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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Coming Attractions...

Well, I was trying to hold out for Christmas Eve, but I settled for 'The Mayans Were Wrong' Day or as it's called around my house 'Happy, We Didn't Blow Up' Day...   I have posted a new story. I wasn't sure exactly how to post this one, so I'll explain what I am doing.   The new story is titled 'Danny & CJ' it introduces two new characters named (funny enough) Danny and CJ to the 'Riding Lessons' universe. I created a 'book' for this story called 'Interludes' because I have plans for a n

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

Writing Prompts #194 & #195

Well - since the world ended, no one is reading this, right? Heh - just in case, I guess I should let you know what this week's writing prompts are. I mean - maybe our Prompt-guru Comicfan knew something the Mayans didn't, because we have two new prompts from him.   So - if we're all here tomorrow, check out these prompts and give one (or both) a try. But when you do, please share with the rest of the community in our Writing Prompts forum - cause you wouldn't want bad karma because you decide


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: No Warm-Ups Required

A big "Thank You" to Libby Drew for this weeks Wednesday blog! No Warm-ups Required: Why Opening Matters   Warming up before you exercise makes good sense. You need to increase your body temperature. Stimulate blood flow to your ligaments. Mentally prepare yourself for what’s to come. Warming up for a workout is all about starting slow and building momentum.   Fiction is not exercise. Never start a story with a warm-up.   In other words, don’t open your masterpiece with an in depth

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

End of My World? Really?

So the Mayan's reckon they know something that we don't ey?   Well if this is so, then by all accounts come sometime Friday, I'll be sitting somewhere in either a heaven or a hell or somewhere in between, as yeah, I guess I am one of those crazy goons that believes in an afterlife of some sort.   I am not really worried about it, I mean I made comment in a post on the Forum the other day, that mankind has been predicting the demise of the world since the time the first civilisations began re

Yettie One

Yettie One

December into January

I have not exactly been enjoying this month. It has been hard for so many reasons. Forgive me, but this is going to be one of those blogs.   1) My job is hell. I work retail and that alone is hell for anyone who has to do it. However I get the added bonus of working customer service. That is its own special type of hell. I've been told I have ruined people's Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's, Honeymoon vacation, and Wedding plans because I couldn't or wouldn't return something. Add in the weird



Tomato.... in a fruit basket

I went back to my hometown this weekend. The purpose was twofold, firstly, Paya and I were visiting my parents for Christmas before we jet off to the Czech Republic for the actual event. Secondly, we had a large family gathering, where Paya would meet with the majority of my very, very large family.   The thing is, I always feel a little bit like "a tomato in a fruit basket" at family functions. Like the tomato, Technically, I belong there - but in reality it just doesn't feel right.   I



Featured Story: The Beard

The Beard by dkstories   Reviewed by: Trebs Word Count: 77, 013 Status: Complete   So many gay stories are based on tired storylines - the best friends agonizing over the other knowing their attraction while all around them can see they're in love, or the gay boy kicked out of home only to find the perfect family and boyfriend, or that most classic cliché of the hunky rich jock falling in love with the poor geek/nerd.   Once in a while - rarely though it happens - an author


Trebs in Featured Stories

The Vermilion Cannery

The Vermilion Cannery     The storm started out modestly near the Cape Verde islands off the coast of East Africa.   The prevailing winds took it across the warm waters of the tropical Atlantic where it grew to become a category 3 hurricane but it was too late in the season. When Hurricane Mona entered the Gulf, instead of strengthening like they often do in August and September, it meandered through the cooler waters of October and November losing strength. It brushed Hati and Cuba and the



Leaving Alone - A poem

I wait for you When the black leather seats of the diner Are no longer plush And stuffing oozes Like mashed potatoes From broken stitching Cracked Faded Like the rearview I watch for you in Walking Through fields of blooming clover Thumb out Waiting For the aged silver bus Painted in flowers To ride on by And me In beads and braids Hanging out the window Mellow and warm Swaying To old freedom songs Lost Now In the pounding rhythm of a country So far removed From all th



This weekend needs a do-over

No. I don't want to talk about it.   Baby killing assholes. Losing Roan. I wish I could have called this weekend off as a bad idea.   Times like this it's hard to be clean and sober.   If you've ever been in a fight and you've been hit a few times, you taste blood before it really hurts.   Now I'm going to crawl inside my headphones and listen to good music loud and tune out the world.   I know that I'll have to come up for air sooner or later. Now- I just want to tune it all out.  



