, sir. The week I was given the job, Alpha Tierney Scott and his council visited my alpha’s land. Enforcer Wescott taught me everything I know.”

“I see. For those who don’t know who we’re talking about, Dirk Wescott was the Head Enforcer for the New York State Pack. In other words, one of the best in the damned game. I hope everyone who laughed at this ailouros has swallowed their giggles, because you’ve been served a lesson in humility.” Barbeau sighed and closed the open binder. “Class dismissed. Gage, a word?”

Folding his laptop, he stuck it and his notepad in his satchel and approached the front. He accepted the passing apologies from Vickers and the others, and shook Barbeau’s awaiting hand. “Sir?”

“None of that. So, Dirk’s pupil, eh? Didn’t know he had it in ‘im to teach. Glad he’s passing along my lessons.”

“I… I’m sorry?”

Barbeau took a seat in the front row and patted the one next to it. “Dirk and I go way back. I considered him my student once. Made a bear proud to see him be successful.”

Caleb swallowed hard and sat. “You taught Dirk?”

“How is the cub? I heard he’s moved down to your neck of the woods with Alpha Scott. That true?”

“He’s…” Taking a deep breath, he ran a hand through his long, blond hair. “I’d like to say he’s okay, but I’m not one to lie. If I was in his shoes, I’d be in pretty rough shape.”


“I’m not sure if he’d be comfortable with me airing his business.”

Barbeau nodded. “Understandable. If you don’t mind, tell him Barbie ordered him to call. Use those exact words.”

“I will. This really is a small world.”

“Bah! Not when it comes to us shifters. We tend to stick together, even if we're from separate groupings. Well, we better get a move-on. Big meeting’s in ten minutes.”

Checking his phone, Caleb nodded and shouldered his bag. “Yeah, I should check in with my alphas.”

Barbeau walked behind him. “Alphas? Right, Wilson and Bolton. They’ve been the talk of the summit from what I hear. It’s an unusual sight to see an alpha pairing. How do their ego’s stay in check?”

“They’re destined, and Vincent was human a few months ago.”

The older bear laughed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Now I’ve heard it all. A human turned into an alpha? That’s why the small fry’s got spunk. What’s the deal with him and that Arizona leopard?”

Caleb bit his cheek. The muscles above his cheeks spasmed as he growled. “That’s my father-by-bond.”

“Whew!” Waving a hand, Barbeau sped to be by the lion’s side. “Estranged, I’m assuming. Guessing you’re going to offer to fight in your alpha’s stead?”

“I… I don’t know.” Halting, Caleb stared at the floor in pure anger. “I don’t know if I can.”

“It’s your right as enforcer to offer to defend your alpha’s honor.”

“Yeah, but it wouldn’t be for Vincent’s. It’d be for me and my mate’s. He never wanted his Tasha to become mine. Even when she gave up her heritage and familial rights to be with me, Andre refused to let go. He had plans for Tasha to marry into power. It may have been selfish, but the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was mine. Not my destined, but she might as well be. She’s been my light… My beautiful leopardess. She’s given me years of happiness, and countless years of being a father.”

A brief silence separated the men until Barbeau slapped Caleb’s shoulder. “Kick that degen’s ass, would ya? Sounds like he fucking needs it.”


With Vincent and Caleb on each side of him, Mason opened a blank document and prepared to take notes. Taking a position in the middle of the lined tables, he was still able to see the raised platform. His dad drilled it into his head to take such a seat. Shit-stirrers and brown-nosers up front, mischief-makers in the back. The middle will always be comfortable.

This would be his third summit meeting, but he still felt wet behind the ears. It would also be the first one where he planned to bring up an agenda item. I’m confident there won’t be opposition, but I’m ready to argue to be fair to the other species. After last night’s game, he called Dave and asked countless questions involving etiquette. With Vincent by his side, the alpha was prepared. “You mind holding my hand, pup?”

