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  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack

Really Awesome Writing - a kind of review

So, I make no secret of the fact that Mark Arbour's writing is what brought me here to GA. I started by reading the (as yet unfinished) "On the Mark" which as a matter of fact I still rate as one of Mark's better works. But then I moved on to Mark's "Nessun Dorma"... the series "Chronicles of an Academic Predator". It is by far the highest quality of writing that I have read on this site. When you consider how many other awesome authors we have here - you realise that being the creme de la creme



2013 Fall Anthology "pandora's Box" Now Live!

If you're in the US, or at least anywhere that it's still Thursday, I'm betting you're going "Wait a minute, it's not Friday yet!" Well, you're right, but after much thought, I decided I really didn't want to release the anthology on Friday the 13th. Well, at least, not everywhere! So, without further ado, the anthology had been released. We had a lot of interest in the theme of Pandora's box, to be more precise, 22 authors decided to take up the challenge. Mixed in with the Anthology Veterans a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies


So - I started trying to put some of this in today's News Blog, but it got to be too much info, so splitting off the more personal aspect which involves my birthday this past Saturday.   As I said there, birthdays are definitely a time for introspection. I'm now 48 - four full turns on the chinese zodiac (or 4/5ths of one if you count the elemental aspect too).   This past year has caused an inordinate amount of introspection - with so many changes, many at times overwhelming. I long for a



University of Delaware students rampage for "I'm Schmacked"

University of Delaware students rampage for "I'm Schmacked"   Well, it could have been worse. It could have been like Penn State, who threw a hissy tantrum riot because Joe Paterno was fired for allowing Jerry Sandusky to live outside of prison walls for another 13 years and molest even more boys. Check out the party footage here:     It's funny to watch this, considering that I've walked over that pedestrian bridge umpteen times. I also think it's hilarious because University of



Let this party start

I feel very adamant about my situation. Yes, I'm a struggling alcoholic, and yes I feel guilty, but this I do know; I'm getting stronger each and every day. I have a support system, a loving partner that yells at me when I fail, but in a good way. She lets me know that I promised not to do so, that it makes her sad when I don't hold onto my promises. But it's getting easier to say no to the bottle, I assure you of this. I feel stronger knowing that while I share my struggle, I become stronger. I



Featured Story: Man Of Montana

This GayAuthors.org News Blog thrives because of our community - so many of the reviews and articles are offered up by our wonderful members. For this week's review, we K.C. asked if he could do a review of one of his favorite stories - not only did we say yes (of course) but were thrilled when we got this great review. I hope you enjoy it, and if you are interested in reviewing a story or offering a Wacky Wednesday article (such as a writing tip or site tip), let me know!   Man of Mont


Trebs in Featured Stories

How we treat dogs

The other week I posted a pic of a dog, clipped to make it seem like it was wearing a certain type of garment.   Someone posted in reply that it was "the cruelest hoax ever perpetrated on a dog".   Well, it wasn't a hoax - it was real.   And it wasn't cruel. Looking at the pic it's clear the "trim" was professionally done - just like this poodle     There's no evidence that the dog whose pic I posted was caused any discomfort, let alone pain. And in time the dog's hair would grow back



Will wait for Anthology to settle before launching new story

Okay, I will wait, because I want to separate the new story I am working on from anthology authors/readers, giving both breathing room.   This is the Modern Eastern Fantasy/Sci-Fi novel, which incorporates myths and legends of Asia, exploring Taoism, Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Tengriism, Zoroastrianism, and several other Asian religious/philosophical ideologies with a modern scientific twist.   Within a week or two, I will officially ask for Betas and an Editor. If you guys want to work wi



The Good Things

The Good Things   What is good?   Soft avocados are good Cooking salmon through foil is good Silk Touch tissue papers are good Oversized denim button-downs are good Beers in the afternoon is good Apartamento Magazine is good Boxer shorts as casual wear is good Being a child is good Tortoiseshell glasses are good Morning walk on a deserted road is good Oral sex is good, so is being rimmed. Yellow incandescence is good Bach is good A cluttered room with well used space is goo



Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Tomorrow is the DEADLINE for our Pandora's Box Fall Anthology!   ALSO - A reminder that the Anthology team is soliciting theme suggestions for the 2014 Anthologies - deadline September 13th!   So we kicked off September with our newest CSR Book Club Selection - Accidents Happen by comicfan! I can't wait for the discussion day on this story (Sept 30) as this is a story I've already read and love. It is a bit longer than the past CSR Book Club selections - but as we have five Mo


