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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Real Estate Drama

So... I had no clue that after not being able to buy a house the drama would get worse.   First let me outline a few things. The purchase would have been a dual agency, meaning both the listing and my agent are in the same office. The day I did the contract the listing agent showed up in sweats and smelled like a bar. She said she was at a soccer game and it must have been some game. Any how... after all was said and done she took almost a month to get a response from the seller on my contract



Take the Anthology Challenge - 5 Story Recommendations

Hello readers, authors, unregistered users and the like,     As you all know, the "A Night to Remember" Anthology has been out for two days. A bubbling, frenetic, galvanizing sort of energy has permeated the cyber-atmosphere of GA as readers and authors alike begin reading and reviewing the twenty entries dedicated to this inspiring theme (recommended by comicfan, I believe).   CLICK HERE to access Anthology               So What's the Anthology Challenge?     Pick



Weekly Wrap Up!

What a great week it was, especially with the release of the 2013 GA Spring Anthology: A Night to Remember. So many wonderful new stories to read and if you haven't already checked them out, I would suggest you do so and leave the authors a review to let them know what you thought!   A Reminder: The chosen story for the CSR book club is State of Mind by Libby Drew. The discussion will take place on the 25th of this month, so make sure you've read it before then so that you can join in with you

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

For readers of "In the Cold"

Yes, it was real event. Yes, I am like that in real life.   I wanted to write reality and just show you guys a piece of my life and piece of who I am with a recent experience. As some of you know, my tenant is an ex-Catholic priest, who had been convicted of child abuse during the early 2000's. I discovered that fact more than a year ago and you can even find that detail in my old postings, if you find that too incredible to believe. He is a registered sex offender of the highest grade, but to



Weekly eBook Review: Crossing Borders by ZA Maxfield

Yes, *gasps* I read off GA. Honestly, most of my time here is taken up with staff duties-which sort of stinks for my love of reading-but one of the things eBooks can do is give us an idea of what to aspire toward. Most of the authors I know online won't be traditionally published but the advent of eReaders and the exploding eBook market can be an invaluable tool to spread your stories, and make a bit of cash.   I love to read, but I do the mod queue here on GA, so I get a lot of serial works I a



Special Thursday Feature: Spring Anthology - A Night To Remember Now Live!

NOW LIVE!!!       The 2013 GA Spring Anthology: A Night to Remember is now live! Twenty new stories by some of your favorite authors. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to leave the authors a review to let them know what you thought of their hard work. It's really the only payment these authors get for their contribution to the Anthology.       A Friend For The Doc Michael9344       As The Music Plays... K.C.       At the End

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Writing Tip: The Indefinite Article

The Indefinite Article       By       andy021278       A daft question: Do I use “A” or “An”?   Well it does seem like a daft question doesn’t it, but it’s amazing how many people still struggle with this; especially when confronted by the more obscure grammatical areas such as acronyms and abbreviations?   I’ve seen wrong uses in stories posted on line, in published works in print, in newspaper articles and even in professional publications.   The bas

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Anthology Promotional Poster

Hello authors, readers, unregistered users and the like,     I am well aware that "A Night to Remember" has not yet been released but I thought I might as well share this promotional poster I whipped up on Photoshop on a caffeinated spree just a few hours ago:     Now you have a graphic that can be attributed to the Anthology! I encourage you all to copy the url of this image/save it and share this poster on your Facebook or website or whatever you use so not only the anthology gets



Désespéré et terrifié

It is often very difficult to put into words what you feel. I am better at this with poetry. But, simple hard truths are never really my style. I like them the way I like hungry lions, caged and at a distance, preferably with a loaded gun in my hand. Yet, sometimes it becomes emphatic to tell the truth. And then it becomes hard.   For years I have worn many masks; Masks of happiness, of humour, of grandiosity, of known lies and unknown truths. But, beneath all that garbage, lies a scared boy a



Featured Story: Centaur

First off, I want to say thank you to everyone who responded to my plea for help! I appreciate the instant offers of assistance more than I can say! I received quite a few responses which will ensure that we will have reviews for a few of the upcoming Monday blogs. If you want to write a review for a story you have read, please PM me. Now, without further ado, let's look to our featured story!   Joann414 provides us with a review of the story Centaur, written by Carringtonrj. It's a short piec

Rain, Wind, Snow and other Things.

