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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass


Found a menswear store in this town that can actually do decent tailoring (or so I've been told).  Going in for a fitting on Friday after work.  I need a new suit, and my body frame is too oddly proportioned  to even consider just wearing a suit off the rack -- especially the jacket.  Un-tailored, a suit jacket that fits my shoulders is way to baggy around my chest; and my waist (narrow) and leg length (long) is a nearly impossible size to find even in normal dress slacks.  Hoping they are as go

Fae Briona

Fae Briona


I have had a really hard time getting over a recent relationship.  I even have gone to therapy.  This weekend I was cleaning and my father noticed the boxes in front of the pictures I kept up from my ex. He opened it and found the rings I'd bought for us. He looked and noticed only one was engraved. "Why only one?" I looked and spotted what he was holding. I swallowed my feelings. "Because mine was engraved with my promises to him." He read it and walked out. Guess inste



April CSR Discussion Day: The Assassin by Lilansui

How'd you enjoy The Assassin? I know when I read it that I couldn't stop. I just had to know what was going to happen next, what sort of plan was unfolding, who was coming after the guys, who they might turn to... so many twists and turns in the story evolution. I enjoyed it, and I hope you did too, so make sure you share your comments below. But first...! My interview with Lilansui is below, so you get to know all the deep details of the writing journey before you comment.  Have you ever g


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 21 - Apr. 27)

Tiptoe through the window By the window, that is where I'll be Come tiptoe through the tulips with me ©Warner Chapell Music Inc Well wouldn't that be nice  So far tonight in a couple of hours, we have had 8"/20cm of heavy wet snow and winds up to 55mph/90km/h and will be going on through the night. Killed any tulips or the possibility to do any tiptoeing for me  Also, now my lights are a flickering so I'm going to post this early before I have no power. So how was your week? We h


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

New story: With Trust - A Conclusion

I've posted the first part of my fanfiction conclusion to With Trust, a story originally written and posted by DomLuka. I think With Trust is one of my favorite pieces of gay fiction; I've read it several times, and I was disappointed that it was never concluded. Not that I blame the author for not doing so - I have stories that I've not completed, I know what that's like. But I still wondered what happened to Nelson and Milo. The idea of running away to the boat at the end of the



My Gay Community

Before I really get into the reason I started writing down these random letters to form words that structure the following incoherent sentences that you are about to read, I want everyone to understand why I decided to write this in my Blog instead of responding in the forum thread where I first started ruminating on this topic. I am writing it here mainly because I think I’m going to offend a few people that read this and more than likely piss off the rest. A few months ago, I came across

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Broken, but Good

I started rereading a story I wrote a while back. Camp Refuge is such a keystone for me.  It has so many good things going for it, embedded in a package of terrible mechanics.  I'm going to try and explain what I mean. I began it to help a reader who had written while I was in the process of releasing Guarded on another site.  He was recently diagnosed with HIV, and he was wrecked.  I'll never forget the last two lines he ever wrote to me - "Who could love me now?  Who could possibly l

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Prompt 754 and Prompt 755

Ah, another Friday has arrived! So has more rain and my grass is getting to be ridiculously high. That isn't a lawn as much as a rapidly growing jungle. Hopefully this weekend the sun comes out so I can cut it down. If not, well, I can always curl up and write something.  Speaking of writing it is time for some new prompts. Hopefully, I can tempt someone into writing something based off of this week's offers. Prompt 754 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words i


comicfan in Prompts

April Showers bring ...

It is April, it's rainy, and it isn't helping my mood. Well, we are already a third of the way through the year. It seems I won't make it to June before hearing I need surgery like I have the last two years. Going to see my eye doctor about cataract surgery. Are we having fun yet? I find a lot of my life is slipping into my writing. I'm doing my best to camouflage it the only way I can, but I think, at least in some ways, that is normal. Just doing what I can to get things done before



Suspending Judgement

Recently, I've been delving into the philosophy of Stoicism - an ancient Greek philosophy that teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions. It refers to living in the moment, retaining emotions, but using logic, clear judgment and inner calm to express and react rather than anxiety and fear. I am guilty of being judgmental. It's something within myself that I work on daily. I no longer want to jump to conclusions or assume a situation



Author Guess Who #3

Well, it's time for another Author Guess WHO!  You'll have a couple of weeks to guess the author. Good luck! Sorry about the lack of extra formatting. Posting using my phone again.     What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you? Something unimportant maybe, but people ask me about it again and again: I have two colors in my irises.   What prompted you to write your first story? There was a particular story percolating in my head that n