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

eBook Review: Second Hand by Cullinan and Sexton

Second Hand by Heidi Cullinan My rating: 4 of 5 stars   Okay, I picked up Second Hand simply because I love this series from Tucker Springs. Of course I’d read several of the later books so I know the pairing would work out, but I enjoyed the story nonetheless. It was nice to get the backstory I’d missed since I started off with Dirty Laundry, book 3 in the Tucker Springs world.   I’m a big fan of Heidi Cullinan and Marie Sexton. I like both of their work singly, and they mesh together quit



Writing Prompts #260 & #261

The kids are back to school, there is a slight nip to the air, and we are barely finished with the first week of September. Guess that means I have new victims, um, I mean volunteers for the new prompts. As usual I hope I have something fresh and tempting to get you to write again.   Prompt 260 – Creative Tag – list of words Use the following words in a story – plane ticket, watch, broken shoe, flash light, nude statue   Prompt 261 – Creative Tag – The Changeling One look and you knew the ch


comicfan in Prompts

HIV vaccine aces first human trials

HIV vaccine aces first human trials   First human tests have been declared as a success with patients' antibodies being boosted after treatment   04 September 2013 | By Joe Morgan   http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/hiv-vaccine-aces-first-human-trials040913   An HIV prevention vaccine has aced its first clinical trials.   A team of Canadian researchers, from the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University, have said their first tests have been a complete success.



Going from Man of Science to Man of Art

It's kind of weird really. I don't know how/why the transition happened, but to me it's like ancient history, because it's so fussy at this point. I recently dig up a story I wrote for an adventure game project (never completed, btw), and it was written in programming language style syntax.... Lots of conditionals and definition declarations. Wow, Ashi was a nerd!!! I mean a full-fledge nerd, not like the half-nerd I am now....   And then I found this story, which is probably the first st



Wacky Wednesday: Ask An Author #8

New month, new set of author interviews. Thanks go to the efforts of Dark for his GayAuthors.org News Blog series - Ask An Author. Enjoy!   Ask an Author #8   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #7, we had questions for authors JWolf, K.C., and Mann Ramblings.   In AtA #8, we hear from authors andy021278, Nephylim, and podga.   For their protection, the members who asked these questions shall remain nameless (unless th


Trebs in Author Interviews

Random Stream of Consciousness

People are afraid to merge on freeways in Los Angeles. This is the first thing I hear when I come back to the city.   And that was how Brett Easton Ellis started his debut novel, Less Than Zero. Bumblebee's recent status update sort of reminds me how a fussy past sometimes can come back at the most inconvenient time. Some of you guys know I am a photographer, so I have a huge amount of photographs in my hard drive, many photos go way back to a time I don't want to remember. And today, whi



Csr Book Club Selection: Accidents Happen By Comicfan

It's September already! I'm off on the last summer hurrah, a family camping weekend, but I've managed to bring the September selection to you for your reading enjoyment! Per your voting (thank you to everyone who did the poll!) this month's selection is .... Accidents Happen by Comicfan   Length: 93,993   Description: Charlie's whole life has been a series of accidents. He often joked that if it wasn't for bad luck he wouldn't be here. But now that everything is changing agai


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

It Is Necessary To See Death

It is necessary to see death.   It is necessary to see death, stark naked, lurid and wild, Death as it pisses in the dark alleyways drunk and ecstatic on the jumps of drugs that are hard to name and harder to pronounce, it is still necessary to see death face to face. In a breach of society sanctioned lucidity hardwired in our brain, It is still very necessary to see death, To see the violent vandalism of civilization, Of ashes and nuclear death of atoms and atom bombs, Billions of flashligh



Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Congratulations are in order for GayAuthors.org's newest Hosted Author - CassieQ!   Can you believe - August is OVAHH - and with it, two-thirds of the year is done. And with the end of the month, this past Monday our Can't Stop Reading bookclub held its discussion day for the August story - Don't Shout by Sasha Distan. Lots of good discussion on the story, and there is a poll for what you want the September CSR story to be - GO VOTE if you haven't yet!   Speaking of voting - we


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

One Last Background detail: Leadership

Alright, last background detail and a note for Asamav   Note: In my novel, when he does come into the picture, I split off two separate concepts about the monkey King. In "Journey to the West", it is mentioned that he attained an immortal body due to his consumption of immortal fruits, immortal pills, and other things in heaven. I took that idea and thought about its implications to ascension in both the Buddhist concept and how I want the concept to work in my novel. The monkey king would ne



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