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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

The House

The House   I waited years for the house to sell. Even then, I had to act through an intermediary. If David's parent's had known that I wanted their old place, they would have burned it down rather than see me get it.   They were like that. They hated my guts. They blamed me for everything about David. They blamed me for turning him gay. They blamed me that he got wanderlust and caught HIV and of course they blamed me when he died. Hell, they didn't even allow me to attend the funeral after



Featured Story: Come With Me

This week's "Featured Story" is actually a "Featured Poem". Dark gives us a wonderful review of Promising Author Jian_Sierra's Come With Me. We thank Dark for this review - and if you can help us with a review, please let us know. We're especially in need of reviews of Hosted Author and Promising Author stories. Thanks!           Come With Me By Jian_Sierra   Review by Dark Status: Complete Word Count: 326   I chose this poem because although I have no knack for it myse


Trebs in Featured Stories

Bewitched, Bewildered...and Just Plain Confused...

Ok, so I thought I knew what I was doing...   I recently posted a new story 'Infinity' both here and on Nifty. My original idea for the story was a far cry from what I ultimately prooduced. I was a little unsure of the end product, but sometimes the muse gets what she wants and not necessarily what I planned.   I was so up in the air about this story that after I got it back from my editor, I re-wrote the last line of dialog and I added the very last line of the story. I thought both made t

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

Community or not? (re-engagement)

So, something happened that has made me re-evaluate a few things.   When I first came to GA, It was because of Mark Arbour's stories. As I became a member I became active in chat, and then the forums. Between the Soapbox and MA's forum, I was if not prolific, then certainly visible. I even tried writing my own story - until I realised how painful reliving old memories can be. The story is still there, unfinished - its appallingly bad (honest, take a look, you wont get past the first few pa



U.S. Supreme Court to hear Prop 8 review, DOMA challenge cases

(Apologies for being impatient, but I wanted to get this going. If this gets taken down, then...whatever, I guess. )   So, with the Soapbox set to close, and Myr's pronouncement that news items should go in blogs:     I'm essentially picking up the discussion where it was left off yesterday, and doing it here. I had originally posted the article, followed by a link to its source (from Yahoo), but at that time the article was brief. It's since been updated to be much longer, so I'm not goin



Back from Florida with some changes, fun memories, and an odd sense of peace

Well, as I said, I went to West Palm Beach over the week.   The trip was a business oriented session that was both fun and interesting. I've usually been able to control my drinking to prevent myself from going into la-la land, but I did not during the staff Christmas party down there. Two coke and rums, plus 3 glasses of Chardonnay in two hours, I had my very first black out in years.   I don't know if everyone experiences the same things during a black out, but mine was very odd and sort o



Oh my!

Well today at work was a bit of a shock for me.   I had to go over to the medical records archives section today. Like many London hospitals, the hospital I work at has been around since the 1700s, so is now scattered over about 40 buildings, most of which are purely administrative areas (makes more space in the main hospital for patient stuff).   One of these admin areas houses the medical records archive, the phlebotomy clinic (where they do the blood tests) and the specimen drop off (for



Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Edit to Add: The Winter Anthology Desperate Ends is NOW LIVE! Check it out through this link! The Special Mayan Tribute Anthology "End of the World" deadline is one week from now, on Friday, Dec 14th. Also, Cia will be taking over these Anthologies for now, so please contact her if you have any issues - thanks!   We have launched our second new Premium Story this week with Empty Corners by Comicality. This story will alternate weekly with Challenging Fate by Renee Stevens, whic


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

No-Where To Run

Tears trickle down those rosy cheeks As I watch by the cold weather outside And the cold feelings of the old heart I betrayed Watching me becoming a prisoner of my own love I cast my net slowly waiting in silence With haunting patience for the catch I await your return.   ©asamvav111                       An old creation, 2005.



Writing Prompts #190 & #191

ANNOUNCEMENT - LAST MINUTE REMINDER!!! Entries for the "Desperate Ends" Winter anthology are due tomorrow - NO EXCEPTIONS! Remember that Cia has temporarily taken over anthologies so please let her know if you have any trouble posting your submissions.   Thanks to our Prompt-guru Comicfan, we bring you two great new prompts:   Prompt 190 – Creative Tag – The Note You came home to find a note that listed everything about you, including your last lover, and where you hide your toys. There isn’


Trebs in Prompts


Where to start is always the difficult part for me. What brought this blog update about is, my sleeping pattern has gone from bad to very good to bad again. All because I have too much going on in my head. What am I juggling? Well, actually my life. Stuby is first priority, his health, welfare and happiness is and always will be my first priority. Joint second is the farm, and my friends here and on FB. Next is my studies. I have my course material through now, and I need to get on top of it




Writing about love is like writing about pain; When did it start, how did it progress, did it affect your day to day activities, How did you cope with it, pills, meditation, diet… so on and so forth?   Yes, Love has indeed brought a lot of heartache. But, is that all it had to offer? What about the nicer times, the times when we flowed like music, an eternity in peace. That time when in the dead of the night, you came by just to say, “I love you”. The times that we shared in the whirlwind of r



fashion & fuunction

As I work on networks, I am often in tight places that aren't very nice. Think spiders, rats and claustrophobia. Crawling around in wiring closets and raceways is a bit like spelunking. In the summer the heat can be well above 100. You want to get in, get it done and get out before you die.   What you carry can make so much difference: too much is a nuisance. Not enough and you've got to make more trips. It's tricky to find just the right combination. I've tried lots of different solutions.