Featured Story: A Bad Day to be WET

Another Monday, and another great story to be featured! If you have overeaten ham, turkey, or other holiday weekend fare, then why exercise when you can sit back and read another fascinating story brought to us from our great Story Review Team!     A Bad Day to be WET Myr Reviewer: spikey582 Status: Complete Word Count: 5,341 For this review, I felt like looking at something a bit different from what I've reviewed in the past. My first love, as far as genre fiction is


wildone in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr.14 - Apr.20)

It is a sad weekend for me . My beloved Flames went down into a burning ring of fire 🔥. Both BHopper and me are both crying in our beers 🍻 notice the plural. If you are of the Christian faith, Happy Easter Sunday. If you are of the Hebrew faith, Happy Passover. I'm sure I'm missing some others, so make sure you comment below on what I did miss Looking back at the GA Weekly Blog this week, it all started off on Monday with Cia bringing us a New Classic Author Feature: And


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Howl at the Moon

I'm pissed. Maybe I shouldn't be. Perhaps I should expect less; I don't know. I post work on multiple sites.  Well, on a different site I've built a reputation as a sort of HEA, feel-good, everybody wins writer.  I guess I should have known to post my aggressive, erotic story Silverwolf there would throw people (even though I put a warning on the first chapter to explain it was very different from my usual offering). I am utterly fine getting emails to say that "Hey, this isn't my

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Prompt 752 and Prompt 753

We are almost to the weekend and for some people, that means Easter, Spring recess, and a break from normal routines. It means a bit of free time to perhaps write. That might be for the upcoming anthology or just maybe a new prompt story. Considering it is Friday, I have new prompts to tease you and tempt you into writing. Prompt 752 – Creative Tag – First Line Wherever he stepped the sandy beach burned and left glass imprints of his footsteps like a bizarre pathway out of hel


comicfan in Prompts

Dreamer’s Disease

I was driving on the way to our most remote site, and this melody/lyrics began to play in my brain.  So I pulled off, recorded it, then continued on my way. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kzx9g8bKyTRl4pzA_OC42FGXN42vo5-n I’ll decide later if it’s worth trying to flesh out into a complete song.  Maybe ask my buddy who does Folk singing for a living what he thinks. Till then, is the melody familiar to anybody?  It’d suck to think it’s mine when it’s not.

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Video Production Tips/Rant

When you make a video please keep these points in mind: -get to the point -get to the point -get to the point -get to the point -get to the point -brevity is the soul of wit -you have 15 seconds to get my attention. GET TO THE F-ing POINT! I do not want to waste time on someone babbling. -That 5 minute title, music and stuff you did at the front end of your video? No one watched past 30 seconds. STOP THAT! -once you are done, watc



April Classic Author Excerpt: First Encounters by Underthehoodster

Did you catch Monday's featured ad sharing Underthehoodter's story, First Encounters? The story takes you back to those early days when the world was a different place and romance was something new and scary and amazing... and you need to read the story find out more! If you weren't intrigued before, how about after reading this excerpt?  This moment is that first conversation, that first interaction... that WHAM! You all remember it, right? When you felt the stomach churn and the other...


Cia in Classic Feature

Anthology Flashback: Author's Choice

So I asked for authors to send me one of their favorite Anthologies that they'd written, this was the response I got. Don't forget, you have just under a month left to get your anthology entries to the proof team. @CassieQ Statuary was probably one of the anthologies that I enjoyed writing the most and when people want to see what my writing is like, that is the story that I usually show them.  I took the theme pretty literally and while the story itself is pretty basic, the op

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

April Classic Author Feature: First Encounters by Underthehoodster

Happy April and welcome to this month's Classic Author Feature! These blogs are all about bringing some of the older stories from our inactive authors that were once some of our most popular promoted authors that newer readers might have missed. Last month's story took you a bit forward, and this month's story takes you back. Revisit those early teen years and the crush you might have missed out on in @underthehoodster's First Encounters.   Length:  51,634 Description: Perry


Cia in Classic Feature


i'd bleed for you if that's what it took to show my allegiance    even if you didn't demand it i'd still bleed for you to prove my obedience    



Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 7 - Apr. 13)

I'm shocked  I'm surprised  I'm flabbergasted  And you all should be too! When I found this out yesterday I was left with my mouth agape . Just when you thought you knew a guy, you find out how little you know! And then, to top it all off, he chooses to use deceit and misguidance to throw everyone further off the track. It has been pointed out that he didn't lie, but to me he might have just well have . I'm not willing to turn my back on him and I think no one else should either .   Au


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Don Quixote Redux

Government secrecy has become habitual because it keeps the peasants from asking embarrassing questions, allows the real crooks to hide and they can punish anyone that exposes the truth. -JS  



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