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  • Valkyrie

    Auld Lang Syne - A Tribute to Carlos Hazday *Now Live*

    By Valkyrie

    Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot in the days of auld lang syne?   To answer the question in the song - no, old acquaintance should never be forgotten, especially when they were a force named Carlos Hazday.  It's hard to believe our friend has been gone for over a year now.  Based on the stories submitted for this tribute, it's clear that his influence lives on.  So, let's raise a glass and toast to auld lang syne and fond memories of
    • 1 comment

Cat Personals

TOS: Kitty porn is strictly prohibited!   Mellow Yellow Hi My name is Boo and I live in Mississippi. I'm a 10 year old male yellow tabby. I like cat nip, long naps, music, birdwatching and hissing at other cats that get too close to my dinner dish. I dislike noisy humans, strangers, pedigreed cats that think they are better than everyone else and smart-assed squirrels.   My perfect mate likes to sleep as much as I do. I'm really mellow and don't like to fight.     Home Kitty I'm Bl



Sorry, I had to do it...

I took the 'What Color Rose Are You?' quiz...   You Are an Orange Rose   You represent desire and enthusiasm   Your vibe: Sexy yet familiar   Falling in love with you: happens instantly - it's a fast ride   I took the "What Kind of Flirt Are You?' quiz...   You Are a Friendly Flirt!   You are quite the flirt, but you don't flirt with just anyone. And you hardly ever get caught, because your flirting seems so friendly. You've got a good thing going. Tons of friends, both guy



M42- Messier never saw it like this

This is a deep field image of the Orion nebulea (M42). It's the little glowy patch that you see along Orion's belt on winter nights. If you look closely at the left hand side, you can see the tiny Horse-head nebulea which is a region of dark gas back lite by the bright reflection nebulea.   Orion is an area of intense study. This is a stellar nursery that is home to many infant stars- t-tauri variables and ZAMS (Zero-Aged Main Sequence stars). The luminosity of young O and B embedded within th



A whole grain nightmare

I'm wondering if there's some kind of law against parent's forcing kids to follow their goofy diet fads.....my dad and stepmom have a habit of following the latest diet fad, no matter what it is, and sometimes, I have to take a stand. Let me explain.......   About 3 years ago, my dad watched a show about Americans with diabetes who don't even know they have it. From that one show, he determined that we were all borderline diabetic and we needed to cut as much sugar from our diets as we could,



Jupiter's Little Red Spot Growing Stronger

Jupiter's Little Red Spot Growing Stronger Press Release: 10.10.06 Nasa- Goddard Space Flight Center Source Link   These are two views of Jupiter's Little Red Spot taken with the Hubble Space Telescope in April 2006. The left image is a close-up view. In the right image, a box has been added to show the Little Red Spot's location on Jupiter. The larger Great Red Spot, which has been observed for the past 400 years, can be seen to the right. Image Credit: NASA / ESA / Amy Simon-Miller _



Hi, I'm Kevin

I said that quite a few times over the last 24 hours.   So as several of you might have known from talking to me on MSN, I was kind of stressed out last week (and sort of the one before that too). It was mostly because of work...well I think that was the root of it anyway. Basically I just don't think it was right for me. So I quit Wednesday. Then I went for a VERY long walk along a very beautiful stream (well technically it's a "bayou", but "stream" sounds prettier ). It was wonderful



Can you EVER believe what you find on the net?

You Are a White Rose     You represent youthfulness and purity.   Your vibe: Sweet and heavenly   Falling in love with you: is like falling in love for the first time   What Color Rose Are You?   http://ynr.blogthings.com/whatcolorroseareyouquiz/   Got this from Lugh's blog. I don't know... "Purity"? That seems a bit ironic. Perhaps this is a REALLY deep insight into...into my very soul? *melodramatic music plays*   But the "falling in love with you is like falling in love



Dreams are dreams right?

Ok,   I'll let whoever is reading this in on a little secret, I have odd dreams. Not just odd, but like bad acid trip dreams. Which kind of sucks cause I never did acid. They usualy involve Polar bears, eskimos , and flying Orca's. No I am not a fan of shamoo, but that overgrown tuna still creeps into my head at night.   Anyhow, I just bring this up because I had a very wierd dream last night, wierder then the norm.   It started with me argueing with the Milk vendor to pick up out of cod



I saw something...

actualy, I was wandering the Efiction a few minutes ago, just clicking around when I stumbled on to something. it kinda shocked me when I opened up the top ten lists, and found myself on three of them. The more I thought about that; then remembering what Max03 said, questioning my opinion about my writing; maybe I need to start listening more to people, instead of just hearing what they are saying...so hear it goes...the frist try....let's see if I can do it....Maybe I can write(a little)   o



So I'm a hypocrite

Alright, so I'm always bashing and making fun of all those people who used the MySpace and Xanga and Facebook and everything like that saying they really need to get a life and stop spending so much time on the computer trying to create relationships and 'friends' through them and what not. Well, I gave in to peer pressure today at school. I was in my Personal Finance class where we have the computers in front of us the whole time, and the people around me convinced me to create a Facebook accou



Some one please explain this to me...

