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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y


My partner and I spent last week in Key West. If you like lazy days, galleries with painted driftwood and water sports, you can’t do better than the Florida keys. We took a day to go snorkeling and though I’ve been several times before, this is the first time I wore a snorkeling vest.   The vest is lightweight, thin and only becomes a flotation device if air is blown into a valve attached at the front. A vest had always appeared more an encumbrance than aid in the water, but since I was go



Fantasizing about a cute hispanic janitor

Alright let me just explain this without political correctness; I was working a little late the other night and the janitors came in. I wanted to say hello and introduce myself, with the new job and all. One of the guys caught my eye though.   He was probably late twenties or early thirties, had black hair, small tight build almost zero muscle mass, and had a very thick spanish accent. He wore an erring on his right ear, which I hoped means he's my kind of guy and not just in it for a fashion



Killing your babies

It is weird to revisit stories written. Kind of like wondering down the street you used to live on as a kid. There are a lot of memories bound up in the words. The gloss of nostalgia is tempered with the clarity of experience.   Its hard to say what my aim was with the stories I wrote. I do know that if i were to write them today they wouldn't be the same. Who knows maybe there is yet still another draft or two living inside of Living in surreality. Decimate it to the basics of the story, and



Featured Story: The Comfort Of A Blanket

First off, sorry about the lateness of today's post! Makes me extra glad that it will still have all day tomorrow to be up! Since it's review day, we're bringing you a review of Promising Author Jack Frost's story "The Comfort of a Blanket" reviewed by Comicfan! The Comfort of a Blanket by Jack Frost   Reviewer: Comicfan Status: Complete Word Count: 7,217   As someone who has written a number of short stories I know how hard it is draw the line and attempt to stay within a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Outbreak - writing prompt 172

Outbreak     For eons the bat and the virus lived in harmony deep in the jungles of Brazil.   For eons the world of the virus lived harmlessly without infringing on the world of mankind.   There had been a few times when a fisherman would stray into a cave to escape storm clouds and get bitten. The way the damned stuff worked, the victim was suddenly too sick to make it out of the jungle. Months later they would be found with their skull on a makeshift pillow and their bony fingers clu



Holiday mood and Hope in the World

There's something about this of year, when people and things just make you happier and feel good about life. The Holiday period is fun and exciting, people have hopes for the future.   I don't know whether it's the colorful displays of lights, faux green wreaths with red bows, or the shoppers that pack the buses at night, but the mood is different. For a few moments, you can almost forget that the world is hanging by a thread, civilization is putting itself in debt and its future generations.



please stop it

“Don’t they look good together?” he chuckled to me.   I peeped over his shoulder, realizing how much I didn’t want him to be right. I watched as he held her hand, overwhelmed with the feeling to be in her place. I knew that it could never happen, but I didn't understand why I couldn’t have "that." I didn’t want him to be right. I didn’t want to believe him.   “Yeah, they look super cute together” I replied with hesitation. I didn’t understand why my heart and my mind were never in sync. I d



Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: It may seem like a long time away, but the deadline for the Winter Anthology "Desperate Ends" is only two weeks away - Due Saturday, Dec 8th. The Special Mayan Tribute Anthology "End of the World" deadline is not long after that on Friday, Dec 14th.   We started this week with a great review from Johnathan Colourfield of Wintery Wanderland by Promising Author Formosa. How did Johnathan feel about the story? One hint from his review: "This story was a masterpiece in terms of its


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #186 & #187

Good morning and happy trypophan-coma day! One way to fight your way out of the sleepyness is to engage your brain with a good, quick writing exercise, say ... OH - maybe write a response to one of our great weekly writing prompts, provided by our Prompt-guru Comicfan. But it is only fair, once you've helped yourself out of your funk, to share your response with the community in the Writing Prompt forum so others can engage their brains and marvel at what you pulled together!       Prompt 18


Trebs in Prompts

Fixing My Destiny

Yeah, I just placed my story to On Hold status for now. I haven't worked on it in over a year and a half, and I need to revisit the concept and work around that damn catch 22 in the story I've never really been able to work out. It has been a wild year and a half though.   I am very thankful for Sara and Maria for helping me through the initial processes of my story. I don't think I would have published the story and kept writing without them constantly pushing me to do so.   The story



