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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Wacky Wednesday: Ask An Author #2

Ask an Author #2 And we’re back!   In this series, random questions from GA members have been shot out to various authors here on GA. Those authors have the opportunity to either decline or answer, and the answers are just as quirky as the questions. This shall be a fun way to learn a little more about some of the folks here on GA.   In AtA #1, we had questions for authors furnishedsoul, podiumdavis, and CassieQ.   In AtA #2, we hear from Graeme, Andrew Todd, and Joann414 . For their p

Pros and Cons

I got a job offer as a seasonal intrepreter at a historical plantation in Pennsylvania.   I'm not really jumping up and down about it. I had mis-givings about the job when I drove up there...the plantation is pretty out of the way and wasn't easy to find even with GPS, and it's about a roundtrip 90 minute to 2 hour commute. The job only offers 9 dollars an hour, and it's based on when school groups tour. On one hand, this is good experience, and I haven't had a job in a three months. On the



Life is perfect through young eyes

My sister and I have been sharing videos over the last couple of months since she began her treatment. I guess it was sort of a way to try give her something to smile at each time we exchanged something.   I had a pretty hard day today. A lot on my mind, and at a busy stage with work right now too. This evening when I finally sat down to check my facebook, I had this waiting in my inbox for me.   Remember when you were young, and the world was so wonderful, and exciting, and vibrant? Remembe

Yettie One

Yettie One

Csr Book Club Monthly Feature

Welcome to the March edition of the CSR Book Club Blog! This month we've decided to use a story by an author you've been seeing a lot from lately on the blogs, Libby Drew! To mix up genres a bit, we're going to read a futuristic story with a bit of a sci-fi bent along with some thriller vibes. ^_^Intrigued yet? Check out the info below, read the story, and then be ready to discuss. We've had two great months so far, so here's to another one!       State of Mind by Libby Drew

Lightening the Load

Back in 2003, the Air Force said, "Hey, guess what? We're sending you to Los Angeles Air Force Base to be a space-geek and engineer." I said, "Awesome."   Now it's time to go home.   In addition to the 10 hours a day I spend at school, I'm trying to get ready for the big move. The tentative date is early July and there's still so much to do!   As of today, I have sorted through my storage unit and gotten rid of quite a few boxes, with some more to go out soon. Today, I sorted throug



HIV cured in a child

For the first time a baby is cured of HIV http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/first-time-baby-cured-hiv030313   Doctors announce newborn was cured of HIV infection   03 March 2013   -James Withers   The doctors of an HIV infected baby have announced they have cured the child.   As reported by the New York Times, the infant was born in rural Mississippi (a southern US state). Antiretroviral drugs were administered approximately 30 hours after birth. This type of procedure is uncommon



Comments About Author Advancement-Specifically Promising

Hello members! So, many of you know I'm off visiting family. My grandma has terminal cancer, which prompted my visit with my kids so they could make some memories of her they will always remember before she gets too sick. Fortunately, she's still pretty good. As a bonus, I have several siblings and their kids, parent and an ex-parent, who are here to see too. We managed to have some fun for the kids sight-seeing, going on a wild dolphin harbor cruise and taking them to swim in a spring I got to



Too cute- Kid interrupts Dad's speech in support of gay marriage

I didn't want to post this in the lounge because it might be seen as political. But really, this is all about the cutes.   Watch from 15:14 to 18:00.   Originally found at: http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/ridiculously-cute-kids-hijack-their-ridiculously-cute-dads-s   Also, I realized my last blog entry was all depress-y sounding. Things are much better now. I've been rehired, I like my school, I published Social Skills, I posted two short stories this (school) year, I got to participa

Sara Alva

Sara Alva

Weekly Wrap Up!

REMINDER: our Spring Anthology submission deadline is right around the corner - March 8th for "A Night to Remember".   ALSO - Earlier this week, we announced our newest Promising Author - CONGRATS again to Mann Ramblings!   We started the week by having a great discussion on the CSR Book Club's February book - Nowhere Man by Jwolf. It was a great discussion and I can't wait to see what book will be announced Monday as our March book.   Wednesday we had our latest look at the Pulse Behind


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Free Books

Got your attention? Good.   I don't know if people on GA are aware of it, but most authors hold book giveaways every time they release a book. - I say most because I wasn't smart enough to know I should do this when (Un)Masked was published. Entering to win is simple - leave a comment at the end of the post.   For example - I did a few book giveaways for The Last Grand Master and one of the winners was G.A.'s own Rush.   Right now Lily Velden is doing a book give away on my website. you ca

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

2013 Poetry Anthology: Whispers in the Dark NOW LIVE

NOW LIVE!!!     The 2013 GA Poetry Anthology: Whispers in the Dark is now live! Fifteen new poem collections by some of your favorite authors, hope you enjoy!   A Life in Question Bill W   All in Your Mind WatchPatRun   Astronomical Dusk FishWings   Coy carringtonrj   Murmers at the Dusk of Day comicfan   Night Calls JoejoeGreene   Poems By Moonlight II Michael9344  

