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  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack

Millenials: We Suck and We're Sorry

So, there's this Youtube vid that's already garned 183k views after being out for a day, and I thought it had some pretty thought-provoking material there:     If I'm interepreting this video correctly, it seems to be saying: "Please do not denigrate our generation as being lazy and self-indulgent, because we're not as far along in established life goals as the Baby Boomers were. Our parents brought us all up to think that we were special, without having to really work much towards be



Today's My Birthday!

I find myself asking two questions: I'm another year older (37) but am I another year wiser? Am I still supposed to make mistakes at this age?   I've made choices in one instance which inadvertently ended a friendship. In this case, I know what I did wrong but my former friend takes no blame for her part. She sees herself as the person wronged in this situation and refuses to even talk to me. I give people chances. I gave her multiple chances for us to talk but she chose each time to walk away



The Moral of the Story Is....

Yesterday was a fruitful day for me. It was a time of reflection (so reflective, I was soaked in my own thought and forgot to bring my tripod... to a night photography session).   Everyone has heard of the saying "pen is mightier than sword." And throughout the history we have witness that effect: how Jane Austen redefined marriage as a function of love (rather than a function of family duty), Charles Dickens showed the uglier side of Industrial Revolution (and none of the revolution fought



What is the Point?

As of the time of this entry, they say that our little rock in the cosmos has somewhere between 192 and 196 countries on it, apparently, depending on how you argue it. It is tricky to know what it's like to be somebody living in any of these countries, especially if you haven't done it yourself.   My country has enjoyed a rather infamous history since it became more widely known to the world. Some people say they love it. Some people express less enthusiastic thoughts. Some people like the way



So, how many people understood my status?

Thanks Brink for translating, you were the first one to recognize it as the opening lines to the Tao Te Ching.   道可道非常道, 名可名非常名   Most of far eastern philosophy has either roots or been influenced by the book; even when cultures don't hold Taoist religious principles, there are philosophical points that extend outwards towards Buddhism, several Indian religions, and scientific principles.   I translate it a little differently than you do Brink:   "The way that is known is not the true wa



Writing Tip: Flashbacks, Friend Or Foe?

As we've mentioned before, FictionStoriesOnline.com is a "sister" site of GayAuthors.org with some great writing advice and tips. With permission, here is one that ran last year, but the advice is great and we hope you enjoy it!   Flashbacks: Friends or Foe?   I had a discussion in a chat room recently over flashbacks. Specifically, how does an author relate history in a story of another character that isn't the main POV? This was especially important, as he wasn't known to the main


Trebs in Writing Tips

Let's Defecate Correctly

Let’s Defecate Correctly   Young children have it best. Chores are done for them, they are spoon fed with playful attention, and of course, they enjoy the luxury of nappies. The vicissitudes of growing up entails a process of moving past said juvenile methods of defecation. Today, the use of the toilet is a challenge that most children must socially accept.   What about the dilemmas of the modern toilet? Maybe the seat is too cold or even too warm? It is not clean enough. Will I fall int



Who knew writing a coming out chapter could be so taxing?

I never had to come out as being straight, it was just something known by everybody who knows me. I haven't the slightest idea what it means or how it feels to come out as being gay. So how do I go about writing my main characters coming out having not had to go through it myself? I went on instinct. I had numerous directions I could go writing in the way they came out and the reactions of the parents. Do they accept them? Are they indifferent? Are they quoting from the Bible while throwing holy



Miss America is Not American?

So, history was made last night when the first Indian-American Miss America was crowned. And quite predictably, racist comments were made. Ugh. Here's this wonderful response video by a guy basically saying what I think about this:     America is basically defined by the fact that it's a melting pot that has never had any kind of singular culture, given the fact that it's the size of a continent. Even before Columbus got here, you had a pretty big variety, from the Mohawks to theLenni L



Nothing happened....Just a Bad Sandwich

No politics for today's blog as I don't want to go into the DC shooting, I do give my sincerest prayers for the 14 injured people from the incident, who are still in the hospital, and 12 dead. Others will argue on the points, everywhere else.   I want to talk about nothing really important....just the quality of food. I went to a Caribbean sandwich shop, Dominican based, and I wanted to try their Sour Sop and pickled ham sandwich. It tasted good, but I paid for it later.   I have had the run



Endings, Beginnings, Friends, and Weddings

Life always seems to go in cycles. There are ups and downs, good times and bad times. I think we all go through them.   My father went out to see my brother for eleven days. It was nice to have peace and quiet. While he was gone I probably did more than I should have. Today, knowing he was due home I went full out like I haven't since I hurt my back. At least the house is clean and he came home to a clean bed, fresh blankets, and no problems. As a result of the non-stop movement all day, my ba



Why Blacks Won't Push LGBT Equality Across The Finish Line

An article published on gay.net asked the question? “Will African-Americans Push LGBT Equality Across the Finish Line?” The answer is a big, bold, NO! President Obama has the task of cleaning up the mess left by President Bush who ruined our great nation and leaving it in shambles. Unemployment was at an all-time high, banks were going bankrupt, the economy was shot to s**t!, the Stock Market crashed with countless number of people losing everything they had, the auto industry was crashing at



A Gay Separatist....

