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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

So i haven't updated in forever...

Sooooo   I haven't written anything on this blog in a few months.   I had a phrase of like zero writing. I just didn't have time or motivation to write.   I'm going to try to get back into the groove though. I'm putting time aside as often as i can to write.   What's in the works? 'House No. 654: London's Best Little Whorehouse' Pearce takes pen to paper and decides to tell his story. He didn't know how anyone would take it; but it was time for the world to know what happened to hi

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Gun Nuttery

I have learned that there is a significant difference in culture between the cities and the country.   In the country, we are raised around guns. We grow up hunting. A great many of us are veterans. Guns aren't an object of fear. They are simply another tool.   Locally there are two serious nuisance pests: wild hogs (wildpiginfo.msstate.edu) and nutria rat (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coypu). Wild hogs are dangerous and cause huge amounts of crop damage and kill and eat everything in the woods. Nu



Weekly Wrap Up!

This week has been a great week of announcements. For starters, if you will be in the DC area two weeks from now on Saturday, January 26 around lunchtime and would like to meet some others from GA, including Dan and myself, we're having a GA GetTogether. Check this topic for more info!   We also have launched our GA book club, called the "Can't Stop Reading" (or CSR) Book Club, the format is that we'll announce a story to read at the beginning of each month, and then have a discussion on the s


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #200 & #201

Once again it is time for our weekly prompts thanks to the hard work of Comicfan. Best way to show your appreciation? Try one of these out, and please share it with the rest of the community in our Writing Prompts forum!       Prompt 200 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story: strawberry, tea rag, bottle of soda, brownies, and cat.   Prompt 201 – Creative Tag – The Cat Your cat has been bringing you presents. They aren’t the usual – no mice, birds, or anything li


Trebs in Prompts

Greed Will be the Death of Us

I am lucky enough to have grown up in a place where I was able to be close to nature and bare witness to some of the most remarkable animals on our planet.   I consider myself honoured to have been close to elephants, been charged by a rhino, stood eye to eye with a water buffalo, watched a pride of lions devour its kill. I've stroked a cheetah, albeit a baby one. I have listened to the hyena giggling outside our tent in the dead of night.   I've taken pictures of the cutest jackal (i never

Yettie One

Yettie One

Where did it all Begin

So when did you figure out your sexuality either one way or the other?   You know what I got to thinking about it today, and got curious. When was it in my own life that I became aware that gay was the way I was hardwired?   Right so I guess I became sexually aware of what sexuality was all about around 10 or 11. I mean as a kid growing up, the difference between girls and boys was obvious and something I explored a bit as a kid, but it was only when I moved to a special Christian college th

Yettie One

Yettie One

I want this

It's not that I don't want to be with you. It's just that... We met at the wrong time. That's what I keep telling myself anyways. I wish this could be easier. Maybe one day, years from now, we'll meet in a coffee shop in a far away city somwehere & we could give it another shot.



May you live in interesting times

Apparently an old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times"; well I now in very interesting times thank you very much.     My cousin (Nancy) and her boyfriend (David) split towards the end of November, and a few weeks back I found out that David is now going out with another cousin of mine (Sarah). A very bizarre quirk of fate, as neither of my cousins even knew each other until this happened; Nancy is a cousin on my Mum's side and Sarah is a cousin on my Dad's side.   My Mum's fam



2013 is Making a Reader Out of Me

Well, I've taken some time out from the regular daily grind over Christmas to spend some time focusing on reading that I've been wanting to do for ages.   I also used the break to dedicate some really much needed time to writing, and chapters for my latest adventure continue to take form and roll off the press as it were, something I'm really chuft about, as I've been waiting to get this one of the ground for ages.   I got to do a full rewrite on my anthology entry, which I've been told by

Yettie One

Yettie One

Hammerhead preview

Aramus Depot Irulan 350 System   The Aramus Depot orbited the third planet of the Irulan 350 star system. Like so many Alliance military facilities, it was an abandoned commercial concern. The big space station was originally a refinery and trans-shipment point for the minerals mined in this and the surrounding systems. When the mines were no longer commercially viable, the company had abandoned it. The Alliance Fleet took over the station when the war broke out. Now it was the graveyard of h




i dislike cutting throats to get noticed in this town. step over the next bloody corpse. moving up that line. it feels strange, trying to out-do. but nobody says it   but if it gets me somewhere, it must be okay.   its hard to create something without thinking of the consumer. to appease someone i don't even know. fuck   i think different is secretly accepted. which is good, good for me, good for you, good for us. but i still don't understand why its such a killing field. many a rapist is