His mate smiled. “I gotcha, big guy. It’s not exactly like Robert’s Rules of Order; just a lax version of it. I’m sure they’ll have an open floor for adding agenda items. As long as the floor is open, you can introduce a motion by standing. Wait until the Chair recognizes you, then make your motion. Your motion requires a second, and both Vivian and Miss Barahona agreed to do it. The Chair will then open the motion for discussion. After that, it needs a two-thirds vote to pass.”

Mason rolled his eyes. “It’s so formal.”

“It’s a governmental meeting. What did you expect? I doubt we’ll see much of Cyrus' giggly side today.”

“Yeah, yeah. I just wish we had more time to propose a plan.”

Vincent sighed. “I know, but I think the best thing to do is to refer the motion to an appropriate committee. This will put the idea on the EC’s radar and show the support from the North American councils, while providing the EC enough time to deliberate.”


“Yeah. We don’t know if there’s a standing contract between the EC and this resort. If there is, we’d be asking to break it by changing the venue. That, and negotiations of that caliber don’t happen within a year, especially for a race that humanity doesn’t know exists. More than likely, they’ll either relay the matter to a committee within the EC, or create one from volunteer alphas on our continent.”

Mason smirked. “You’re sexy as fuck when you talk like that.”

A brief lust-laden breeze flowed through his end of the bond, but Vincent playfully smacked Mason’s thigh. Yeah, I earned that one.

“Just be prepared. Since you’re bringing up the motion to refer, you’ll be expected to either spearhead or participate should a new committee be formed.”

Evaluating his free time, Mason accepted the potential responsibility. “I can handle that. Gives me something to do.”

“Cool. I think it’s about to get started… Holy crap, he made it!”

Vincent pointed towards the stage. Cyrus, Demers, Sandoval, and their betas climbed the stairs, but Mason didn’t recognize the two men following them. “Who are those two?”

Caleb whispered, “The one behind Demers’ beta is Barbeau, his enforcer. I think he’ll be acting as the sergeant-at-arms. ”

“Vinnie, who’s the last guy?”

“That’s Councilman Marlo.”

Antonin Marlo! From several of the murmurs around him, Mason wasn’t the only one shocked. “What the fuck’s he doing here? It’s usually Councilman Bylus that shows up.”

Vincent hummed. “Maybe they switch up every now and then. It would prevent familiarity issues, like how that Powell guy did with Stuerm.”

“That’s what they’ve done,” said Caleb. The lion was confident with his answer. “They’re changing things up for integrity reasons.”

The people on stage caught Mason’s attention. Cyrus, Demers, Sandoval, and the betas sat, Barbeau stood at one end with a stern gaze, but Marlo kept moving. What’s he doing? The councilman kept walking to the other end. Marlo went down the stairs and walked along the left aisle, hugging the wall.

There was a bang at the front of the assembly hall. Setting a gavel on its side, Cyrus flashed his eyes and folded his hands. “As the chair, I call this meeting to order. From where I sit, I see four placards with no bodies behind them. If those groups could be recorded for roll call purposes, we can move to old business.”

The meeting was more formal than the previous two Mason had seen. Cyrus acted professionally, and it unsettled the Owensville alpha. Not a single giggle. Hell, he hasn’t even smiled. Several of the discussion participants were complete politicians. They asked questions and argued their opinion on several agenda items. Some of the debates were pointless in Mason’s mind. These two nutsacks spent five minutes bickered on whether to table or talk about… about… What were they even talking about?

Luckily, Vincent was paying more attention. His mate summarized what was going on when he lost track. Mason took a few notes before his laptop was hijacked by the shadow mage. Vinnie’s hammering away on that keyboard. From the looks of it, he’s got about seven pages!

Cyrus smacked the gavel again and proceeded to new business, and another hour of droll conversation followed. A few topics piqued Mason’s interest, but nothing he was concerned with. EC annual dues are increasing by two percent. That’s not a big impact for us. We can eat that out of the profits from dues without putting us in a bind. Another yearly increase though, and we’ll be forced to raise them by a few bucks.

The conference broke for a fifteen minute recess, but it flew by. Reconvening, it was time for the open floor, and thirty or so bodies stood. Oh fuck, here we go! Patience was not one of Mason’s virtues.