I noticed I am on my way to become a gay separatist... (kind of like radical lesbian feminist separatist, except I am not vocal about it and I am not a woman). I don't know why and I don't think it's healthy. This is especially weird because the world is becoming more gay tolerant (than when I grow up).   I wonder if it's because I am getting older and just want to get a BF and hopefully a committed marriage (sorry I am so skeptical nowadays, I have to put that qualifier in), and forget about



Political Battle Rages on in Texas Over HIV/AIDS Drugs for Low Income Patients

inShare0   Dallas County Health officials are pleading and begging with the state NOT to cut funding for HIV medications. Why? Because there's an epidemic of HIV/AIDS in Texas that places the State at number 4. The Senate subcommittee on Medicaid is recommending elimination of funding for HIV drugs for low income patients, some 14 thousand statewide. Zach Thompson is director of Dallas County Health and Human Services. Thompson says his department serves more than 1800 HIV/AIDS patients



Featured Story: Boystown

I want to thank Lisa for offering to do today's review - she had written us since she loved this story and wanted to bring it to more people's attention. I hope you enjoy it and check out JBlankeview1's story, Boystown! BOYSTOWN by JBlakeview1   Reviewed by Lisa Word Count: 30,904 Status: In Process   Have you ever read an online story where every chapter ends with a cliffhanger and you just cannot wait until the next chapter comes out? Sort of a silly question since you’re


Trebs in Featured Stories

Epidemic in the School Yard!

The HIV/AIDS epidemic is now in the playgrounds of schools throughout the nation, and is becoming a horror to parents who find out that their child is one of the statisics in the epidemic. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, condoms are being given to 11 year olds in lieu of Barbie's for girls, and Tonka Toys for boys.   Philly has the highest number of sexually active teens, and one of the lowest number for those using a protection. Philadelphians are being infected at a rate more than 50 percent



Stephanie Danielson's For the Heart of Phillip

After having read Stephanie's heartwarming novel about three men consistently intertwined in each other's lives, I paused to consider what I should say in the review. It took just on six hours to read the book. It could have taken four or maybe five hours without interruptions.   To say that I was swept away by emotion would be an understatement. To say that Stephanie's characters engaged me in a three dimensional sense would be an understatement. I was transported into Phillip's world and



Hannibal Review and a real life story that scares me

I was bored today and wanted to catch up on TV that I missed last year, which turns out to be a lot better than I thought. The show of choice was: Hannibal, based of Silence of the Lamb and Red Dragon character Hannibal Lecter.   I was not originally interested, but I read the reviews and tried it out. It was incredibly interesting, disturbing, and psychologically educational, like watching a progressive drama about the root of sanity and insanity in the modern world. Sure, the guy eats people



Shelf B-2: business

The Resume Kit   Personal Finance for Dummies   One Minute Manager   Supervisors Big Book of Lists   How to Talk So People Listen   How to Succeed as an Independent Consultant   Entrepreneur's Notebook   What Color is your Parachute   Complete Akido   The Score Takes Care of Itself - Bill Walsh   Corps Business - Business Principles of the Marine Corps   Organize Yourself   The Influence of Sea Power on History   The Art of War   On War - Clausewitz   The Prince by



Weekly Wrap Up!

We had a really full week here at our GayAuthors.org News Blog. We started with K.C.'s review of Man of Montana by carringtonrj. As KC mentions, "Man of Montana captivated me right from the beginning or should I say the end? [...] This story starts in an intriguing way by starting with the ending!"   Transitions was the theme of our Wacky Wednesday. After a bit of reflection and introspection that focused on the role of social media, I talked about GA's recent efforts to engage the community t


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Putin and Obama in a cockfight

Ok, while I strenuously object to any US-led military action in Syria ***you only need to look at the clusterfuck of Egypt , Libya, Mali to see why*** I find Putin's op-ed in the NY times highly ironic, given Russia's a country that's very backward on gay rights, backward on free speech rights, and, consider the fact that Putin wouldn't so much as allow dissenters a full page spread in the Pravda.   Oh look, a museum in Moscow was raided by the police for its 'political art' for depicting Ob



eBook Review: Scorpion by Aleksandr Voinov

Scorpion by Aleksandr Voinov My rating: 4 of 5 stars   I'm not a big fan of historical work, but sometimes I can't help but pick up one that sounds sooo good. Scorpion lived up to my expectations too! There were many elements of this story that made it read more like a fantasy than a historical book, likely because the time was set so far into the past.   The contrast of the gritty soldier's POV to the far reaching and political landscape that made up the plot was refreshing. A simple perso



What are American Values?

One political blog posts for old times sake   As I am writing a story exploring the Far East and Asian cultures, basically going to my roots, I am hit with an odd conundrum from the other side.   Everyone, Republican and Democrat, is using terms like "Exceptional" and "American Values", sounds interesting on a sound bite, but I don't really get it. The American people are deeply divided right now over a million issues, there really is no clear "American Value" that can be described as "Exce



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