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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Writing more than one story

I rarely use this blog, but I figured this may be a good opportunity to resurrect it, even though it's not Easter. Some of you have been asking me about my Bridgemont series, wondering why I haven't posted a new chapter of Odyssey. Wondering if I've given up on the story.   I haven't given up on Odyssey, I just haven't felt like writing it. That probably sounds pretty strange. I mean, I created the story and the characters, so why wouldn't I want to write about it. What I'm finding is that my

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

Weekly Wrap Up!

We're not only at the end of another week, we're almost at the end of another month AND another year. I hope 2012 treated you well, and 2013 will be an even better year for you. Here at the GayAuthors.org News Blog, we had a pretty good year, though with some growing pain changes as we experimented with various formats/schedules. You've given us a lot of comments and feedback, as well as a ton of member created content to share with the rest of our community here. On behalf of the "staff" of the


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

A Season to Live, A Season to Die

Handling Holidays and Grief     This entry will be very wishy washy, telling things out of sequence, etc.   I had an uncle that has been my grandson's babysitter at my house for the last three or four years. He was actually at the birth of my grandson. They formed a very tight bond, and of course he became ever closer to my husband and me. December 26th , he died. We were all devastated. His wife called me at work before 7 a.m. that morning and I could not leave, but his son and wif



Writing Prompts #196 & #197

Holidays are wonderful lazy times.... Um - and so, sorry about the delay in putting up this week's prompts.   We are always thankful to Comicfan for giving us two more wonderful prompts - I hope you might write a response to at least one of them, and please be sure to share with the rest of the community in the Writing Prompts forum.   Prompt 196 – Creative Tag – The Billion Dollar decision. The future has seen too many children being born with either birth defects or low intelligence. In ad


Trebs in Prompts


i had some flings in high school, but it was about as high school as anything could of gotten. incredibly romantic and short lived and life went on. i tended to go through close friends, i had my circuit of friends and then some closer ones, those usually were in flux not all the time but every... i dunno, change of a few seasons, your friends change. i was bored with myself i think.   but i had a close friend and he and i were cool. we shared alot in common and whatever (he writes beat poetry



I Feel F-A-T!

Disaster of the highest order struck on Christmas day. The Yettie made a balls up!   I figured to myself that I'd be smooth and get all my veg and stuff preps on Christmas Eve after opening pressies. Not that this would take very long, it was just mom and me, but still it's always been a crimbo tradition to open our gifts on Christmas eve. I guess as kids we were just too impatient to wait till Christmas day!   So yeah, I pealed the spuds, sorted out the greens, organised the carrots and th

Yettie One

Yettie One

A story ends a story begins

Desolation Angels is finished, wow, what a month, I never expected that a short little draft scribbled in my journal while sitting in a little blind squirrel hunting would morph into what it did. I loved every step of the writing process, even the chapters where I knew the characters were going to hurt were exciting pieces to write because I knew that in the end, there would be good things for them. I want to take a moment to thank again everyone who read the story, everyone who ‘liked’ it and e



The story of my life

The period between Christmas and New Year is an opportunity to provide an update and move forward. I do not know how much time I have left to live. What is certain is that, despite the passing of time, I try to stay as often as possible in contact with the world around me. Many of my friends are dead, but GA has offered me the opportunity to meet new friends. Going through my old blogs, I found a text written in 2008 and I updated it. For all those who do not know me yet, here's the text. I go

old bob

old bob

Writing Tip: "write What You Know" Doesn't Mean Show Off

For those that celebrated it, I hope everyone had a great Christmas yesterday. And for those that don't celebrate it, I hope you still got a good haul.   Now on to Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, Post-Festivus winter sales, and the ever important Pre-New Year's Eve creative writing exercises ("This year, I *WILL* stop gagging everytime I see the neighbor's newborn", "This year, I promise to exercise... starting next week - or, by the end of the month... well, maybe...").   And to help you with your wri


Trebs in Writing Tips


Even at the worst of times you look for a silver lining, or so my grandmother always said. So I'm taking that advice and running with it.   Today is Christmas and I hope everyone had a great day.   I managed to sleep late. With my schedule lately that was an unexpected pleasure. Add to that my father cooked this year for a change and I am ecstatic. I can't remember the last time he cooked.   I was luckily enough to have some friends who sent me gifts so this year I had something to open o



Featured Story: Riding Lessons

Riding Lessons by Andrew Todd   Review by Wildone Status: Complete Length: 132,747   Relatively new member and Author here at GA (Beginning of this November), Andrew Todd, joined GA and began to share a story that he was posting over at another site .   After reading the first chapter of Riding Lessons I was instantly hooked.   Zac, the 15 year old loner, had big plans for the summer working at the library helping kids out with reading and other tasks to be looked after.