There was one bright outlook for the meeting. With Cyrus, a seasoned auditor and EC employee, the suggestions and arguments were swiftly dished out and recorded. Thirty minutes passed, and Mason rose. He was ready to present.

The panda’s head twitched, as if Cyrus was surprised. “Alpha Wilson of Owensville County Pack, you have the floor.”

Vincent prepared him for this, and Mason was ready to put his best foot forward. “I move to discuss and plan future locations for the North American Summit.”

A few murmurs surrounded him, but what concerned Mason was Marlo. From the corner of his vision, he saw the British alpha was staring at him.

He waited for Barahona or Vivian to speak. There needs to be a sec—

“I second it.”

Mason turned to his right. Andre Lewis stood with a raised arm.

Cyrus banged the gavel. “Motion is heard and seconded. Alpha Wilson, present your discussion.”

Seeing Lewis’ straight face unnerved Mason. He’s not smiling or anything. It makes sense why a leopard would agree with this topic, just like Barahona and Vivian. Assuming the asshole was on his side, Mason spoke. “I’d like to start by saying I’m way out of my league here. I don’t know the EC’s contract with the Winter Park Ski Resort, or the opinions of my colleagues present. What I do know is a conversation that occurred during last night’s game, and it picked up some steam involving the snow outside. Roughly estimating, I’d say sixty percent of those here are lycan. Wolves typically enjoy the snow and wintry environments, but I can’t speak for the feline and avian leaders here.

“I made this motion to include them, whether it be for the yearly game or for their general comfort. If my animal spirit was a bird, I wouldn’t want to fly in the frigid weather, let alone compete against beasts with a natural advantage. It’s simply not fair. My wolf can handle cold or warm temperatures, and I assume the other sixty percent of us lycans can as well.

“I’m interested in spearheading or participating in a committee for the North American leaders to discuss and locate other venues to host our summits. The goal is inclusiveness. Find a venue with proper weather that suits all species. Before I close my argument, I ask for the debate to continue and allow others to speak their minds.”

Mason immediately looked to Lewis, who nodded and rose from his seat. Once called upon by Cyrus, the leopard spoke, “I utterly agree with Alpha Wilson’s motion and reasoning. This being my first summit, I had no intentions of participating in today’s discussion until now. I believe I speak for all feline shapeshifters when I say there needs to be an unbiased decision in venue for events of this magnitude. Our thin coats can not handle freezing temperatures, especially for extended lengths of time.”

Ending his speech, Lewis sat down and examined Mason. The tan irises darted up and down, and a thin smile curled on his face before turning to Cyrus. Several others, including Barahona and Vivian, voiced their species’ disadvantages in snowy terrain.

When the debate settled, Cyrus stood. “If discussion is done, all in favor of forming a committee to work with the EC on relocating the North American Summit say aye.”

“Aye!” The chorus surrounding Mason was thunderous. That felt like everyone in the room!

“All opposed?”


Mason smirked. Three or four? Wow!

Cyrus sharply rapped the gavel on the table. “It is passed. As Chair, I will motion to create said committee now. All volunteers rise.”

Mason stood stoically. As did Barahona, Vivian, and Lewis. Biting his cheek, he wanted nothing more than to sock the bastard. Bet he’s behind some kind of bullshit.

“Relocation Committee, you’ve been recorded. Convene before the summit concludes and we will plan an agenda for future discussions and obstacles involving the contract with Winter Park.” Before Cyrus lowered the hammer, he leaned forward. “Speaking out of turn as the Chair, I am quite moved by your ambitions and concern for your fellow leaders. As the New York State Pack Alpha, I will also join your committee, and I encourage the leaders at my side to as well.”

Demers and Sandoval agreed, forming a seven-man committee. In his excitement for the project, Mason completely tuned out the remainder of the meeting. Vincent tapped on his shoulder. “Hey, it’s over.”

“What?” Mason looked around and saw many of the bodies leaving. “Must’ve daydreamed or something.”

Caleb was about to say something, but he turned his back to the alphas. Over his shoulder, Mason saw why. Lewis and his council were heading their way. “Easy, Caleb.”

