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  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack

Shanghai Grand

First, I was kind of worried that my story was too Chinese and might have been a little too "Cultural". It felt natural to write based on personal experience and things happening around me. It's a fun writing style and it allows me to write a lot faster and more naturally without worrying about technical terms or financial concepts. One reason why I am churning out a chapter a day.   As for some of the more controversial topics touched on, I know I pushed the envelope a bit. In Chapter 3, I ma



After reading this week's Wacky Wednesday ...

I noticed someone had commented on leaving reviews. I've been on both sides of this, reading them and leaving them. I just figured I would note a few things.   1) I love a review. It is nice to know what what people think of the ideas I have in my head. I have had great reviews and bad ones.   2) Bad reviews - I have no problem if someone doesn't like my story. However saying "You suck as a writer," or "Why did you write such crap," really doesn't tell me much, other than feeling it is a per



Adoration By Tears

So long it has been since I have touched those soft lashes of delicate yield So long it has been since I kissed those smooth curves of apple So long it has been since I glorified those abyss of passion, dark and deep So long it has been since I adorned your transcendent frame, your mask of deceit     ©asamvav111



How the TV-show Young Americans Broke Down the Gender Binary

I got a bit of a memory jog when people started talking about The O.C. the other day, because of the show's 10th anniversary. When that show came out, I was already a little done with the high school drama genre, and was moving on to anime, sci-fi, fantasy and horror themed tv-series. I used to watch Popular pretty regularly, and I even had time to, for a season or so, really like Dawson's Creek, though I was young at the time. But there was one high school drama type of series that stood out, a

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Wacky Wednesday: Ask An Author #7

We are deeply grateful for the time and work put in by Dark for these great Ask An Author articles. Here is August's edition - we hope you enjoy it!   Ask an Author #7   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #6, we had questions for authors Luc Rosen, Libby Drew, and Mark Arbour.   In AtA #7, we hear from authors JWolf, K.C., and Mann Ramblings.   For their protection, the members who asked these questions shall remain n


Trebs in Author Interviews

Subtlety in dialogue

I run across dialogue in which people say what they mean and mean what they say. For instance, two characters who sit and talk about their vulnerable circumstances without any hint of obfuscation. They have a heart to heart straight to the bone talk. Or the dialogue in which two characters engage in passionate duel over their beliefs without a hint of subtlety either.   I understand some readers derive some vicarious pleasure or emotions in these scenes, but really to me, they mostly feel syru



writers block help me !

Writers block a crime of the mind! Discovering a cure   The other day I was writing, one minute words were flowing from my head the next minute a concrete wall had been built and all the words disappeared. I was a victim of writers block any journalist, authors or writers worst enemy. So I thought to myself is there a cure for writers block, and in spent a good two or three hours searching, browsing and finding nothing. I was disappointed so I gave up in the end saved my story and closed the



My brain is finally letting me write again

As a young child, I was an avid reader and a book hoarder. By the time I was nine, I'd already accumulated over 800 books and counting. My mother allowed me to read whenever and whatever I wanted, which was the best thing she could've done for me growing up. Though my 6th grade teacher had a problem with my reading, "The Color Purple" during class, I continued to read on.   I read so much, I decided I wanted to become a writer, one of the many professions I wanted to do growing up in the 80s a



The O.C.'s 10-Year Anniversary Playlist

The O.C.'s 10 Year Playlist 1. - Phantom Planet2. - South3. - Fountains of Wayne4. - Finley Quaye5 6. - Alexi Murdoch7. - The Dandy Warhols8. - Jeff Buckley9. - Placebo The O.C. really had such an incredible soundtrack. I'm glad they used indie music for the most part, so that the soundtrack hasn't been gutted on the DVD's.



Writing, Dating, and Living

Life is weird and sometimes you don't expect things to happen in a chain. Dating is complicated, you don't even need to read my entire story to get that part. Language of Love is different and strange for me, it's a writing that has no ending and the love is in flux with my life. The chances are pretty high that this might end in disappointment for me and my readers, but everyone is hoping and crossing their fingers for Happily Ever After.   Writing about your own life, it's weird, but it feel



Bits and Pieces

Latest addition to the liquor cabinet: a Single Malt Welsh Whisky: Penderyn - Aur Cymru (Welsh Gold).   Penderyn, the first single malt distillery in Wales since the 19th century, produces one cask a day (reputedly the smallest distillery in the world); then the balance of available alcohol is diverted to other products: Five Vodka, Brecon Gin, and Merlyn Welsh Cream Liqueur.   Tuesday, next week, I will be 64 years old; I become Medicare eligible, unless the Republicans in Congress extend t



Fair week is finally over!