The system will return to equilibrium

In our ecology sometimes things get out of balance. Subtle things that you wouldn't notice might make a huge difference.   The populations of various types of species, most noticeably insects, can suddenly spike to many times its annual average.   Things as subtle as a five degree variation in temperature, an inch or two of rain one way or another or even a early or late frost can cause huge variations in different types of species.   These events are called population outbreaks and can ha



Writing Tip: The Writer's Yellow Brick Road

We're always grateful to our contributors, and especially to Libby Drew for this great article on traveling with Dorothy from a first to a second draft. Enjoy!       The Writer’s Yellow Brick Road: Journey from First to Second Draft by Libby Drew       First drafts are often wordy. We make them that way because at the divine moment we’re crafting a scene, adding words is the only way to get the details across. Soliloquies abound. Descriptions clutter. Characters chatt


Trebs in Writing Tips

Featured Story: Let's Make Love

As the gloomy last month of the year is upon us, let's fill our eyes and minds with a sense of the erotic. We're thankful to joann414 for her review of Author Mark92's Let's Make Love. Enjoy!       Let's Make Love by Mark92   Reviewer: joann414 Status: Complete Word Count: 3,396   The beginning of this erotic tale lets the reader know that one of the two characters is without two of his senses because of his hands being tied, and a blindfold over his eyes. Well, so


Trebs in Featured Stories

When You Don't Need More

When you start a realationship there's so much to learn, teach, and accept that if you have the right person, you will definitely know it.   I was so lucky, and I wish it for all of you here. I like to write good things and i am lucky enough to have them to write about. At work the other day, my hubby called me and said," I had to go and get so and so for the plant. I was like, " You have already left?". ( we have both been working at the same place for over 25 years.) He said," Yes, but i



I Dreamed a Dream

Wow!! Just WOW!!   Every once in a while you are lucky enough to have a dream come true.   Last night I got to have one of mine come true. I was lucky enough to get to see Idina Menzel in concert.   If you aren't familiar with her, she was the original 'Maureen' in 'Rent' (and did the movie), she originated the role of 'Elpheba' in 'Wicked' for which she won a Tony...and if your idea of 'art' is the boob tube...she also played 'Shelby Corcoran' on 'GLEE'.   She is one of the most amazing

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

The unfinished masses

I found myself organizing today, somewhere in between all the edits on my final project and the frustrating realization that I needed some help or advice from my teacher before I proceeded any further, which, incidentally, had me at that place somewhere between tears and puking my guts out, when the heart is racing and everything seems to be going a little too fast to be real. Anyway, in an effort to calm down and not freak out, since of course it just HAD to be raining outside, so you know, goi



Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: The deadline for the Winter Anthology "Desperate Ends" is only ONE week away - Due Saturday, Dec 8th. The Special Mayan Tribute Anthology "End of the World" deadline is not long after that on Friday, Dec 14th. Also, Cia will be taking over these Anthologies for now, so please send your completed entries to her - thanks!   ALSO - Now that Chosen of Honorus, Chapter 1 of Andrew_Q_Gordon's Champions of the Gods has concluded with the completed last chapter being posted last week, we


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Just a quick entry on me and mine.

Holidays are here so naturally I was waiting for the other shoe to fall. And it did, right on my foot.   I was having issues with my foot just before Black Friday. However with the massive hours I worked last weekend and the beginning of this week my foot swelled and it was hard to walk on. I finally got an appointment with the foot doctor. I was hoping for a planters wart but that isn't what I got. I have one heel spur on the back of my foot, another on the base of my foot and something call



Life and its Curve Balls

As I’m sure many have seen, I have temporarily turned my Anthology duties over to Cia. So, if anyone who is planning to participate in the upcoming Anthologies, please contact her for any help you may require. Now, onto the reasoning behind the changes.   My family received some not so good news yesterday and honestly, I am not doing so great with it. My oldest brother was diagnosed with lymphoma. We do not know all the details yet and the not knowing making it even scarier. He will be go

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Writing Prompts #188 & #189

So Friday means another prompt day. And - um, if you were here last week, prompt day can get to be a little ... wild. I do have to thank joann414, Mark92 and K.C. for giving me a serious set of belly laughs.   In addition to the above named trio, we have to always give thanks to our Prompt-guru Comicfan for two new fantastic prompts. I hope you try one (or both) but please share it with the community in our Writing Prompts Forum (though, you can also put it in the comments - but so that future


Trebs in Prompts

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