The cocky leopard stared directly at Mason. Not Caleb or Vincent. Just him. “We have differences, but as a member of this new committee, I offer my respect to you.”

“Offer?” The approach was completely uncalled for. “Respect isn’t something to offer. It’s to give and earn. You have a shred of my respect, and that’s just from you backing the motion and discussion. Outside of this committee, I don’t give a damn what you think.”

Lewis huffed. “As long as we can see eye-to-eye when it comes to business, that’s fine by me. Here’s my number. We can gather the others tomorrow at any time.” Handing off a business card, the bastard walked away with a trail of smugness. The leopard stopped after a few steps and craned his neck. “Tonight at seven, turnling.”


Hours passed like molasses oozing from a piping bag. Vincent’s hatred for the Arizona alpha intensified. Cocky asshole! What bothered him was the confidence Lewis possessed. He knew his magic had an intimidation factor, and it garnered several challenge offers from various other leaders during the summit. But it’s different with him. He looks at me as if I’m… Like I’m beneath him or something.

Leopard wrong. We strong!

No doubt, but there’s got to be something else. He might have magic.

Then use own.

But we need to prepare for which kind, bud. It’s what I’ve been doing. Vincent used everything at his disposal to learn more about his foe. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much to go on. Like him, Lewis’ EC profile lacked detail. No mention of magic. Just took office of the Maricopa Country Leap several months back, leads the leopard population there, and other self-absorbed blah-blah nonsense. The guy’s a freakin’ cuck.

What cuck?

A weak man, or someone whose wife is unfaithful.

Ouch. Think leopard mate not mate?

Stuck-up guys like that typically don’t get laid enough. He probably humps a pillow to make himself feel better.

Still good on plan?

Fuck yeah! I’m going to belittle that guy so hard.

Guy? Thought leopard was cuck.

Vincent covered his mouth and laughed. That’s a good one!

“You’re supposed to be meditating,” accused Mason.

“Can’t help it if my wolf’s a comedian. We’re debating the best name to call Lewis. So far, cuck’s the word.”

Mason pinched the bridge of his nose as his chest heaved. The man was trying to suppress his reaction, but the toothy smirk said it all. “Just don’t beat his ass too hard. I have to work with him tomorrow with the relocation committee.”

Speaking of… “Probably time to head there, right?” His mate nodded, but Caleb remained distant. Something’s on his mind, but he’s not talking. Slapping the lion’s shoulder, Vincent sat next to him. “You’re going to have to speak to us sooner or later.”

Caleb huffed. “You’re about to fight my father-by-bond.”

Seeing his friend’s sullen mood, Vincent grabbed Caleb’s knee. “I’ll forfeit if it upsets you.”

“No, don’t do that. He deserves whatever comes his way.”

Bringing Caleb to his feet, the group left the main building and made their way to the back. Down a slope was an amphitheater similar to the one in Owensville. The only difference was the staged area. Bordered by a wooden circle embedded in the ground, the playing field was easily distinguishable. It’s dirt. No snow, no grass… Just dirt.

Lewis was standing to the side of the arena. As if he knew they arrived, he glared directly at Vincent. The shadow mage refused to back down as his wolf snarled within his mind. He traversed the staircase downward without averting his gaze.

Both men continued, even as whistles and clamoring could be heard at the top of the benches. They were about to have an audience. Lewis handed off his wallet and phone to his beta. Doing the same, Vincent tossed his to Mason as he backpedaled into the circle.

“Ah, the first challenge is about to get underway!”


Not even Cyrus’ bubbly demeanor could sway Vincent’s attention. “A reminder to all; no territory, and no death. Per tradition, an unbiased referee is required, and I nominate myself.”

Staying on the glowing tan irises, Vincent did not waffle. Cyrus is serious too. He might be my friend, but he’ll call this fair.

“Challengers, are you set?”

Lewis dipped his head. The glare was just as intense.

Before Vincent could agree as well, his vision was blocked. Who…

Caleb’s shoulders flexed. He rolled his neck and muttered, “As enforcer, I invoke my right to defend my alpha's honor.”