Ga's Csr Book Club

Book clubs have had a long and storied history - providing both social interaction for the members as well as providing a forum for discussion of books/stories that might otherwise have not received as much attention.   Cia recently came up with the idea for a GA Book Club and the rest of us here at the GayAuthors.org News Blog thought it was a fantastic idea. Here's an initial idea of how this would work, as well as the focus for our first month's choice - Nephylim's Memories of Forgotten Lov

What a month [or two]

Lately I've been doing most of my blogging on my website/blog, but since this is geared more toward my friends and acquaintances on GA, I figured I'd put this up here.   Normally holidays are hectic. I'm learning they are more hectic when you have a toddler. This year was particularly bad. First I had to work Christmas day - 'had to' is a relative term. i volunteered to do it this year because my 'turn' was coming around and this is probably the last year 'lil q won't remember the day or und

Andrew Q Gordon

Andrew Q Gordon

New Year's Resolutions: To Blab or Not To Blab?

Maybe it's just me...but it seems like New Year's Resolutions are a lot like wishes. They're alike in the sense that whenever you go telling everyone about the New Year's resolution that you've set for yourself for the coming year...that's it, your resolution is now doomed to fail!   What do you think - am I blowing smoke on this one, or is there perhaps some truth to it?   Discuss.   Mike (Who is NOT revealing his New Year's Resolution for 2013 to anyone - just in case. )



Weekly Wrap Up!

Great week here and hope yours has been the same. We started with a look at Hosted Author Shadowgod's story Vegas Sun - with a fantastic review from comicfan.   For our Wacky Wednesday, we saw the latest installment of Yettie One's The Pulse Behind the GA Crowd - his series of interviews with this one with TetRefine.   Finally we had our two new GA Writing Prompts and looked back to a year ago, with a prompt response from Cia.   So - how was your week?   Anthology Announcements: Spri


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #198 & #199

For some of us, it's been a short work week, but Friday's are still a day to look forward to. We always look forward to Friday's here as that means two new writing prompts, thanks to Comicfan, our writing prompt's guru. These writing prompts are a great way to stretch the writing muscles - but when you do, share your efforts with the community in our Writing Prompts forum.   Prompt 198 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – dish rag, a new shirt, a box of chocolates, a b


Trebs in Prompts

Giv'em hell Christie, I can't believe he went all out

Just my two cents in support of Christie's short speech and press conference:   I have to make a political comment on this, because it is so rare and something that needs a round of applause from everyone. It was unapologetic, strong, and aggressively real. Things that the Republican party of the 21st century seems to lack. It also did something I was hoping to see more from Northern Republicans, be blunt about the Hypocrisy of Southern Red States and the federal aid that goes there. I never e



Wacky Wednesday - Tetrefine Chat

Continuing in our monthly feature Interviews by Yettie One, here is December's interview with member TetRefine (ya, two days late - but the week started in December so....)   Enjoy! The Pulse Behind the GA Crowd by Yettie One           I was really genuinely excited to be able to interview this months member. As a new comer to GA, one of the people that I noticed played an active role in the community here is none other than TetRefine, a young and vibrant 20 year old guy who


Trebs in Author Interviews

Featured Story: Vegas Sun

Everyone have good plans to ring out the old and ring in the new? I had a LOT of great times in 2012, and some not so great moments, but ending the year in a great mood after spending some real quality time with friends.   Speaking of friends, it was also really nice to read this review by Comicfan of Vegas Sun, an anthology story that Hosted Author (and total studmuffin) Shadowgod wrote. I hope you enjoy the review and the story!           Vegas Sun By Shadowgod


Trebs in Featured Stories

A reflection on 2012 and looking ahead to 2013

2012 is almost done…wow, just a few more hours and a ton more wine. I’m so ready. I think I’ll walk around town with the camera tonight, if it’s not too cold, take some pictures of the drunks staggering out into the snow. What a way to ring in the New Year huh. 2012 was fun for me and full of self-discovery and adventures, conquering fears and discovering new ones. I decided to list my five biggest triumphs of 2012, as well as a list of things I plan to do in the 2013 in the hopes that listing t



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