So spring officially starts on the 1st March ey?   Someone needs to tell the weather gods this me finks! I had an early morning trip to make today, and woke up to a proper blanket of snow on the ground. Ok only half an inch thick, but thing is, that is enough in this country these days to make life really interesting.   So we hope in the car and make our way down to the Mental Health Facility where mom's specialist is. It's her check up today. Rush hour traffic at 9 am in the morning. It i

Yettie One

Yettie One

Happy Mother's Day

So it is Mother's Day here in the UK today.   Ya know, every year we go through the motions, and say our thanks, but it takes time to understand what someone really is to us, and over time, we learn what it took to bring us up to who we are today.   I am so damn lucky that I was really close to my folks. Not everyone got to enjoy the experience I have had, and that is a sad state of affairs. We are all different and have been through our different circumstances, it are these that make us who

Yettie One

Yettie One

Greetings from the inmate

So, for those not on Facebook, back on Feb 22 I gave an update on my health status with: Here's today's update: Just wanted to give a quick update on what's going on for me. Just finished the first of the two weeks of prep for the bone marrow transplant. My sister's cells were collected back on Feb 21 and are frozen and waiting and I'll get them this coming Friday, March 15.   This past week was daily radiation treatment in the morning - what's called TLI or "Total Lymphoid Irradiation" - w



Weekly Wrap Up!

The submission deadline for the Spring Anthology: A Night to Remember has passed. Thank you to everyone who has submitted a story and keep watch for news regarding the anthology going live.   A Reminder: All nominations for promotion to Promising and/or Hosted status MUST be done via GA's private messaging system to Cia, Talonrider, or another member of the WST team. No other nominations will be considered.   *** Blog Highjack - if anyone's interested, did a quick update on my medical status

The Author and the Beta Readers/Editors

Me: "Hello. Thank you so much for taking the time to Beta my story. Here are the chapters to my story. Thanks."   *1 day later*   Me: "Hello, I just made a minor edit for chapter 3, so read this one instead."   *2 days later*   Me: "Hello, I just made a major edit for chapters 1, 2, 3, if you haven't started reading my story, here they are. If you have... here they are. I'm so sorry."   *3 days later*   Me: "Hello, I just rewrote chapters 1235678 in all it's entirety and added a prol



Thoughts, Thank yous, and whatnot

March is one of those months where things seem to pile up for me. Anyone reading this, just excuse me if I bounce from idea to idea.   First a special thank you. I am not sure I know exactly who did it, although I am sure it was someone from here (which sort of narrows the list down.) I have had a few rough weeks lately, but someone took it upon themself to try to make my life a little easier. I guess now I know what it is like to get a package out of the blue. To which of ever of you did it,



It's a Weird World for a Yettie

So it is the weekend.   Really? When did this happen?   Well it has been a pretty weird week for me, and as I am determined to get some writing done tonight, I decided to kick it off with some blogging first right. So here's some of the highlights of my week,   Well, when I say it's been weird, it's really been rather strange. I am quite certain someone kidnapped my normal, sane and objective body and replaced with something that was just acting as me for a couple of days.   Week started

Yettie One

Yettie One

Writing Prompts #216 & #217

ANNOUNCEMENT: Today is the last day to get your anthology stories in for the Spring Anthology: A Night to Remember. If you have any questions on how to submit, please PM me. Now, without further delay, onto our weekly prompts!   Comicfan always manages to come up with something that sounds quite interesting and this week is no exception. If you tackle either of these prompts why not share them with everyone else by posting them in the Writing Prompt Forum!   Prompt 216 – Creative Tag – Poli

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Mon Cher - Salutation De La Bien-Aimée

Forever will be our destination. I will wait for you, On the other side of the river Of memories, of life and yet not of regrets.   I will remember our time together As the golden springs long past; A silence that became music which turned still once more, A passionate embrace frozen in time.   Then, we will meet again on the other side of the river, And we will resume our dance once more, now and forever.   ©asamvav111



Unsure and depressed

So.... who knew buying a house was such a pain. I haven't officially been told no but I haven't been told yes.   The drama all began to unfold last Thursday. I was pre-approved but after seeing my income from 2011 to 2012 dropping they started to back off. I have a medical condition that is documented and I receive family medical leave for it. Most of it is unpaid unless I have vacation or personal time available. My condition is worse when I get stressed out. So imagine how I felt after getti



Turning Down A Job Offer

Well, I turned the offer down. I thought very long and hard about it, and it came to this...   I would be driving 30 miles each way for the commute, with a roundtrip 1:30 to 2 hour commute, for about 4 to 5 hours of work at 9 dollars an hour. With gas incredibly likely to hit close to 5 dollars a gallon this summer (and at best, 4 dollars), plus the wear and tear this would do to my 8-year old car, it just didn't seem worth it for what would amount to maybe 40 dollars a day. I might as wel



Reading Stories here at GA

When I first came to GA, I was like many others, looking for a good story to read, romance preferably and I found hundreds of them it seems. I scrolled through all of these authors, stopping to look at some that looked interesting and read some or all of some of the stories. Then, I got a little braver, read and reviewed and found myself in a world all it's own. GA has it all. Sure, most of it is gay M/M stories, but it has offerings for everyone. There's romance, fantasy, poetry, werewolves, su



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