Copyright © 2022 astone2292; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Caleb’s shoulders flexed. He rolled his neck and muttered, “As enforcer, I invoke my right to defend my alpha's honor.”

I wasn't expecting that! What is he thinking?

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A North American Summit brings lessons anew,

Supernatural egos and arrogance askew.

Dirk in absentia, brings his mentor so much pride,

Caleb dilemma, a dad-in-Law, to take in stride.

Owensville Alphas, challenge words, Mason to motion,

Young Alpha Mage Mate human, stops verbal commotion.

Ultimate challenge, fight beyond spar, not land or life,

Enforcer conflict, for Alpha honor or for wife.

Cyrus and Marlo, formal day from Dias and floor,

But for first challenge Cyrus has bubbly demeanor.

Burning stares, Alpha to Alpha, Leopard and Mage,

Caleb stops spar, Enforcer Barbeau advice be Sage.

Time to stop Alpha Leopard-in-Law shenanigans,

For Tasha, Lowe, the best Alphas and his new home lands.



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1 hour ago, Story Reader said:

Caleb’s shoulders flexed. He rolled his neck and muttered, “As enforcer, I invoke my right to defend my alpha's honor.”

I wasn't expecting that! What is he thinking?

I think Caleb thinks he can beat his father-by-bond's ass. Or does our favorite ailouros have something else up his sleeve? 

Interested Ooo GIF by reactionseditor

45 minutes ago, Philippe said:

A North American Summit brings lessons anew,

Supernatural egos and arrogance askew.

Dirk in absentia, brings his mentor so much pride,

Caleb dilemma, a dad-in-Law, to take in stride.

Owensville Alphas, challenge words, Mason to motion,

Young Alpha Mage Mate human, stops verbal commotion.

Ultimate challenge, fight beyond spar, not land or life,

Enforcer conflict, for Alpha honor or for wife.

Cyrus and Marlo, formal day from Dias and floor,

But for first challenge Cyrus has bubbly demeanor.

Burning stares, Alpha to Alpha, Leopard and Mage,

Caleb stops spar, Enforcer Barbeau advice be Sage.

Time to stop Alpha Leopard-in-Law shenanigans,

For Tasha, Lowe, the best Alphas and his new home lands.



These poems are simply wonderful. It's rather touching to see the effort taken to form them, Philippe. Thank you.

Being the curious one, is this a usual thing for the stories you read? If so, I'll be reading said stories just to read your poems.

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1 minute ago, Philippe said:

Well thank you, @astone2292. Goodness no, not that many stories get poems. It’s mostly just yours,  @Laura S. Fox and @Demiurgestories that somehow makes me think in terms of twists and riddles, mystery and rhythm, comedy and rhyme; just all depends on the mood and any inspiration I get…and whatever concentration I can muster! 😝 

As I’ve expressed in another comment on GA previously, any poems are just a reflection or interpretation, my perceptions of your stories. It can’t help but have a little of my humor, wonder and excitement for what your stories mean to my twisted mind.

I believe it started with @Laura S. FoxBe The Father of This Child and perhaps some within Spark and Stone. Then maybe a few with @Demiurgein the Light Dancing in the Dark series, among others. I  haven’t collected a list or separate posting for any of these comment poems…sorry.

Thanks again in appreciation of my simple little word ditties; it’s all in fun. 

I absolutely adore them. One of these days when you register as a Poet on this site, I'd love to see a collection made of all your poems from story chapters. Just gather 'em all up, link the story (or story chapter), and we'll read them all. It would be a nice little project. We could see your work, and then go read the stories that inspired your humor, wonder, and excitement. 

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1 hour ago, Dan South said:

So the jackass is from Maricopa. How fitting! Go get him Caleb!

Cat fight! Cat fight! 

cats fighting GIF

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On 5/12/2022 at 1:26 PM, astone2292 said:


I laughed so hard I nearly soiled myself...

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40 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

I laughed so hard I nearly soiled myself...

Lmfao!! I'm still cackling about this. 

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