Can someone please explain to me how two dogs can be tearing each other apart one minute, and care for each other's damage the next? Every once in a while, Xander and Jayne will get into a WAR and it is like hell getting them apart, most of the time one of us gets bit but not intentionally by either of them, it's just if you get in the middle of two fighting dogs, your bound to get bit.   Anyway, back to the story. Tonight, I let them out by myself because my brother is like coughing his head



waste of space

This could really be the wrong place to ask, because the women here seem to be kind, intelligent, lovely ladies who probably keep most of our heads on straight (well, not straight, but you know) and yeah, that was sucking up on my part because I


DomLuka in Dom Luka

NOT kitten pics this time

I've made some changes to my website. *laughs* Yeah, "I" have. Rob (RHawes16) has actually done the work--I just drooled mindlessly at him and gestured to some Word documents and hoped he could do something with them. Thankfully, HE has a clue.   I've added a lot of my poetry. I guess I have written a fair amount of it over the years. I didn't include ALL I have written. Trust me, some of it is best left to be read only by those who love me--and can lie beautifully to me about how wonder



The gnomes have come and gone

I have got to learn to not leave cookies and saucers of milk out; whenever I do that I always wake up with a head full of ideas and not nearly enough time to do anything with them. It's even a werewolf story this time, which is really out of character for me, as I loathe most werewolf stories. (Night Howls excepted, which you should go out and read. Right now. It's OK, I'll wait) And most vampire stories. I'm not sure whether I'm going to hate this one, but I am going to write it. Should be inte



And the days go by ...

I'm counting down the days until I can move out of here and get my own place. It's only three weeks away, and I called some apartment places today at work and will go check them out on Saturday. It'll be sooo nice to have my own place again and won't have to listen to my parents complaining about every little nonsensical thing. Since all I brought back from overseas with me were boxes and boxes of books, I'll have to buy all new furniture. I love buying furniture and decorating the places where



The weekends over...

So yeh,   as the title says the weekend is over, so its time to share myself with the rest of the planet again.   I had a great time this weekend, I spent like 70% of it cuddled up to chris, which IMO is the best way to spend any time! the other 30 % was spent where your imagination tells you it was spent lol!   We spent most of sunday reading Dom's desert dropping. Now If you have S/O then I suggest you read a chapter story together, we had a load of fun reading a chapter out loud turn a



OMFG! it's finally done!

Yes, that's right, the refinance from hell is finished and as of Saturday I deposited a HUGE check into my bank account. Not that it matters all that much since it is all already spent, but in ways that are SO worth it! I am getting rid of my sister, fixing Rich's car so I don'y have to put the TAXI sign on top of MY NEW CAR!!! Paying off all my debt, and it feels great! PS. Thanks to all of you who got in the 'kick Viv's sis' ass and then moved on over to the brother's ass' line, and especiall



The game begins.....

Alright, So I just posted the first chapter of my ongoing rewrite. What was once Failure of the Heart has morphed into Living in Surreality. Im very interested in what everybody will think of it. What I have gotten back from my circle (darker, more sinister name pending ) has been very encuraging including the following bit I got from my editor concerning My worries about chapter five.   Seriously an amazing story you have here! I can't wait to read more... you have this amazing ability to m



The fair

Oh for heaven's sakes. I've written this thing four times and keep hitting something and it all goes away. Let me try this one more time! SOO we went to the fair last tuesday. It was a lot of fun, but really packed. It was hard getting through the crowd at most points but we still got to see most of what we wanted to see. I saw the prize winning pumpkins which always fascinates me. The biggest one was nearly five hundred pounds. I also got to try funnel cake. Tasted very much like a dou




Actually left the house tonight for the first time all weekend. I was starting to walk to Walgreens to go get more cold medicine (I have been sick for over a week!) and ran into one of the guys I usually hang out with on weekends, and 4 of us ended up going to a movie. We saw The Departed, which apart from the fact that it felt really long because we got there late and had to sit in the second row and look straight up at the screen for 2 1/2 hours, was really good. I still can't take Mark Wahlbe



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