Phew Fair is over for the year. Its been a long week with little time to write, unfortunately, but now my summer is finally winding back down to normal. Got to teach my daughter to make Jam (she did strawberry, raspberry, blueberry) for her fair entry as well as watch her show her first cow. Was so proud of the way she handled Buttercup, her 8 month old calf, in the bucket/bottle calf show.   My son got selected to go to state again this year (second year in a row) for a photo he’d taken durin



'Style' by Charles Bukowski

As I type this, I hear the following passing conversation outside on the street below- girl: "Do you have a gaydar?" guy: "I usually do but it doesn't really work around here because this place has many weird people..."   What a wonderful, cool, interesting couple.     -----------------------------------------------     I somewhat have negative thoughts about people who reblog others' established works, only because of the motive behind the reblogger. Unfortunately, I am a victim of th



Csr Book Club Selection: Don't Shout By Sasha Distan

August already! Summer, at least summer here in the Northern hemisphere, has been flying by. I'm sure those of you still in winter are ready for a bit of warmth and a new season too. But first, we have August to get though. Reading this month's CSR Book Club selection just might pass a bit of time for you.   Don't Shout by Sasha Distan   Length: 52,675 Rating: Mature   Description: Cole is fascinated by a boy who won't talk to him and has no idea how to be gay in a world in w


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Step Up

I am passionate about anything Book. Writing. Editing. Collecting. Selling. Being the owner of a mobile book store, I travel a lot over weekends and meet many bookworms. This last weekend, after setting up our store, I did something to measure people's reactions; I placed the Gay section right next to the Children's section. I knew there would be reaction, and let me tell you, some were funny, others mumbled and grumbled. Two customers looked shocked. One customer mumbled "disgusting" and walk



Mourning is over

My mourning is over for lucky, I still miss him, but I feel like I can finally return to writing again.   Some interesting things have happened to me during this time and it is impacting my writing.   I will go into more depth with an example of a possible new story later this week.   Anyway, here's a picture of Lucky, so you guys know how he looked in life.  



Weekly Wrap Up!

ANNOUNCEMENT: In case you missed it - we are happy to announce our newest Hosted Author: David McLeod. David has been a Promising Author here and has a great body of work - hope you check it out!   Another month ended - can you believe it is already August?!? O.o I don't know about you, but the calendar has been moving fast. Before we said goodbye to July, we had a great Discussion Day session of our CSR Book Club, featuring The Degan Incident by Author Rob Colton. Based on the comments, looks


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

the ocean air

i breath in every morning it was something as i went out again for ocean air returning to the room with pattern of title i follow with my feet and touch one to another then feel my wanderlust again



eBook Review: Apple Polisher by Heidi Belleau

Apple Polisher by Heidi Belleau My rating: 4 of 5 stars   Apple Polisher surprised me. It was an interesting name for an interesting book. I thought it would be full of cliches, and in a way it was. We had the classic character tropes, but many of them had hidden qualities that made them more human than their basic first impressions. Christian was anal retentive and uptight ... but he had so many reasons for being that way and he didn't like being that way--though from the synopsis I really t



Writing Prompts #250 & #251

Hello there again everyone. Well, so far so good. Found more victims, errr, I mean more excited authors who wanted to attempt my crazy prompts. Considering it is Friday again, dear reader, I have new prompts for you. So without further ado, here are this week's prompts to tease and excite you.   Prompt 250 – Creative Tag – First Line “Here we go again!”   Prompt 251 – Creative Tag – They’re Real The night had been a total disaster. The blind date you had been set up on, threw up half way thr


comicfan in Prompts

CANCER SUCKS! More story delays...

First off, let me say that the title of this blog says it all....   CANCER SUCKS!!!!   If I never know someone else who has cancer, it will be WAY TOO SOON!!!!   On July 8th, my grandmother was told she had cancer, only they didn't know what kind or even exactly where it was. This came right on top of the news that the chemotherapy worked and my brother was currently cancer free (despite one five day stint in the hospital after getting an infection of some sort). My grandmother was then

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

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