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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Writing Prompts #204 & #205

Well, Robert's off freezing his bits at the capital and internet gremlins have struck at Renee's, so you get a weekly prompt blog from yours truly! As always, our very own inspiring prompt guru, Comicfan has 2 interesting scenarios to intrigue you. Don't forget, if you decide to try one of these out, share it with the rest of us in the Writing Prompt Forum!!   Prompt 204 – Creative Tag – The Monster Hunter You always thought you were the only one. You hunted down the dark and the evil, until t


Cia in Prompts

GA Reviewing - It's a Whacky 'ol World

It's a subject that comes up often in one way or another, and it seems to have been a hot potato for some. I know I've blogged and shared my thoughts about reviews a few times, and I think we all have various different idea's and ways of reviewing. So what is a review really?   Well, I think it is fair to say that there is no hard or fast rule to what a review is. In many ways it is simply just feedback from a reader to a writer right? In terms of its definition a review would be seen as a fo

Yettie One

Yettie One

mea culpa

I made a mistake. In a post, I used a racial pejorative. "White trash" may be accepted but it no less wrong to use than any other racist language. I apologize to anyone that I may have offended.



So cold

After constant warnings to the kids about packing for cold weather, it has finally hit. So, we're grateful that so far, it has been nice in the 40's, right now is 30 with strong gusts (all temps in F BTW). Forecast is even showing possible snow on Friday (kids "yay", me "groan").   The trip, as Dan has blogged, has been sooooo fantastic. The kids loved how close we were to the stage at the Inaugural yesterday. Obama's speech literally brought tears to my eyes and both Kelly Clarkson and Beyonc



Writing Tip: Character Interviews

We're always looking for stuff for our Wacky Wednesday and this time, Cia came through with this piece on Character Interviews. Enjoy!! Character Interviews by Cia   I recently answered a tip request with some information regarding character interviews and I thought I’d take it site wide, so to speak. When you write a story, especially anything approaching novel length, you need to make it as vivid as possible for readers to keep them interested. One way to hook readers is throug

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Featured Story: No Strings

Before we move on to the featured story for the week, I'd like to remind everyone that the first GA's CSR Book Club discussion will take place on Monday, January 28th, 2013. The story to be read is Memories of Forgotten Love by Hosted Author: Nephylim. You can find the story pinned under the GA Stories tab. We would like to start the discussion with a review, so if anyone out there would like to write a review, or a couple of paragraphs about the story, then please PM Renee Stevens.   Now, ont

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Looking to the future

The last few months have been interesting to say the least and the ending of 2012 was not in the least what I was expecting. As anyone who reads my blog already knows, the first part of December my brother was diagnosed with 4th stage Leukemia. Let me tell you, that really threw me for a loop. He is fighting and has already gone through his first two rounds of Chemotherapy and with any luck, he'll only have four more rounds to go. He wasn't doing too bad after the first round, but the second

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

New Year- same old me

Well I hope everyone is doing well so far this year. I have been busy doing a lot of things so far this year. Just not sure where I will end up.   1) Doctors- been keeping up with the foot dr. He has gotten me supports for my shoes and hopefully that ends the pain in the feet for now. I did have a cold which made me cancel the dentist so need to reschedule.   2) Beta- Been working with some talented authors lately. I am not sure when they plan to begin publishing their latest stuff but Billy



Ugh....Prayer during dim sum for each dish

This just happened about 5 hours ago, my family were heading out for our weekly saturday morning dim sum meal, which is sort of like the Chinese version of brunch.   As we were sitting down in a crowded restaurant and waiting for our food, two middle age Chinese girls came in and "dap tor" (Chinese saying for "sharing tables") with us. It's not the first time we shared a table with others and it is pretty natural in large restaurants among Chinese people as large tables can not usually be used



Weekly Wrap Up!

REMINDER - our new book club, the CSR Club is reading Memories of Forgotten Love by Nephylim. Read it by January 28th, then come back here and join in the discussion!   Also as a personal plug, if you'd like to meet me (or DKStories, or Quonus or a few other of our great members) - we're having a GA GetTogether NEXT Saturday, January 26 at Noon in Washington DC. Would love for more to join us - just send me a PM if you can make it.   We had a great mid-January week here at the news blog. We


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up


So.... the Baltimore Ravens (team, coaches, cheerleaders and mascot) visited my job today.....Didn't see much since I was in a training.   I also had this young man flirting like no other with over the phone and he wasn't holding back on anything. I really wanted to say to him you know this call can be recorded and monitored for quality assurance right? I could only imagine what my supervisor would have said given all calls are recorded. The guy was having an issue with harassing calls. Maybe