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

a dream with impact

Every once in a while, I'll dream something that I don't want to forget. This one was odd, as all dreams are, but emotionally vivid for me with very sharp visuals.   In the dream my partner and I are on a cycling tour of the British Isles. We’re spending a number of weeks in the north part of England where I’ve gotten to meet a friend I’d been corresponding with via email. We’re at a sidewalk café. It’s not the first time we’ve met up with my friend, and today he’s asked his two brothers a



Writing Prompts #214 & #215

I always look forward to seeing what our prompt guru Comicfan comes up with for the weekly prompt. As always, he once again delivers. I really hope some of you decide to take a gamble at one or both of these prompts. If you do, don't forget to share them in the Writing Prompt Forum!   Prompt 214 – Creative Tag – The Vacation You were hired to create the perfect vacation spot. There is only one little problem with the whole thing. What is it?   Prompt 215 – Creative Tag – The Blind Date Your

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Wacky Wednesday - Pulse Behind The Ga Crowd

As the month of February comes to a close, we are treated again to another installment of the "Pulse Behind the GA Crowd" - a monthly interview column from Yettie One, with this month a wonderful interview with Nephylim! Pulse behind the GA Crowd by Yettie One   In January Cia introduced us to the wonderful idea of the Can’t Stop Reading Book Club, and in January we got to read a story by Nephylim called Memories of Forgotten Love. Personally I thoroughly enjoyed the story, and it wa


Trebs in Author Interviews

Can we work in a world with no speech?

Yes, I see the irony that I am asking the question inside a blog   It just seems weird that people can type and text out replies, but the art of conversation and discussion using words from verbal exchanges seem to be losing their hold. When a person asks for my help, they email, text, or google chat me (FYI, Google chat works like an old version of AIM ).   Speech seems more like a secondary language to modern tech integrated generations, since the concept of short text seems to have caug



Csr: Story Discussion Day For Nowhere Man

It's that time again! Can't Stop Reading (CSR) Book Discussion Day! This month we are discussing Nowhere Man by Jwolf. This roughly 45,000 word modern story was published back in 2011 and was nominated on last month's discussion day by Percy. If you haven't read the story yet, please be aware the following review will have several spoilers, and several of the comments most likely will as well.   My review:   I hadn't read this story in a long, long time. So, in preparation for today I read i


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

It still get's better..

I’m sure many of you read that this past week my cousin decided to end his own life. As I’ve been struggling with this, crying constantly, and the likes. I’ve found strength that I never knew I had. Over these past twelve months that I’ve been a part of gayauthors, I’m sure you’ve gotten to know me (to some extent) and where I stand on the topic of suicide. On September 27th one of the questions that I posed to our fellow authors/admins/editors, etc, was simple and direct to this fact.   “Give



All the facts about Hosted and Promising Authors - or how you can become one too!

Recently someone asked me, “How do you become a Promising Author?” To be honest, I wasn’t sure how to respond, but like any good English major, I did my research.   First I found a whole piece on how to become a Hosted Author. Hosted Authors must have an existing body of quality writing AND an established reader base. In addition, Hosted Authors are encouraged to be active participants in the GA community, to cross-promote and link back to GA when posting stories el



Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: We have a new Premium author - Michael9344 - who has been gracious enough to write and offer his story There And Back Again for our Premium subscribers.   ALSO - a reminder that the submission deadline for our Spring Anthology, "A Night To Remember", is less than two weeks away. If you have any problems/concerns, the Anthology coordinator is the Radiant Renee Stevens.   This month's CSR book club feature is Nowhere Man, by Promising Author Jwolf and if you haven't had a chance


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Procrastination Rant

I don’t want to do my homework, I find it difficult to care about my assignments for the week, I am apathetic to the point where procrastination has become my one friend, and yet, I only have five days left of the class. Logic would say just go ahead and hurry up and get stuff done, but I can’t, because I cannot find the motivation to care about the stuff I was assigned to do. I have a low A at the moment, I never expected to get better than a B out of the class, so of course, I sit here and tel



Writing Prompts #212 & #213

Well, it's time to get a kickstart on the weekend again, and what better way to do that than to provide two new prompts from our prompt guru, Comicfan. Why not give them a try and share them with the community in the Prompt Forum!   Prompt 212 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – sword, tuna fish, compass, flip flops, and a star.   Prompt 213 – Creative Tag – First Line “You want me to do what?”   I was looking through the prompt responses and for today's fea

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Maybe Robocop wasn't that far fetched after all

Detroit is in the worst mess of decades with a falling population and property values, along with high unemployment. Crime is running rampant and the Police Department is being stretched thin.   http://www.freep.com/article/20130221/COL06/130221080/Tom-Walsh-Sure-Snyder-wants-grow-Detroit-can-t-say-how-   Doesn't this sound like the premise of Robocop's dystopian future? Well, it's no longer science fiction, it is a fact of life and reality.   No, a cyborg cop won't save Detroit, nor would



Firefly 2013!

I just bought my tickets. It was a total bitch of a moment, and I had to drop 238 on my card instead of 198 or 218 because all those tickets sold out at an suspiciously fast rate, but yeah. I got my tickets! In celebration, I'm going to post one of my favorite songs from MGMT, who is on the lineup...     I'm now looking forward to seeing Tom Petty, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foster the People, Vampire Weekend, MGMT, Calvin Harris, Passion Pit, The Lumineers and Matt and Kim. I'm also lookin



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