Writing Tip: Participial Phrases 101

Participial Phrases 101, Or The First Thing Your Editor Is Going To Yell At You About       By       Libby Drew   That’s not true, by the way. All editors are angels.   So… a participial phrase. What is it? According to grammaruntied.com, it’s a word group consisting of a present participle (also known as an -ing form) or past participle (also known as an -en form), plus any modifiers, objects, and complements.   If you find the English class gibberish definition c


Trebs in Writing Tips

Merry or Miserable Holiday

Miserable, Not Merry     Yep, you are gone, and I am miserable. We had agreed three months ago to live together, you being the one that said we were the most compatible couple you had ever seen. Yeah, right, you fled last night when I said the three words," i love you". Sorry, you were not ready, but I was stressed, holding my feelings at bay.   Fa la la la la is driving me crazy when in my normal life I would be the happy Christmas person lighting up other's lives for the holiday.



Featured Story: Wintery Wanderland

What a week! So, how did everyone like the new weekly schedule for the blog? I have to say that it was nice to have things up for more than a day so that even more members were able to see and respond to the blogs. This week, we're starting out with a review of a Promising Author. Johnathan Colourfield was kind enough to provide us with this review of a story by Formosa! Hope you enjoy it and perhaps even take this opportunity to check the story out for yourself! Wintery Wanderland b

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: We are very happy to be able to announce GayAuthors.org's newest Promising Author - SidLove. Please join us in congratulating SidLove!   So, we come to the end of our first week of trying out our new format here at the News Blog. The team appreciates all of the feedback and input and REALLY appreciates all of the offers of help. We will be contacting many of you to follow up on these offers soon.   Monday, lilansui gave us a great review of From the Heart, by Author Branflakes


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Some life and fear to ponder

Now back to reality and normalcy, I might be a trekkie, but I am a realist stuck in a world that needs answers.   My last day is this Wednesday at my current firm. The staff are throwing me a farewell potluck on Tuesday. It feels strange that I will be saying goodbye to them all after so many years, but that's life isn't it.   As my prior status indicated my new job has already booked me on a flight to Palm Beach Florida from 12/3 to 7. I know what this means for my future traveling plans, b




I started writing a blog yesterday, but abandoned it as it started to get far too dark and depressing to be something I felt comfortable sharing with the world. In some ways it was reflective of my mood, in other ways it was me lashing out verbally at life.   I enjoy being able to write in that way. For me it is a channel that I use to vent my pent up feelings, order my thoughts, and write down some of the things that are too difficult to say or speak out loud. I guess in this case I ended up

Yettie One

Yettie One

Writing Prompts #184 & #185

Welcome to the end of the week and a chance to unwind and relax. Or - wait, before you do - maybe try your hand at a writing prompt? Thanks to the genius of our Prompt-guru Comicfan, we bring you two great new prompts. And one of them is a poetry writing prompt - and come on, you know that sometimes the best things happen when you get pushed outside your comfort zone, Whether it is the poetry prompt or the "Tag" prompt - please share what you come up with in our Writing Prompt forum!   Prompt


Trebs in Prompts

Holidays are almost here, or Welcome to retail hell

It is that time of the year again. The time I use to love, but over time has become nothing more than overtime and craziness. I guess that is what happens when you work retail. Of course it doesn't help to work retail at the return desk either. So as everyone gears up for Thanksgiving and black Friday, I prepare for the lines, the yelling, and being told once again I have ruined some family's Christmas or Hanukkah because I personally don't want to get the item from where I am hiding it in the b



Hello, World

Wow!! A blog...   Never thought I'd be doing this, though if you had told me a month ago that I'd a written 24 chapters of a story that generated the kind of response that my first story "Riding Lessons' have I'd have just laughed it off.   Before I get started, i do want to take a moment to thank all of the folks who have been so generous in their praise and forthcoming in their critism of my first writing effort. I thought maybe I'd get a few e-mails and then the story would end up being o

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

One more Star Trek Review to get this geekiness out of my system

As I said I am a huge fan and I just finished the latest Typhon Pact Mini-series novel, Brinksmanship :   Spoiler Alert!   To begin this series review, I must first tell you a bit on what happened after the Dominion War. Gene Roddenberry's United Federation of Planets is no longer as naive or idealistic as it once was. The Universe after the war has become a very hostile and unstable place. With the Borg invasion about a year ago, the entire balance of power has unraveled throughout the gala



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