Litany of the Damned

I know I MUST write, else I’ll go mad. So, I am writing this.   As you all well know yesterday, a mad man carrying a gun entered a school full of children in Connecticut and killed 20 children and 7 adults. The person in question later killed himself as well. One of the teachers of the school was his mother, who was the target of this seemingly volcanic eruption of emotion that had led to the killing spree. The man was mentally ill. And he had access to a semiautomatic rifle that was used to f



Peek Aboo

Wow   So it's been a bit of a hiatus for the Yettie of late. I've been pretty bad in terms of sticking to my chosen story, keeping my head down, and dealing with the various issues life's cast my way. Allow me to rant and rave for a while if I may, and try bring those of you that read up to speed.   So The first real issue that kind of made me duck under the radar if you will was an official offer received in writing from a Radio Station that I have been consulting too for a number of month

Yettie One

Yettie One

Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Winter Anthology Desperate Ends is LIVE - check it out through this link!   And how was our week? Well, we started the week with a great review by Dark of Promising Author Jian_Sierra's poem "Come With Me."   Andy021278 then gave us a great Wacky Wednesday with his piece on The Infinitive: To Split or Not to Split.   And finally, Prompt-Guru Comicfan gave us two new prompts in Prompt Me - including one that challenges writers to come up with a response that includes "han


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Tragedy, Writing, and the Hobbit- Some Recap from WL

First I want my prayers and hopes to go out to those kids killed today in Connecticut, it was so sad to hear. I am not going to be picking up a picket sign to outlaw the 2nd amendment anytime soon, but we have seen just too much tragedy from gun related crimes in recent months. I am just tired of hearing about tragedies and tired of seeing innocent blood spilled over random acts of violence. Something has to be done about gun ownership in the US, whether it is by state law or national law.   A



I'm so wicked

Since it's coming to the end of the year, it's time for us to start clearing out our old files. Anything that is over seven years old (so any records on children who finished their chemotherapy by the end of 2005), needs to be scanned into PDF files and then all of the paper records have to be shredded.   Now since this is always a huge undertaking (usually takes until the end of January), we try and get some of the staff to persuade their kids to come in and lend a hand (saves paying agency



Writing Prompts #192 & #193

REMINDER - Today is the deadline for the Special Mayan Tribute Anthology "End of the World." If you have any issues posting/etc with the anthology, you can contact Cia, who is the temporary anthology coordinator.   So, after you finish posting your anthology story, come on back here to try out one of our new writing prompts, courtesy of Prompt-Guru Comicfan. Please share what you come up with in our Writing Prompts forum!   Prompt 192 –Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in


Trebs in Prompts

Contrasted living in the Big Smoke....

So, as anyone who has read my last two blogs (and a few sporadic ones before that) will know, I now live in London.   Now, as anyone who has moved from a rural idyll to the city lights will tell you, cities are a completely different beast in almost every aspect. Here are the things I love:   (1) A coffee house is never more than 5 minutes away.... (2) I can hold my boyfriend's hand and nobody cares (3) I can kiss my boyfriend in the street and nobody cares (4) In fairness re: (2) &



Scientists claim to have solved the 'evolutionary riddle of homosexuality'

As this may be considered political, I am re-posting it here in accordance with site rules.     Reposted from http://lgbtqnation.com _______________________________________   Scientists claim to have solved the 'evolutionary riddle of homosexuality'   http://www.lgbtqnati...-homosexuality/   A group of scientists say they possibly have solved the question of what makes a human being gay, according to a study published Tuesday by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological S



Second Guessing

I was writing yesterday, and I hit a place in a chapter where I stumbled and had a hard time continuing on, not because I didn’t know what was supposed to happen there, but because I was second guessing myself and what had come to me while I’d been outside thinking earlier in the day. I do this a lot really, second guessing myself when I write, stopping myself from going to the place I was headed out of fear that I might be going too far or that it won’t sit well with others. I’ve found that wh



Life and its Curve Balls Part II

Hello all, first off let me say thank you to everyone for the kind words and support. I appreciate it more than I can say and it makes me so grateful to be part of such an awesome community. With that being said, with the news I got today it cements the fact that I am unsure when I will be returning to GA full time. As such, if you post a review, send me a PM, or any other form of communication, if I don't get back to you immediately, it is not that I am ignoring you. Now, onto the update.

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Saving Goodbye to and Reflecting On My Mid-20's

Last Friday, I turned 27 and officially entered the land of the late 20-something, starting off my countdown to the 30 club. If this were Logan's Run, I would be a red now. It was a pretty quiet birthday weekend- just an Olive Garden famly dinner, a drink or two with a friend and a late-night Saturday trip to Waffle House.   It's gotten me into relfective mood over the age stage I've just left, my mid-20's. When I turned 24, I was a senior in college and I was convinced that my best days were



Writing Tip: The Infinitive - To Split Or Not To Split

Happy 12/12/12 to everyone - and to celebrate, here is a writing tip piece by Andy021278 that we hope you find useful. Enjoy!       The Infinitive: To Split or Not to Split by Andy021278   We’ve all seen it. We’ve probably all hurled expletives over it. And more than one of us has probably fretted over it at some time or another. It’s that annoying grammar check in MS Word, and other similar word processing programs, which tells you that you’ve split an infinitive. Well


Trebs in Writing Tips

Shifting Focus

For this to make sense, i guess I need to start this sojourn of a blog around 10 years ago. I was in college (6th form college, to you guys out there in the US) and i had moved out on my own into a really terrible "bedsit" flat. My studies were just coming to an end and it seemed to me that my world had fallen apart.   I spent my entire childhood assuming that I would become an English teacher (actually, not true: I did briefly flirt with the thought of becoming a priest, and got a fair way



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