Trebs in Featured Stories

Christmas Upon Us

So it is right on our doorstep ey! Christmas Eve is here and while this year may really not seem like all the others I've known or enjoyed, it is still for me somewhat of a symbol of hope that there is some purpose for us all in this world, and we can come together and remember those we miss and cherish and spend time with those we still have time to be able to spend.   I am not overly religious, but I have indicated in the past that I do have a belief, and so I guess that the season also bea

Yettie One

Yettie One

The in-laws are coming

So we made it through the end of world (big shock) and Christmas has come round again.   This year my in-laws (well, you know what I mean, Brett's parents) are coming to Christmas dinner, and they arrive tomorrow - God help us all.   Now don't get me wrong, I love his mum to bits, but she's just too much for me to handle when I'm cooking.   Our kitchen is a tiny little thing that is just about large enough for an oven, a sink, a fridge and one (count them ONE) cook. His mum is like those a



Music and creativity

I absolutely can’t work without sound, doesn’t matter if it’s drawing or writing or sewing or cooking, I have to have music playing or I have to sing, no other background sound will do. I’ve tried the TV, but unless I want to put it to the classic rock or alternative music channel, then the TV is useless too and usually it’s on for sports so I can watch the game, (like now- Minnesota’s winning!) but not really have to listen to it. So as I was sitting working on another chapter of Desolation Ang



words words words

the tilt shift     n. a phenomenon in which your lived experience seems oddly inconsequential once you put it down on paper, which turns an epic tragicomedy into a sequence of figures on a model train set, assembled in their tiny classrooms and workplaces, wandering along their own cautious and well-trodden paths—peaceable, generic and out of focus.



High School Luncheons

Every year, there's an alumni luncheon at my old high school. It was fun as it always is- I get free Bobbie subs from Capriotti's and such.   One thing that was absolutely hysterical was this holiday show performance called the "12 Joys of Cab", which makes fun of the teachers at the school. This year, one guy was singled out as the hot young teacher that girls won't stop drooling over- I mean, they absolutely ripped into him.   The funny thing was that this guy was none other than "Dave K",



Life and its Curve Balls: Part III

Well, with everything going on with my brother, the holidays were looking to be anything but relaxing. None of us wanted to go through Christmas waiting to hear the latest results, but at the same time, we weren't sure that we wanted the results before Christmas. Anyways. My brother let us know that they got his FISH results back and it's NOT the two really really bad ones that don't respond to Chemo. It's not the optimum one that has a really high success rate, but it is more of a general c

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Be sure to check out the 2012 Mayan Tribute Anthology - now LIVE!   We started off the week looking at a returned story - The Beard by dkstories which is now back and complete on GayAuthors.org.   For our midweek Wacky Wednesday, we are grateful once again to Libby Drew for her writing tips, this time on No Warm-Ups Required.   And since it looks like we survived the end of the 13th baktum, we were all able to see the new weekly prompts from Comicfan in this Friday's Prompt


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

2012 Special Mayan Tribute Anthology: End of the World NOW LIVE!

2012 Mayan Tribute Anthology: End of the World is NOW LIVE!!!! A great big Thank You goes out to everyone who participated and to Cia for stepping in when needed!     A World Changing Gun ~ Cia   Breathless ~ Yettie One   Earthdrown ~ JoejoeGreene   End of the Beginning ~ comicfan   Ends ~ carringtonrj   From Beyond The Stars ~ andy021278   Helios Unleashed! ~ Bill W   It Was Only O

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Some thoughts about this new world

I wrote a poem this morning about the end of an era and I want to explain it.   Today 12/21/2012 marks the end of an age/era in Mayan calendars. However, what type of era, do we live in now?   Gay rights is winning left and right, gay marriage seems on the cusp of success and the majority of people no longer thinks of us as mentally ill. The religious fanatics are dying out along with a generation of hate mongers, racists, and generally "bad" people. Science is reaching greater heights and g



What a Day!

Well, hell that was on mind twister of a day. I mean the carnage of oblivion was so chaotic I am surprised that I can at all make it to a keyboard and be able to share my thoughts of doomsday and the effects of being lost somewhere on the edge of existence. It was actually really good to meet half of you on the stairs up to this waiting room, I guess the other half were going down stairs???   LOL I can quite honestly say I am pretty glad that I'm still breathing today. Not that I expected oth

Yettie One

Yettie One

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