Writing Prompts #202 & #203

Well, it's finally TGIF day, better known as Prompt Me day!! So lets see what our prompt guru Comicfan has in store for us this week. Don't forget, if you decide to try one of these out, share it with the rest of us in the Writing Prompt Forum!!   Prompt 202 – Creative Tag – Immortals You have been having the day from hell. It seems that everything that could go wrong today did. Then you almost have an accident only to find out that the person you nearly hit isn’t human. In fact, you have just

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Colours Of Love

Colours of Love   Paint the whole city blue and red, In Colours they come and in Colours they fade. My Colourman comes in a haunting snow, Pristine white when everything glow. He comes silently by my broken window, Softly sauntering like a sad old shadow. Glimpses by my broken window pane And lo what he sees, the old me again. Stuck in my bed in perpetual illness, Waiting in line for my turn with patience, Bereft of all but skin and bones, Sadist as always I am a sight to behold. Yet unlike mo



Sorry for our misdemeanor

I feel weird about writing this post. And embarrassed as hell. I don't know how many of you have faced this in real life. So, it is quite a sensitive issue as well. A couple of nights before, I enjoyed this wonderful open air concert put together by the British Council and Bengal Foundation in a joint venture. It was a folk music fest, where musicians from both Bangladesh and UK performed traditional folk numbers from each their respective cultures. It was an exciting and sonorous jam up sessio



Interesting SF may rename airport after Harvey Milk

http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/15/travel/san-francisco-harvey-milk-airport/index.html?hpt=hp_bn10   Nothing groundbreaking or politically charged, at least for gay guys. It seems interesting that the SF airport may be renamed after one of the first openly gay politician in the US. It's also a good sign for international recognition in small ways that SF is open to all walks of life. (Though Boston is still a good alternative ).   Who knows, maybe Boston Logan Airport will be renamed the Gerry S



Writing Tip: Don't Leave Your Readers Deaf And Blind

I always love it when we get a feature from Libby Drew - having someone who has been there, able relate writing tips from experience, is a valuable experience. Here she talks about using the characters various senses in your writing. Enjoy!   Don’t Leave Your Readers Deaf and Blind by Libby Drew   “Stop! You’re scaring me,” Megan said   “I’m not trying to scare you,” Steve soothed. “We need to talk.”   “Don’t come any closer!” Megan cried.   “Don’t be afraid, Megan,” Stev


Trebs in Writing Tips

Space - The Final Fronteer

So, Space is the last real place that mankind is engaged in real pioneering exploration right. So does the idea of space inspire you enough to want to get involved in this exploration? Does the idea of being involved in the discovery of something new, unique and completely unknown make your juices flow enough to make you excited enough to want to take part in making some amazing discovery?   Meh   That all sounds too expensive, difficult, time consuming, and frankly Mr Yettie, I have no inte

Yettie One

Yettie One

Featured Story: Moment Of Clarity

Welcome to the beginning of another week here at GayAuthors. I know personally, I could have used a much longer weekend. I loved the post on Facebook by George Takai, "I really need a day between Saturday & Sunday." Anyways, one thing to look forward to about a Monday is seeing a new featured story - this time we get a review from Dark of Moment of Clarity, by Author Jason Rimbaud. Enjoy!   Moment of Clarity By Jason Rimbaud Review by Dark Status: Complete Word Count: 4,


Trebs in Featured Stories


Nature   Silence disconnected, Wrath unleashed.   Beneath your playful surface, I fear I sense a dead man, who wants to be alive once more; To feel the passion, the anger, the greed and the lust; All that connects one to life. Silence disconnected, Wrath unleashed.   Create a world of meaningful challenges; One, who creates all, hadn’t been true to his soul when he created our world. We need a new world; a world of peace and silence. Silence disconnected, Wrath unleashed. Why create anothe



Who wants a Death Star that costs $850 Quadrillion?

http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/01/11/white-house-responds-to-death-star-petition-no/   So who wants to build a Death Star, I mean we might need slave labor and a fleet of star destroyers to guard it, but hey it can blow up planets (We need to get rid of a few dwarf planets anyway, like Pluto )   For contractors, we definitely need a Sith lord, we will offer generous terms like a dimly lit throne room near the power core (Guard rails optional), and if he does a good job, who knows




Longing It’s raining so hard up here, like someone has opened a floodgate in Heaven. I miss you, my love. I wish we could just be in bed entwined together, me in you and you in me, You are whispering in my ear while I nuzzle into your neck, Without a care in the world… Just you and me.   Why is life so cruel? Why do we have to wait for all the good things in life? Why is that two souls self-realized and revelling in their love, have to wait for mandates of petty governments, while mandates of



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